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Entries through May 12
This is a neat location and gives much needed information on a pivotal event in United States history, the 1939 New York World's Fair! Frank Barton (75275,1351@compuserve.com)
I had never visited such a cool and easy-viewable site!!
SHIN SHIRAISHI (f9505662@mn.waseda.ac.jp)
til the sky turns green Kathie D. Essex-Gaskill (kgaskill@k2nesoft.com)
I was borned on Taiwan. It's a very nice place!!
I love my family and friends on this wonderful world,and it
is so nice to get your mail from some place in the world!!
I am waiting for your mail... Teng-Hui,Tsai (╜▓╡n╜≈) (thtsai@mmc.wcjc.edu.tw)
I have ever been your country.
This Pages remind me the woundd me the wounderful memories.
I wish to go back there Yukiko Kobayashi (taka@sakitama.or.jp)
What wonderful new age we live in! Thank you for a great
Jerome N. & Dianna D. Holland (jholland@vtcom3.vantek.net)
Your site is quite interesting and I enjoyrd very much.
Thankyou. Tadakazu Iio (Tadakazu@synnet.or.jp)
Trying out a new browser (NetManage WebSurfer) and found this URL - Interesting. Will revisit with NetScape for more in-depth look. Vincent Cayenne (vcayenne@village.ios.com)
New internet user Thomas R Siemons (Tsiemons@gnn.com)
Tried to inscribe to guestbook earlier but could not.Visited
this site this morning and was very impressed with how it was
presented.Keep up the good work people. I'm not a major
company or business,but am still impressed with this site.
If you have a topic you'd like to discuss with me,you can
e-mail me at:dkuniski@ccinet.ab.ca. Thank you from Little
Spud. DON KUNISKI (dkuniski@ccinet.ab.ca)
Have just finished visiting this site and was very impressed.
Found the information on this site to be very informative.
This site was very carefully planned, so keep up the good
work people. Unfortunately am neither a major company or
business,but was impressed any way. If you'd like to contact
me about certain topics within reason,you can contact me at:
dkuniski@ccinet.ab.ca.Thank you from Little Spud. DON KUNISKI (dkuniski@ccinet.ab.ca)
A wonderful idea as the BOM (BIG OPERA MUNDI), LOOK FOR IT IN fURA dELS bAUS.. Adriα monΘs (mones@bcn.servicom.es)
TAKAHIRO SOYAMA (soyama@super.win.or.jp)
TAKAHIRO SOYAMA (soyama@super.win.or.jp)
Just dropped in to see what this site was all about,but haven't
had much time to visit the fair yet.Am new to the internet.
Will probably come back tommorrow and have a look see.So far,
I like what I've seen so far,keep up the good work.Thank you
for letting me talk to you.My nickname on the internet is:
Little Spud. DON KUNISKI (dkuniski@ccinet.ab.ca)
I loved the authentic smells and the warm breezes Preston Lathrop (ptl4261@is.nyu.edu)
Very Nice! Dave Smith (74003,2227@Compuserve.com)
Great page!!! If the show is as great, than you will have a winner!! Richard Neary (ran@shore.net)
Goodmooooorning!!! World people. Naoto Ugata (showado@mail.joho-kyoto.or.jp)
The page is really beautiful, and it seens that you guys
has done a lot of works on it, but the downside of it is
the data is too big to transfer. So it takes such a long
time too down load the page. Anyway it's a good page. Ian (101804@netrover.com)
Reading the Guestbook is alraedy a visit to the world!
Good luck! Hans Ansingh (ansingh@pi.net.nl)
Keep up the good work Poppe Dijkstra (popeye@dds.nl)
I'll make this short & sweet...
Would you like to trade links?
If so?
Mine is:
WWW address:
Thnx... krischak@concentric.net
P.S Your site is awesome! Mark Krischak (krischak@concentric.net)
Is this all you have ????
Add some hard work to make it better. Evan I. Wijaya (evani@sby.mega.net.id)
An Eagle in flight does not leave a mark.
But science does. Inquiring into these things we
do not understand must take, not only scientific observation
but also the flight of the Eagle that does not leave a Mark.....
Steven Myers (Aromatix@Pacificnet.net)
Interesting. Was this an actual exhibit as well, or just "virtual"? Robert Feder (sksw22a@prodigy.com)
Oh, It's midnight. I must go to bed. But This site is very interesting!
I watch it more...
Yoshio Kamota (kamochan@super.win.or.jp)
i am very excitied about this information. I would like to know as much about all of this as possible. I am very new to this and I do spend a lot of time on the internet alex c. sandoval (asandoval@the.express-news.net)
It's Wonderful and Exiting ! Kiyomasa Okamoto (kiyo@mix.nkansai.or.jp)
Have a good time. Belle Kawasumi (bell@sun.shinshu-u.ac.jp)
Nice site. Koji Maesako (s9508130@cc.it-chiba.ac.jp)
Good. Hiroshi Saito (g95a1561@mn.waseda.ac.jp)
Thank you. Kim jinup (akma5851@nownuri.nowcom.co.kr)
Dear sir:
would you mind giving me some information? Thanks a lot!! LO CHIH-FENG (freda@ms4.hinet.net)
I think the Internet Expo is a great event for the people
around the world. I believe this event will exchange various
information around the world and develop the world.
