Entries through August 11

Un sitio de excelente calidad. Felicitaciones.

Kjell-Arne Lindvall (ka.lindvall@saffle.telia.com)
Saeffle, Suecia
Sunday, August 11, 1996 at 16:30:41 (EDT)

It's so nice to join it!

º⌡⌐·¿| (ck831414@ck.tp.edu.tw)
Taipei, Taipei Taiwan
Sunday, August 11, 1996 at 16:14:11 (EDT)

I know a pretty site when I see one!

Harold A. Biervliet (netmedia@pi.net)
Vianen ZH, Nederland
Sunday, August 11, 1996 at 15:36:42 (EDT)

A lavish site with all of the charm and dignity the web is meant to portray. Congratulations!

Dean Miller (goldmoon@goldmoon.com)
Royal Oak, MI USA
Sunday, August 11, 1996 at 12:39:48 (EDT)

Hi! how are you?

Joni Chao (joni@unix.tceb.edu.tw)
taichung, taiwan R.O.China
Sunday, August 11, 1996 at 06:45:51 (EDT)

No borders, No wars !!

Bart Lamot (J.M.Lamot@net.HCC.nl)
Zoetermeer, Zuid-Holland The Netherlands
Sunday, August 11, 1996 at 06:29:35 (EDT)

Greeting from the land of Zion and the best trout fishing in the world

Leo G. Wren (Lwren@sisna.com)
Chubbuck, Idaho USA
Sunday, August 11, 1996 at 04:19:03 (EDT)


hye-won, kim
seoul, KOREA
Sunday, August 11, 1996 at 02:13:49 (EDT)


Jonathan E. Sacro (Jam25ZX@aol.com)
Downey, CA USA
Saturday, August 10, 1996 at 23:55:50 (EDT)

very interesting site!

flavio gimenez (fgimenez@embratel.net.br)
sao paulo, sao paulo brazil
Saturday, August 10, 1996 at 18:45:03 (EDT)

Felicitaciones! Congratulations! Excellent web site. Keep the good work!

Alfonso X. Moreno (104557.1245@compuserve.com)
Miami, FL USA
Saturday, August 10, 1996 at 16:17:29 (EDT)

This is a very "COOL" site, I like it.

Jack (Ripper) Yeh (none)
Buenos Aires, Cap-Fed Argentina
Saturday, August 10, 1996 at 01:48:11 (EDT)

Congratulating! But I am hard to search what I need. May it improve.

Hyen-Hee Koo (khh@chonnam.ac.kr)
Kwang-Ju, South Korea
Friday, August 09, 1996 at 23:01:46 (EDT)

Compared to the past,it is good! I hope that it improves more . Now, Good!!

Hyen-Hee Koo (khh@chonnam.ac.kr)
Kwang-Ju, South Korea
Friday, August 09, 1996 at 22:45:04 (EDT)

Really cool site!!

KIM JI EON (eon1@nownuri.nowcom.co.kr)
Friday, August 09, 1996 at 21:54:48 (EDT)

We have all ways wanted to play out music at the World Fair and thanks to you we now play it here everyday, 24 hours a day! Thanks for all you do for the Net.

The Bluefields - New Appalachian Acoustic \ Bluegrass Music (Mturbyfill@Skybest.Com)
Banner Elk, NC USA
Friday, August 09, 1996 at 21:45:00 (EDT)

I'm just surfing. Have a nice day!

Otto Lund (olund@sn.no)
7079 Flataasen, Norway
Friday, August 09, 1996 at 18:16:10 (EDT)

I like the site!

Daantje Eeltink (leesberg@nedernet.nl)
Alkmaar, Noord-Holland Netherlands
Friday, August 09, 1996 at 12:15:56 (EDT)

I like it!

Hans Verweij (jbv@xs4all.nl)
Alkmaar, NH Netherlands
Friday, August 09, 1996 at 11:34:52 (EDT)

It's a nice and intresting place to visit. Congratulations.

Daniel Junas (djunas@pinos.com)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Friday, August 09, 1996 at 08:00:07 (EDT)

Futuristic Website ...! Well done weber !

Jacub (jacub@jkt.mincom.co.id)
Jakarta, Jakarta Indonesia
Friday, August 09, 1996 at 03:36:13 (EDT)

Very nice, will be back.

Kenneth Shapard (sammy@gte.net)
Austin, Ar Lonoke
Friday, August 09, 1996 at 01:24:57 (EDT)

This is amazing! very nice job!

JosΘ Campozano (actech@ecua.net.ec)
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Friday, August 09, 1996 at 01:15:45 (EDT)

When do I win the prize.

Bob Luke (Bob28186@AOL.com)
Tampa, Fl USA
Friday, August 09, 1996 at 00:56:32 (EDT)

excellent and inclusive

charles g. adkins (cgapi4u@aol.com)
columbus, ohio usa
Thursday, August 08, 1996 at 22:53:18 (EDT)

Very good site.

Francisco Fernandez (cvff@cypress.mcsr.olemiss.edu)
University, MS USA
Thursday, August 08, 1996 at 20:13:34 (EDT)

I sent an email last nite, but no reply as yet.A free search is a great idea if it works but i have to be shown.

Barry Axford (baxford@inforamp.net)
Pickering, Ont. Canada
Thursday, August 08, 1996 at 16:48:50 (EDT)

The SEDS astrophotography display referred me to the INTERNET World's Fair & Expo. I am still exploring the World Wide Web and this introductory resource, which is exciting and very well done, showing a high degree of artistic skill and familiarity with HTML and similar Web page composition tools. Thanks for doing a superb job!

