Entries through April 29

Hola! Me gusta la guestbooka!

jon pallon
lund, skσne sweden
Monday, April 29, 1996 at 02:27:52 (EDT)

World Exposition, I am your guest!

Brownie Jenny (brownie-jenny@in.aix.or.jp)

Monday, April 29, 1996 at 02:23:30 (EDT)

This is great! Everyone should look at this fantastic page. Well, gotta go! $B$5$h$&$J$i!#(J

Brownie & Jenny (brownie-jenny@in.aix.or.jp)
Monday, April 29, 1996 at 02:15:19 (EDT)

Looks good! All Gerths-please contact me.

David Gerth (dgerth@earthlink.net)
Brentwood, Tennessee USA
Sunday, April 28, 1996 at 23:21:48 (EDT)

This is great! Everyone should look at this page. Well, gotta go! $B$5$h$&$J$i!#(J

Brownie & Jenny (brownie-jenny@in.aix.or.jp)
Sunday, April 28, 1996 at 22:00:20 (EDT)

This is great! Everyone should look at this page. Well, gotta go! $B$5$h$&$J$i!#(J

Brownie & Jenny (brownie-jenny@in.aix.or.jp)
Sunday, April 28, 1996 at 21:57:06 (EDT)

This is great! Everyone should look at this page. Well, gotta go!

Eriko Toyoda

Sunday, April 28, 1996 at 21:53:13 (EDT)


James King (grjking@ecuvm.cis.ecu.edu)
Greenville, NC USA
Sunday, April 28, 1996 at 21:45:34 (EDT)

Concise info, good job!

Craig Moyer (craigm@ezonline.com)
Harrisburg, PA USA
Sunday, April 28, 1996 at 21:14:27 (EDT)

Thanks for the opportunity to visit. Be well friends.

Len Roberts (lenr1@oeonline.com)
Canton Twp., Michigan USA
Sunday, April 28, 1996 at 18:49:25 (EDT)

This is a great place to take a glance of the world. Please also visit LSU Chinese Student Association, and let us know what you think!!

Richard Cheng (laputa@cris.com)
Baton Rouge, Louisiana USA
Sunday, April 28, 1996 at 15:06:02 (EDT)

Really kewl site! I love it ;)

Mooby (guenter@aci.unizh.ch)
Zurich, Switzerland CH
Sunday, April 28, 1996 at 10:22:58 (EDT)

Any webheads in the Philippines? Give me a write!

Garret Saye (103605,757@compuserve.com)
Escondido, CA USA
Sunday, April 28, 1996 at 02:50:37 (EDT)


Sunday, April 28, 1996 at 00:08:18 (EDT)

Deseamos realizar las pßginas del Pabell≤n de Venezuela, tenemos bastante material que presentar sobre nuestro paφs. Por favor envienos un E-mail para informarnos las bases de la inscripci≤n. Saludos, Ricardo Quintero Rapid Systems, C.A.

Ricardo Quintero (rapid@rapid-systems.com)
Saturday, April 27, 1996 at 22:03:33 (EDT)

Es war wirklich super!

Uli Reichenbach (reiba@t-online.de)
Loeffingen, Germany Baden-Wⁿrttemberg
Saturday, April 27, 1996 at 19:58:03 (EDT)

The above mentioned URL directs you to a Dutch site. The English version is still under construction

Frank van Hal (frank.van.hal@tip.nl)
Rotterdam, -- The Netherlands
Saturday, April 27, 1996 at 19:39:01 (EDT)

Des de Catalunya, un paφs encara virtual, enhorabona a tots els que han fet possible aquesta primera Exposici≤ Universal Virtual!

Josep Penya (ae484@jet.es)
Barcelona, Catalonia
Saturday, April 27, 1996 at 18:21:22 (EDT)

Everone must see this Expo. Absolutely spectacular.

Carl T. Buskuhl (CBuskuhl)
Lake Oswego, Oregon USA
Saturday, April 27, 1996 at 13:50:26 (EDT)

Ha Ha Ha! Nice Exposition!

