Entries through February 29

It is a good experience. Keep up the work.

Victor Lee (vwlee@ix.netcome.com)
Naperville, Illinos
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 23:50:10 (EST)

Great web page designs.

Mark & Debbie Poulalion (MPoulalion@AOL.COM)
Lake Mary, Florida 32746
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 22:54:47 (EST)

As at most great events, I am hearby signing the Guest Register upon my entrance to the Internet 1996 World Exposition with thanks to the Tourbus ListServ Digest for getting me here. Enjoy EVERYONE as I hope to too.

Bill LeGray
Livonia MI
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 21:04:08 (EST)

Awsome so far, though I've only scratched the surface.

Gary Willett (gwillett@teleport.com)
Salem, OR USA
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 20:19:03 (EST)


Dragon (dragonan@ms3.hinet.net)
taidon, Chinese
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 20:12:30 (EST)

Was very happy to find your www site. Enjoy it very much.

Robert J Miller (blmiller@earth.execpc.com)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 19:43:23 (EST)

Great!!! It's still here!

Hsi-Chieh Lee (hlee@cs.umr.edu)
Rolla, MO USA
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 19:37:02 (EST)

Exemplary utilization of Netscape 2.0 capabilities. Thanks for a great "show"!

Joel E. Haas, MD (jehaas@med.wayne.edu)
Detroit, Michigan USA
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 18:58:23 (EST)

This is a FABULOUS idea! I've already registered to do two pavilions - one with a group of third graders on endangered species and one with FourthGradees to feature Maryland! Can't Wait!

Marcie Zisow (mzisow@gl.umbc.edu)
Baltimore, Maryland USA
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 18:14:35 (EST)

This is my 2nd visit to Internet 1996 Expo. evertime be happy and feel THANKS.

H. Hirono (hirono01@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp)
Kusatsu, Shiga-Pref japan
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 16:49:20 (EST)

Hello, many greeting from switzerland and have a nice time, bye

Lottenbach Roger (lotten7@dial.centralnet.ch)
Rothenburg, Switzerland Luzern
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 16:48:52 (EST)

When I heard of this site, IO hhad to come and see for my self. I had a great time browsing thru the far.

Marcus Jaeger (TinyHunter@AOL.com)
Berlin, --- Germany
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 16:30:32 (EST)

Quite interesting. I enjoyed browsing through the different Pavilions.

Heather Stone
Northridge, CA U.S.
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 14:30:20 (EST)

I was at the Internet 1996 World Exposition!

Suzanne Defoux (suzanne.defoux@csun.edu)
Northrigde, California U.S.A
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 14:24:48 (EST)

Check out the cyberspace hospital its the best!!!!

Sidette Miyao Ogawa (http://hbhlt056@csun.edu)
Northridge, CA USA
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 14:19:18 (EST)

Our class is on an internet fieldtrip...Having a great time!

Jami King (hbdef066@huey.csun.edu)
Northridge, California USA
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 13:32:37 (EST)

We are speaking about Expo 96 in the next issue of our monthly magazine "inter.net".

Lea Ferretti (lea@direct.it)
Milano, Italy Italy
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 12:59:30 (EST)


Marsha Sturm (MSturm2216@aol.com)
Phoenix Arizona
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 12:52:42 (EST)

Looking forward to all exciting things!

Teresa Bonk

Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 12:51:10 (EST)

Very good! Bagus! Hao! Shiok man!

Lawrence Koji Lim (lkk32417@singnet.com.sg)
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 11:27:28 (EST)

Very Nice.

Truman Gillette (tgillett@sierra.net)
Gardnerville, NV USA
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 10:14:16 (EST)

Nice to meet you!!

Limin Hsu (s4742009@ncu865.ncu.edu.tw)
Kaohsiung, Taiwan R.O.C
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 09:32:49 (EST)

It is a nice homephage. Nice to meet all of you!!!

Wen - tzu Lo (s0phielo@ms3.hinet.net)
Taipei, Taiwain R.O.C
Thursday, February 29, 1996 at 09:13:44 (EST)

I guess the possibilities are endless. Here's to the future!

Luigi Monteferrante (monte@vir.com)
Lasalle, Quebec Canada
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 23:48:49 (EST)

I have enjoyed doing the expo very much. I liked the yohoo surfing much better though.

amena s. manjra (amena.manjra@csun.edu)
w.l.a, ca u.s
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 22:41:31 (EST)

This is another step in my journey through cyberspace. IT'S EXCITING!!!

Ray Moniz (rf7habits@aol.com)
El Paso, Texas USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 22:39:43 (EST)


Kiet Truong (hbund811@csun.edu)
Van Nuys, Ca USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 22:28:51 (EST)


Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 22:18:45 (EST)

This was fun...everyone should get a chance to try this.

