Entries through April 21

the time is now. the information age has arrived

gary hoover (lghoover@tgn.net)
brazoria, texas usa
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 23:20:51 (EDT)

What a great voyage!

Sandy Cruty (Jcruty@aol.com)
Atlanta GA
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 23:04:39 (EDT)

I think the representation of Mexico, is far from the reality I invite you to make a search about Mexico, and offer more information to the world.

Roberto Herrera (robertoh@mail.cmact.com)
Monterey, Nuevo Leon Mexico
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 22:54:09 (EDT)

Kia Ora! Greetings from New Zealand. This is my first time here and I have enjoyed all the comments. Anyone is welcomed to say "HI" to my kid brother Joe at "jtremain@mrna.promega.com" he would love to hear from anyone outside of the United States. Catch Y'all later!

Laura S. Tremain-Forbes (lstremai@massey.ac.nz)
Palmerston North New Zealand
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 21:03:22 (EDT)

Wow! Great Exposition...we're adding it to our home page now.

Eric Beck (dukeofed@idirect.com OR ebeck@idirect.com)
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 20:54:15 (EDT)

At least it isn't as hot as in Sevilla!!!

Michiel Ronde (mronde@ivg.com)
Groningen, The Netherlands
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 18:33:51 (EDT)

This is a great idea. Way to go!!

Valerie Miles (rainbow@yournet.com)
Harrison, AR USA
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 18:13:53 (EDT)

I like the idea of a world's fair on the net. It's a great way to carry on the tradition of the world's fair.

Mason Atkinson (matkins@sea.ar.isnpet.com)
Searcy, AR USA
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 15:23:49 (EDT)

This is a great idea !!!!!

Barry McAvoy (bmcavoy@ix.netcom.com)
San Ramon, CA USA
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 15:09:30 (EDT)

hello world !! how ya doin? Im doin fine now that Im here.

Tanya Orsell (torsell@blacdisc.com)
Johnstown, NY USA
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 15:08:16 (EDT)

I'm lost in the internet EXPO 96' so....uh-..i'm lete.. I have to go to my home... every body ! see you!!

Kunihiko Koutake (horizon@hf.rim.or.jp)
Maebaru, Fukuoka Japan
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 13:20:21 (EDT)

I thought it was pretty amazing!

Kevin May (klmay@usa.pipeline.com)
Baltimore, Maryland USA
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 12:57:57 (EDT)

Very good graphics.

Michael Mery (mmery@nbn.com)
Pt.Reyes, CA USA
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 12:09:12 (EDT)

I want to wish all of the people involved in this project good luck, best wishes and much success. Here's to a global community at peace. --Larry Schwartz--

Larry Schwartz (videojd@ix.netcom.com)
Fair Lawn, NJ USA
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 10:45:27 (EDT)

Though I heard this site long time ago, I never thought that it is so fantastic.

Jonathan Chen (jonathan@systech.hinet.net)
Taipei, Taiwn R.O.C.
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 09:31:27 (EDT)

I'm all for scientific positivism and am a great fan of world expositions. In the same spirit, I have created Cybercus The InterNet Circus to celebrate with fun the communication of information. Three cheers for the World Exposition '96.

Leo Bassi (leobassi@bitel.es)
Palma di Mallorca, Balear Spain
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 08:46:36 (EDT)

Nice site!

Richard Phillips (richp@enterprise.net)
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 06:19:25 (EDT)

Very Impressive, Really worth the visit. Frank P. Cirillo Jr. -=ECC=-

East Coast Computers (eastcoast@bdsnet.com)
Magnolia, Delaware U.S.A.
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 04:20:07 (EDT)

Kind of just surfed on the sight,, Trying to find Fonts for my Thai Win-95. It looks like I can't reed the news otherwise. Love to surf some more here.

Anders Jobs (roonglaw@algonet.se)
Stockholm, Sweden
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 02:48:14 (EDT)

This is quite possibly the cooloest thing on the net! I look forward to visiting to see what's new on a regular basis!

Shawn Dreelin (sdreelin@ix.netcom.com)
Richmond, Virginia USA
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 01:00:06 (EDT)

I hope this site continues to grow. Please keep it healthy. "Pain is not always necessary for growth."

