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Entries through February 10
Greetings from Austin, Texas!!! John F. Davis (jfdavis@ibmoto.com)
Hello from Spring Texas John Brady (jobrady@accesscomm.net)
very impressive ! Tzong-Shiann Ho (s4683113@sparc1.cc.ncku.edu.tw)
Happy Expo! Kathleen Ashline (KAshline@ix.netcom.com)
Hello everyone back home in the US and around the world!
One NET...One World! :) Rebecca Dixon (Bastet15@aol.com)
The future is now.Internet will change the way of life,
global village is formed.How beautiful.How great.
H.T.Chen (│»ñ⌡▓╬) (8407024@acc.kscgeb.edu.tw)
Thanks for this ! I really think this is the starting of INTERNET.
I hope to see this again in year 2000. Greetings from Valencia in
Europe. Juan Alegre Baixauli (jalegre@lander.es)
Greetings from Barcelona :-)
Toni Ferrate Casas (toni@st.upc.es)
All I can say is that this is just too cool. I cannot wait to see this in Ten years! Edwin C. Dixon (Edixon@gtech.com)
Say hello to all my South Korea's friends.
Hi.....I'm here...Jee-Eun...Hae-Jung....See you guys soon, Huang Li-Ju (ljhuang@ms4.hinet.net)
First time visitor. Great stuff! Thanks.
=|:-)# Tim Senft (timsen@cyberia.com)
Enjoyed the visit and exhibition James Horner (jimhorner@earthlink.net)
Greetings from the place that means "Mud Flats" in Dutch!
This is a great place! We've really enjoyed our visit. George Malinoski (gfmalino@ix.netcom.com)
Have A Good Time~~~~~~~ Kim Jung Hoon (lvodman@nownuri.nowcom.co.kr)
Greetings from Delmar NY. What a great place. Hope to visit many times more! Henry Cohen (cohenh@crisny.org)
Jo i la Montse Saludem a tot el mon des de la ciutat de Girona
Carles Esteva (cesteva@redes)
From "El Baix Camp" we wish everybody the best.This is a great tool to comunicate ideas.
We are Catalan people and we are very proud of our culture.Try to get more information about Catalan lenguage and our country on the WEB.
"Adeu siau i a reveure" Bye,bye. MercΦ Salvat (jgrau@readysoft.es)
Wonderful!Well done! Koay Kah Siew (kskoay@pacific.net.sg)
I am impressed! The best part of this is that it is not the culmination but only the beginning. Philip C. Donovan (Philcd@mail.bbsnet.com)
Salutacions a tothom i moltes felicitats per aquesta idea que apropa les persones de tot el mon i de diferents cultures.
Antoni Serrano (asc@tinet.fut.es)
In these days, when the "Big Brother" watches us,
There is not much to say.
I only hope someone will put an end to this foolishness.
Go on with the pages blanked out, for as long as
it takes, to make them know they have gone too far.
Yours , Dan Melamed, Israel. Dan Melamed (jmelamed@ort.org.il)
This is NOT a dress rehearsal! The future is here and the cyberexpo's time has come. Keep us connected! V. Teague-Cooper (HmPlanet@aol.com)
I look forward to meeting people from other countries and learning from them. Good luck on this effort. James Mays (JamesMays@aol.com)
What a wonderful electronic modern world! I am so glad to sign on this guest book.
¿¡¼░ññ░ΩñHº┌½▄░¬┐│░╤Ñ[ª╣▓▒╖|. ┬▓⌐yÑ┴ (jym@mail.seeder.net.tw)
Looks good, Have to surf more Frank Parmelee (parm@usa.piprline.com)
Thanks for helping make the Global Village more user-friendly! Nolan Myers (NolanMY@aol.com) |
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So much information and so little time. This is what the internet should be about. Mary Lou A (cybermaa@ix.netcom.com)
ItÆs beautiful site! Way to go ROC! LetÆs ROC!
Taken me about 10 minutes to down load the title page, but it worth!
╕Γ╛╟ªw Shyue-An Chan (s0chanz1@ulkyvm.louisville.edu)
This is the way of the future. Downs Family (wdowns@connect.ab.ca)
It's nice to see our country has join this exposition.
Let's make things better!
Tony Hu (husc@c2.hinet.net)
Hello Internet World!
I,m glad to be part of this. Paul Lee (arcden@ms4.hinet.net)
Great!, I'll be back. Pat Kasch (pkasch@ncn.net)
A great idea, and an impressive execution.
