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Entries through April 08
I am so happy that I can leave my words here ,and
it is really a wonderful fair.
ªn░¬┐│ÑiÑHªb│o¿α»d¿ÑíA│o¡╙│╒─²╖|»u┤╬íI ╜U¬Y⌐╔ (s848010@moon.yzit.edu.tw)
Read about expo96 in Time mag. Looking forward to seeing
you've got.
Greetings from the Arctic. Gjermund Jensvoll (radley@icenet.no)
I just got here. I'm going to look around. The kids are screaming the dogs are barking and the graphics take forever on the slow ISP connection here in the Great White North. Wish I could turbo-charge the ol' MAC... Theron McGrew (theron@aonline.com)
Enjoying exploring your site, thanks Gene F Bolton (wuwvcr@ni.net)
Hello to everyone out there.Go Gators! Nancy Quereau
Hello World, from San Francisco, home of the 5 times world champion 49'ers! Larry Shaine (Lshaine@ix.netcom.com)
Awesome site ! Keep at it. Rajiv Kukreja (rxk1626@rit.edu)
this home page is one of the best Tomaz Gubensek (tomaz.gubensek@k2.net)
nice looking site. It is a pleasure to look at. Graphics are really something else. Jamie Omer Stanley Belair (RQWJ16B@prodigy.com)
Asian sites are wonderful!!! Francisco de Assis Santos Filho (assis@cce.ufpr.br)
Greetings from Brasil, fellows! Vicente Battista Junior (battista@mandic.com.br)
Like the country, this is a beautiful site. Walter T. Grover (wtg1017@mixi.net)
Sifone Peng (younggun@mail.linkease.com.tw)
Wonderful!! I will spend much time on this Exposition!!
Cheng-hung Lee (b83119@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw)
CHENG , YU-LUN also AMBROSE CHENG (amalia@ms5.hinet.net)
Gute Idee Lutz Semmler (lsemmler@europeonline.com)
good works , Fellow ! Raymond Lee (ufr01134@ms4.hinet.net)
I really don't what I am doing but am enjoying looking around I am dreading the bill
Maureen Wellings (welling@iafrica.com)
I am a student from National Chaio Tung University in
Taiwan R.O.C.
And the five NCTUs in Taiwan and China Mainland are ready to
greet the 100th year since NCTU established.
Welcome to join us and greet the 100th year of NCTU. yummy yang (u84111083@cc.nctu.edu.tw)
First experience to access Netherland via Internet. Shigeaki Suzuki
This is great! I will be back for many more visits. James A. Jordan (rosemry@aloha.net )
Great site: the wave of the future Patricia W. Hohne (wtrw53a@prodigy.com)
I felt that this was a very good program. Hello, World!!!! Bruce the Footos Sheridan
WOW! What a cool program. Matt Wright (mattw@worldwidemart.com)
One word... Fantastic! Donna Thomas (fishylady@aol.com)
very sensibel
use electronics instead of the resource wasting transport Visvanath Ratnaweera (ratna@eng.pdn.ac.lk)
Great! It is a excellent site to visit Ben Cheung (s936623@mailserv.cuhk.edu.hk)
Very nice site. You can see thing but you can't touch it. What a pity! :-) Deny Bolsee (Bolsee@bpsp.ucl.ac.be)
Keep on with the good work and don't hesitate on the
democratic way!!!!
Best wishes in the future. Per Augustsson (peau@im.se)
Great graphics if only I had better bandwidth. I don't know how much longer my patience will hold out waiting for graphics to display. Mary Ann Havens (Allmine21@aol.com)
I am very pleased to hear about this Internet Expo '96.
A great idea! The concept of bringing the world together,
eliminating the boundaries of time, space, language, race,
sexual orientation and whatsoever is great! I will be
coming back soon to check out the new stuff here. :) More
power to the creators and more power to the Internet! The
Information Age is NOW! Mabuhay ang mga PINOY! (hehe..
plugging pa) Alfredo Paloyo (wolfman@vasia.com)
Mabuhay sa mga nagtataguyod ng Internet Expo 96. Victorio Mendoza (jmendoza@misa.pfi.net)
What an idea....I love to visit he rest of the world. Can
you have people visit Earth Portals from the expo? Willard Van De Bogart (portal@netcom.com)
Keep up the good works, But the contrast of the screen
and letters on left side of the screen are not quite clear.
Wish you all the best, I'll be back, Thank you
Bye ! :) Daniel,Wu
Daniel,Wu (chw3764@ms4.hinet.net)
Nice idea this guestbook! Leonardo Lima (leolima@omega.lncc.br)
Where will the 1997 Expo be held ?
What graphic support system did you use to create such a perfect WEB page ?
Thanks for all the memories.