Eric Mark Segal (a-rascal@primenet.com)
Anaheim, California USA
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 00:24:38 (EDT)

Excellent idea!! I'm very impressed. Since I own a travel agency I wish to see some more tourism sites at the fair!!

Antonio Barretto Junior (way@svn.com.br)
Salvador, Bahia BRAZIL
Sunday, April 21, 1996 at 00:07:59 (EDT)

It's so GREAT~! There's everything~

Jae-il Lee (imjeje@unitel.co.kr)
Seoul, KOREA
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 22:36:37 (EDT)

Fantastic Web! Keep up the good work.

Zbigniew Zwolinski (zbzw@hum.amu.edu.pl)
Poznan, Poland
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 21:39:50 (EDT)

What a fantastic idea! I look forward to spending time at the Fair!

Bob Jakubik (rjakubik@seanet.com)
Bainbridge Island, Washington USA
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 20:26:33 (EDT)

I enjoy it a lot.

Ya-Hui Lin (IN%"LINYAHUI@bvu.edu")
Storm Lake, Iowa 50588 USA
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 16:32:21 (EDT)

NIce place to be

Lex Lieuwes (101500.241@compuserve.com)
Spaarndam Holland
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 16:24:03 (EDT)

Magnφfica exposici≤

Rafa Alonso
Andorra la Vella, ANDORRA
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 14:49:51 (EDT)

Look's like a great site! Found it by chance and am looking forward to exploring further. Greetings from Canada!!!

Angus Praught (praught@octonet.com)
Victoria, B.C. Canada
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 12:58:58 (EDT)

It's been interesting, but dont you think that there should be an extended language services section? It would be easier on foreign surfers. Just a thought. Otherwise I'm pretty impressed.

Thomas Bookout, MBA Student, NCKU, Taiwan (Thomas49@hntp2.hinet.net)
March 20, 1996, Tainan Taiwan
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 10:24:05 (EDT)

Had a great time.

Bob Foley (foey@borg.com)
Frankfort, New York USA
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 10:09:32 (EDT)

The Internet is the place to be, so get on and surf the web who knows were it will take you. Great site.

Wayne Rosa (rosaw@cadvision.com)
Calgary, Alberta Canada
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 10:06:12 (EDT)

That┤s the idea!

Antonio Mauro Motta (motta@cce.ufsc.br)
Florianopolis, SC Brazil
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 09:51:09 (EDT)

Cool and fresh but it is shame you dont have a germanytranslation Have fun and really a good ideas

Peter Schr÷ter (seahorse@world.ch)
Zuerich, Switzerland CH
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 09:37:14 (EDT)

It is good on the InterNet.

Yuh-Cherng Chern (goddess@ms4.hinet.net)
Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 07:58:42 (EDT)

Great exposition!!

Liu, Hung-chih (b4607022@cc.ntu.edu.tw)
Taipei Taiwan
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 06:36:22 (EDT)

HELLO to all users... It's time to connect the whole world ! The exposition is great. A very good idea. In the future, I hope, there are more things like this. It's time to make the world smaller. Write me or go to my homepage to get more information about me and my intrests ! May the force be with you...

Marco Buerli (101341.1431@compuserve.com)
Wettingen, Switzerland
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 06:03:27 (EDT)


Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 05:27:13 (EDT)

Welcome to Taiwan, Welcome to National Sun Yet-Sen Univ.

Chia Yuarn Chang (rob@aladdin.ee.nsysu.edu.tw)
Kaohsiung, Taiwan ROC
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 01:45:10 (EDT)

Thank You

Woo Yeol, Chung (cwy@nuri.net)
Seoul, Korea
Saturday, April 20, 1996 at 00:33:18 (EDT)

Great website. So much to learn and see. It's awesome! Thanks!

Cheryl L. Bolland (birds@nauticom.net)
Ingomar, PA U.S.A.
Friday, April 19, 1996 at 22:12:22 (EDT)

Tha┤t our dream coming true...

Tatiana (tatita@e-net.com.br)
Salvador, Bahia Brazil
Friday, April 19, 1996 at 22:02:36 (EDT)

unbelievable! i'm very excited to visit the fair. this is it; the place where people around the world have the chance to meet.

Marline galag (marlinegalag@msn.com)
dearborn, mi usa
Friday, April 19, 1996 at 19:07:41 (EDT)

Great site. Came here by accident, but glad I did. I am happy to recieve mail from all of you.

