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Entries through June 23.
I am searching for information on the "L. L. Cooke School of
Electricity" of Chicago, Illinois. My late grandfather was a
graduate of this institution in 1927, and I am trying to
determine if the school still exists, or if anyone would have
records from said institution. Kevin E. Proulx, B.A. (102156.3157@compuserve.com)
Great site George Purpura (atoz@borg.com)
I had an ancestor from Norway so hope to hear from someone from Luster area. He married a orphan girl born Muskingum Co. OH her father Peter Ross who came from Scotland/Ireland abt 1844 mother Annie Murphy born Ireland. Peter died Coschocton Co. OH abt 1853. I am really enjoying this internet. I'm new at it. Margie Garr (mermaid@centuryinter.net)
I'm overwhelmed! This Expo 96 village is a powerful and
wonderful concept/place! I would hope that it will continue to exist as the
International/Intranational Town Hall or Peace Village!
The feeling here is wonderful and powerful!
The ambience of this feeling is like this:
1. A global village town hall...
2. Everyone is welcome here and a citizen here...
3. Everything is wonderful, Everyone is nice, kind
and we are all one nation here...
4. Let us bring our neighbors here to the experience...
Best Regards,
Ed "Ed" aka Edward G. Girard (jerry@southeast.net)
GREAT!! Hiroshige Moriya (bluenote@ba2.so-net.or.jp)
Simply Marvelous! Powerful!
- a place transcending borders...
- a town hall of the world...
- *all are citizens here*...
I am awe struck by the feelings here...
This is absolutely the *best*...
Almost beyond description...
Until the next time, with my best regards,
Thank you!
Edward G. Girard "Ed" (jerry@southeast.net)
Please send my E-mail address all around the world, I would like to receive lots of mail! Reinout Swart (swartacw@worldaccess.nl)
Thank you for a great work you have made so beautiful
net. I have heard it about from one of ours russian
computers newspapers. I like it well.
I have intressting in punk musik, write to me ! Andrew Rovenski (andy@kitty.sumgf.mipt.ru )
Pleasantly surprised to find this site !! Did NOT know
this was going on, would like more info .... ron brouwers (rbrouwers@worldnet.att.net)
JOHN 3:16 Dennis Buckley (dbuck@merlin.ebicom.net)
Realmente interesante. Una excelente oportunidad para internarse todavφa mßs profundamente en este apasionante mundo. SEBASTIAN PUIG SOLER (buzonspuig@interplanet.es)
Good Idea! There's just sooo much to explore.
"Pursue Rightousness, Faith, Love, and Peace..."
David Manchester and Gayle Donahue (Vead@q.continuum.net)
Another quick step for the modern life Salvador Lluch Cota (slluch@cibnor.conacyt.mx)
I enjoyed it very much. Kato Yasuto (yasuto@ibm.net)
Very Impressive! Mike Elder (mbelder@ix.netcom.com)
I was here. End of list. Eric Deist (frugle@uslink.net)
This is a wonderful experience for people of all ages! I just wish that I had found it sooner! I have toured the world in just a few hours! I can't wait until I show this to the students at my school in the fall! Mary J. Kelly (JMOSE54693@aol.com)
Very interesting site. Loved the information on Stavanger.
My family emigrated from outside there in the late 1800's. Mary (Tollefson) McCurdy (whtbison@usa.net)
Congratulations Carmelo Mercado Idoeta (cmercado@vax.crc.ucm.es)
This is a great opportunity for worldwide communication with "real" people. Elizabeth Banas' (lizngeo@hey.net)
Great!! Alfredo Ortega (aortega@infocomm.net)
Excellent! Kevin Yeung (yeungkev@u6000b.ln.edu.hk)
Cool event! Egils Grikis (dadzis@com.latnet.lv)
Very well made Web-Pages. The Idea of a Virtual EXPO just rules (as we like to say it on irc :) ).
Keep on the good work ! (nice speed btw.). Greets to my Girlfriend Katharina !
