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Entries through March 28
AWESOME ... Eugene Szamiel (polonia@tir.com)
I really enjoy what I've seen so far. I'll have to come back and spend more time here soon. Keep up the good work. Ed Panszczyk (edp@mcs.com)
Wonderful! YAMADA KATSUNORI (yamada@erc.pref.fukui.jp)
sokabsu (arthor@nowcom.co.kr)
Excelente web site, congratulations Carlos J. Rohrmoser Saravia (rohrmose@sol.racsa.co.cr)
This is by far one of the most beautiful pages I┤ve seen in
a long time ( and I've seen a few ;-)
Excellent job in homepage-design. I just got here, cause I
sign in first and then browse. Looking forward to it.
One thing: I readabout sound etc. Did I miss anything ?
sofar it's quite quiet.
best regards from Hamburg
Carsten Bohn
Carsten Bohn (cb@bignote.de)
I seen some of your pages (mainly the ones related to
Rembrant) and they are very good in cosmetics and
Probably I'll spent a few more minutes seeing some more pages.
Keep the good work. Rui Domingos (rdomingos@mail.telepac.pt)
Excellent site...... G.D. Gosse (ggosse@atcon.com.ns.ca)
Wow! A site that looks great, offers incredible content, and
sets out to educate all at the same time. This is what the
Web, and the Internet as a whole, is all about. Kudos! William Perry Shunn (bshunn@crossover.com)
This is one of the best sites I ever visit.
The rail sound gives it a great start! Victor Javier Colmenares (javierco@iadb.org)
Good luck with your venture. I hope it becomes a recurring annual event. George Knierim (gknierim@emirates.net.ae)
heel mooi Smit, Arno (arnos@dds.nl)
I feel like Alice in Wonderland - thanks to you all Jens Menke (menke@t-online.de)
How incredible to have stumbled on this! I'm certainly going to come back again and again. Graham Jacobs (gjacobs@ctcc.gov.za)
A mi amigo Carlos y a mi nos parece una idea muy interesante.
┐Para cuando una Expojuerga '96? ┐Y una Expoorgφa '97?
Saludetes. Alfonso Latorre (alf@usr.dragonet.es)
Very Good!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alberto Perez (beto_perez@mns.com)
Fantastic! It┤s a beautifull site and I will certainly visit it regularly.
Ton Barning Ton Barning (tbarning@vnu.com)
very exciting!!! Hajime Sugita (rs110950@bkc.ritsumei.ac.jp)
I am very happy to visit this expo.
Good luck !
Bye. Jangwu Jo (jjw@pllab.kaist.ac.kr)
it is a time for us to celebrate a coming global villiage! Anita hsu (u1350519@tknet.tku.edu.tw)
Ha muito quero conhecer a Dinamarca. Com este belo trabalho
pude saber um pouco mais e ficar com mais vontade ainda.
Beaultiful and good idea. maria silvia portella de castro (msilvia@ax.apc.org)
This is soooo cool! Keep it up guys!!
Jazzy Vardis Effendi Hines (jazzy@avana.net)
I am looking forward to visiting Copenhagen next fall! Sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun! Catherine Scheidler (scheidc1@miavx1.muohio.edu)
Great site and graphics. Ho Yee Tiong (mzyc141@unix.ccc.nottingham.ac.uk)
good job! Jack Hu (huj@aruba.ccit.arizona.edu) |
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Thanks for the visit.... Brian Keller (brianak@nauticom.net)
I'm very moved in discovering your beautifull pages
I've to admit that I'm also a bit envious.
Ciao stefano (stefano@hynet.it)
Great idea... Reginald Kennedi (71231.2227@compuserve.com)
Hi to all,
this site is just great. Superb graphics. Love to come back later.
C U Ulf Ulf Saenger (EYE-Q@Distel.Robin.de)
Hi to all,
this site is just great. Superb graphics. Love to come back later.
C U Ulf Ulf Saenger (EYE-Q@Distel.Robin.de)
Este local esta' mesmo 5 ***** com o seu grafismo
muito so'brio e bonito. Parabe'ns pela ideia e
desenvolvimento. Espero que os pavilho~es criados
mantenham tambe'm uma boa qualidade geral. Paulo A S L Ferreira (paf@di.uminho.pt)
i was here romano cortez (romano_cortez@ccm.imn.intel.com)
Excellent site! A Job well done. Patrick Hall (bru@onthenet.com.au)
It┤s a great idea but it takes a lot of time Bo Eriksson (bo.eriksson@bd.komforb.se) It's wonderful,Well done,See you next time in Internet Kevin Shyu's Homepage
Kevin Shyu (shyutz@ms1.hinet.net)
After reading today's comments I am anxious to ride the train!
