Entries through May 05

This page is cool! I'd like to join the Expo '96.

Ayumi Kusaba (kusaba@eis.or.jp)
Tama-city, Tokyo Japan
Sunday, May 05, 1996 at 22:45:57 (EDT)

Coooooool Guestbook

David Newman (akdave@pce.net)
East Aurora, New York USA
Sunday, May 05, 1996 at 20:25:38 (EDT)

Loved it.Hope for more.

Or-Leyl Har-Edom (shadow@inter.net.il)
Rehovot, Israel
Sunday, May 05, 1996 at 17:52:25 (EDT)

Hele goede site!

Franτois van de Weem (weem@worldaccess.nl)
Maastricht, Limburg Netherlands
Sunday, May 05, 1996 at 17:34:23 (EDT)

Impressing !!

Frans Nieuwenhuis (wevnieuw@euronet.nl)
Amsterdam, Netherland
Sunday, May 05, 1996 at 16:12:06 (EDT)

It's beautiful web pages! I am glad to join Internet Expo 96!

Yoshio Kamota (kamochan@super.win.or.jp)
Tokyo, Japan
Sunday, May 05, 1996 at 12:47:20 (EDT)

Nice Page

Crucial Lloyd (coolcrew@coolcrew.com)
Chicago, IL USA
Sunday, May 05, 1996 at 11:44:42 (EDT)

Eee-Ha! I love it! Write some more to me would be appreciated

Abel Peng (dlin@mail.wsu.edu)
Pullman, WA USA
Sunday, May 05, 1996 at 08:07:11 (EDT)

It's great to hear any info. from Taiwan

David Lin (dlin@mail.wsu.edu)
pullman, WA USA
Sunday, May 05, 1996 at 07:53:12 (EDT)


Shotaro Ishii (shotaro@ba2.so-net.or.jp)
Tsuchiura, Ibaraki Japan
Sunday, May 05, 1996 at 01:20:11 (EDT)

This is really exciting to see so many countries came on internet and displaying their homepage.

Phillip Gong (gong@umr.edu)
Rolla, MO. U.S.
Saturday, May 04, 1996 at 18:53:04 (EDT)

Fantastic. There's hope!

Jeff Scott (jscott@clark.net)
Woodfield, MD USA
Saturday, May 04, 1996 at 16:13:14 (EDT)

Excellent site, incredible graphics. One of the best URLs I have found from Costa Rica. Greetings. Leonardo Murillo

Leonardo Murillo (lmurillo@tn.ticonet.co.cr)
San Jose, San Jose Costa Rica
Saturday, May 04, 1996 at 15:08:27 (EDT)

Desde Sevilla (Espa±a) un cordial saludo para todos los cibernautas de habla hispana.

J.Luis Salvador (jlsalva@ibm.net)
Sevilla, Spain
Saturday, May 04, 1996 at 14:21:06 (EDT)

Hi! I come from Japan. I love Belgium and whole the world!

YoshidaKenji (TBC03303@niftyserve.or.jp)
Nagoya, Aichi Japan
Saturday, May 04, 1996 at 10:47:30 (EDT)

This is one of the best site I know! Really kewl ;)

Kenneth Guenter (guenter@aci.unizh.ch)
Zurich, Switzerland CH
Saturday, May 04, 1996 at 09:02:47 (EDT)

Hi! Say hello to everybody!

Tony Yang (tony66@ms6.hinet.net)
Kaohsiung, Taiwan R.O.C.
Saturday, May 04, 1996 at 04:56:28 (EDT)

Great Site

Lyle Hensley (lhensley@ainet.com)
Ripon, Ca USA
Saturday, May 04, 1996 at 02:26:54 (EDT)

Love & Fantastic.

Takayasu Miura (takmiura@system.hitachi.co.jp)
Kawasaki, Kanagawa Japan
Saturday, May 04, 1996 at 00:16:42 (EDT)

Love the Graphics! Love the Italy!!

Takayasu Miura (takmiura@system.hitachi.co.jp)
Kawasaki, Kanagawa Japan
Saturday, May 04, 1996 at 00:08:49 (EDT)

Just looking around.

Steven Kent Baugh (skbaugh@accessus.net)
Memphis, TN USA
Friday, May 03, 1996 at 19:07:43 (EDT)

I knew something was going on around here but I never took the time to really experience it. Now I have and I must say Too Cool! I'll be back. Greetings from The Netherlands.