Arne Olav (ahovd@sn.no)
Friday, April 19, 1996 at 17:41:40 (EDT)

Fantastic....wish there were more multimedia on this tour through the www. Great knowing that we will be able to connect with so many more people all over the world in coming days, weeks, months and years. Thank you...Thank you.....

Geri Hansen (74642,3504@compuserve.com)
Bethesda, Maryland usa
Friday, April 19, 1996 at 17:26:46 (EDT)

I'ts ver good, what I've see here. A very fantastic idea. greetings from Germany

Gⁿnter Riede (100135.2432@compuserve.com)
Freiburg Germany
Friday, April 19, 1996 at 15:19:29 (EDT)

Excellent,I Can't wait for the next country join it !! Thank you

Adrian Bakri (andriza@idola.net.id)
Jakarta, DKI Jakarta Indonesia
Friday, April 19, 1996 at 13:55:34 (EDT)

It's great! I can visit to all pavilions by my finger.

Kamolchai Pattanapong (u3716728@chula.edu)
Friday, April 19, 1996 at 13:40:55 (EDT)

I just came upon this site kind of accidently...how could I not have known about this? Anyway, it's looking great from what I've seen so far. I'm impressed.

Jacqueline Broner (jblue@echonyc.com, jbroner@ogilvy.com)
New York, NY USA
Friday, April 19, 1996 at 12:18:33 (EDT)

Greetings from JAPAN.

Kenichi MATSUI (matsui@nemoto.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp)
Sendai, Miyagi JAPAN
Friday, April 19, 1996 at 12:00:26 (EDT)

I was here on my first trip on Internet !

Friday, April 19, 1996 at 10:30:19 (EDT)

Wonderful exposition. Congratulations .

Wenger Stefan
Sierre, Switzerland Valais
Friday, April 19, 1996 at 04:32:47 (EDT)

good job

lesson liao (liaoless@iii.org.tw)
Friday, April 19, 1996 at 03:41:02 (EDT)

It's great ! It's small world/Es super ! Es un mundo pequeno I'm Paul Lin from Taiwan/Soy Pablo que viene de Taiwan. Best Begard to everyone./Los mejores saludos para todo.

Paul Lin (pablo@club.golden.com.tw)
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Friday, April 19, 1996 at 02:54:38 (EDT)

Woo! It's great! I wanna talk everyone. Contact to me. Bye.

Choi JongCheul (ss024061@chollian.dacom.co.kr)
Seoul, Korea
Friday, April 19, 1996 at 00:21:08 (EDT)

Remember : The Internet is real!

Shun.Kobayashi (shun@eis.or.jp)
Koganei, Tokyo Japan
Thursday, April 18, 1996 at 23:58:28 (EDT)

We are living a NEW ERA..... it's incredible!!

Vinicio Sarda (v.sarda@codetel.net.do)
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Thursday, April 18, 1996 at 23:46:51 (EDT)


sylvie gervais (sylvie@accent.net)
longueuil, quΘbec canada
Thursday, April 18, 1996 at 22:10:58 (EDT)

I would really like to do the site using an ISDN line...oh, well. Maybe by the summer. Anyhow, it is nice to be able to get to one of these since events like this are becoming exceedingly rare in the physical world. Best wishes for a very successful engagement!

James Laidlaw (jrl@wwin.net)
Bridgewater, NJ USA
Thursday, April 18, 1996 at 19:22:23 (EDT)

Great, I finally got to go to a World Fair. :-)

Sacha Belcourt (sacha@ihug.co.nz)
Auckland, New Zealand
Thursday, April 18, 1996 at 17:31:07 (EDT)

Sorry... I have wrong Registered... But I think this Web it's great!!!

Worakorn Kuruwongwattana (Worakorn_Kuruwongwattana@sala.icn.net)
Bangplad, Bangkok Thailand
Thursday, April 18, 1996 at 14:38:43 (EDT)

This should be great fun!

Jennifer McGhee (jmcghee@netlinkcorp.com)
Bluefield, West Virginia U.S.A.
Thursday, April 18, 1996 at 14:03:32 (EDT)

No comment-obligation in my house !!