Gene & JoDee Beans (JBeans@Longview.net)
I caught this site location from an article in Time Mag. I wrote down the address (web) and am I glad I did. The graphics are absolutely amazing and I congratulate all who participated. "Welcome to the New Frontier; The Mind of Man" Paul Ross Sandilands (martha@mail.accent.net)
The internet worlds fair is some place to explore!! Would love to have an international recipe sent to us...for a pastry or dessert. Any takers? Bob Davis (davis1465@aol.com)
Oh Lord!!! Who ever put all this together is spectacular!! We can talk and see and hear each other!!! Welcome to everyone. Hello!!!!!!!!! I dont think I'll ever see all there is. Ruth Hayes (dontknow@shadow.net)
Colombia pavilion just updated, Come and look.
Greetings, Jorge Lopez (jorlopez@mafalda.univalle.edu.co)
Nothing can stop the net & nothing can stop the future! Welcome to cyberspace Bill Clinton! Here, people count even if they don't make a million bucks a year. This is one of the few places you can truely be free. Try and stop the net from expanding. People have a choice of what they want to see in their homes. What people want to see is what will be put on the net, becuase they'll want it and request it. And if it ain't there, they'll put it there! The Expo 96 is great! Great graphics and a darn good guestbook! Congratulations!!! Long Live The Internet. Oh, BTW, the military created the internet; a government branch. It took us citizens of the United States and others around the world to make it as great and what it is today! >;) Marvin Q. Neice (aquarius@jessi.indstate.edu)
This is it!!
Even if we can't touch physically and Clinton tries to stop us to get in touch electronically, this shows that we can't be stopped.
Thank you to everybody who made this possible. Erik Kempf (kempf_group)
Brilliant graphics ! simon laub (simonl@daimi.aau.dk)
This is an amazing web site! I was amazed by the graphics as soon as I got on, and there seems to be so much to view. Zack Moon (pmoon@cnu.edu)
Excellent Format and designs...keep adding! JDG Joy D. Griffith (jgriffith@berkshire.k12.vt.us)
Congratulations to everyone who has participated in the design and construction of this site, it one of the best that I've seen to date. Heather Adams (hadams@aspensys.com)
Congratulations with the electronic world fair. We wish you a lot of interesting visitors. Hans Leijen (hleijen@pi.net)
You have very beatiful WWW-pages. I wish you good luck and
Peace! Matti Tiainen (matti.tiainen@tele.telebox.fi)
One of the most attractive home pages I have ever seen. I'm anxious to leave the guestbook and try the train.
Michael Higbee (mdhigbee@msn.com)
Great site, the best project I have seen on the Net so far.
I'll tell everyone about it and I plan on being back on the "train" as soon as I can.
Thank you
Sophie Anne-Sophie Pietrini (aspietri@iway.fr)
Great Site,a pleasure to be here.
Congratulations to the Webmaster.
NEW INNOVATION WEBDESIGNERS Walter Rappold (mcsoft@inch.com)
Right on ! Gary McPhee (mcphee@alliancenet)
This site has futuristic growth...today!
Our farm is a hydroponic vegetable greenhouse farm,
growing future food...today!! chuck gomez (chuckg@metrolink.net)
Great site
Fernando Valdes Vicencio (al438177@academ01.cem.itesm.mx) |
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What a wonderful way to see the world! I'm truly amazed at
what God has created! Doyle W. Fry (dwjrf@c-zone.net)
I usually don't have much time to surf the 'net, but I liked your site and plan to return!
Great looking graphics. Fred Marsico (fmarsico@open.org)
Goed gedaan jochie Alex. Ik vraag me wel af of je deze inschrijvingen allemaal leest. Zo ja mail me even. Voorover ik het gezien heb ziet het er grafisch goed uit. Nu de usability nog. Schertste de 'expert'. Menno Faber (bdmfaber@euronet.nl)
Great site folks, I really like-it!!! Martin Dorion (mart@quebec.net)
An Excellent effort. two thumbs up! John Epler (eplerlk@sas.ab.ca)
A wonderful way to see the world. It's nice to see a place where everyone's welcome!! Jim Sheridan
A great experience. I really enjoyed it. nate narducci (www.slasher.com)
It's my very pleasure to be here, INTERNET! Li-Kang Ho (rickho@tpts1.seed.net.tw)
we've come quite a way since the first fair i went to
(New York, '64-'65)! Naftali Halberstadt (naftali@vms.huji.ac.il)
Thank God! We get internet in the miserable world! S.H. Lin (linhwai@ms4.hinet.net)
Erwin Penders (erwinp@pi.net)
.......The Graphis are fantastic...very taistefully done! John Hallada (73150.2125@Compuserve.com)
WOW! YES! Eric Idarius (bidarius@zapcom.net)
The greastest idea that i've ever seen.