Joost Geise (081193jg@student.eur.nl)
Rotterdam, ZH The Netherlands
Friday, May 03, 1996 at 18:56:17 (EDT)

Great page! Glad to see such a wide variety of guests! :) Any Miltenbergers out there feel free to mail me :) Keep up the great work here!

Jason Miltenberger (milten@iastate.edu)
Ames, IA United States
Friday, May 03, 1996 at 13:17:49 (EDT)

The nicest homepage of today. Hi!

Gabor Ferenczy (vg@hungary.net)
Budapest, Hungary
Friday, May 03, 1996 at 13:06:11 (EDT)

I just wanted to say Hi from Sweden! Hejsan allihopa! Bye, Annelie

Annelie (annelie.drewsen@mbox300.swipnet.se)
Stockholm, Sweden
Friday, May 03, 1996 at 12:55:43 (EDT)

Excellent site. An enjoyable internet experience. Graphics are unbelievable. Rock On!

Brent Osmond (bosmond@bishops.ntc.nf.ca)
St. John's, Newfoundland Canada
Friday, May 03, 1996 at 12:16:37 (EDT)

Great site, nice graphics. It would take days to see it all.

Dick Schreurs (D.Schreurs@UB.Rulimburg.NL)
Maastricht, Limburg Netherlands
Friday, May 03, 1996 at 11:45:08 (EDT)

Very impressive. I just hope that more people can stop by this EXPO and more importantly contribute to the process of building this internet infrastructure.

William Chan (william@netvigator.com)
Hong Kong,
Friday, May 03, 1996 at 10:41:02 (EDT)

Very impressive. I think this could be visited by more people.

William Chan (william@netvigator.com)
Hong Kong,
Friday, May 03, 1996 at 10:36:49 (EDT)

Hello! Good Pavilion

Noboru Chiba (noboru@mxp.meshnet.or.jp)
osaka, hiranoku2-9-7 Japan
Friday, May 03, 1996 at 09:31:59 (EDT)

I enjoy this site.

Kawabata Koji (ji1rla@mxa.meshnet.or.jp)
Itabashi, Tokyo Japan
Friday, May 03, 1996 at 08:48:25 (EDT)

Enjoyed a lot, but it takes 100 years to see all the sites! I need stronger machine.

Kaoru Sugimoto (Kaoru_Sugimoto@msn.com)
Narashino, Chiba JAPAN
Friday, May 03, 1996 at 05:47:30 (EDT)

I'd like to be here forever

Igor Gordienko (igor@enz.siobc.ras.ru)
Moscow, Russia
Friday, May 03, 1996 at 05:37:47 (EDT)

It's nice for allover the world to join interner.

Yen Long An (yenkevin@tpts1.seed.net.tw)
Taipei, Taiwan
Friday, May 03, 1996 at 03:38:34 (EDT)


Mike Klaas (MKlaas@aol.com)
Ft.Myers, FL US
Thursday, May 02, 1996 at 20:04:37 (EDT)

It's really good to know there're lots,lots of people kicking around through the internet!!!

James 'Birdie' Hsu (birdie@ms3.hinet.net)
taipei, taiwan
Thursday, May 02, 1996 at 19:50:48 (EDT)

Fine ! Good! Very interesting ! I will login again after soon. Thank you !!

Junji Higuchi (JunjiHiguchi@jp.msn.com)
Osaka, Osaka Japan
Thursday, May 02, 1996 at 18:23:01 (EDT)

I am impressed by the first results of this World exposition 1996. I would like, therefore, congratulate the organizers for a job very well done !!

Seven Smulders (Gusto@pi.net)
The Hague, Province of South Holland the Netherlands
Thursday, May 02, 1996 at 15:46:27 (EDT)

What a lifetime experience!

Fred Santos (Fred_Santos@msn.com)
Berlin, Germany
Thursday, May 02, 1996 at 12:06:59 (EDT)


Tom Dirsa (dsha@sasknet.sk.ca)
Denzil, Saskatchewan Canada
Thursday, May 02, 1996 at 11:29:53 (EDT)

Esperando y bonito!

Susumu Arami (arami@campusnet.or.jp)
Setagaya, Tokyo JAPAN
Thursday, May 02, 1996 at 10:14:57 (EDT)

Another giant leap for mankind!

Jochen Buur (J.A.M.Buur@cb.hva.nl)
Amsterdam, Holland
Thursday, May 02, 1996 at 08:04:29 (EDT)

Would your board e-mail me a massage if anything happen in Taiwan??