Looking forward to watching developments. john e miller (jmiller@essex1.com)
We need PEACE, Between Taiwan and China Donald Wen-Jen YU ┤σñσñH (donaldy@microsoft.com)
Great site. I'll probably blow my on-lie time for the month. Al Verbin (raider1@ix.netcom.com)
Excellent production! Mike Cochran (mcochran@computek.net)
Very nice work !
This expo is a great idea and hopefully will be conducive
to more valuable exchanges on the Internet than that which
is unfortunately making headlines these days !
Eric Stievenart (thibault@pc2.hinet.net)
I wish I had the time I would need for full exploration of the limitlessness of this site. Wow! Ethan Gelber (egelber@amanda.dorsai.org)
Very nice work ! Eric Stievenart (thibault@pc2.hinet.net)
How to say this in 1 word or less...?
Rann Fox (dbrlaski@whale.st.usm.edu)
It was really great to see everyone working together to get this truly global event online. The site looks excellent. I'll visit often! Reggie Forster (rforster@mci.net)
awesome introductory graphics!!! Gary Wurzinger (gwurz@interaccess.com)
It's truly a pleasure to find great sites like this - Thanks!
Hope you'll stop by! David Allen Talley (dat@community.net)
I think this a great idea. I was at Expo 67 in Montreal
and have fond memories. The internet makes this kind of
World's Fair accessible to more people! Looking forward to
new developments over the year. Morley O'Neill (morley@crpp.carleton.ca)
Hi world, here we are !
Nice to be a part of it (hi Jou) ! Jaime Su±ol (jayol@bbs.hnet.es)
Looks fun/interesting! T Christ (christt@c-zone.net)
HAVE A NICE DAY.-AND GOOD TOURING ARILD. (jensena@telepost.no)
Mabuhay!!!Kumusta na kayo mga kababayan ko sa Pasig,Philippines!!Let's go surfing! Persie Antonio Espejo (espejo@oanet.com)
Mabuhay!!!Kumusta na kayo mga kababayan ko sa Pasig,Philippines!!Let's go surfing! Persie Antonio Espejo (espejo@oanet.com)
Hello World, hello Pasig, Philippines, miss you! Jennifer Sanchez Antonio (espejo@oanet.com)
Let's take advantage of a technology in a blooming estage. Pepe Nieto (mediniet@bway.net)
Great idea! What a exciting age we live in... Joe Foster (jfoster@p3.net)
Very nice! Should I change my telephone line to ISDN? (It's too slow to show...) Wu Chun-Teh James (beckyhsu@ms3.hinet.net)
Just think... the whole world is just a mouse-click away. Mark Sawyer (marks@uscyber.com)
Great idea, although I selected low bandwidth and this guest book took four minutes to
download on my pentium 100 MHZ computer with a 28.8 MHZ modem. Don't know what
speed my modem actually connected at but 115,000 bytes is a
lot for a page!!! Will visit throughout the year to see the sites!!! Gretchen Hecht (mktentry@wco.com) |
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Looks like a great idea! Hope it continues to grow
Darrell Gerdes (fooddoc@phoenix.net)
I surf therefore I am. JerrY Zappa (forzperson@bw.webex.net)
I surf therefore I am. JerrY Zappa (forzperson@bw.webex.net)
To wish the world perform better communication with Internet.
God Bless You.
Tsao-Chun Steve Kou (kou@pdd.iii.org.tw)
Greetings from sunny Hermosa Beach! Let's accelerate our evolution to cyber reality! Mike Antich (antich@earthlink.net)
Super impressive and interesting... Eliseo "Jojo" Linog (elinog@eng.xu.edu.ph)
Free speech for the World's Internet forever! Fernando Elias, M.D. (fernando@s2.sonnet.com)
Hello,it looks interesting Robert McGarry (rmcgarry@cpcug.org)
Bye! Dawei Chiang (dawei@sinica.edu.tw)
It's great! Kang Chi-Chyang (davidk@tpts1.seed.net.tw)
We are only in one world, let's talk and live in peace... Jaume JovΘ Amen≤s (100437.1210@compuserve.com)
If I'm here and you read me is because all of us can
live together in this virtual world. Joan Regne (joan.regne@bcn.Servicom.es)
I'm glad to be part of this. What about you? Josep Sanroma
Great idea! I'm glad new technology could bring this to people who could not attend in person. I saw the world's fair in Tenn. from a car window. This is a new experience.
