Entries through June 16


Michelle Zavrel (bchgrl@vt.edu)
Blacksburg VA
Sunday, June 16, 1996 at 22:47:08 (EDT)

Great Site! It reminds me of the old World's Fair in NYC when I was growing up.

Bill Cornelius (corneliusb@aea15.k12.ia.us)
Ottumwa, Iowa USA
Sunday, June 16, 1996 at 21:21:16 (EDT)

I love Taiwan, I'll always support Taiwan.

Hsing-Chiu Tu (htu@baldwinw.edu)
Tainan, Taiwan R.O.C.
Sunday, June 16, 1996 at 15:33:51 (EDT)

Cool site and keep up the good work! By the way, I am inviting all to explore Internet's most complete and up-to-date guide to all leading Internet Service Providers in Japan. Just click on my name and away you go!

Slavek Gronski (slavek@gronski.com)
Yao City, Osaka Japan
Sunday, June 16, 1996 at 11:29:45 (EDT)

What a great site!!!

Hideyuki Nakamine (nakamine@kt.rim.or.jp)
Soka, Saitama Japan
Sunday, June 16, 1996 at 07:59:45 (EDT)

First time cruising the net brought my husband and I together so that we weren't fighting for space on the computer. We actually sat down together and enjoyed the show. Thanks so much for a job well done!

Kevin and Cheri Murphy (kcmurph@ptialaska.net)
Kenai, Alaska USA
Sunday, June 16, 1996 at 04:32:55 (EDT)

Very nice site!
Gostei muito! Parabens pelo belissimo site!

Eduardo Missao Sambuichi (i4eduard@tokuyama.ac.jp)
Tokuyama, Yamaguchi Japan
Sunday, June 16, 1996 at 03:22:44 (EDT)

This is a great idea. The only EXPO where no one shows up. I hope you do it again next year.

Cal Jobe (coljobe@postoffice.ptd.net)
Annandale, New Jersey USA
Saturday, June 15, 1996 at 22:57:54 (EDT)

Cool site.

Neil Jenkins (CJenkin@ibm.net)
Toronto, Ontario Canada
Saturday, June 15, 1996 at 21:49:29 (EDT)

i like the pages

will thomas (willthomas@linknet.net)
pineville, la usa
Saturday, June 15, 1996 at 17:15:57 (EDT)

Hello, World !!!!!! I'd like to corespond with anyone around the world. E-mail me soon . . . . .

Zainal Fanani (evani@sby.mega.net.id)
Surabaya, East Java Indonesia
Saturday, June 15, 1996 at 13:43:46 (EDT)

Congrats! Well done!

Urs Moser (moser@mail.spiderweb.ch)
Suhr, AG Switzerland
Saturday, June 15, 1996 at 12:48:56 (EDT)

Our company would like to help organize or sponsor future expos. Please forward some more information about your organisation and possibleroutes we could take to help each other. Sincerely, Ray King Webwurx Multimedia http://www.webwurx.com

Ray King (ray@webwurx.com)
Toronto, Ontario Canada
Saturday, June 15, 1996 at 11:41:54 (EDT)

Hello from Catalonia!!!

Jordi Mu±oz (jmunoz@hnet.es)
Barcelona, Catalonia
Saturday, June 15, 1996 at 10:17:14 (EDT)

Great site !!! Congratulations !!!

Julimar Cezar Gonsalves de Oliveira (jcoliv@telepar.gov.br)
Curitiba, Parana Brazil
Saturday, June 15, 1996 at 10:13:51 (EDT)

A more than only first experimental service in the NET is your test-service. I wish you all the best, that especially those practical experiments will continue in the future between the understanding of the people on this globe

Manier, Juergen (Manier@Compuserve)
Bischofsheim/Mainz, Hessen Germany
Saturday, June 15, 1996 at 09:55:54 (EDT)

Great !!!

Dave Giles (dave@prcn.org)
Powell River, B.C. Canada
Saturday, June 15, 1996 at 04:08:38 (EDT)

This is great! I will be coming back for more!

Brian Hval (74641.2061@compuserve.com)
Calgary Alberta
Saturday, June 15, 1996 at 02:52:43 (EDT)

> Looks Great !! What a ride !!