Fantastic!!!! Wayne A. Pulsipher (Wayne@Sierra.net)
Can't believe the way the world has changed in the past
20 years. Life sure is wonderful with beautiful places
only a click away. Beth Molish (bmolish@iquest.net)
i am excited about your project...
unification of the world on one site...
i will tell everyone... richard gangi (gangir@ix.netcom.com)
I realy liked the train!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Meagan Vogele
I LIKE IT A LOT!!! Matt Vogele
Design of this site is cool!! Maureen Vogele (Odioso2@aol.com)
This is a great way for experienced and non-experienced
web-surfers to really learn some of the basics of the wonder
of the internet!!!!! Robert R. Russo (rrusso@baynetworks.com)
Check out our Earthday event:
"Solutions; A CU-SeeMe KidCast For Peace." Peter opsen (peter@creativity.net)
So glad to have found this site.Sure to be back. Charles Rosenberg (bassoons@icanect.net)
Just getting into the net, having trouble getting out...
to addictive - but that's ok. Jerry Hanson (jhanson@loop.com)
Locks good Alfred Skartveit (alfsk@mti.unit.no)
Nice project Simon Es (simon_es@dk-online.dk)
Great graphics, good content. I'm glad I live in the information age. aren't you!!! William Wilson (daawizard@msn.com)
Interesting; well done. Bill Enright (docbill@atcon.com)
iam visit this homepage and my comment
expo in internet is very good!!! anto.p (server@telkom.net) |
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This is the first time I vistit the EXPO 96. Its a great idea.
I'll definitely come back here to see more.
Sandro Franke (Sandro.Franke@t-online.de)
I think this is a really good idea. My kids are enjoying this as much as I am. Tommy Phillips (phillips@intellisys.net)
Greetings from Meadville, PA! This is a great site - hope to visit often and watch it grow. Turn off the TV and go surfing! Brad (rcronin@gremlan.org)
This is definately a cool idea. :-) clara soh (claras@minerva.cis.yale.edu)
Ñ[¬o,ªb»E┐½║⌠╗┌¬║¬a¬╠!!Come on!! the swimmer in the INTERNET. Micheal M.K.WU (mingkeng@ms2.hinet.net.tw)
hello all from the hudson valley in new york. i just spent an interesting couple of hours exploring the expo.now the real world beckons me back to it,so i must go.i'll revisit often. good job. corky ray (cork@ny.frontiercomm.net)
Nice site! Enjoyed reading all comments.. hope to see
you all at the fair. Joyce Lynn (twb1764@telerama.lm.com)
very interesting!!!
║»╚¡└╟ ╣░░ß.. hyung-keun kim (wick@unitel.co.kr)
This is great! A great idea! Colleen Prince
its great fun to be your guest today,good luck and best wishes for the exposition dieter liepold (at wildner@m.infranet.de)
It's great!
But I have not enough time to go through it.
I will back soon.
SiuYin (siuyin@hkstar.com)
Greetins from Madrid and congratulations for this outstanding
Un saludo desde Madrid y felicidades por esta increible
feria! Eduardo Garcφa (101615.1164@Compuserve.com)
Great graphics! A great place for my customers to visit.. C@fe Connection, Inc. (kfa@visi.net)
Knallbra side.
Maybe The best page on the web, love it.
Tor-┼ge Val°
Drammen NORWAY
Tor-┼ge Val° (tvalo@sn.no)
Cool, man! Han-yi Shaw (none)
Awesome job on the web page! Theresa Hsiao-Chien Chen (thchen@mailbox.syr.edu)
Can this be the way for us all to get together!?!
If we make it happen.....? Brenda Williams (circleb@netins.net)
This is a great idea and I hope it will continue to grow well into the
future. It will be sure to educate and entertain and bring knowledge to all
cultures in the world. This has to be considered the greatest Worlds Fair of the Century.
I am excited and will be spending hours sifting through information . Let the world explore and discover all from
the comfort of your home. Stephen Andrews (sandrews@mgl.ca)
Very interesting and informative page. I enjoyed it very much. Clifford L. Cook (cliffc@on-ramp.ior.com)
I am really happy to read all these pages! I am really pride of it!
Keep the good work!
Thank you very much
HJ Hsu-jen Huang (gtcv09@udcf.gla.ac.uk)
Very nice graphics. Nice guestbook. Conrad Aarne Shultz (shultz@proaxis.com)
Simply Awesome. Overwhelming. Information overload...but in a good way.