Trang Nguyen (hbhlt064)
Chatsworth , Ca U.S.A.
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 22:17:33 (EST)

It was a wonderful experience...Keep up the good work!!!

Rita C. Galinato (rita.galinato@csun.edu)
northridge, CA USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 22:13:53 (EST)

Nice site, look forward to checking it out further!

Timothy Cawein (cawein@sun1.wayne.cc.nc.us)
Goldsboro, NC USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 22:10:20 (EST)

It was a very user friendly experience!!!

cindy zamora (cynthia.zamora@csun.edu)
northridge, california USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 21:49:48 (EST)

Lots of promise; hope the content is up to the hype, which would make it 2000% better than most INet sites.

Bill McCabe (71201.1120@compuserve.com)
Portland OR
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 20:57:52 (EST)

This is an amazing stack. I am a teacher working on a project concerning endangered species with my 7th grade students. I would love to share ideas on this topic with other teachers and conservationists.

Mike Weddle (mweddle@teleport.com)
Salem, Oregon USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 18:22:39 (EST)

This is a cool site. I'll be back.

Kasey Bold (mweddle@teleport.com)
Salem, Oregon USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 18:15:55 (EST)

greeting from Italy - don't let those guys put their hands on the Net!!! - Freedom is the most important thing! Bye

Federico Cortelazzo (cortelazzof@easynet.it)
Verona, Veneto Italy
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 17:47:12 (EST)

Interesting!!!!!!!! I'm going to have to visit again, when I have more time. Thanks for allowing me to check out your site Brian

Brian Hopkins (brian.hopkins@odysys.com)
Scarborough, Ontario Canada
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 17:03:55 (EST)


Jesus R. Milanes (jrm@ipof.fla.net)
Miami, Florida USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 17:01:44 (EST)

I am getting ready to tour the Fair. It looks great so far.

Roger Wehling (planning@ix.netcom.com)
Tampa, Florida
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 16:53:49 (EST)

This is one of the most interesting sites I have yet to visit, and I shall return often.

David W. Pennington (dpenning@dreamscape.com)
PO Box 163, Bernhards Bay NY, USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 15:49:49 (EST)

Very nice biscuits!

Golden Daniel es Beke Peter (golden@osiris.elte.hu)
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 15:40:45 (EST)

Congratulation for this wonderful pavilion which let me more about my motherland.

Gw0-Yih Hwang (ghwang@iastate.edu)
ames, iowa usa
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 15:24:38 (EST)

Nice page!!!

Elijah A. Baity (baity_e@corning.com)
corning, NY Steuben
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 14:37:11 (EST)

Great web site, shame I can't visit the real thing.

Timothy Green (me21tg@surrey.ac.uk)
Guildford, Surrey UK
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 14:34:41 (EST)

Pretty cool and interesting site!! A must in every Hotlist... Congratulations to everyone who worked on it.

Tais Silva Costa (tais@itapoan.telebahia.net.br)
Salvador , Bahia Brazil
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 14:21:27 (EST)

Thank you! I could wander around forever here, it seems. (Just like the real thing.)

Dedra Williams
Urbana, Illinois U.S.A.
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 13:40:26 (EST)

Nice work on the graphics! Have yet to check out the contents but the packaging can't be beat!

Phillip Harding (philh@umich.edu)
Ann Arbor, Michigan USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 13:21:16 (EST)

Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kenny Yaw (kenny@pop.jaring.my)
Kuala Lumpur, WP Malaysia
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 13:14:59 (EST)

Hello! nice to meet you

Hsi-Hsin Loo (hhloo@ms1.hinet.net)
Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 12:41:43 (EST)

Quite impressive - I'll be back!

Marianne Krall (krallm@dcbdc31.nci.nih.gov)
Bethesda, MD USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 12:09:19 (EST)

looks good

Howard T. Savage (howardts@inxpress.net)
Madison, WI USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 11:51:50 (EST)

Welcome everybody makes friends with me!!

Lily (ljhuang@ms4.hinet.net)
Taipei, Taiwan
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 11:41:25 (EST)

A well-done and exciting site--I'll be back!

Anna Marie Johnson
Louisville, Kentucky USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 11:06:19 (EST)

really enjoyed the show!

Joel Levinson (joell@primenet.com)
Northridge, CA USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 10:34:02 (EST)

I had no idea this was out here. This stuff never ceases to amaze me!

Lesley S. Zajac (LesleyJCHR@aol.com)
Tampa FL
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 10:28:48 (EST)

Great concept. Haven't had a chance to explore too much, yet, but will definitely do so! Thanks.