James K. Ervin (Ken2Co@aol.com)
Great idea. I'm glad to be able to experience it! Greg Childers (gchil0@mik.uky.edu)
Make the world to best.
let`s go!!! Ruey-Chyi Tsay (a8303063@cae.me.ntit.edu.tw)
Make the world to best.
let`s go!!! Ruey-Chyi Tsay (a8303063@cae.me.ntit.edu.tw)
Congratulations, I am looking forward for more.... Fouad Zarifeh (Fouad_Zarifeh@mindlink.bc.ca)
I'm looking forward to exploring your sites. Barbara Vaughan (vaughan,barbara)
Congratulations from Barcelona for such a great iniciative !!! Xavier Paradell (100627,3500@compuserve.com)
This is a great idea. It should make people more aware of how the internet can be a benefit to everyone. Curt Gustafson (76032.2717@compuserve.com)
A much more impressive and interesting use of bandwidth than is usually seen. Congratulations. Debra Richardson
I love your site, I am looking forward to browsing it! Jerry Hubbell (jhubbell@illuminet.net)
I Think "We Can Make a Better World in the Internt !!"
How do you think ? Erick C. Chang (a816155@s867.thu.edu.tw)
Really cool stuff. I can't wait to see what else is there. Stephen Sloan (ssloan@physio.mcgill.ca)
A great place to be. Thomas S. Pangborn (tsp@bbt.com)
Que sea la primera pero que mejore con los a±os para que cuando se pueda conectar a velocidades superiores se convierta en el medio de comunicaci≤n mßs usado.Hola MUNDO y todas esas cosas que se suelen decir en estos casos. Feliz nacimiento y que el ni±o sea un superdotado. Carlos Barrera Hernandez (100115.1172@compuserve.com)
A most interesting site to visit !
Marc Montour (mmonto1@PO-Box.mcgill.ca)
Boundless opportunities to visit our neighbour's back yard. Congratulations!! We at eMEDIA, Montreal are already planning to make a contribution. We wish the Internet Expo 96 the best of luck. You'll be hearing from us soon. The future is calling!
Peter Newell (pnewell@emedia.ca)
Hello (Digital) World!
Rick Hencken (rhencken@kaiwan.com)
Felicitats i endavant! Good luck! Francesc Gonzalez (fragon@intermail.es)
Felicitats i endavant! Good luck! Francesc Gozalez (fragon@intermail.es) |
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Expo 96 is a terrific idea! The World's Fair was a very
big deal to my grandfather when I was very young. I
remember taking him to the train station and seeing him
off as he began his long journey half way across the country
to attend the World's Fair in Seattle, Washington back in
the early 60's. Today, I'm attending the World's Fair of
the information age at lightspeed from the comfort of my
home office! Pretty amazing stuff. Best wishes for a
successful event. Loren D. Jones (ljones@isd.net)
Viatge al futur.Es divertit. Antoni Sala (optyk@seker.es)
Viatge al futur.Es divertit. Antoni Sala (optyk@seker.es)
I am glad to visit the "1996 WORLD EXPOSITION"
I like all and hope the world is always peace. Ching-jung Chu(ª╢▓M║a) (chuyang1@ms4.hinet.net)
Hi : )
I hope expo's success ...and I want to make friends
please e-mail me..Have a nice day in cyberspace hyung jae lee (int1@soback.kornet.nm.kr)
Hope everyone have fun in cyberspace.
There is a Web navigator "YamWeb", collecting websites
of Taiwan. It will provide english version soon ( now it has
only chinese Big-5 version. ). From here, you can reach everywhere
you want to in this beautiful country.
YamWeb Navigator (www@taiwan.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
Hola a todo el mundo.
Iniciativas como esta nos unen mas.
Hasta la proxima. Patricia Aliu (patricia.aliu@bcn.servicom.es)
Hope everyone have fun in cyberspace.
There is a Web navigator "YamWeb", collecting websites
of Taiwan. It will provide english version soon ( now it has
only chinese Big-5 version. ). From here, you can reach everywhere
you want to in this beautiful country.
Working Team of The Frontier Foundation (www@taiwan.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
Just check it out.
The COLISSEUM (rlevy01@fiu.edu)
Just check it out.