James A. Green (JamesGreen@www.twsu.edu)
Wichita, Kansas USA
Thursday, August 08, 1996 at 16:21:33 (EDT)

Greetings! Expo 96 is an impressive achievement and the first "World" Fair to truly live up to its name! Congratulations!

John H.G. Rieping-Lozano (galahad@visionary.com)
Des Moines, Iowa United States
Thursday, August 08, 1996 at 14:53:29 (EDT)

This is one of the most beautiful places I have seen on the Net. It is interesting and a delight to see. Thanks.

Patricia L. Record (precord@inter.state.lib.ut.us)
Logan, Utah USA
Thursday, August 08, 1996 at 13:31:55 (EDT)

A very good initiative. I will come back. Interested in dutch graphic, three dimensional and industrial design: look at our site (it's in dutch, but from there you can go to a lot of design sites) Greeting from Amsterdam, Rob Huisman, director BNO.

Association of Dutch Designers BNO (bno@bno.nl)
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Thursday, August 08, 1996 at 08:45:34 (EDT)

Congratulations, Always something new and interesting. Keep up the good work. Great way to keep an "Ecuador" presence

Gustavo Viteri (gviteri@ix.netcom.com)
Chicago, Il 60402
Wednesday, August 07, 1996 at 23:31:39 (EDT)

This site makes me prode to be a kiwi. keep up the good work.

dave fox (sfox@xtra.co.nz)
hamilton, new zealand
Wednesday, August 07, 1996 at 19:28:35 (EDT)

This is a very interesting fair. I haven`t taken the tour yet, but I will as soon as I have some time, so I will enjoy it more. Keep the good job, Clemens von Campe.

Clemens von Campe (cvcampe@investamar.com.ec)
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Wednesday, August 07, 1996 at 15:59:58 (EDT)


Vadim Afonkin (Vadim_Afonkin@psdi.com)
Brookline, MA USA
Wednesday, August 07, 1996 at 09:45:56 (EDT)

hello from switzerland and from the legendary velvet-team good luck to your Expo 96

velvet (velvet@mail.tic.ch)
lucerne, switzerland lucerne
Wednesday, August 07, 1996 at 05:01:20 (EDT)

super work fine job tks for the site

James Wolfe (jwolfe@probe.net)
Omaha, Nebraska UAS
Wednesday, August 07, 1996 at 04:47:58 (EDT)

Excellent Website.

German Nando Rosales (German.Nando@uv.es)
Valencia, Valencia SPAIN
Wednesday, August 07, 1996 at 04:12:09 (EDT)

I have not taken the tour , but look forward to it .

David R. Young Jr. (WWW.dry60@aol.com)
Asheville , NC USA
Tuesday, August 06, 1996 at 22:16:56 (EDT)

That is very nice but a bit slow!!!!

PaulChen (PaulTing@msn.com)
Rockhampton, QLD Australia
Tuesday, August 06, 1996 at 21:27:00 (EDT)

a great job greetings from aguascalientes we will try to have a pavillion as soon as posible

manuel irigoyen (mirigoyen@ags.icanet.net.mx)
aguascalientes, aguascalientes mexico
Tuesday, August 06, 1996 at 21:04:18 (EDT)

Congratulations for your site. Acepto mensajes de "ticos" lejos de la patria

Mario Leyton (mleyton@congreso.aleg.go.cr)
San JosΘ, Costa Rica
Tuesday, August 06, 1996 at 15:41:51 (EDT)

Well done! Execellent website.

Paul de Groot (paulus@nedernet.nl)
Oudenbosch, Netherlands
Tuesday, August 06, 1996 at 15:28:11 (EDT)

Very interesting...I can have fun here!

Wayne Walker (wwalker@iglou.com)
Louisville, Kentucky USA
Tuesday, August 06, 1996 at 13:21:19 (EDT)

Very cool stuff!! I really like your page

Fran (Moo)
Mpls, Mn USA
Tuesday, August 06, 1996 at 10:12:38 (EDT)

Welcome Conan Park is replace. Good Bye!

Jeong-soo Chang (conan@www.recruit.co.kr)
Pu'chon, kyangkido Korea
Tuesday, August 06, 1996 at 02:52:49 (EDT)

This is a great idea. The new World Expo shall lead us all into the future. World Unite.

Lee Flemm (mmonday@sprynet.com)
Wilmington, NC USA
Tuesday, August 06, 1996 at 02:02:44 (EDT)

Isn't this INTERNATIONAL MARKET place some kind of a real deal!!

Robert L. Bob) Brown, II (DDNC80A@Prodigy.Com)
Auror, Colorado The US of A
Tuesday, August 06, 1996 at 01:27:08 (EDT)

Nice work!!!!

Ezam (ezam@pksun5.medic.ukm.my)
Tuesday, August 06, 1996 at 01:07:16 (EDT)

Wow, A very cool page...Excellent

Aik Leong OOI (alooi1.bedrock.eng.monash.edu.au)
Melbourne, Victoria Australia
Monday, August 05, 1996 at 22:47:47 (EDT)

Go Taiwan. Soon to be the Bulk Pharmaceutical capital of the world

Robert P. Cook (Bobeda@aol.com or Bobeda@netcom.com)
Los Altos, CA
Monday, August 05, 1996 at 22:43:06 (EDT)

A very intersting site to visit.

Wilfred George (dome@mail.link.net.mt)
Birkirkara, Malta
Monday, August 05, 1996 at 14:37:48 (EDT)