Edwin Fong (efong@email.usps.gov)
San Bruno, CA USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 10:19:48 (EST)

How do you do to people who browse this page. Time is already 21st Century. Let's travel around the world on the Internet.

Kiyotaka Uchino (kuchino@ari.bekkoame.or.jp)
Yokohama, Japan
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 10:03:44 (EST)

Just visiting for the first time. Appears to be an excellent idea.

Charles L. Leyendecker (JustIdlin@aol.com)
Kenner, La. USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 10:02:09 (EST)

Looking Forward to the show

Jay Sales (jsales@copyhouse.com)
Sacramento, California U.S.A.
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 09:49:38 (EST)

World travel was never so easy. This is all quite exhilerating. I hope to hear from others around the world on their impressions of the Fair.

Travis A. Murrell (Attytrav@aol.com)
Fort Washington, Maryland USA
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 08:53:49 (EST)

This is an incredible accomplishment for mankind, I only hope that technology keeps getting better!

Matt Miller (matman@kiss.de)
Fockenberg, Germany
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 08:26:52 (EST)

like the background given on past fairs. very informative

joe roth (joeroth@spec.specdata.com)
nyc ny
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 08:11:35 (EST)

This is so spectacular! Great project and nice sites!

Dennis T T Ying (dttying@ecs.school.net.hk)
North Point, Hong Kong
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 04:38:45 (EST)

It's fabulous!

Lucy Yeh (lucy@pilot.msu.edu)

Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 04:19:23 (EST)

It's great to see this!

Tony Chen (tony@weltrend.com.tw)
chin-chu, TAIWAN R.O.C.
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 03:31:12 (EST)

It's the great dacade of information science. God bless all human beings.

administrator (s2adm@mail.s2net.org.tw)
taipei, taiwan ROC
Wednesday, February 28, 1996 at 00:59:56 (EST)

I'm very interested in this. We offer English as Second Language classes and are very interested in teaching our students how to use the Internet. Thank you for providing a very useful, attractive, and educational place for them to learn.

IELS Language School (iels@88net.net)
Austin, Texas USA
Tuesday, February 27, 1996 at 18:51:39 (EST)

Peace on Earth

Skip McNevin (McNevinS@aol.com/e.mcnevin@jpl.nasa.gov)
NASA Planetary Photojournal, Altadena CA, USA
Tuesday, February 27, 1996 at 18:39:42 (EST)

Nice page see you all this summer!

John C. Caserta (casertjc@aa.wpafb.af.mil)

Tuesday, February 27, 1996 at 16:23:05 (EST)

Fantastic...Shows what can be done when people attempt to do their best.....

Dennis Hardin (hardin@icsi.net)
Houston, TX USA
Tuesday, February 27, 1996 at 13:42:20 (EST)

Great Site! I hope that more people will get involved.

Loren M. Preuss (lpreuss@edcen.ehhs.cmich.edu)
Roscommon, Michigan USA
Tuesday, February 27, 1996 at 13:28:00 (EST)

Lovely site!

Mrs. Nancy J Gard (nancygard@delphi.com)
San Antonio, TEXAS USA
Tuesday, February 27, 1996 at 12:27:53 (EST)

Very creative and informative. Hope to learn more.

Boris Chang (boris_chang@occshost.nlm.nih.gov)
Bethesda, Maryland USA
Tuesday, February 27, 1996 at 12:10:08 (EST)

Good Job Carl... Whats next?

bill manning (bmanning@isi.edu)
mdr, ca us
Tuesday, February 27, 1996 at 10:43:42 (EST)

Good to have been here for a wondewrful internet tour. Happy Taiwanese New Year !

Jack Lin (chenglin@ms3.hinet.net.tw)
Kaohsiung Taiwan
Tuesday, February 27, 1996 at 09:06:44 (EST)

We will come correct, if not then who will?

Abel roskam (cable4@dds.nl)
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tuesday, February 27, 1996 at 05:05:14 (EST)

Good job! Congratulations!

CHOW OW WEI (kch@chkhaw.pc.my)
Georgetown, Penang Malaysia
Tuesday, February 27, 1996 at 00:43:13 (EST)


Rafael Hernßndez ()
Santo Domingo, R.Dominicana
Tuesday, February 27, 1996 at 00:30:02 (EST)


HO JIT-LIANG (hjl@tpts1.seed.net.tw)
Monday, February 26, 1996 at 20:57:37 (EST)

Greetings from Germany ! It's a fantastic place to be in this virtual world... I just love it ... Bye Christof Raudenkolb

Christof Raudenkolb (raudenk@ibm.net)
Kaarst, Germany
Monday, February 26, 1996 at 19:04:18 (EST)

I'm very happy to join here.

hisatami hirono
kusatsu-cho , kusatsu shiga
Monday, February 26, 1996 at 15:53:18 (EST)

Great page!!

