Entries through June 02

Nice Expo!

Paul Tan Holaysan (Holaysan@mnl.sequel.net)
Quezon City, Philippines
Monday, June 03, 1996 at 01:40:59 (EDT)

Peace through Understanding !!

K. Karmin (Trylon62@aol.com)
New York,NY USA
Monday, June 03, 1996 at 00:48:23 (EDT)

Great!! thanks for good information! especialy australian site is cool!

Naoyasu Sato (bon-sato@ca2.so-net.or.jp)
kuki, saitama japan
Monday, June 03, 1996 at 00:21:13 (EDT)

Great site !! I enjoy it much

Gerald L. Pritchett (gpritche@northland.lib.mi.us)
Alpena Michigan
Monday, June 03, 1996 at 00:11:24 (EDT)

BRAVO TrΦs trΦs bien.

Claude Dupuy (dupuyc@accent.net)
Repentigny, Quebec Canada
Sunday, June 02, 1996 at 23:11:59 (EDT)

Hello from America

Chris Smith (chriss@natinst.com)
Austin , Tx U.S.A
Sunday, June 02, 1996 at 21:56:53 (EDT)

Great stuff. Thanks to everyone who spent so much time putting it together. I will be spending as much or more time looking at everything. Visit the Thailand pavillion.

Paul N. (Shikaze@radix.net)
Germantown, Maryland USA
Sunday, June 02, 1996 at 19:02:20 (EDT)

It is great to be here. Will provide E-mail address and URL later....

Foo, Chi Tao. (nil)
Dubuque, IA U. S. A.
Sunday, June 02, 1996 at 16:11:14 (EDT)

I would like to see Bhutan pavilion. âuü[â^âôé╔ìsé½é╜éóüI

Akira Miyazaki (zaki@cc.rim.or.jp)
Sunday, June 02, 1996 at 15:43:39 (EDT)

This is a GREAT place, you con find and know EVERYTHING.

Jack Hacker (Dyeh@impsat1.com.ar)
Buenos Aires, Capital Federal Argentina
Sunday, June 02, 1996 at 14:06:57 (EDT)

Hello! Greetings from Singapore!

Khoo Seow Kiang (skkhoo@singnet.com.sg)
Sunday, June 02, 1996 at 11:01:22 (EDT)

This is the second time I have signed the Guest Book - nice to meet so many people from around the world - my favorite site - a departure from some of the useless sites out there. Would like to see more Americans here. Continued success!!!

Rose Pranger (r_c_pranger@pol.com)
Covington, KY USA
Sunday, June 02, 1996 at 10:34:33 (EDT)

Apart from the contents, the visual design of the world homepage is the best I have ever seen among all the web sites.

Joseph Lin (jlin@mail.linkease.com.tw)
Taipei, Taiwan
Sunday, June 02, 1996 at 06:52:43 (EDT)

Great Work

Typhoon (majin@cyber.cyb-live.com)
Mandaluyong, Manila Philippines
Sunday, June 02, 1996 at 06:07:48 (EDT)

Read an article in Time Magazine (March 11 1996) and couldn't beleive it was possible. I came,I saw, I beleive!

Terry Daniel (sensei@iprolink.co.nz)
Auckland, New Zealand
Sunday, June 02, 1996 at 05:46:45 (EDT)


Sunday, June 02, 1996 at 04:37:52 (EDT)

Very knowledgeable and intersting to find-out the world. ½D▒`ª│¬╛├╤⌐╩¬║ ⌐M ª│┐│╜∞¬║Ñh▒┤░Q│o¡╙Ñ@¼╔.

¬ⁿ┐½ (johnchen@pcnet.co.nz)
Aukcland , New Zealand
Sunday, June 02, 1996 at 01:36:24 (EDT)

Very entertaining!

David Galaviz (104417.337@compuserve.com)
Laguna Hills, CA USA
Saturday, June 01, 1996 at 18:16:14 (EDT)

It's a great site, Wonderful. A word "Nice site" is for this site.

Shinichi Kojima (kojimas@cap.bekkoame.or.jp)
Yokohama, Japan
Saturday, June 01, 1996 at 18:01:20 (EDT)


Saturday, June 01, 1996 at 16:10:13 (EDT)

Good idea, good work!

Ingomar Lochschmidt (ingomar@asiaonline.net.tw)
Taipei, Taiwan
Saturday, June 01, 1996 at 13:33:28 (EDT)

This site has my permanent bookmark! So much to see and do (make sure you wear comfortable shoes). My congratulations to all who have made (and are making) this all possible. Eric

Eric Erickson (samia@adelaide.on.net)
Adelaide, South Australia Australia
Saturday, June 01, 1996 at 09:45:40 (EDT)

Great place to bring us together! I'll be back. Feel free to drop me a line.

