Entries through May 19

A very good and informative site. A must travel on the web. I will put this on my home page (http://hkein.school.net.hk). But more Chinese material or even Chinese pages is good. Taiwan and Chinese surfers will be most appreciated.

Michael M Hung (mmhung@hkein.school.net.hk)
Sunday, May 19, 1996 at 18:43:35 (EDT)

Hello to all surfing the net. This is a great place to lean a little more about everything!

Chris Wust (cwust@myna.com)
Mississauga, Ontario Canada
Sunday, May 19, 1996 at 18:15:02 (EDT)

Great Site!!

Wayne Sykes (wsykes@netten.net)
Bartlett, TN USA
Sunday, May 19, 1996 at 17:37:43 (EDT)

Wow, its a great place to visit :) This is the future of technology, don't miss it.

Ferdi Muljadi (ferdi@ibm.net)
Jakarta, Indonesia
Sunday, May 19, 1996 at 13:52:54 (EDT)

Well, well. People from all over the world. Nice stuff. Isn't this the future happening right now?.

Peter Rohdin (peter@eko.se)
Orminge, Sweden
Sunday, May 19, 1996 at 04:49:41 (EDT)

very good work !

Van Daele Bruno (gd30095@glo.be)
Bellem, Belgium
Saturday, May 18, 1996 at 17:34:55 (EDT)

This is very fun!

Yuji AOKI (y-aoki@mpt.go.jp)
Sinjyuku, Tokyo JAPAN
Saturday, May 18, 1996 at 07:38:15 (EDT)

hello i like your world. see you again

phil green
salem, n.h. usa
Saturday, May 18, 1996 at 01:33:26 (EDT)


│»Ñ¡⌐M Ping Ho (g05@lunar.com.tw)
ÑxÑ_ѽTaipei, ╗O╞WTaiwan R.O.C
Friday, May 17, 1996 at 05:00:12 (EDT)


Friday, May 17, 1996 at 01:38:33 (EDT)

Hey! Great fair! I'll try to visit more often. Have fun and keep your feet dry.

James F. Payne (Eagle@rica.net)
Shenandoah, Virginia USA
Thursday, May 16, 1996 at 21:36:09 (EDT)

The Idea and Site are great. I have Bookmarked the Park and will return often.

Gary Miller (garyone@ix.netcom.com)
Underwood, Iowa USA
Thursday, May 16, 1996 at 19:46:50 (EDT)

I am connected first here today. Here are many interesting things I never saw before. I will often visit this place to see many new information. Any woman who is interested me send me e-mail. E-mail is welcome. And many help is welcome anytime. Thankyou! :) Have nice time in this place!!!

Young-Sik Kim (workman@
Chochiwon, Chungnam Korea
Thursday, May 16, 1996 at 07:35:58 (EDT)

nice job

Neil Anthony (sctsman@earthlink.net)
euless, tx usa
Tuesday, May 14, 1996 at 19:52:29 (EDT)


ANA CECILIA MARTIN DEL CAMPO STETA (loony93@mail.internet.com.mx)
Tuesday, May 14, 1996 at 16:36:55 (EDT)

Really enjoyed browsing through the Expo. Will be checking back every couple of days to keep up with the changes. thanks

Bill Greene (bgreene@zipnet.net)
Ashburnham, Ma USA
Tuesday, May 14, 1996 at 08:15:39 (EDT)

Nice to surf here Suchst Du einen Job in der Schweiz? Schau mal rein vielleicht ist etwas fⁿr Dich bereit!

Urs Gerber Universal-Job AG (unijob@dial.active.ch)
Zurich, Zurich switzerland
Tuesday, May 14, 1996 at 05:37:20 (EDT)

Great.Wait till I get into Netscape 2.0

E.C.Pollock (epollock@iprolink.co.nz)
Auckland New Zealand
Tuesday, May 14, 1996 at 03:34:26 (EDT)

Hi to all the folks surfing the web from a webhead in CA

Antoine Marcais (amarcais@acusd.edu)
San Diego, CA USA
Tuesday, May 14, 1996 at 02:01:32 (EDT)

What a fine homepage! Please keep on adding more information. Thanks!

Nai-Wei Chi (chin@ucs.orst.edu)
Portland, Oregon USA
Monday, May 13, 1996 at 18:11:55 (EDT)

Nice pages ... I like the page were I choose the HIGH BANDWITH!

Radko Bankras (r.g.bankras@student.utwente.nl)
Enschede, The Netherlands
Monday, May 13, 1996 at 17:07:47 (EDT)

He is there some music over there

Andre Zandvli (azandvli@mailbox.hol.nl)
Leiderdorp, zh Netherlands
Monday, May 13, 1996 at 14:26:02 (EDT)

I just am new surfing through internet,but this site is one of them that impressed me a lot that I will recommend it to other colleagues.. Am looking forward for other sites like this...

Hie-Kwaun Ko (eihkk@tiger.korea.ac.kr)
Chochiwon, Chung-Nam Korea(S)
Monday, May 13, 1996 at 12:50:21 (EDT)

high tech in the middle of the djungel,i'd liked it very much,congratulations. nicolaus k.s.sallay

nicolaus k.s.sallay (nsallay@internext.com.br)
manaus, amazonas brasil
Monday, May 13, 1996 at 10:06:33 (EDT)

Very well put together and interesting.

Larry Page (fpage@fds.state.sc.us)
Columbia , SC USA
Monday, May 13, 1996 at 09:13:28 (EDT)