Steve Roma (stevenr@vnet.ibm.com)
Raleigh, NC USA
Monday, February 26, 1996 at 14:37:36 (EST)

░¬┐│ªb¬┼ññ│y│Xª╣│BíI Internet ¼O¡╙⌐_º«¬║╣╥ªaíI

│»╖╙⌐· (cmc5610@hntp2.hinet.net)
½nºδ┐ñ, TAIWAN ROC
Monday, February 26, 1996 at 12:41:29 (EST)

What a great place to be!! Look at it!!! Don't you just love it?!!!!

Sarah (redgypsy@ix.netcom.com)
Monday, February 26, 1996 at 11:46:56 (EST)

I look forward to browsing through the Internet Expo '96

Dan Peters (petersd@mail.novacor.com)
Sarnia, Ontario Canada
Monday, February 26, 1996 at 11:43:24 (EST)

Please God let us have a wide mind to understand this new World

Enrique Penarroja (penya@nexus.nexus.es)
Barcelona, Spain
Monday, February 26, 1996 at 09:57:28 (EST)

It's let me felt very happy in here, Although my HomePage is being built, But It is truly a great place in here.

Jack Hsu (indeed@ms1.hinet.net)
Hsin-Chu, Taiwan. R.O.C.
Monday, February 26, 1996 at 09:10:45 (EST)

Excellent !

Linh Nguyen (nguyenld@gdlvm7.vnet.ibm.com)

Monday, February 26, 1996 at 09:00:22 (EST)

I enjoy your expose 96 exhibition very much. It is very well done. Keep it up.

Freddie Ong (8412107@cc.kscg.gov.tw)
Koahsiung, Taiwan ROC
Monday, February 26, 1996 at 04:30:32 (EST)

I am glad to join the wonderful world. Although my pages have been not do well. Anyway, welcome to the homepage of my county - TAIWAN.

Alex Wang (alex@linux.che.ncu.edu.tw)
ChungLi, Taiwan Republic of China
Monday, February 26, 1996 at 03:34:10 (EST)

It's very great that I can take a look on this exposition. I feel very happy here.

┬▓ºgª] (u810846@oz.nthu.edu.tw)
Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC
Monday, February 26, 1996 at 03:18:42 (EST)

G r e a t S i t e !

Michael D. Brandt (mbrandt@gov.yk.ca)
Whitehorse, Yukon CANADA
Monday, February 26, 1996 at 00:02:26 (EST)

It's so exciting to see our ROC Home Page on the Internet. Although it is a little bit slow to display the whole page, but it worth to wait. Good work! Keep going. Happy New Year to everyone.

Simon Huang (SimonHuang@Empire.Net)
Salem, NH USA
Sunday, February 25, 1996 at 22:21:17 (EST)


Sunday, February 25, 1996 at 22:14:48 (EST)

Great Day for Internet

Prof. Marcelo Kruk

Great pleasure to participate the exposition and i think that is one of the most inportants dates of the computer history. Vist our system, the first on middle education at South America.

Prof. Marcelo Kruk (webmaster@reu.edu.uy)
Montevideo , Montevideo Uruguay
Sunday, February 25, 1996 at 20:47:43 (EST)

Okay I'll leave a note for posterity. It's exciting to be here at the birth of a new world, and this time we even know that the world is changing!

Michael McElroy (mmcelroy@oly.olympic.net)
Bremerton, Washington USA
Sunday, February 25, 1996 at 20:19:44 (EST)

Oh cold-hearted orb that rules the night, removes the colors from our sight, where red is grey and yellow white.................. Moody Blues.........................

Michael Acampora (ArtistsotW@AOL.com)
San Diego, California USA
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 21:27:32 (EST)

It is truly a great time to be a live

Newton Robinson (newtonr@mnsinc.com)
Woodbridge, VA 22191
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 21:03:00 (EST)


Makoto Tajima (tajima@na.rim.or.jp)
Nagoya, AICHI Japan
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 20:57:01 (EST)

Cool sight.

Kyle M. Church (churchkm@cadvision.com)
Calgary, Alberta Canada
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 19:41:45 (EST)

I know it's the sixth of the month already but still happy new year! Gung Xi Fa Cai!