G. L. Pritchett (gpritche@northland.lib.mi.us)
Alpena Michigan
Saturday, June 15, 1996 at 00:54:44 (EDT)

This is great, I can get in touch every day with my husband in the US with out anycost at all,Internet made the world smaller every day

Germine Asinas-Lee (Aaron@mail.ph.net/votra@cyber.cyb-live.com)
Quezon City, Quezon City Philippines
Friday, June 14, 1996 at 21:36:11 (EDT)

The Exposition is a great event. It let people to make friends and to understand each other.

Ju ZHANG (zhangju@nt.sstc.go.cn)
Beijing, China
Friday, June 14, 1996 at 21:28:19 (EDT)

It's a very very interesting idea!

pb, nw germany
Friday, June 14, 1996 at 17:04:32 (EDT)

It's a great thing when so many people from different parts of the world can come togeather to create and participate in this type of an event

Stephen Coty (SCOTY14130@AOL.COM)
Tracy , CA US
Friday, June 14, 1996 at 15:16:09 (EDT)

Cyber Fair no walking. Visit me at WWW.MERNCO.IBW.COM.NI Nicaragua Wait for you. Surfs Up!!!!

Adolfo Castellon (merinco@ibw.com.ni)
Managua , Nicaragua
Friday, June 14, 1996 at 14:35:14 (EDT)

I would really like to make friends with people from different cultures.

Sabine Yu (sabineyu@tpts1.seed.net.tw)
Taipei, Taiwan
Friday, June 14, 1996 at 14:25:09 (EDT)

new to internet, just looking at the fair

rita e starritt (rstarritt@pol.com)
denver, co usa
Friday, June 14, 1996 at 12:25:45 (EDT)

Sorry, I made mail adress mistake! Please correct adress below.

torii sigeru (story@yin.or.jp)
nakakoma-gun, Yamanashi Japan
Friday, June 14, 1996 at 10:16:30 (EDT)

This super sites gave me great imagination!! Although I have not check all, this is one of epock making happening in the world.

torii sigeru (story@yin.pr.jp)
nakakoma-gun, yamanashi japan
Friday, June 14, 1996 at 10:13:03 (EDT)

It has been a great experience until this point. I haven't finished to visit every place but I will for sure. Go JOB GUYS!!

Alejandro Camacho (cmscam@uga.cc.uga.edu)
Athens, Georgia USA
Friday, June 14, 1996 at 09:36:25 (EDT)

Great stuff..... Very interesting.

James Bayliss (jimbouk1@aol.com)
Bath, Avon England
Friday, June 14, 1996 at 09:10:05 (EDT)

SUUPER your Home Page

Klaus-Peter Ludwig (Plud@aol.com)
Armsheim, Germany Rheinhessen
Friday, June 14, 1996 at 07:49:29 (EDT)

I signed the guestbook first so I can't really comment on the site yet but it does look very promising.

Mark Preudhomme (mark.preudhomme@dclink.com)
Gaithersburg, Maryland USA
Friday, June 14, 1996 at 05:39:46 (EDT)


Friday, June 14, 1996 at 04:13:01 (EDT)

I wish this was for REAL instead of a virtual fair!!!!

LaDonna Smith (fuzzy1@airmail.net)
Red Oak, TX USA
Friday, June 14, 1996 at 02:56:17 (EDT)

Hope it would be informative! From misha.

Choi, JaeHo (misha@nuri.net)
Seoul, Korea
Friday, June 14, 1996 at 00:42:30 (EDT)

Too Great!!

Nobuyuki Fujii (n-fujii@interlink.or.jp)
Funabashi, Chiba Japan
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 23:48:48 (EDT)

A FAIRly great experience!

Robert Bernth (rbernth@csinet.net)
LaPorte, IN 46350
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 21:49:47 (EDT)

i am enjoying world's fair

lois taylor (zadiet@worldnet.att.net)
Ventnor , nj usa
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 21:41:20 (EDT)

This is "WOW", very interesting. This is what the "net's" all about. -Ron Kimbell

Ron Kimbell (rck@zianet.com)
Las Cruces, NM US
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 21:30:20 (EDT)

Rules were meant to be bent

Lawrence Tagrin (lawrence.tagrin@astd.noli.com)
Keller, TX USA
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 14:48:50 (EDT)

Looking forward to explor the world's most largest exhibition.