Rodolfo Levy (rlevy01@fiu.edu)
I am a scouter of The Boy Scouts of China. Two years ago , I
went to U.S.A. to be a stuff at a camp . Last year , I went
to Holland to join The 18th World Jamboree . All I did just
to know different culteratures and different colors people .
Now: I don't need to spend much time and money and I can
explore the whole world . This is real real perfact !!!@ Wang , Hao-yu (why1217@ms1.hinet.net)
JULI Juli Costa i Esteba (juli.costa@bcn.servicom.es)
A great project! A famous citizen of ours (Marshall McCluhan)
once predicted the "electronic global village" and I often
wonder what he would have thought about all this. Good luck
with the fair! Brad Landreth (yukon@odyssee.net)
Neat-o! Great idea, and good luck!
I saw this on the news. Daniel Moon (moon@tower-hill.pvt.k12.de.us)
This is Trina from Dallas, TX, home of the Superbowl xXx Champions, Dallas COWBOYS. Have a great time surfing the net.
Trina Bradfield (bradfield@infomart.mhs.compuserve.com)
I like this !! Lee Ching-tay (Hippalos Lee) (liss@ms1.hinet.net)
Ooppppps i was here too.
When i was young i think to be Carl Malamud :-)
Have Fun, Curro Luis Anaya (lat@si.urv.es)
Ooppppps i was here too.
When i was young i think to be Carl Malamud :-)
Have Fun, Curro Luis Anaya (lat@si.urv.es)
Very interesting. Jeff Montgomery (jmontgom@fox.nstn.ca)
Do your best!! Chen Chien Chih (u8314025@cc.nhctc.edu.tw)
Very good & Excited ! Chiou-Bin Chen (cbchen@tpts1.seed.net.tw)
Greetings to all! It's great to be alive! Michael J. Campbell (76714,2126 compuserve)
System Manager Francesc Bassas Serramia (bassas@etseccpb.upc.es)
We are enjoying the Internet 1996 World Exposition immensely! What a wonderful concept!
Our congratulations and heartfelt thanks to all those who continue to particpate and support this excellent enterprise!
The Sturchio family
This is just the future world.
Greetings to everybody in the whole virtual-real world !
Aquest Θs el mon del futur.
Salutacions a tothon en tot el mon virtual-real ! Ramon Cervell≤ i Eroles (ramon2@lix.intercom.es) |
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This is absolutely GRRREAT!
I'm a radio announcer in Montreal and I will talk about the 1996 Internet Expo today.
Congratulations on a great idea.
Live long ans prosper.
By the way, Radio guys and gals, feel free to writw to me. It is always great to meet fellow broadcasters. Alain Cadieux (acadieux@ulix.net)
Hola a todos, eventos como este nos hacen darnos cuenta de la grandeza del hombre
íBendito sea Dios! Jaime E. Vales (lite@yucatan.com.mx)
Una gran Idea, un gran proyecto !
Greetings, everybody !! Carlos Miralta (napo@bcn.servicom.es)
Feel free to email me ;-) Shaojun Zhu (luna@cs.ust.hk)
Welcome from Atlanta, Home of "The 1996 Centennial Olympic City"
and the 1995 World Series Champions - The Atlanta Braves!
Come visit us!!!
Don Greenwood (djg1943@mindspring.com)
Congratulations and continued "explosion". John Ward (jwsat)
The explosion and growth of the internet is not at a peak yet.
I believe things will change in a year. Haveing freedom to say
what we believe in must not change. We have control of our own
destiny. People on the internet are the BEST!
Happy surfing!
DAN Dan Schorr (dls@cnw.com)
Woooow! Wide Web! (WWW)
Best Regards and happy link to the Internet!
Long live to the Internet! Guillermo Puig Sans (gpuig@adam.es)
Have yet to explore the park, but what a wonderful idea. Paul Rossy (rospau@cycor.ca)
Saludos y encantado de poder estar con todos vosotros
circulando por la autopista de la comunicacion,
Hasta pronto Juan Velazquez Barroso (pintor@mad.servicom.es)
Live long and prosper from Teri Snow Jim & Teri Snow (jim@powernet.net)
I think this is a neat idea. Laura Hess (lhess@crown.net)
Hello everyone! Check out the Center for Creative
Instruction at www.mco.edu! Karen Scheuer (kscheuer@opus.mco.edu)
Communication is EVERYTHING!!!!! Richard & Susan Bethel (bethel@cdepot.net)
Hello from northeastern Illinois! Kearstie Grenier (kgrenier@kiwi.dep.anl.gov)
We are all pioneers in this new computer age! Cyber-friends are here to stay. Thank you for this event! Barbara & Dave Larsen (orlfla@cris.com)
Wonderbaarlijk hoeveel mensen dit gasten boek tekenen, helaas hebben ze net als ik weinig
zinnigs te melden.