Sophia Huang (shuang@student.miis.edu)
Montery, CA USA
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 18:21:31 (EST)

Fascinating! And how nice that it's not commercial! This site will really advance the appropriate use of this technology and will encourage others to follow. Thanks.

Ken Wheeler (kwheeler@bbnplanet.com)
Cambridge, MA USA
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 16:05:55 (EST)

Just stopping by to take a look around from Fayetteville State University.

Bill Gibson, II (bill@mis1.uncfsu.edu)
Fayetteville, NC USA
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 13:16:58 (EST)

I can feel the energy of internet~! I'm happy tobe here I'm 15years old boy in S.korea~! I LOVE KOREA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hoyup Kwon (kwon5642.chollian.dacom.co.kr)
taegu, S.Korea
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 11:01:31 (EST)

Nice. I'm a Taiwanese. And I feel wonderful we have a page that represent Taiwan..

Frank Yean (yfrank@tridel.com.ph)
Metro Manila, Philippines
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 09:32:34 (EST)

It's wonderful ! Let us contribute to make Internet a clean & beautiful place for our future generation.

Donald Wee (donjenwe @ po.pacific.net.sg)
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 09:16:56 (EST)

Que voleu que us digui ? Aquesta exposicio es mes brossa que la de Sevilla

Elisenda Barcelo Olive (eli@readysoft.es)
Reus, Tarragona Catalunya
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 07:27:05 (EST)


GRAHAM HILTON (mpgh@swancoll.ac.uk)
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 06:36:11 (EST)

Its wonderful. Congratulations !!

JANTJE KAIROPAN (jantje_k@indo.net.id)
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 06:02:45 (EST)

Hello, World! May God bless all of us!

Fu-Yao Kao (r84120@me.ee.ntu.edu.tw)
Taipei, Taiwan ROC
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 04:20:12 (EST)

I'm very happy to meet you at here. I truely wish the world could keep in peace. Sincerely yours. Chyn-herng Hwu

Chyn-herng Hwu (beingdau@pc2.hinet.net)
Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 03:47:08 (EST)


╕¡╖τ¬┌ (yeh4630@pc2.hinet.net.tw)
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 02:44:41 (EST)

This is a good way for people to know better about INTERNET.

YUAN-JAN CHANG (yuanjan@ms2.hinet.net)
Taipei, Taiwan
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 02:43:58 (EST)

The information provided here are very useful to understand the curren situation in Taiwan. Congradulation on a great job done !

Paul C.Y. Chu (dchu@msn.com)
White Plains, New York USA
Saturday, February 24, 1996 at 00:39:15 (EST)

We are at the dawn of a new civilization, where men and women will put aside their disputes and live in harmony simply because they can talk to one another... indeed to every one! Behold the power of communication, the application of information, knowledge and experince which will produce a brand new kind of wealth ... Global Wisdom!

Bruce Dundass (BDUNDASS@magi.com)
Kemptville, Ontario Canada
Friday, February 23, 1996 at 20:50:13 (EST)

Here's to a long Quest.

Steven Patrick Hull (sphull@ra.isisnet.com)
Marriotts Cove, Nova Scotia Canada
Friday, February 23, 1996 at 20:35:29 (EST)

That's great to visited " internet 1996 world exporsition ", Let's make a better place for the world, Nice place. Happy chinese new year!!! In god we trust. »¼ªUª∞╖sª~º╓╝╓ ªN▓╗ªp╖N

¼q∙┌⌐≈ (Ricardo Dwann) (b1607012@cc.ntu.edu.tw)
Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C
Friday, February 23, 1996 at 18:08:06 (EST)

Best wish to your Presidential Year.

Friday, February 23, 1996 at 17:34:45 (EST)

great idea do it next year to

Rud Schandorff (rud@aix1.danadata.dk)
greve, denmark
Friday, February 23, 1996 at 15:01:40 (EST)

This is a great Web Page. I'll be back again! Anyone out there looking for an experienced accountant checkout http//pages.prodigy.com/JVSE07A

Stephen Von Gunten (SP.VONGUNTEN@worldnet.att.net)
Toledo, OH USA
Friday, February 23, 1996 at 14:54:13 (EST)

This is a great Web Page. I'll be back again!

Stephen Von Gunten (SP.VONGUNTEN@worldnet.att.net)
Toleod, OH USA
Friday, February 23, 1996 at 14:46:46 (EST)


And suddenly the world seems so little!! (cafeine talk... :-)


Sheng-ming Chan (samourai@info.polymtl.ca)
Montreal, Quebec Canada
Friday, February 23, 1996 at 12:35:37 (EST)

Great job done! Keep up the good work!