Bryan Pfeifer (pfeiferb@cadvision.com)
Cochrane, Alberta Canada
Saturday, June 01, 1996 at 09:18:28 (EDT)

I'll enjoy the Fest. from now!

Ichiro Honda (ihonda@bekkoame.or.jp)
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo-to Japan
Saturday, June 01, 1996 at 07:18:26 (EDT)

Wonderful stuff. For another interesting visit to your beautiful Galapagos Islands, check out www.terraquest.com

Jim Linsley (linsley@metro.net)
Santa Rosa, CA USA
Friday, May 31, 1996 at 23:19:34 (EDT)

I came yesterday, and have I come back today again There are so many places to visit! The world is really small now! FRIENDS FOREVER

Jose Luis Peralta
Barcelona , SPAIN
Friday, May 31, 1996 at 10:39:41 (EDT)


James Chen (jxjchen@voyager.co.nz)
Auckland, New Zealand
Friday, May 31, 1996 at 08:41:27 (EDT)

Interesting place to go

Agus Daroesman (agus@jakarta.wasantara.net.id)
Jakarta, 10120 Indonesia
Friday, May 31, 1996 at 05:38:11 (EDT)

This a wonderfull exposition! Tres belle! I will come back to visit and enjoy. Au revoir!

Nicolas Bertrand (r13464@er.uqam.ca)
Montreal, Quebec Caanda
Friday, May 31, 1996 at 02:14:01 (EDT)

The Internet can be a force for good. Let's fight to keep it responsible

Roger T. Jackson (sportswriter@earthlink.net)
Woodside, NY USA
Thursday, May 30, 1996 at 22:57:09 (EDT)

Good For Health...

Leo Wu (leo@hwaei.com.tw)
Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C
Thursday, May 30, 1996 at 22:47:04 (EDT)

I've just started looking around. Are there any suggestions for a new user????

Marty Damian (martyjr@nufi1.finance.neu.edu)
Boston, MA USA
Thursday, May 30, 1996 at 17:32:17 (EDT)

Good to see my own country have a good page.

Jim S.D. Yang (ctsa005@cs.auckland.ac.nz)
Auckland, ... New Zealand
Thursday, May 30, 1996 at 17:15:11 (EDT)

Great Site!

Michael Harmon (mharmon@txdirect.net)
San Antonio, Texas USA
Thursday, May 30, 1996 at 13:29:09 (EDT)

Really beautiful country!

Shen Songning (shen@petra.unit.no)
Tianjin, tianjin P.R.China
Thursday, May 30, 1996 at 11:46:35 (EDT)

I want to see more and more!!

Tadaaki Iwao (tadaaki@mediawars.or.jp)
Thursday, May 30, 1996 at 11:31:06 (EDT)

very good!

Sandy Ho (h0029@ms3.hinet.net)
Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.
Thursday, May 30, 1996 at 09:36:03 (EDT)

This is really a small world now! Health, Peace, Love and Money for all.

Jose Luis Peralta
Barcelona, SPAIN
Thursday, May 30, 1996 at 08:09:52 (EDT)

Hello everybody, I'm from Hong Kong.

Eric YU Wan-hei
Hong Kong,
Thursday, May 30, 1996 at 06:28:22 (EDT)

G'day everyone around the world. This expo thing sure is an interesting one isn't it? I had a lot of fun browsing it!

Alfred Chien (alfred@pcnet.co.nz)
Auckland, Milford New Zealand
Thursday, May 30, 1996 at 05:59:52 (EDT)

Hi everybody. I like what I saw. It was great!

Alfred Chien

Thursday, May 30, 1996 at 05:47:02 (EDT)

Hi all People i'm come from Taiwan

Madoka (madoka@pcnet.co.nz)
Auckland, Howick New Zealand
Thursday, May 30, 1996 at 01:17:27 (EDT)

The presentation and contents are simply fantastic.

Gunther Hubsch Junior (guntherj@mail.telepac.pt)
Almada, Portugal
Wednesday, May 29, 1996 at 18:48:51 (EDT)

I really enjoyed the Pavilions. What a great idea is bring so much of the world together into one "place." We certainly are living in a global village.

thomas gladysz (thomasg@slip.net)
San Francisco, California USA
Wednesday, May 29, 1996 at 17:15:30 (EDT)

just great. i will visit the exibition again and again.

Urs F. Schueck (U.Schueck@thenet.ch)
Liebefeld, BE Switzerland
Wednesday, May 29, 1996 at 17:07:07 (EDT)

Astonishable quality of your graphics!