Have a nice day Frans Smit (fsmit@bos.nl)
I'm very happy for being here!!! I invite everybodyt to come here, Barcelona, for getting a good trip!!!!
I hope that this will be here for a long time... :) Jordi Torres Munyoz (Alum0899@est.eupvg.upc.es)
I'm very happy for being here!!! I invite everybodyt to come here, Barcelona, for getting a good trip!!!!
I hope that this will be here for a long time... :) Jordi Torres Munyoz (Alum0899@est.eupvg.upc.es)
A great idea! Jamshid Beheshti (injz@musicb.mcgill.ca)
Greetings from Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. William S. Davis (wsd00@ccc.amdahl.com)
Wow! What an exciting age we live in. John D. Watson (John.Watson@JohnAbbott.qc.ca)
Surfs Up!. This is a wonderful Idea, and we are very excited to be a part of it.
Good Luck with this venture and hope to see more events like this. David & Susan Reel (buss2@ix.netcom.com)
Though splendid features are viewed through the screen in a really fast way in the Net.
It may be another substitute for the reality in the daily life here. IF YANG (yif@club.golden.com.tw)
Thanks for reading this. Hope to meet some of you again on the net. Michael P. Burke (burkemic@nextel.net)
Very nice. I can't wait to explotre the whole site..Its folks like you
that make the NET such a great place! The Bluefields - New Appalachian Acoustic \ Bluegrass Music (Mturbyfill@Skybest.Com)
Hello! Ichiro Nagayoshi (kmic1201@inet.exd.city.kobe.jp)
A very nice place, made especially nice because it was
designed by Cincinnatians! John Marlowe (jmarlowe@iac.net)
Soooo...cool to be here! I fell asleep 25 minutes before the initial start of 24 Hours in Cyberspace. Oh well, it's 7:07am(EST) and time to surf the site. Thanks for everybody's effort that has and will go into this project. Making history... a "quantam crossing" has been launched today. Steven Butler (sbutler@servtech.com)
Hi NAVIGATORS! See you eveywhere!
╔s collonut, tothom estα conectat a la xarxa mundial! Oriol Cervantes Grau (jdages@seker.es) |
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Rebeu moltes salutacions des de la Universitat Aut≥noma de Barcelona, U.A.B.
Greetings from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, from Catalonia.
Xavier Serna (s_0070@blues.uab.es)
Saludos para todos Jose Vijande Lopez (curso1@uvigo.es)
Saludos desde Espa±a. Greetings from Spain. Espa±a hoy: Noticias (Quesada@eucmax.sim.ucm.es)
Hope to meet again Next year Albert Perpinya (albert@encomix.es)
Hello World!!!
Robotics Researchers and/or Scale Modellers:
Welcome to my humble site (! Li-Chun T. Wang (ltwang@optimum.me.ntit.edu.tw)
Remember Expo 67 in Montreal.
See you there
Gilles Beauregard (gilles@biwi.hexacom.com)
ViileetΣ!!! Anssi YlΣtalo (Anssi.Ylatalo@kouvola.ksaok.fi)
You completely lose track of time
when you play Internet surf.
Harumi.Kawamasa (hrm@fujisystems.co.jp)
»¼ºA¿¡┼Θ░╖▒d, Wishing You Good Health ! ▒τ┤fÑ┴ Leung Wai Man (okrayy@chevalier.net)
Well here we all are on Cyber24 Day!
This whole project seems VERY exciting....
I pray that it makes a difference to the Human Race on
Planet Earth.
After all we really are all ONE race (i.e. The Human Race).
Mitakuye oyasin.... a hau Joe Quigley (jquigley@concentric.net)
Good Times! Having fun! Loganathan N (MDSAAA86@giasmd01.vsnl.net.in)
I am enjoy this great event!!