Quantum (guest@daemon.m3.ntu.edu.tw)
Taipei, Taiwan Province ROC
Saturday, April 27, 1996 at 11:35:14 (EDT)

bruce hill (bhill@wchat.on.ca)
ham., ont. canada
Saturday, April 27, 1996 at 10:53:26 (EDT)

alekom wasiam, i am learning urdo at university of osaka foreign studies. i wanna go parkistan. please tell me a lot of information. please come to our university. phil me renge. .

atsushi oikawa ( )
Saturday, April 27, 1996 at 06:42:09 (EDT)

Killer-diller. Smash hit. Like a pie in the sky.

Seppo Makela (sepmak@iuakk.fi)
Jarvenpaa, Finland
Saturday, April 27, 1996 at 06:42:04 (EDT)

Cool! men

Johnny Y. Lee (ufjl0739@ms6.hinet.net)
Taupei, Taiwan R.O.C.
Saturday, April 27, 1996 at 05:10:54 (EDT)

This is pretty cool !

Gerhard Kuska (101512.1413@compuserve.com)
Frankfurt Germany
Saturday, April 27, 1996 at 04:25:54 (EDT)

Good work! Let's have more places for forms-based discussions like this. The exchange of ideas and cultures should be fascinating.

Lynne Brakeman (Lbrakeman@aol.com)
Cleveland, Ohio USA
Friday, April 26, 1996 at 22:19:01 (EDT)

"Big Idea"

Anthony Coles (acoles@adelaide.on.net)
Adelaide, South Australia Australia
Friday, April 26, 1996 at 21:01:07 (EDT)

Guau! Mucha, mucha informacion. No puedo dejar de decir que me sorprende el no haber encontrado UNO que escriba en castellano. Pero esto es grande. Las utilidades que tendra la red despues de que saquen la basura sera sorprendente. NOTA: fans de Supertramp, comuniquense por e-mail.

Nahuel Iglesias (nahuel@arrakis.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar)
La Plata, Buenos Aires ARGENTINA
Friday, April 26, 1996 at 20:29:37 (EDT)

Good stuff

AndrΘ Hostombe (A.Hostombe@t-online.de)

Friday, April 26, 1996 at 16:03:02 (EDT)

Leuk zeg de Wereldtentoonstelling op internet! Ik ga zometeen kijken, want ik heb nog niet zoveel gezien. Ik ben benieuwd! Groetjes Anne

Anne de Haan (J.M.E.P.deHaan@stud.let.ruu.nl)
Utrecht, Nederland
Friday, April 26, 1996 at 15:01:46 (EDT)

Very good idea to use the net

Ingvald Arne Meland
Bergen, Norway
Friday, April 26, 1996 at 14:16:17 (EDT)

Fabulous, Wonderous, Stupendous. Great graphics, content and concept.

Sean Bourke (sbourke@amp.com)
Markham, Ontario Canada
Friday, April 26, 1996 at 11:57:47 (EDT)

This is a beautiful and interesting site. I will visit often. If you are named HANK, please visit the Hankweb and add to the ever growing collection of information on the world's greatest name. Thanks, -Marian HANK

Marian Hank (justhank@mcs.net)
Chicago, IL USA
Friday, April 26, 1996 at 11:39:31 (EDT)

your graphics look good

Heidi Harvey (heidi@mindspring.com)
Atlanta, GA USA
Friday, April 26, 1996 at 10:28:59 (EDT)

I finally get to see a Worlds Fair!! Well, sort of...

Ian Gulliver (shadow@taconic.net)
E. Chatham, NY USA
Thursday, April 25, 1996 at 23:40:56 (EDT)

This is a great idea and hope this goes well.A great way for all people to talk and interact.

Jeffrey J. Feinberg (alexis@worldnet.att.net.)
San Rafael, CA USA
Thursday, April 25, 1996 at 19:13:21 (EDT)

Great site! Mine to! - check it out !

Thomas Valentinsen (valentin@cybernet.dk)
Odense , Denmark
Thursday, April 25, 1996 at 17:56:14 (EDT)

Great concept - Keep adding to it

Jim Nealis (Jimneal@ihug.co.nz)
Auckland, New Zealand
Thursday, April 25, 1996 at 16:06:16 (EDT)

I like very much this project. Graphics, presentation, is super//// I want to be here..

Juan Kedzierski (juank@clarin.com)
Buenos Aires, -- Argentina
Thursday, April 25, 1996 at 09:54:16 (EDT)

What a GREAT idea! What I have seen so far looks impressive...