Paul Boucher (pboucher@nucleus.com)
Congratulations! This is a truly great
design. It conveys a retroWorldFair
feeling without being stuffy.
nice going will_m morsch (morsch@nrc.nl)
It is good. Henry Chung (HenryChung@TW.destinytech.com)
This is nice! Keep up the good work. Alfred Hartoog (A.Hartoog@fokkerspace.nl)
It is a colorful web site! Roger Wu (w94@ms5.hinet.net)
Thanx for introducing what must be a great number of people
to the Net. I have also found this site interesting even
though I have been online for about a month now.
Thanx Kamil Steglinski ;)
Kamil Steglinski (nemisis@loomis.berkshire.net)
I feel apart of something larger than life Jonathan Walsh (ca738@torfree.net)
:-) :-) :-) Jan-Willem Wind (102335.1073@compuserve.com)
Keep up the good work! I'll tell all my co-workers here at UCSC about this site. They will learn more about our country. Yi-Yen C. Hayford (yiyen@cats.ucsc.edu)
it,s been a pleasure visiting the exposition english evening class at heggenvgskole harstad (royr@heggen.no.)
Keep going, going, and going. Chia-hsin Wang (chwang@village.ios.com)
└ⁿ╝╝░Φ└╟ ╕≡╡τ ╗τ╢≈╡Θ└╠ ┴ª╟╤╛°└╠ ╕╕│¬░φ ▓▐└╗ ╟╘▓▓╟╧┤┬ ╣╠┤┬ ╣╠╖í╕ª ┐¡▒Γ╕ª ▒Γ┐°╕ª ▒Γ┐°╟╒┤╧▒Γ┐° ╟╧╕τ └╬┼═│▌ ┐ó╜║╞≈ ░ⁿ░Φ└┌ ╕≡╡τ ║╨▓▓ ░¿╗τ╡σ╕│┤╧┤┘.
Thank you very much for this unlimited site to all staffs for the Internet Expo '96.
In the future, we will meet all people in the world at unlimited happy dream space.I hope. JinHo,Kim(Jeeno Research) (jeeno@soback.kornet.nm.kr)
Nice, exciting and enjoyable !! W. Yassin Baruani (webmaster@unesco.org)
Very interesting web site! Richard E. Hard (RHard@stic.net)
I like this site!
It could make the world better !!! Chou Wei (u8344125@mis.cycu.edu.tw)
Very Interesting area . Will be back here often. Stephen McIntyre (samnrose@aol.com)
This is a pretty cool site! Jerry & Lisa Bloxsom (bloxman@aol.com)
Great jobs and great deals -- multiple entries for FREE!!
Will visit again... J.K.Chen (jkchen@mcmaster.ca)
Great Site!! enjoyed my visit will be back again Ken Macdonald (macdonke@magi.com)
I've never been to a World Fair before!!! And probably never would have been abl to go to one..... This is the best idea since drive thru windows!!!!!
Thanks and please continue this ever year!!!! Brian J. Marks (bjmarks@ix.netcom.com)
Muy interesante
Gracias por su esfuerzo para crear este proyecto EMILIO SORIA-DURAN (esoria@unmc.edu)
Great!!!!!!!!!! Vicki Szlek (ia211@worldchat.com)
Thank you. The site is wonderful.
Welcome to everybody.
Good luck
Carmen Cano (carmencano@bitmailer.net)
Thank you for a deligtfull global lunch, I am looking forward to the universial dinner! Thomas Hoegh (Thoegh95f@AOL)
I am convinced this is unique: My first impression is
unlimited delights. This can bee a tool for Mankind: This
adventure can bring Humanity closer. This is lighthouse - a
Rainbow when the sun shines ! The world is our home - and
I am fiercely prejudiced in its favor. Michael Holmboe Meyer (kmeyer@sn.no)
I like this URL. This is a very good homepage design.
Also I can find a lot of information about Taiwan from this URL. Ray-Hsiang Lee (rlee@uofport.edu)
I am glad to come here,just as travel around the world. Gee-Tse Tsai (t11024@cc.ntnu.edu.tw)
You are building a wonderful site. It would be helpful
if the chinese version didn't get messed up. George S. Xu (george@turnaround.com)
Brings back some fond memories of Sydney and N.S.W. Really worth the trip to your page!! John Courneya (johnc@iceonline.com)
Kaixo. Zorionak. Oso interesgarria...
In Euskera "Hello. Greetings, Very interesting".
C. Zabßlburu (zabalburu@jet.es)
Welcome into the new Era Pablo GimΘnez (yawl@jet.es)
Very impressive.
Appreciate. Partick S.K.Koo (pkoo@OntheNet.com.au)
Informative. I enjoyed it. Samphy J. Chourp (schourp@luckystar.com) |