(I am must be study English)
(I hope tell you more next time)
< Masaaki Yamazaki (mako@fujisystems.co.jp)
ParabΘns pela iniciativa, isto vem mostrar o grande
impacto da Internet nos quatro cantos do mundo. Encurtando
todas as distΓncias, informando a comunidade cibernΘtica,
finalmente, "LIGANDO O MUNDO"
ParabΘns a todos,
Congratulations for you job,
Gustavo Benigno
benigno@antares.fibra.serpro.gov.br Gustavo Benigno (benigno@antares.fibra.serpro.gov.br)
Cool, Al.lucinant, Super, Guapo, Brillante, Awessome, Etonnant
Sinceramente, esto es increible !!!. Suerte...y a surfear
From Barcelona,Catalunya my kindest greetings to the world. Marc Serra Bartra (marc.serra@bcn.servicom.es)
Nice job! Fred Kao (cckao@netra.wow.net.tw)
Almost as good as reality
(I still think real romance is more exciting than cybersex...). Heimo Aga (100275.1053@compuserve.com)
CALLING STRAIGHT FROM KOREA......WHAT A GREAT SITE!!!!!!! Fred Lee (fred@soback.kornet.nm.kr)
tap, tap ... testing? is this thing on? :-)
I like the concept of seeing my message. ~//~ Paul A. Michals ~//~ (michals@io.com)
Very good pages and topics, congratulation. If you want to
visit Cologne in Germamy fist come to the Cologne Pages at
Greetings ...
Michael Michael Muehl (muehl@bkm.net)
Hola a tots! Hi!
Pau a tothom i endavant amb Internet! Peace for all and Internet forever!
Pel que vulgueu, See you soon,
maprats@servicom.es maprats@servicom.es
;-) ;-)
Miquel └ngel Prats Fernαndez (maprats@servicom.es)
Esta es una idea estupenda. Estoy encantado de poder participar en ella de alguna forma. Os deseo tantos exitos como tuvo la EXPO 92 celebrada en SEVILLA (ESPA╤A).
What a wonderful idea. Thank you very much for your work in this project.
Cordiales saludos desde Espa±a.
Fernando Burgos (fburgos@esgueva.eco.uva.es)
Ñ|«ⁿñºñ║¼╥¬Bñ═ JOE CHAO ╗»Ñ▀Ñ\ (jose3428@tpts1.seed.net.tw)
Great Idea. Unfortunate that I couldn't see the images (I have
a text only browser). My best wishes to all the net surfers.
Will be looking forward to greater things on the
info super highway. Kannan A S (MDSAAA62@giasmd01.vsnl.net.in)
Your site is looking much nicer than mine.. and that's great ! Keep up the good work ! Jose Antunes (jantunes@telepac.pt)
Good luck! Mariano Baig (baig@ifae.es) |
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In the words of Nigel Tufnel (which I think are appropriate)
'there's a fine line between clever and stupid' Graeme Storer (divna@ozemail.com.au)
It seems that now the Net has received something it was worth of. Something nice looking, informative and well-organised. I hope it will last! Visu labu Jums!
Aldis Putelis (aldisp@lanet.lv)
Amazing! Istvan Beck (ibeck@hauk.hsr.no)
One helluva site!
Onwards to more info sharing!!! Hector Ariel A. Santiano (hecman@pusit.admu.edu.ph)
He arrivat fin aqui, ara a comenτar a navegar. Imagino que no
pasara com a Sevilla, quan s'acabi tot perdut Artur Lahoz i Sanchez
Pleased to meet your site.
Really it┤s great.
We would like to invited you to browse through our web site.
Thanks from Interbook. Luis Francisco Rodriguez Fernandez (luisfrancisco@disbumad.es)
Congratulations to the visionaries behind this
(and the other IMS initiatives). What a magnificent
concept! And congratulations to your graphic designer(s)
for beautiful work. :-)
Ernie Chow (ernie.chow@sci.monash.edu.au)
I found you while waiting to upload my entry for Cyber24. This is such a great idea and certainly a site I will visit often. There has been a great need for a site such as this and you have filled that need beautifully! (My compliments on the page design as well--it's just fantastic!) Linda Robertson (spotlope@sirius.com)
A great tecnological step, a great step for the humanity.
Greeting from Barcelona! Carlos Moyano Claramunt (carlosmc@filnet.es)
Hiya! Billie Wayne Willsie (festive1@aol.com)
What a wonderful gift you people have given to the World.
Thank you.. Bob Fulton (bobf@bigbear.net)
This looks as though it will be a fascinating project.
I plan on following it throughout the year.
I wish Good Luck to all that participate.