Henk van Amerongen (tc064584@inter.nl.net)
Muiderberg, NH Holland
Thursday, April 18, 1996 at 13:56:46 (EDT)

very nice view, own identity not very fast more like dead slow rowing - nice to do

gerard l hissink muller (ghissink@xs4all)
almere, flevoland netherlands
Thursday, April 18, 1996 at 12:37:18 (EDT)

Great site! Great idea! Keep up the good work!

John Latta (John14@chicobbs.com)
Chico, California USA
Thursday, April 18, 1996 at 12:25:46 (EDT)

First I'd like to thank you for this great site! Second I'd like to say Hello World, write me if you like!!:) Now all of you have a GREAT DAY!!!!!

John P. Ghiatis (Colbyghiatis@umext.umass.edu)
Amherst, MA USA
Thursday, April 18, 1996 at 11:12:58 (EDT)

I think the website is great and wonderfull to see. Perfect job

J.L.L.N.M. Zon (jos.zon@tip.nl)
Doorn, Utrecht Netherlands
Wednesday, April 17, 1996 at 13:29:11 (EDT)

Mmmm.... would anyone please tell me how to get to Japan on this thing. Oh. By the way, Taiwan is great!

Jack Chao (jc@c033.aone.net.au)
Melbourne, Victoria Australia
Wednesday, April 17, 1996 at 11:08:01 (EDT)

Hello! everybody I am here, Taiwam. Welcome to here.

Jau-Horng Chen (cjh@
Taichung, taiwan
Wednesday, April 17, 1996 at 09:26:33 (EDT)

Looks great. Hope the boss doesn't catch me spending too much time here.

John Sykes (sykes@gte.net)
Richardson, Texas USA
Wednesday, April 17, 1996 at 08:42:26 (EDT)

This rulz!! Can any one send me info on intigrating digital pic.'s into web pages.

Michael and Steve in Germany (74134.2423@compuserve.com)
apo, ae usa
Wednesday, April 17, 1996 at 07:37:18 (EDT)

Hello! This is a comment. Let the future go . . .

Thomas Blum (Thomas_Blum@Magicvillage.de)
Hamburg, Germany
Wednesday, April 17, 1996 at 06:51:40 (EDT)

This is a very, very good site. Keep it up!!!!

Johan Beijar (Kom11.komvux@guskol.kalmar.se)
Kalmar, Kalmar Sweden
Wednesday, April 17, 1996 at 05:42:02 (EDT)

What a wonderful site 8-) !!!

Onn Poobrasert (onintra@nwg.nectec.or.th)
Bangkok, Thailand
Wednesday, April 17, 1996 at 02:55:21 (EDT)

Good. I love this site.... :)

Anucha Petsham (joe@ksc.net.th)
Rayong, Thailand
Wednesday, April 17, 1996 at 00:34:47 (EDT)

Your web site is very attractive!

Pamela Minich (minich@hal-pc.org)
Houston, TX 77024
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 23:58:08 (EDT)

Fantastic site

Jim Patterson (jp4@future.dreamscape.com)
Holland Patent, NY USA
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 22:34:09 (EDT)

Nice to see...an allround impressive web site. Must go as I'm on a surfin safari.. Best Regards, George Rawson.UK

George Rawson (george.rawson@ukonline.co.uk)
Uxbridge, Middlesex United Kingdom
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 19:43:32 (EDT)

I looked future of internet world.

HIROSE Yoichi (hirose@wind.co.jp)
Takasaki, Gunma Japan
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 19:06:46 (EDT)

Yes, there is a Brooklyn Connecticut. This is a great idea. As a member of the Worlds Fair Collectors Society, this was a blast. Keep it up.

Russ Boulet (rboulet2@netcom.com)
Brooklyn, CT USA
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 18:35:40 (EDT)


Sela Meyer
Salem, OR USA
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 18:13:49 (EDT)

What a wonderful cyberspace it is!!

CHOON WON PARK (ieeg@soback.kornet.nm.kr)
Seoul, Korea
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 18:11:30 (EDT)


Ben Burgers (bburgers@pi.net)
Almere-Stad, Flevoland Nederland
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 17:46:25 (EDT)

Brilliant initiative, easy to use interface, perfect balance of graphics and speed for low-band-users, staggering graphics and sounds exhibits on the high-band-end. I wonder what you will leave as a reminder, what the first CyberEiffel will look like to be as impressive to users now as to users in 20 years.