Mark Feiter (Feiter@axpmgr.physik.rwth-aachen.de)
That's a nice job, I must admit. Interesting way to popularize the Internet; making it really "Internetional". Kallo Andras (kalloa@ny1.bgytf.hu)
Truth well told. McCann-Erickson Zurich (mccannzh@access.ch)
Internet data is still too heavy even for the ISDN. Yasuhiko Masui (dr_masui@po.infosphere.or.jp)
My complmiments for the page layout. Anthony van Inge (toto@fwi.uva.nl)
Truth well told. McCann-Erickson Zurich (mccannzh@access.ch)
Even better than Space Quest!!
Seriously, I hope this first virtual world exposition is
an indicator for understanding and communication in the
future. Doris J. Wolfram (Doris Wolfram @lrz.uni-muenchen.de)
ºA¬║░╩º@½▄║CíCºA¡nÑ[¡┐╜m▓▀íCñú╣LíAºA¬║╣╧╡e½▄ºº╞[íCº┌½▄│▀┼wºA¬║º@½~íC Johana/Joyeta Ng (bct@vol.net)
Real cool site Doyle Lansberry (oznard@netscape.net)
It has always been conviction that true world peace can only be achived
through one on one communication. This forum can do that!!!! Please all remember that
the best of our lives is yet to come!!
Best wishes to everyone.
Ronald V.Cavallo rcavallo@peganet.com
Ronald V. Cavallo (rcavallo@peganet.com)
Heisan Gunnar (dksm@dskada.dk)
This event is very nice.
Every site is cool and hot.
kazuaki hattori (kazuakih@gol.com)
Very interesting. Plan return visits. Anxiously await the results
of my search. JoAnne (gross@konnections.com)
Very excellent work! William Wong
It's very interesting, so I like it.
Unfortunately, I could select LOW BANDWIDTH only,
but I saw it and thought that it's a good idea.
Now let's visit my WWW-page
Peter S. Kupchinaus (peter_jr@uni.udm.ru)
A WOW! factor. Very IMPRESSIVE! manisah yusof
Many countries, and so many wonderful pavilions. Enjoyed
very much. Thank you. Koichi Okawa (ookawa@kobe.ksd.co.jp)
Congratulations! That`s all Oscar Augusto Almßnzar Mendoza (oalmanza@pollux.javeriana.edu.co)
No comments for now ! maybe later. Basoeki Gondo (basoeki@terracom.net)
Excellent site Jene H. Melton (jmelton@c-point.com)
Will be back again to visit this interesting site! Mildred McColl (dmccoll@sympatico.ca)
I like browsing the world wide web. It's fantastic, really interesting. It's great on my notebook pc. Thanks a lot for the internet! Niels Roizman (czdv15A@Prodigy.com)
F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C Keep up the good work. George Verrier (george.verrier@sympatico.ca)
Hej pσ er, alla frσn Sverige..... William Sandgren (gunnar.sandgren@microbus.se)
Vow, What such a site! Apichai T. (cs36spl@kmitnb03.kmitnb.ac.th)
Refreshing--Love it! Sherranlynn Kincaid Nichols (skincaid@usit.net)
Super Design and nice folks visiting! Brian Lukowski (lukowski@pineland.net)
Hello Everybody! Nice to see this beautiful Page. Frank Wang (cwang@sfsu.edu)
GREAT!!! RICK DONNELLY (riclucie@istar.ca)
I love Web Guestbooks in general, but yours will
have a special place in my memory because I found my
way here looking for the e-mail address of a "lost"
friend. And sure enough, not only had he signed in
but your methodology collected his e-dress as well.
Many thanks. (I sure hope he'll be happy to e-ceive
my message & I am grateful for your generous e-nergy!)
P.S. A quick verse:
This problem needs solution;
the problem thus is solved:
Who created Evolution???
How God hath evolved!!! Wayne Woodman (woodman@ipoline.com)
This is the first time I have visited your site... I can't don't really understand what it is.... Melva Goffney (mgoffney@comcentral.com)
What a brilliant idea for a site! Keep up the good work.
The Worlds Expo site will definitely open up a new world
for our Tearoom Tours to explore. For more information
about our Tour Company please visit our home page at:
http://www.neca.com/~teatours Over A Cuppa Tea Tearoom Tours (teatours@neca.com)
Hello, that's the best Web Page I see in the last 6 month.
Gratulation!!! Your welcome to http://www.dynabit.ch in Switzerland. Thomas Ghezzi (ghezzi@dynabit.ch)