Joo Hyung 'Jay' Suh (joohyung@kowin.kois.go.kr)
Neat idea--World Internet Expo Tracy Miller Furuichi (tracy-furui@aix.or.jp)
Thanks for putting up such a beautiful page Susan Herr (sh@herrdesign.com)
Please send me more information. I am getting online shortly....
Sridhar Yaratha, M.D.
Is this everything? Arian den Boer (146122@student.fbk.eur.nl)
ALL IN ONE Brian Hsu (usermane@ms4.hinet.net)
I like Internet!
Teppei Kanda (teppei@mxa.meshnet.or.jp)
This is fun!
Marijke Veelenturf
I like it!!!!!!!!!!!
Leuk dus Master
It's great fun this exhibition. Sorry to see that Internet
still is so slow and thus the beautiful images take such a
long time to appear but still ... it's a good example of
what could be much improved in the future and ... it brings
people together! Paul Geerders (pgcons@worldaccess.nl)
Great site!! Looking forward to returning when I have more time, it's getting late here. Charles R. Johnson Sr. (cjohns@sat.net)
Great Pages !
It is Great to be here ,and maybe I will visit again ! Andrew Chen (u1351137@tknet.tku.edu.tw)
Thanks for very useful planning.
Now,I try to go several pavilions.
I am interested in technical information from LAN vendors.
And I want to know where can I use ATM solution.
It is very doubtful to use ATM technics unless ATM native application! Masakatsu Mori (mori@chikugo.taisei.co.jp)
I feel as though I'm back in the Land Of Smiles when I look at this site.
Pity I'm stuck in "sunny" England.
Excellent site Rob Quagliozzi (robq@dircon.co.uk)
Hello! It`s nice event!
I1m very interested for this ivent.
My job is a CG creater.
please send E-mail for me. takuya kawai (t-kawai@da2.so-net.or.jp)
What a wonderful new age we live in! Thank you for great site! Wayne Peterson (mircom3@aol)
What wonderful new age we live in! Thank you for great site! Wayne Peterson (mircom3@aol)
nimen hao!
wo shi repienren. shuhei nagao (nagao-s@mx.biwa.or.jp)
Beautiful and interesting site! Please feel free to visit me at The Woodshed or visit us here in Minnesota. Martha Decker (Woodswoman@worldnet.att.net)
I had a great experience.Thank you.
Yoichi Nakano (y_nakano@mxa.meshnet.or.jp)
What a nice world! Ahn myung in (plmi@elim.co.kr)
Wonderful work! Simon Lei (simonlei@macau.ctm.net)
Wonderful WWW! Simon Lei (simonlei@macau.ctm.net)
Keep the good works up! Evert Meulie, esq. (meulie@dds.nl)
A friend of mine and I are going to present about the Russian presidential election. We will aften access the Russia Today and study about your country and your administration. We hope we enjoy studying and knowing about you. Kayoko Nishino (s2293119@swu.ac.jp)
Best!!!!! Sung-Kook Han (skhan@wonnms.wonkwang.ac.kr)
I hope that mutual communication
will be promoted through this
significant enterprise. Hiroshi Tsuji (hiroshi@tpost1.netspace.or.jp)
Very nice site. I'm busy at work but will come back tonight
for for a closer look. Please contact me at E-mail for
any discussion. John D. Stevens (jstevens@in.net)
Very nice site. I'm busy at work but will come back tonight
for for a closer look. Please contact me at E-mail for
any discussion. John D. Stevens (jstevens@in.net)
I just logged into this site but it looks very interesting.
I went to the world's fair in NYCity in 1964. We've come
a long way, baby! Lucina Limbach Johnson (alfredtj-tanstaafl@worldnet.att.net)
Very interesting!(^_^) Ko KATO (kokato@gorilla.or.jp)
The best one! Ivan R.Castano (ivan.castano@quehubo.com)
...... Diong Kah Seng (dks@pl.jaring.my)
please guestbook.
thanks. keiichi hato (kei1950@os.gulf.or.jp)
Welcome to Formosa Chen Hsueh Cheng (levi@tp.globalnet.com.tw)
Great looking page full of history Tom Root (catscent@infocom.com)
Just one word.... GREAT!!!! Cees Zoontjens (C.I.M.ZOONTJENS@KUB.NL)
Great page,this is the best exposition than I┤ve looked in
all my live Fernando Llamas (advernet@readysoft.es)
very good! james-ho (jamesho@ms3.hinet.net)
I hope this expo contribute internet society harumasa (hhmasa@beehive.twics.com)
Very nice site! Good luck Pascal Kolkman (P.J.M.Kolkman@kub.nl)
You are invited to visit
My Site. Jiro Ihara (ihara@etl.go.jp)
Looks very good W.Jansen (W.Jansen@jur.kun.nl)
Nice! ^_^
jeong-hyun kim (skjhk@krissol.kriss.re.kr)