>>>Bob<<< Bob Fetter (rfetter@rain.org)
What an interesting idea! Howard J. Jiang (howardj@crt.com)
wonderful Expo96 begins ! Jimmy Chou (enerbio@ms1.hinet.net)
This page is great! Congratulations to all those individuals
who have contributed to The 1996 Internet World Exposition -
work well done!! Jason W.K. Chiu (jchiu@intergate.bc.ca)
High road seem to take to long to load and seems to have a few connection problems but the low road works fine Noel Heinrich (nheinrich@nitco.com)
Peace Kieran Loughney
I hope , I can join you!!
Jun Okawa (junok@can.bekkoame.or.jp)
Hi from the Pacific Northwest !!! Jim Conlin (jconl@aol.com)
nasi Hideyuki Mitsuya (mitsuya@a5up4800.as.akita-u.ac.jp)
Most excellent idea! Bill Horne (riverat@wsnet.com)
Just signed on 2/6/96 and am very impressed with the potential. Wish you all the very best and great success. Pat Simmons (Vo5255)
Ho to all from the land of the 'Long White Cloud' Tony Chandler (t.chandler@blds.canterbury.ac.nz)
This event will remembered forever.
Greeting for all "Internaut" of the world.
Saludos a todos desde Toledo - Espa±a. Francisco Rodriguez Garcia (tolfrg@bitmailer.net)
Em sembla increible aquesta expo. Es maravell≤s
I think that's incredible. Wonderfuf. Josep Maria Mayor Farguell (farguell@jet.es)
My Mom and Dad visited the 1996 Internet World Exposition and all I got were these lousy e-mails.
Have fun everyone! Timothy L. Callaway (GenieComp@earthlink.net)
Requiring comments before a detailed look sounds a little rediculous!!!
D.M.Bullard (access@serv01.net-link.net)
I'm an Accidental Tourist,
and even though I've been travelling
for a while, I know the best is yet to come - especially if we can keep the traffic flowing
freely. Don't forget to pick up your
Blue Ribbon Hilary Ostrov (hostrov@uniserve.com)
Wish the fair will be a great successful event. Wai Wong (wwong@comp.hkbu.edu.hk)
It is really nice to see such a big fair. Keep on going.
Regards, Michael Mou (michaelm@tpts1.seed.net.tw) |
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The Internet is the future now. I applaud this project as it
is bringing all peoples of the world together into a harmony
of Oneness which could not be achieved in any other way.
Peace to all!!!
Rabbi Steven Moss (samoss@li.net)
It's my first time here. Au, Alvin (alvinau@websuite.com.hk)
Very good initiative, quite swift and smooth in both
directions (high and low) with Q-Mosaic,
even here in the Netherlands from the other side of the
Ocean. Maybe we join in with our Digital City of Leiden.
Regards, Hans. Hans Baak (hans@dsl.nl)
I took part in Montreal's Expo67, in Vancouver's Expo86, but this is the most exciting EXPO for me, addicted netsurfer/non-addicted housewife. Hoerer gerne fra nogle "surfere" i fra Danmark. Happy Expo96 to all..Karin (turning 50, Feb.8) :-) :* Karin Brandt Koch (kkoch@jumppoint.com kkoch@direct.ca(not after March 1st-96))
I am glad to visit the exp'96. Benjamin Lee (benlee@pc2.hinet.net)
I can't believe I was here to be a part of the internet 1996 world exposition
Matt Hohol (ChitChat77@aol.com)
Congratulations on a terrific site and project! Robert Fowler (ak814@freenet.carleton.ca)
Hello world :) Jason R. Schmit (jrschmit@interplay.com)
For those of us that for one reason or another are confined
to home, Internet puts the World at our fingertips! Terry Hazelwood (tell@tamarcom.com.au)
This is absolutely awesome. Can you e-mail me a souvenir. :-) A. Mark Bedillion (amark@nb.net)
Ambivalence describes my feelings about the Net. I can't tell if my horizons are broadening, or if the alienation of modern life has reduced me to interacting with a machine. Are the people contacted through e-mail and the like any more real then Ward, June and the Beav during my childhood years. In my work I daily have contact throughout the world with many people I will probably never see or shake their hand. Also, thanks to my home link I can be a worker 24 hours a day if the need arises. Yet, I can gain access to libraries which I didn't even know existed. I have kept in touch with my brothers and sisters. I have watched my children learn how to formulate questions and research answers. In the final analysis mayby all this technology is still just an extension of humanity which is constantly in search of a means of expression. John J. Hatzell, Jr. (JHatzell@AOL.com)
I'm calling from a distant planet named URLBeterah.