Tony D.Y. Liu (Dominickli@msn.com)
Boston, MA U.S.A.
Friday, February 23, 1996 at 11:59:10 (EST)

It's beautiful!

Tony Lai (leicatl@hntp2.hinet.net)
Taipei, Taiwan
Friday, February 23, 1996 at 09:57:04 (EST)

Best site I have seen thus far.

Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 23:22:10 (EST)

Looks like a very large, worthwhile, project.

Shirley Pawlowski (spawlow@uoft02.utoledo.edu)
Toledo, Ohio USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 23:22:06 (EST)

One cannot help but wonder what we will see in the future.. Truly aamazing!

Bob Foster (fosterr@open.org)
Keizer, Oregon USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 22:27:15 (EST)

Bravo !! Hope enjoy great Internet world!

Song, Young-Joon (yjsong@sophie.kotel.co.kr)
Seoul, Korea
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 21:40:17 (EST)


JOSEPH A. WHEELHOUSE (JAchess@msn.com)
Richmond, VA. U.S.A.
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 21:07:39 (EST)

Ummm... I dunno.

Sean Ringey (sean.ringey@twsubbs.twsu.edu)
Clearwater, KS USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 21:00:28 (EST)

A wonderful concept. An exciting learning experience. Team Interface is overjoyed to see this wonderful step toward bringing it all together make such an impressive debut. All of you are who put so much effort into making this truly Worlds Fair a reality are to be congradulated. I haven't had so much fun since the Columbia Exposition.

Mylan Hawkins (AshtonHa@aol.com)
Reno, NV US
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 20:18:40 (EST)

Very Impressive Artwork.

Rod Sparks (windrunr@atc.boeing.com)
Lake Forest Park, WA USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 19:58:59 (EST)

Wow! Like the Fx, and all that. It's cool so i'll be back.

Jonathan Abad (jpabad@insync.net)
Houston, Texas USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 19:47:31 (EST)

GOOD! --- I like it cause I like it.

Mads Claus Henriksen
Viborg, Denmark
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 18:47:31 (EST)

Very impressive!

Brad Bradley (lw0009@kc.grapevine.com)
Leavenworth, KS USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 18:26:51 (EST)

Good expo on the net

Philip Delaye (100451.2226@compuserve.com)
Cannes, FRANCE
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 17:50:22 (EST)

Fantastic Graphics! Great Fair, neat idea! Oh how far we've come in such a short time...

Dave Prescott (prescot@qnet.com)
Woodbridge, VA USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 17:47:31 (EST)

I think this is great.

Anthony Gamb (subqm@msn.com)
omaha, NE USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 17:10:43 (EST)

Long live the net and the populace that live therein!

Rob Hunziker (albanyguy1@aol.com)
Albany, NY USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 16:47:43 (EST)

This is really cool!

Connie Bretzke (connie@criterioninc.com)
Irving, TX USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 16:32:23 (EST)

This is really cool!

Connie Bretzke (connie@criterioninc.com)

Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 16:28:29 (EST)

Cool graphics!

Danny Blas (dbblas@amoco.com)
Chicago, IL USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 16:15:11 (EST)

The road starts at the Library which is opened to all and closed to none twenty four hours &365 days of eternity.

Sharon Jacobucci (viscan@aol.com)
Van Nuys, CA USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 16:15:08 (EST)

I like very much what I have seen so far, and I hope the park lives up to expectations. I wish you al;l the very best of luck Jack

mr. Jack Holt (jackholt@innotts.co.uk)
Nottingfham, notts. u.k.
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 16:03:08 (EST)

A cool place. I'll be back often.

Robert Wall (firewing@computersmart.com)
Jacksonville, Florida
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 15:55:49 (EST)

Great show!

Eddie Adams (eadams@mathsoft.com)
Cambridge, MA USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 15:42:23 (EST)

enjoyed the tour

Halcom (Halsees@msn.)
Plano, TX USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 15:35:19 (EST)

This is great!

Jonathan Davis (jdavis@fn.net)
Wichita, Kansas USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 14:53:21 (EST)

I like what I have seen so far.

Matt Bunch (mbunch@comp.uark.edu)
Fayetteville, AR U.S.
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 14:44:28 (EST)


Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 14:01:37 (EST)

The graphics are great!!!!!!

Christian C. Hinckle (Christian_Hinckle@msn.com)
Norman, Oklahoma USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 13:53:27 (EST)

looks OK

gert thijs (gert.thijs@esat.kuleuven.ac.be)
leuven, - belgium
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 13:37:43 (EST)

Love it!

Kenneth G. Gray (kgray@resman.com)
Calgary, Alberta Canada
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 12:36:57 (EST)


GLEN ANDREWS (creative@tstt.net.tt)
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 12:34:55 (EST)

No comments. The fair says it all !