Lani Pacherie (Lani@mail.westworld.com)
Very interesting! David G. Way (dwei@mcimail.com) Very Good Elton Taupin (acope@mugc.cc.monash.edu.au)
This really is a good idea. Bringing the whole world together
can only help us all. Lets hope some of it filters down
to the really information starved of the world, to help
them improve their lot. We after all are so very lucky. Robert Chalmers (robert@chalmers.com.au)
Glad to have such events organized Sherrey (im_lwhab@uststu.ust.hk)
love denmark DAVID PAGE (dap@hitec.no)
An inexpensive and worry free way to spend my vacation.
Benjamin R.Chang (brchang@slip.net)
Good. Lucy Ma
It is great to see how things are changing in the world
and how by just clicking on the keyboard I can have
a view of the whole world.Congrats! Teresa Cierco (bmueller@knox.edu)
This site contributes to the Internet's good name...
Ricardo Ramirez (R@disctronics.com)
nice site mike geltz (mgeltz@1x.netcom.com)
What a great idea! Best wishes to all. Robert and Cathy Stevens (stevens@cencom.net)
This is one of the best sites I've ever seen, who ever thought of this
must be realated to Einstein, or just someone who wants to show off
how well they can compute. Alex (southern@access.mbnet.mb.ca)
Wow this is the best thing since sliced bread.
Tim Bellhouse (183@WorldCHat.com)
This "Information Superhighway" is pretty cool stuff...eh? James Cote' (james@flinet.com)
I want to congratulate Mr. Malamud for the wonderful idea. Best Wishes. Jose Covarrubias (jmceli@spin.com.mx)
:) hi everybody, nice to meet you here Phillis Ma (b2104045@cc.ntu.edu.tw)
I have been Neitherlandí@lasy summer! I like the scenary very much!
nice to be here! it's really fun in the WWW's world!! ┤┐⌐yºg (b2703038@cc.ntu.edu.tw)
Je suis content!Je aime beaucuop le France! Je veux voyager
a Paris pour amusant!! Je etudie le francise maintenant.
C'est interssent!! :)
Au revior!! Jenny Tseng (b2703038@cc.ntu.edu.tw)
nice to be here!! :) Camille Tseng (b2703038@cc.ntu.edu.tw)
this is my first visit and it looks like a very interesting place to re-visit again and again. Thanks! cindy arsenault (jwa111@earthlink.net)
But I had god time.I`ll come again your exposition.
Please make more good page.
Oh! My english is no good,I`m sory... Naoki Morii (n-morii@super.win.or.jp)
I am very pleased to sign your guest book.
it's a great looking site! Mamadou Abdoulaye Diop (jk991897@er.uqam.ca)
please inform me about new expos in USA and also keep be updated
with the latest trends sanjay kulkarni (skulkarn@oxhp.com)
┴ñ╕╗ ╕┌└╓▒║┐Σ.
└┌┴╓ ╡Θ╕ú░┌╜└┤╧┤┘.
├▀╜┼: ┴ª Home Page╡╡ ║┴ ┴╓╝╝┐Σ.
┴┴└║ Midi └╜╛╟╡╡ └╓╛ε┐Σ.
░¡╝╝┴╛ (sejong@bora.dacom.co.kr)
It will take days to scout through all the paths at this Fair,
I just love it. . . Rock Painter (gillispie@why.net)
You have a great start on a KILLER site!! Don Bric (bric@pcpros.net)
This site appears very together. True synergy, Are you all interested in the Hawaiian Culture and all it has to offer the world. I have great contacts for you. Aloha Tara Grace (visions@maui.net)
Hello everyone!!!
I'm very happy!
I want to give my Happynees
We are one
╛╚│τ╟╧╝╝┐Σ ┐∞╝▒ ╣▌░⌐▒╕┐Σ
│╫╞╝┴≡ ┐⌐╖»║╨ ║╕┤┘ ┤⌡ ┐¡╜╔╚≈ └╬┼═│▌└╟ ╣┘┤┘╖╬ ╟╫╟╪╕ª ╟╪║╛╜├┤┘. Lee youngsuk (z9018020@alpha.kyungpook.ac.kr)
Great site.....informative, inovative, fun.......I'll be back
Eel H. Lee Sandy (eel_ydnas@msn.com)
Still connected, enjoying it, and improving it. Aren't you
curious about Colombia? Come and visit us at
http://park.org/Colombia or
Now featuring ecological issues (natural park
in the Amazonas: Amacayacu,
river of the hammocks).
Pagina de acceso a Colombia,
mejorada ecologicamente. Especial...>
Parques naturales en
Greetings/Saludos, Jorge
Jorge Lopez (jorlopez@mafalda.univalle.edu.co)
Ha, finally I did not read macluhan for nothing some 30 years ago. Get the high bandwith pipes in the space, air and ground and maybe we can swing this tiny planet into a hopefull 21 century. Jan Willem Doorenbos (frame@euronet.nl) What hath Man wrought? It's a Brave New World, isn't it? What an astounding site! What an astounding project!