Gabor & Robert (fixer@euronet.nl)
Weesp, Netherlands
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 14:13:39 (EDT)

Hungary is always on the cutting edge of knowledge and discovery. Our interest is Secession Zsolnay ceramics.

Federico Santi and John Gacher (santi39@mail.idt.net)
Newport, Rhode Island usa
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 14:05:11 (EDT)

Great site.

Abdul Latif bin Adlin (alatif@pc.jaring.my)
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 13:03:55 (EDT)

Very Interesting! Keep up the Good Work!

Richard Shillito (rgandfas@voyager.co.nz)
Geraldine, S.Canty. N.Z.
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 09:42:30 (EDT)

What a nice place!!!

Sang Hyeok, Lee (pc546791@smail.posco.co.kr)
Pohang, Kyung-Book Korea
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 07:25:45 (EDT)

This is my first World's fair. I love it; even here we can come together and learn to appreciate each other. Thank you for this experience.

Bruce T. Forbes (forbesb@comm.hq.af.mil)
Bolling AFB, DC USA
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 05:17:35 (EDT)

I like the whole of the internet. (i can't speak English very well)

Balazs Horvath (Horvbal@crnl-gimn.crnl.hu)
PECS, Baranya Hungary
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 03:02:21 (EDT)

Gee ,, what can I say I have Never sugned such aan Important Guestbook Before. But then either have you , view my site and get yourself some FREE graphics while your here. Cheers Jim...

Jim Norman (jaw@sos.on.ca)
Owen Sound, Ontario Canada
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 02:49:28 (EDT)

One of the best creation of humankind . . . . . Great !!!!!!

Evan Wijaya (EvanWijaya@from.net)
Surabaya, Java Indonesia
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 01:41:16 (EDT)

Great site. I love it.

Otto Toth (otto@surf.com)
Sunnyvale, California USA
Thursday, June 13, 1996 at 00:58:44 (EDT)

I just got here and haven't had a chance to look around. Looks interesting though.

Drew Kurie (kurie@oanet.com)
Sherwood Park, Alberta Canada
Wednesday, June 12, 1996 at 23:36:36 (EDT)


Jose Antonio Carrillo (pepscd@panama.phoenix.net)
Wednesday, June 12, 1996 at 20:31:32 (EDT)

Great site!!!

Tony de Castro (t_decastro@hitachi.com)
Santa Clara, California USA
Wednesday, June 12, 1996 at 19:03:53 (EDT)

None yet. Just started to browse.

Gyuri KALMAN (kalman@iqsoft.hu)
Budapest, Hungary
Wednesday, June 12, 1996 at 13:12:27 (EDT)

I don┤t know where this fair will take palce. What city? When?

Lis Maria Rabaco (lis@cenpes.petrobras.gov.br)
Wednesday, June 12, 1996 at 10:11:50 (EDT)

Great EXPO. If you have some cool tips for my website under construction, please send me an E-mail ASAP. NOTE! The E-mail address is to my college!!!!!!

Kjetil Tonstad (ansr.hetland-vgs@rogaland-f.kommune.no)
Stavanger, Rogaland Norway
Wednesday, June 12, 1996 at 05:36:22 (EDT)

Amazing wonderful world - to connect people and bring culture together. I really enjoy this EXPO. Suggest you come and see the Hungarian Pavillon! Good luck for all "visitors", P.Hajas

Pal HAJAS (Pal.Hajas@fao.org)
Rome, Italy
Wednesday, June 12, 1996 at 02:23:55 (EDT)

I look forward further information Anyway, I quite satisfied for this netscape

Albert Wiyogo (wiyogab@stmichaels.vic.edu.au)
Bentleigh, Victoria Australia
Wednesday, June 12, 1996 at 00:07:21 (EDT)

I'm honoured to be a new member of this Community"Internet".

Prasart Sribhadung (prasart@anew.co.th)
Klongsan, Bangkok THAILAND
Tuesday, June 11, 1996 at 23:39:25 (EDT)

Interesting concept. Hope to be able to view all who signed the guestbook.