Helge Gellert (gellert@mg.fh-niederrhein.de)
Moenchengladbach, NRW Germany
Wednesday, May 29, 1996 at 17:03:54 (EDT)

The International Internet Exposition represents an exciting opportunity for all. As Executive Director of the American Association of Anatomists, a scientific society dedicated to furthering human knowledge in the field of biology, we look forward to participating fully.

James L. Olds Ph.D. (olds@anatomy.org)
Washington, D.C. USA
Wednesday, May 29, 1996 at 15:28:05 (EDT)

Found this page on a link from the World Calendar page and will keep it as a favorite site. I like the international feel and look forward to visiting the countries highlighted again when I'm able.

Mark Lowman (lowmanm@ftmcphsn-emh1.army.mil)
Atlanta, Georgia USA
Wednesday, May 29, 1996 at 08:58:17 (EDT)

Looks like an interesting site. I will come back for more entertainment and learning!

David Ruckdeschel (postalb@vivanet.com)
Rochester, New York USA
Wednesday, May 29, 1996 at 08:30:26 (EDT)

Expo '96 on the internet is a good initiative for finding the borderlines of the electronic highway. Its very important to found out what the public acceptance is, but its a bad thing to push the growth of the internet by throwing an enormous amount of information. I mean in such a way the consumer can't go another way in the future.

Bas Husslage
Utrecht, Holland
Wednesday, May 29, 1996 at 06:57:58 (EDT)

Great Idea! Am Worlds Fair buff from ,way back, and this whole concept certianly embodies the World's Fair spirit! Am building a new site about the Chicago Columbian Exposition.

Scott Hancock (shancock@HiWAAY.net)
Huntsville, Alabama us
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 at 22:02:39 (EDT)

I love Venezia so I tried to visit Italy just now, but I couldn't. I'll try later.

Tarow Okano (qwg03163@niftyserve.or.jp)
Tamagawa-en, Tokyo Japan
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 at 21:48:44 (EDT)

Hi: How are you? I have signed the guest book two month ago. Do you guys update the guest book? I wonder?.... I just so upsad that I like your country's site, but I am not in the guest book

Dess (gs01@panther.edu)
Atlanta, Ga U.S.A.
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 at 21:04:09 (EDT)

Just breezin through, thought I'd write my name in the cybersnow

Michael S. Pomatto (mikiepo@apci.net)
Prarietown, IL USA
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 at 19:42:00 (EDT)


Boy en Margriet van de Laar (boylaar@IAEhv.nl)
Eindhoven, NB Netherlands
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 at 18:43:40 (EDT)

Enjoyed your site. I visit Germany every year. It is the Greatest with the Greatest and best People!

Utah Carroll Rogers (URogers@worldnet.att.net)
Arlington, Texas USA
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 at 17:48:41 (EDT)

This is really what a i wonna see !!!! (Helemaal te gek) of (Det zuut geweldig oet)

RenΘ Verhoeven (renev@via.nl)
Venlo, Netherlands
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 at 16:31:01 (EDT)

Greetings from the youngest member of the Europen Union, Finland.

Elina Logren (elogren@co.jyu.fi)
Jyvaskyla, Finland
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 at 11:03:48 (EDT)

I like what I see. Good luck with it!

Jan-Joep Ritzen (jjritzen@pi.net)
Delft, ZH The Netherlands
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 at 05:19:06 (EDT)

Well, well, it gives me hope. Maybe the unity of this site and of the internet will give paece in the real world. The futere will decide the importance of this 1996 WORLD exposition. I hope many will follow! My greatings to the world, Olivier

Olivier van der Post (olivier@dsl.nl)
Leiden, Holland
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 at 00:21:21 (EDT)


Takeshi Kouno (takeshik@po.iijnet.or.jp)
osaka, japan
Monday, May 27, 1996 at 22:31:12 (EDT)

HI ALL :) I liked it so much!!!IT's CoOL!:)

Leandro Pereira (lpereira@nutecnet.com.br)
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Monday, May 27, 1996 at 19:37:09 (EDT)

greetings from austria... i was searching for 'Ars Electronica' and i found your site... great design! ciao......

Wernhard (nightfall@webcircus.com)
Linz, Europe Austria
Monday, May 27, 1996 at 17:08:48 (EDT)

Instead of going to California beach, I come to the Fair and have a wonderful time.

Sue Chu (suechu@earthlink.net)
La Mirada, CA USA
Monday, May 27, 1996 at 16:08:41 (EDT)

My personal web page is under construction. Target date is July, 1996. I've just begun to check out this site, but it looks very interesting and is giving me some good ideas. Come to Nashville and line-dance with me at the Wildhorse Saloon, the Southfork Saloon and the new Silverado!

Ardi Lawrence (ardi@earthlink.net)
Nashville, TN USA
Monday, May 27, 1996 at 01:20:07 (EDT)