Rene Marinus (marinus@iri.tudelft.nl)
Delft, Netherlands
Thursday, April 25, 1996 at 06:46:20 (EDT)

It's the first time I hit in this site. This is a very nice Web Site. Congratulation...

Antonius Handoko Mulyadi (anthony@indo.net.id)
Bandung, West Java Indonesia
Thursday, April 25, 1996 at 05:44:53 (EDT)

Hia. This is really fascinating. I hope they leave it online also after the end of the year. Expo '97 and so on. Ich sag do no allne Basler hellau und bis spoeter emol uf es Uelibier... greets, Lukas (webmaster nextron.ch)

Lukas Frei (lfrei@www.nextron.ch)
Riehen, Basel-Stadt Switzerland
Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 19:28:05 (EDT)

Good Idea! We don't get out of town much, too much work! I hope to spend more time here later, but good looking page anyway. sw

Shelley Wadsworth (netmark@ix.tradecon.com)
Panaca, Nevada
Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 18:59:22 (EDT)

This site is great and time well spent. Ive been working with Corel products for two years and I got nothing but good things to say. I am the Western Canadian Service Manager for a distilled water company and Ive made TWO SERVICE MANUALS with all Corel Software. So for me this site is very exciting. Thanks Corel !!!

John S. Borden (watertech@portal.connect.ab.ca)
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 16:42:01 (EDT)

Excellent Idea, Nice pictures. Very Interesting.........

Eoin Jordan (ejordan@dit.ie)
Dublin, Ireland
Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 16:38:09 (EDT)

Nice concept.

Linh Nguyen (nguyenld@endicott.ibm.com)

Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 13:49:51 (EDT)

Great idea and grate place to visit, we are living the future right now...!!!!

Sergio Castillo (scasti@televisa.com.mx)
Mexico, DF Mexico
Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 13:49:20 (EDT)

Many thanks for supplying such a fine web-site. It allows people to know more about your culture there.

Steve Webb (swebb@bright.net)
Quincy, Ohio USA
Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 13:09:11 (EDT)

Good place to visit,a lot of thing can find

Benson Chan Kwok Wing (turbofc@mail.hkstar.com)
Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 13:07:14 (EDT)

Fascinating site. Will be back many times to explore further.

Joseph Amanzio, Architect/Professor (jamanzio@oboe.aix.calpoly.edu)
San Luis Obispo, California USA
Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 12:45:16 (EDT)


Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 12:26:28 (EDT)

Great Idea

Karsten Tampier (tampier@zapf.fb15.uni-dortmund.de)
Menden, Germany
Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 11:33:54 (EDT)

Interesting Web Site

William Curry
Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 10:43:28 (EDT)

That's a great WEB here !! That's a great chance guest here !!

Raymond Chak (raychak@hkstar.com)
Hong Kong, / Hong Kong
Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 10:26:52 (EDT)

I'm very impressed by the whole concept - I hope it succeeds!

Mark Thornton (mht11@eng.cam.ac.uk)
Cambridge, England
Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 06:16:41 (EDT)

I can't believe it! It's way cool...I am flabbergasted...

Gia Bejerano (cemlet@meco.easy.net.ph)
Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 02:59:05 (EDT)

Hello! Today is a great day for me because i entered to a new world.

Yu,Bong-Gi (bgyu@fkl.fujitsu.co.kr)
Seoul, South Korea
Wednesday, April 24, 1996 at 00:12:14 (EDT)

This the April promotional registration for Colombia. Visit us at: http://park.org/Colombia Greetings from the South,

Jorge Lopez (jorlopez@mafalda.univalle.edu.co)
Cali, Valle del Cauca Colombia
Tuesday, April 23, 1996 at 22:41:09 (EDT)

"Pavement for the Highway." Coming soon to a brain of yours!

cliff shawd (cshawd@ix.netcom.com)
Austin, Texas USA
Tuesday, April 23, 1996 at 22:34:15 (EDT)

Looks exciting! I can not wait to explore more!

James Hevener (hevener@wvube1.be.wvu.edu)
Morgantown, WV USA
Tuesday, April 23, 1996 at 21:52:21 (EDT)

Everything looks exciting! I can not wait to explore more!