Deb Vasko
Cleveland Hts, Ohio USA
Tuesday, June 11, 1996 at 21:17:01 (EDT)

Enjoy browing and getting recipes. Great site. One of my favorites

Jerry Butterfield (butte189@interserv.com)
Tuesday, June 11, 1996 at 20:17:14 (EDT)

This is wonderful. Keep up the good work.

Linda Stark (unknown)
Pocatello, ID USA
Tuesday, June 11, 1996 at 14:41:23 (EDT)

Great stuff, but why are a lot of sites empty? I hope that when I return more of them will be up and running...Greetings to everyone else out there!

Rhea Vaflor (rvaflor@gwis2.circ.gwu.edu)
Washington DC, USA
Tuesday, June 11, 1996 at 11:43:30 (EDT)

The exposition is great , nice for me.

MIN-JU, LU (minju@ms5.hinet.net)
Tuesday, June 11, 1996 at 10:50:50 (EDT)

Most fogok szΘtnΘzni,remΘlem Θrdemes lesz

Czink≤czki Lßszl≤ (pbszeged@tiszanet.hu)
Szeged, Hungary
Tuesday, June 11, 1996 at 08:42:20 (EDT)

Interesting Idea

Joanne Danzer (joannedanze@delphi.com)
Beaverton OR
Tuesday, June 11, 1996 at 06:19:56 (EDT)

Good Looking

Park, Myoung-su (viper@hei.co.kr)
ichon, Korea
Tuesday, June 11, 1996 at 05:02:20 (EDT)

Waaooo...its great. I'd love to visit this site

James F. Tomasouw (james@stikom-sby.ac.id)
Surabaya, East Java Indonesia
Tuesday, June 11, 1996 at 04:27:43 (EDT)

Technology has shorten the distance between nations and people.

PAI-HWA HO (phh@ms2.hinet.net)
Tuesday, June 11, 1996 at 02:43:43 (EDT)

This is great. Could spend hours taking in the sites.

Diana Kane (kane@whin.net)
Thiensville, WI USA
Monday, June 10, 1996 at 19:56:07 (EDT)

I am fond of the different guest-books, the exhibition is really nice.MS

Mihßly Sajgo (h385saj@ella.hu)
Budapest, Hungary
Monday, June 10, 1996 at 16:36:57 (EDT)

I am very excited to have found your site.!! I love exploring the different Guest Books.

Paula Silva (Silva_P@a1.TCH.Harvard.Edu)
Boston, Massachusetts USA
Monday, June 10, 1996 at 15:55:04 (EDT)

This is my first contact with Internet Expo 96. I am very much intereted in this fair.

Ichiro Tatsuta (GCB00644@niftyserve.or.jp)
Osaka, Japan
Monday, June 10, 1996 at 12:55:02 (EDT)

Just wanted to see if this worked as well as advertised on Matt's Script Archive/

Thomas Knox

Monday, June 10, 1996 at 11:10:20 (EDT)

This is great! 1 of my students told me about this & eternally proved the point that U can always learn from Ur students.

Roberto Ord≤±ez (ordonez@andrews.edu)
Berrien Springs, Michigan USA
Monday, June 10, 1996 at 11:02:22 (EDT)

Found your address in a newspaper column in the Vancouver Province by "Terry Taylor e-mail ttaylor@cybertalk.wis.net." Plan to make this a favorite site and will visit you many times over the next year.

Sonny Mellow (smellow@direct.ca)
Delta, BC Canada
Monday, June 10, 1996 at 10:58:48 (EDT)

Fantastic idea but what to do with it?

arjan de jager (arjanj@htsa.hva.nl)
amsterdam, holland
Monday, June 10, 1996 at 09:46:09 (EDT)

Great! Nice to meet you all here!

Canping Pan (pan_canp@agr.kyushu-u.ac.jp)
Fukuoka, Asia Japan
Monday, June 10, 1996 at 03:57:55 (EDT)

What a great site!!!

Mike Manser (mmanser@nucleus.com)
Cochrane, AB Canada
Monday, June 10, 1996 at 01:55:05 (EDT)