Tony Chang (abctony@ix.netcom.com)
Garden Grove, California USA
Thursday, May 02, 1996 at 02:42:58 (EDT)

This is really new to me, I hope that it will help with my family research.

Tammy Steele Dyer (tamidyer@ix.netcom.com)
Lebanon, Ohio
Thursday, May 02, 1996 at 01:52:19 (EDT)

Congratulation for ROC's technological advanced in the last years. I'm proud to be a chinese.

Ching Hai NING (chning@sminter.com.ar)
Capital Federal, Buenos Aires Argentina
Wednesday, May 01, 1996 at 21:30:53 (EDT)

whoa!!! cool.

Rebecca Weathersby (rweather@kms.bham.wednet.edu)
bellingham, WA usa
Wednesday, May 01, 1996 at 17:28:54 (EDT)

Love the site. POWER Program is GREAT. I'd love to get more info on helping to improve the lives of the physicaly challanged.

Bob Moore (cdi123@tiac.net)
Billerica, MA USA
Wednesday, May 01, 1996 at 17:11:33 (EDT)

Great Site! Visit Us at Naval Hospital Pensacola, Florida

Gary L Bamonte (GLBamonte@med.navy.mil)
Pensacola, FL USA
Wednesday, May 01, 1996 at 14:03:11 (EDT)

Love the Graphics!

Gary L Bamonte (gbamonte@gulf.net)
Milton, FL USA
Wednesday, May 01, 1996 at 14:00:44 (EDT)

As a developing computer graphics artist, mainly working on web sites, I find this site not just intriguing, but also pleasing to the eyes, mixing new technology with proven classical beauty. I'm glad I found it!

Donna Thomas (donna.thomas@dshi.com)
Sterling, VA USA
Wednesday, May 01, 1996 at 12:23:28 (EDT)

Fantastic. Looking forward to seeing as much as possible

Kathleen l. Keffer (kkeffer@jeffco.k12.co.us)
Littleton, Colorado U.S.A.
Wednesday, May 01, 1996 at 11:17:49 (EDT)

Very Nice Page!! So GOOD!!

Makoto Sugihara (JAB14592@pcvan.or.jp)
Katsusika, TOKYO JAPAN
Wednesday, May 01, 1996 at 11:05:10 (EDT)

Hi. Found this link through LAN Magazine. Thanks for the information.

stephen m pitman iv (smpitman@earthlink.net)
jacksonville, nc usa
Wednesday, May 01, 1996 at 10:02:08 (EDT)

Internet-Expo '96: Really a great idea !!!

Andreas Mas Marques (biomarq@ibm.net)
Berlin, Germany
Wednesday, May 01, 1996 at 09:49:21 (EDT)

Really interesting place to visit!

Michael Popov (popov@enzyme.siobc.ras.ru)
Moscow, Russia
Wednesday, May 01, 1996 at 08:03:59 (EDT)


Katsuya Tanaka (katsuya_@bekkoame.or.jp)
Bunkyo, Tokyo Japan
Wednesday, May 01, 1996 at 05:47:05 (EDT)

Best Wishes

S.D.Dellheim (dellheim@dellheim.com)
Elkins Park, PA USA
Wednesday, May 01, 1996 at 01:01:47 (EDT)

I visited your Home Page. And I interested in here.

Akihiko Kurose (kurose@mls.co.jp)
Tachikawa, toKyo
Wednesday, May 01, 1996 at 00:55:55 (EDT)

I want go to N.Z again

Masaharu Gassho (abani@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp)
Miyazu, kyoto japan
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 23:14:10 (EDT)


JOHN RENKER (renkers@texas.net)
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 19:39:41 (EDT)

I Like ROC

Tsuyoshi Kikuchi (kenkiku@bekkoame.or.jp)
TOKYO, Japan
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 19:08:13 (EDT)

This certainly beats the crowd at the "Worlds Fair"

Jonathan Mast (jmast@usa.pipeline.com)
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 16:49:51 (EDT)


Mountain View, CA 94043
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 16:44:02 (EDT)

I am a chef by trade and artist,painting,building shipmodels. in my spare time.But this is dangerous-beats it all.

Eyvind Petersen (lbayart@vianet.on.ca)
Huntsville, ontario Canada
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 16:24:22 (EDT)

Informative and creatively designed. VERY NICE. I am planning to visit Korea in June 1996 and would greatly appreciate an opportunity to visit KAIST.

Jae H. Park (jae_park@qmgate.arc.nasa.gov)
Mt. View, CA USA
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 15:31:58 (EDT)

Come take a cybertrip to Toronto through City.Net or any of the other travel-oriented web sites. Then, come and visit us for real!