James Hevener (hevener@wvube1.be.wvu.edu)
Morgantown, WV USA
Tuesday, April 23, 1996 at 21:48:36 (EDT)

This is impressive. Like going to the big city. Drop in at my web-page, http://www.ecsis.net/~rbizzle, and see what a small town Home Page feels like. Not as fancy as this but we try. Ron Bizzle

Ron Bizzle (rbizzle@ecsis.net)
Dyersburg, Tennessee USA
Tuesday, April 23, 1996 at 20:19:26 (EDT)

This is the future - as an internet Web Page writer, I see this as a wonderful opportunity for our company to lern more.

Charles Ogden (cogden19@netset.com)
Columbus, OH USA
Tuesday, April 23, 1996 at 19:16:04 (EDT)

I think that this is a great idea.

Fred Punke (fredp@sound.net)
Kansas City, MO USA
Tuesday, April 23, 1996 at 17:56:38 (EDT)


Paul Blake (ripped!@inforamp.net)
Tuesday, April 23, 1996 at 16:15:16 (EDT)

Cool! I'm always amazed at the amount of information available on the web.

Judy Ballard (sasjib@unx.sas.com)
Raleigh, NC USA
Tuesday, April 23, 1996 at 09:56:27 (EDT)

this is a cool idea glad to be a part

Randy Joel Krmer (rjoelk@theonramp.net)
Las Vegas, NV USA
Tuesday, April 23, 1996 at 03:20:13 (EDT)

I'ts Beautiful!!

Kazuaki Inagaki (inakaz@ca2.so-net.or.jp)
Hatiohji, Tokyo Japan
Tuesday, April 23, 1996 at 01:10:07 (EDT)

What a great site. Great colorful pictures.

Vicki Nunez (Kic32@msn.com)
Chicago, Il USA
Monday, April 22, 1996 at 22:34:49 (EDT)

A truely exciting project...I wish you all the best, and will pop in often to see how it goes.

Beverlee A. Couillard (beverlee@ix.netcom.com)
Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday, April 22, 1996 at 21:27:06 (EDT)

Very impressive and exciting!

Don McCorcle (mccorcle@cyberramp.net)
Dallas, Texas US
Monday, April 22, 1996 at 20:17:15 (EDT)

So much to see, so little time!

Don Childress (Dchild3127@aol.com)
Dallas TX
Monday, April 22, 1996 at 19:30:27 (EDT)


dennis morrison (metaplex@lglobal.com)
Toronto, Ontario Canada
Monday, April 22, 1996 at 17:44:41 (EDT)

Looks very good. My compliments. I'll visit you again.

Bart van Dijk (Bart.vanDijk@Inter.NL.net)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Monday, April 22, 1996 at 16:10:30 (EDT)

The site looks great! I am looking forward to attending the conference.

Michelle T. Saunders (mtsaund@pacbell.com)
San Ramon, CA USA
Monday, April 22, 1996 at 16:00:35 (EDT)

I'm a chinses.Our race has 1,200,000,000 people.And my English is not good enough.I hope can see it in various languages like Chinese Japanese etc.Thanks a lot.

Gary Kuan (f1236629@c2.hinet.net)
Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C
Monday, April 22, 1996 at 15:53:27 (EDT)

Nice idea! Great looking pages.

Lotta Holmstr÷m (l-hollot@jmk.su.se)
Stockholm, Stockholm Sweden
Monday, April 22, 1996 at 15:25:14 (EDT)

Good luck and greetings to all visitors!

Wolfgang Rein (100434.3501@compuserve.com)
Bueckeburg Germany
Monday, April 22, 1996 at 13:45:39 (EDT)

Should be Obligatory Visitation. Thanks Good Luck

Graeme Bali
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Monday, April 22, 1996 at 13:22:55 (EDT)



., . .
Monday, April 22, 1996 at 12:53:19 (EDT)


Monday, April 22, 1996 at 11:32:18 (EDT)

Good luck with the new attempt!

Hiroshi Yasukouchi (hiroshi3@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp)
Monday, April 22, 1996 at 11:11:39 (EDT)

This project is so interesting. It is better if this site add the information about the moral and good behaviors of the people worldwide. That we can promote the better life with the better technologies.

somcharn (somcharn@health.moph.go.th)
Bangkok, Thailand Thailand
Monday, April 22, 1996 at 08:07:26 (EDT)