Kees de Vos (cwadevos@pi.net)
Groningen, The Netherlands
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 16:37:28 (EDT)

Greetings from the Navajo Nation and Navajo Community College!

Kathy Larason (kathyl@crystal.ncc.cc.nm.us)
Tsaile, AZ USA
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 16:36:37 (EDT)


Andre Molenaar (andre_molenaar@nl.ibm.com (or something like that...))
Amsterdam, Holland
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 15:45:23 (EDT)

It's great; join the trip

Frank Scherrenberg (franksch@pi.net)
Driebergen, Netherlands
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 14:47:51 (EDT)

I am impressed

Hans Maks (jjmaks@pi.net)
Leens, Groningen Holland
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 14:29:25 (EDT)

This is a great idea. The entry into the website is really awesome, graphics wise. Keep up the good work! What an age we live in, right guys?

The Robbins
Palo Alto, CA USA
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 13:16:56 (EDT)

Congratulations with expo 96 I had a great time

Hans Hendriks (hansh@pi.net)
Nijmegen, Nederland
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 12:32:58 (EDT)

Fab! Absolutely fab.

Reuben Katz (reuben_katz@ph.hodes.com)
Phila, PA USA
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 11:39:05 (EDT)

We lost it...,but hope sometime things will change...

Otto Friesl (frieslo@fsd.bdtf.hu)
Szombathely, Vas Hungary
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 07:50:46 (EDT)


Conrad Lealand (100535,2213@compuseve.com)
London, United Kingdom
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 05:57:22 (EDT)

MOOI !!! (it growa, it grows, it never stops......)

Fleur Nooteboom (f.nooteboom@net.HCC.nl)
the Hague, Netherlands
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 05:29:24 (EDT)

I love the great idea.

Peng, Rachel ¼ⁿ ─σ (mypeng@ms3.hinet.net)
Taipei, Taiwan R. O. C.
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 03:24:09 (EDT)

Wawooh, this is such a big event on the net. I wonder how many countries are participating. I hope there would be more countries to inform us. Go for it!!

Jaehong Kim (gojae@bu.edu)
Cambridge, MA USA
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 02:50:08 (EDT)

I am very happy to see this event on my computer at home, because I don't have the opportunity to go here. I hope this event will be have many others product or items in the next session. Congratulations and good luck to the Internet Expo Organizer from Indonesia and I hope you will visit to our country in the next session. See you .... bye ... bye ... Riastomurti, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Riastomurti (riasto@ibm.net)
Jakarta, Jakarta Indonesia
Tuesday, April 16, 1996 at 02:38:39 (EDT)

Great exposition. I look forward to future ones.

Douglas D. Giesler (dgiesler@cimsinc.com)
Phoenix, AZ usa
Monday, April 15, 1996 at 22:03:14 (EDT)


Roger L. Burton (rburton@eastky.com)
paintsville, ky usa
Monday, April 15, 1996 at 19:59:33 (EDT)

Cool! I'm a big fan or World's Fairs and this is a great idea!

Fleming L. Bell (fbell@mailer.fsu.edu)
Tallahassee, Florida U.S.A.
Monday, April 15, 1996 at 17:27:56 (EDT)

It's really impressive. Well done!

Blacksburg Taiwan Garden (taiwan@vt.edu)
Blacksburg, VA USA
Monday, April 15, 1996 at 16:58:41 (EDT)

Great Job!! It is incredible how the WEB has improved in the last couple years. In this Expo, you implement quite a bit of these new resources, keep it up for the rest of the year!!!

Oliver Pozo (OPozo@mail.utexas.edu)
Austin, TX USA
Monday, April 15, 1996 at 15:51:57 (EDT)

Great work!! I can't wait until more countries join in!!

Joe Callis (joe@tanasi.gg.utk.edu)
Knoxville, Tennessee USA
Monday, April 15, 1996 at 15:47:16 (EDT)

I have plecant moments at your site, greetings

buelens luc (lucopint@glo.be)
antwerp, belgium
Monday, April 15, 1996 at 14:41:19 (EDT)


Patrick McManus (patrick.mcmanus@os.varian.com)
Palo Alto, CA USA
Monday, April 15, 1996 at 12:37:53 (EDT)