George Zeibekis (drbones@spidernet.com.cy)
Nicosia, Cyprus
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 12:17:50 (EST)


Rudolf Philemon (2066@umbsky.cc.umbedu)
Boston, Mass USA
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 12:01:23 (EST)

Great site! Keep it up...

michael anderson (michaela@trucom.com)
manchester, mo usa
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 11:39:48 (EST)

J'aime bien votre initiative. I like your initiative.

Jean-Clovis Collette (jclovis@nbnet.nb.ca)
Bouctouche, NB Canada
Thursday, February 22, 1996 at 11:13:03 (EST)

This is great can't wait to come back so long for now!

Gary H. Harders, Jr. (gharders@trvnet.net)
Dakota City, Iowa USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 23:54:43 (EST)

It's awesome to see and be part of this incredible rapid expansion of technological change! ...

Jim Gross (jimgross@mcn.org)
Fort Bragg, CA USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 23:52:05 (EST)

Looks like a great place to meet people.

Steve Ross (Wmatt@msn.com)
Ballwin, MO USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 23:41:47 (EST)

A wonderful place to visit and explore. Highly recommended if you really want to learn something.

Debbi Sommi (debsommi@mailbag.com)
Madison, WI USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 23:37:29 (EST)

Enjoyed your Internet Expo96. Maybe the internet will bring about world peace.

Tom (supe@nauticom.net)
Pittsburgh, PA USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 23:37:24 (EST)

Welcome everyone to the dawn of a new age Let us try to make this a better place for all

Michael S. Jahnke (ROBOBUD@MSN.com)
Algonquin, Il U.S.A
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 23:29:21 (EST)

Great Concept! .. One Common Language for the world!!! Why are WE fighting amongst ourselves when the whole universe is OURS to conquer and civilize????

Mark Kocak (mkocak@kellnet.com)
Amherst, ohio usa
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 23:23:21 (EST)

This may be remembered as the stepping stone, the internet truely bringing the world together, without boundries, without passports, without fear of losing your travelers checks. Very well put together. I give it two thumbs up.

James A. Kirchmeyer (jakirch@kirchmeyer.com)
Buffalo, New York USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 23:05:59 (EST)

Terrific..........keep this as a perpetual celebration of the Web.....

Michael J. Diak (mijodi@msn.com)
Belfair, Washington USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 23:01:48 (EST)

C'est tres magnifique!

Chuck McDonald (mcdonalc@ride.ri.net)
Providence, Rhode Island USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 22:59:34 (EST)

hello! I am hideo mishima. I have a very puritty little girl. Her name is "JUNNA". 1.8 years old. bye!

hideo mishima (junna@trd.canon.co.jp)
toride, ibaraki japan
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 22:55:21 (EST)

hi,how are you everybody!

Mr.Jongpai Chen (p1205@c2.hinet.net.tw)
Taipei, Taiwan
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 22:27:39 (EST)

Very impressive concept. I look forward to participating in the fair

Towson, Maryland USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 22:15:22 (EST)

It all seems very exciting. I cannot wait to see more.

Michael Postula (mpostula@threeweb.ad.jp)
Osaka, Osaka Japan
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 21:55:40 (EST)

I am so pleased that we have such great capabilities available to so many individuals. No matter your social state in life, there is no limit to information, fun places to visit, and resources available, given the opportunity to connect to the Net. A vision of "Net access for all" is a great idea!!! Thank you for your part in making computer history, and keep up the good work!!!

Danny E. Casey (DanKC@msn.com)
Fort Worth, TX USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 21:54:09 (EST)

Pretty interesting. What's happening on the internet from day to day is increditable!

Richard Lewis (rwlewis@cftnet.com)
Tampa, FL USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 21:50:05 (EST)

With all the advancements we've seen in our lifetime, I often wonder what's in store for us in the future. I can't wait! Who would have ever thought that we would be able to access so much information with so little effort? In this day and age, it is truly all out there for you. Just reach out and grab it!

Lucy Hernandez (lgh@msn.com)
Huntington Beach, CA Orange
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 21:26:40 (EST)

I thought I saw Bill and Hillary on the pavillions!

MdW (75444.1730@compuserve.com)
miami, fl usa
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 21:25:42 (EST)

Welcome to Korea.

Hansoo, Bae (bhs@hansung.kotel.co.kr)
Seoul, Korea Korea
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 21:24:25 (EST)

I will be back. Great Idea.

Neil Geddes (neil@hookup.net)
Milton, Ontario Canada
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 21:22:13 (EST)

Very nice site!