I hope, when January comes around again, that you will just
change the date and keep on going. It would be a shame passing
understanding if this should ever end.... Bryan Trussler (infobahn@mgl.ca)
Nice expo. Ronny (ronny.m@glo.be)
Now, THIS is a world expo! Sarah Freas, Oliver Street Design (olist@world.std.com)
Eu achei demais esta exposiτπo e espero voltar aqui novamente para ver mais e mais novidades.
ParabΘns ao criador desda exposiτπo!!!
Leandro De Souza Vitorino (vitorino@sul.com.br)
Great good luck see you soon!
Barry. Barry Leeming (barrystorv@cybernet.dk)
Grafic-Designer from the 'Costa del Sol [Spain]'
big kisses to all of you!
I hope to see you here in the summer. Marcelo Arce Calvo (mlp@ctv.es)
Great!! Jimmy Caton (jbcaton@[]) it's wonderful to visit here! it's seem interest and the World becomes a small vilage see you next time! kevin shyu (shyutz@ms1.hinet.net)
Simply AWESOME...
Cheers!!! Jorge Eduardo Nieto (jnieto@fayol.univalle.edu.co)
Looks good. I'll keep checking in. Terry Curtis (tcurtis@bnr.ca)
╛╚│τ╟╧╝╝┐Σ.┐╡╛ε╕ª ╕°╟╪╝¡...╟¬╟¬╟¬╟¬..
CHUNG,Woong-Jin(┴ñ┐⌡┴°) (bear@pcnet.co.nz)
Excellent!!! Vast improvement. I have found lots of
useful information Ruth Nutt (rnutt@micro-man.com)
Welcome to the no word world! Tzuchun Wang (twang@ms5.hinet.net)
Totally radical dude!!!! Ariston Santiago
Wonderfull!!! Kevin Conklin
I'm really impressed of the interesting and valuable information available
in the Fair. I hope to visit it as often as my working time allows me. I
encourage the promotors of this idea to continue their efforts to improve
the web and fix the eventual bugs it could have. Thank you. Luis T. Oviedo, MD, FICS.- (l.oviedo@codetel.net.do)
It's a whole new world. green (greenciw@ms4.hinet.net)
Thank you for your help. I got a lot of information from this Web sites. Happy Spring Break! Nelson Chen (kehq65a@prodigy.com)
It's just amazing and challenging. I'm standing right in front of the entrance to Internet World. Tatsuo Tokumitsu (tokmitsu@imasy.or.jp)
This site has alot of intresting things to view, it is going
to take more then one visit to enjoy and read everthing out here.
Dannie Stutzman (chipper@calweb.com)
Passing through. Pretty cool. Bill Preston (netroamer1@aol.com)
This is a beautiful site, unfortunatly it is the slowest loading site on the web. Robert E. Drennan (tgo@tgo.com)
This is a really special place! Very Cool! John Valentine (jvalenti@prestech.net)
Wow......Heart don't fail me now.... : ) Henry Zawadzki (henryz@olympic.net)
Thanks, It's cooool sites.
-mskim Kim Mansu (mskim@expo.or.kr)
This is my first visit here, but there is so mutch to see.
I wil be here more often. Frank van Viegen (minarou@pi.net)
yo! cyberdudes... its a great place to visit!!!
all hackers unite!!! catch the wave !!! avelino boas (avelino_boas@ccm.imn.intel.com)
I┤m a 14 year old programmer, and like we teens say: TOTALLY AWESOME MAN! Felipe Casta±eda Z·±iga (fczcrows@iserve.net.mx)
Geisha! Fuji-yama! Sukiyaki!
and so on... Hiroshi YOSHIDA (yokun@sco.bekkoame.or.jp)
Super!!! I will be back for sure. Tommy Fischmann (tfischma@commpass.awinc.com)
Wishing you the best luck Alex Barros J. (alex@tmc.internet.ve)
I Teach High School Science in Las Vegas, Nevada gd 9-12. Ronald G. Anderson (rona@fremont.vegasnet.org)
It was truly a fulfilling and fruitful trip! I guess this fair really ahrunk our world in enormous proportions. Keep up the good work!!! Visitor A
Very cool site. I just got here, so I have a lot of
exploring left to do.
Lynn Garris (mosaic@sccoast.net)
Exelent!!!!! Fernando Atila Catania (fernando@fausto.mcye.gov.ar)
Wanderful! A.W (zhhhf@pub.zhuhai.gd.cn)
It is a wonderful idea... and I am a forward thinker... but I do sort of miss the sensory experience of being able to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch the world in a traditional fair setting. I suppose the world has gotten too small and its wealth smaller still to justify such monumental efforts and expense. Even so, I can't help but wish that the Internet World Exposition left me feeling as wide-eyed as a kid staring up at the Trylon and Perisphere. Trey Callaway (TREYANDNAN@AOL.COM)
It's really a fantastic idea to have this exhibition.
William Chang (wilzhang@ms1.hinet.net) |