Geoff Mitchell
Toronto, Ontario Canada
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 14:35:44 (EDT)

A Danish high school boy is now staying my home.His name is Anders Nielsen.So Iam I am interested your country.

Minoru Kanazawa (VZVO1145@nifty-serve.or.jp)
honjo, saitama Japana
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 12:26:11 (EDT)

internet let me know anything in the world

chao-mu wu (wu256028@ms7.hinet.net.tw)
keelung, taiwan ROC
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 11:23:42 (EDT)

Very interesting place you've got here. Definatley one of the best places I've seen on the web. (any spelling mistakes are the direct result of me not being able to type.)

Scott Vail (svail1@gl.umbc.edu)
Severn, MD USA
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 11:20:27 (EDT)

internet let me know anything in the world

chao-mu wu (wu256028@ms7.hinet.net)
keelung, taiwan, R.O.C.
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 11:16:42 (EDT)

Amazing.Absolutely spectacular!!! And I thought only kids dream about travelling around the World in a day. Keep up the good work!!!!

Mark Tan
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 11:12:21 (EDT)

internet let me anything in the world

chao-mu wu (wu256028@ms7.hinet.net.tw)
keelung, taiwan roc
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 10:56:43 (EDT)

great site for those interested in this region need thai contact in ayudtaya to do me a favour if possible please email me.

steve bryant (bryants@ozemail.com.au)
sydney, nsw australia
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 10:25:19 (EDT)

Hello Visit Skovde ! Say hello to Sweden !!

Zayera Khan (a94zaykh@ida.his.se)
Skovde, Sweden
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 08:12:26 (EDT)

Marvy...just marvy!

Ron Holt (ronholt@ksc7.th.com)
Bangkok, Thailand
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 06:20:37 (EDT)

Saw the write-up in TIME .Had to look

Mike Rickett (amric@csl.northland.ac.nz)
Whangarei, northland new zealand
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 04:56:18 (EDT)

Congressional Memory Project? Does congress have a memory? Does it even have a mind?

Bob Schatz (schatzr@belmont.edu)
Nashville, Tennessee USA
Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at 00:54:03 (EDT)

I am a PhD student from Taiwan and currently study at the Johns Hopkins University. I am very impressive with the classic design of the homepage. Whoever designed this homepage, he/she should get the best respect from all people in Taiwan. Hope to see more excellent works on all WWW sites in Taiwan. Excellent and very good job.

Yen-ching Li (lyc@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu)
Baltimore, MD USA
Monday, April 29, 1996 at 21:43:21 (EDT)

This was really an interesting and well organized page. I'll surely be back later for a closer look!

Thrude Wolden (twolden@sn.no)
Bodoe, Norway
Monday, April 29, 1996 at 16:16:59 (EDT)

Thanks for the good work.

Abdel M. Dinari (adinari@accesscomm.net)
Houston, Texas U.S.A.
Monday, April 29, 1996 at 16:14:31 (EDT)

this could be nice.

els van den berg (e2vdberg@pi.net)
heemstede nederland
Monday, April 29, 1996 at 15:39:27 (EDT)

My Girlfriend liked the exhibition, too.

Robert Schlappal (Robert.Schlappal@koeln.netsurf.de)
Cologne, NRW Germany
Monday, April 29, 1996 at 14:49:16 (EDT)

Wij gaan lekker samenwonen!!!!!!

Elisabeth Wortman (renevr@cistron.nl)
Alphen a/d Rijn, Holland
Monday, April 29, 1996 at 14:43:09 (EDT)

Very Interesting

Roy Dorsey (rdorsey@ampex.com)
Redwood City, CA USA
Monday, April 29, 1996 at 11:04:54 (EDT)

YaHoo! I Love EXPO. Thank you.

Osamu Kakimoto (dt3o-kkmt@asahi-net.or.jp)
Isahaya, Nagasaki-Pref. JAPAN
Monday, April 29, 1996 at 09:38:58 (EDT)

This was a nice page.

Yngve Villanger (yvill@sn.no)
Bergen, Norway
Monday, April 29, 1996 at 06:11:28 (EDT)

Great exposition!

Eivind Aksland (Aksland@telepost.no)
Bergen, Hordaland Norway
Monday, April 29, 1996 at 05:52:05 (EDT)

Great Exhibition on Net!

Soo Min (Park)
Seoul, KR Korea
Monday, April 29, 1996 at 05:43:10 (EDT)