Dan Hadden (daniel@ptialaska.net)
Kenai, Alaska
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 21:21:38 (EST)

Neat Place To Visit

Ronnie Garner (ronnieg@mail.atomic.net)
Asheboro, N.C. USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 21:16:45 (EST)

site stimulant pour mes 67 ans

Pierre Guay (cerbere@cam.org)
MontrΘal, Canada
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 21:09:58 (EST)


kerry adkinscom (wadki@eastky.)
sandy hook, ky usa
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 21:09:15 (EST)


Joe Lukomski (jlukomski@atomic.net)
Asheboro, NC USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 21:01:03 (EST)

Great Site!!!

Thomas Miller (Zartacla@MSN.COM)
Plant City, Florida USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 20:52:57 (EST)

Fascinating and complex with a feel for the past, present and future. Wonderful graphics

Daniel J. Cusick (DanCusick@MSN.com)
Springfield, Illinois U.S.A.
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 20:46:35 (EST)

This is one site that is different from many of the sites so often seen on the web, and that's a GOOD thing!

Larry Martin (wingod@texoma.com)
Sherman, TX USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 20:40:08 (EST)

A great place tovisit.

Kurt Dubler (Kurt_t@msn.com)
Jacksonville, FL.
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 20:39:56 (EST)

Very handsome graphics. The best I've seen in some time.

Jim Welch (jimw260@server.netpass.com)
Winter Park, FL USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 20:36:32 (EST)

Glad to be here!

Benjiman F. Couvson (benjiman@ix.netcom.com)
San Farancisco, CA USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 20:09:36 (EST)

great feria,

luis cepeda pina (cepeda@spynet.com)
box 1324, vieques p.r.
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 20:03:02 (EST)

A very interesting and fun site to visit on the web. Thanks!

Ronald J. Olmsted, Sr. (ronrs4@clark.net)
Olney, Maryland U.S.A.
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 20:03:00 (EST)

Excellent Site to Visit

Warren Sharbot (wsharbot@niagara.com)
Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 19:30:18 (EST)


Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 18:34:04 (EST)

Very very nice ! Thank's a lot.

Sergei Goryanski (theater@soho.ios.com)
New York, New York USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 17:56:02 (EST)

Nice work.

Jean-Jacques Paravisini (mekagont@bu.edu)
Boston, MA USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 17:31:06 (EST)

We just got here. Looks like a definate "add" to Bookmarks/Favorite Places. Can't wait to explore. Peace...

Jeff Johnson / Melissa Lasek (jeffmiss@inetdirect.net)
Indianapolis, IN USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 17:29:04 (EST)

Greetings from Germany. I find our idea from the Internet Expo96 very interesting.

G nter Riede (100135.2432@compuserve.com)
Freiburg, Baden-W rttemb. Germany
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 16:18:35 (EST)

I like it!

Hans Nierop (Hans.Nierop@net.HCC.nl)
Uden, Noord-Brabant Netherlands
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 15:26:52 (EST)

Salut α ceux qui parlent la langue des dieux. Internet c'est cool!

Maxime Tremblay (aab789@agora.ulaval.ca)
Ste-Foy, QuΘbec Canada
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 15:11:08 (EST)

Aloha from DC

Ted Kanon ([SMTP:tedk@mail.va.gov])
Washington, D.C. U.S.A.
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 15:01:26 (EST)

Best regards from Kiel in Germany Harald Wiese

Harald Wiese (h.wiese@physiologie.uni-kiel.de)
Kiel, Germany
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 14:38:04 (EST)

so far so good.

david ainslie (davidai@teleport.com)
hillsboro, oregon usa
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 14:33:33 (EST)

Cakeeeeep bo' Sayang nggak ada penjaga-nya

GARIS Grafis (ryosaeba@idola.net.id)
Jakarta, Indonesia
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 13:18:25 (EST)

Jos N. Holman is glad to be here. JNH

Jos N. Holman (jholman@a.chuhpl.lib.oh.us)
Cleveland Heights Ohio
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 13:06:25 (EST)

Great Internet idea! I hope this will promote peace and understanding among people around the world.

Dah-Jyuu Wang, Ph.D. (ddw2@lehigh.edu)
Lansdale, Pennsylvania USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 12:49:57 (EST)

Hello. Great idea!

Rusty Martin (rmartin@baynetworks.com)
Atlanta, GA USA
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 12:31:40 (EST)


john ramos (ramos313@aol.com)
deer park, TX U.S.A
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 12:02:34 (EST)

Koud, he ???

Martijn Steenbakkers (martijn@nikhefk.nikhef.nl)
Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 11:45:47 (EST)