Humm...I see that those annoying terrestrians are becoming
a developed CyberWorld. URLGod help us! In a few years
they will beat us and we will be eaten alive!
I must stop this incredible Expo! :-)
K.Selles. "The Great Netscaper" :-) Enrique Selles (K.Selles@vlc.servicom.es)
Great Fair Anthony Lowenstein (yu102065@yorku.ca)
Looking forward to my future visits. Jim Lyons (JIML512637@AOL.COM)
I'm glad to see after all these years of internet being around
that we are finally beginning to see but an inkling of its
bright future. Richard Ciordia (andy@goingv.com)
What a wonderfull site. If anyone wants to email us we
will email back. We would like folks from all over the
world. Phil & Diana Hilger (phlchk@iquest.com)
First time here! It seems cool. Jordi Monmany (jordim@lix.intercom.es)
I am really impressed and can't wait to check-out the Brain Opera! Jonathan Epstein (epstein@dickinson.edu)
Read about this site in our local paper.
Decided I would visit it as part of the '24 Hours in Cyberspace' project.
Just learning how to surf and thought I'd check this out. Bob Jack (macvccn10@aol.com)
Just stopped by, doing some Genealogy research on the Carmer
family name. Be nice, God Bless and Peace to all
Lawrence W. Carmer (Chop@gnn.com)
Welcome to the Expo96! Alex Tutusaus (alextc@adam.es)
First time here!! Jill (DPWSharpie@msn.com)
HHOOLLLA AMIGOS Esto ha sido para mi maravillos ya que me encantan los amigos (ninos y ninas) ademas creo que seria una magnifica oportunidad Nesecito ayuda
ya que estoy haciendo mi tesis y no tengo mucha informacion y el nombre es FOTOGRAFIA MARINA APLICADA AL DISENO GRAFICO Escribeme y platicamos
HHHIII!!! Everybody that's is wonderfull for me, because i like the friends and i think that is a magnificent oportunity for me because
have to made my thesis and i need a lot of help because i don't have ionformation about this
The name of my thesis is UNDERWATER PHOTOGRAPHY APLICATED TO THE GRAPHIC DESING Write to me and we can made a talk ro something like that
THAK A LOT, ALL MY LOVE FOR YOU AND ALL MY KISSES (my English is not perfect, sorry )
VERONIK VERONIK RUBIO FRANCO (vrubio@bolivar.usb.mx)
HHOOLLLA AMIGOS Esto ha sido para mi maravillos ya que me encantan los amigos (ninos y ninas) ademas creo que seria una magnifica oportunidad Nesecito ayuda
ya que estoy haciendo mi tesis y no tengo mucha informacion y el nombre es FOTOGRAFIA MARINA APLICADA AL DISENO GRAFICO Escribeme y platicamos
HHHIII!!! Everybody that's is wonderfull for me, because i like the friends and i think that is a magnificent oportunity for me because
have to made my thesis and i need a lot of help because i don't have ionformation about this
The name of my thesis is UNDERWATER PHOTOGRAPHY APLICATED TO THE GRAPHIC DESING Write to me and we can made a talk ro something like that
THAK A LOT, ALL MY LOVE FOR YOU AND ALL MY KISSES (my English is not perfect, sorry )
VERONIK VERONIK RUBIO FRANCO (vrubio@bolivar.usb.mx)
Does this "Fair" have an event date or dates? Is it wholly on the Net, or is it also occurring in a physical location? That's not very clear. Sharon Erdman (atoncesale)
Un excelente medioá
para romper fronteras!!!!
Diana Ramirez Moya (dramirez@bolivar.usb.mx) |
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! Dennis J Brown (491-9081)
Logistics had always prevented me from attending a World's Fair before, but now it's just point & click! Dennis J Brown (491-9081)
For anyone interestes in computer/networking technologies applied to K-12 education, a visit to K-12WORLD (http://k-12world.com) is a must. David C. Hunt (dhunt@jdltech.com)
If you've experienced "conflicts" in your workplace, other than
with software.........visit us for a private chat!
Armen Janzen (ajanzen@janzengroup)
I teach at a liberal arts/environmental college. Anyone interested in Environmental Studies? h vanselow (hvanselow@wheeler.northland.edu)
Dear Sir,
I really like "the atmosphere" and the layout in general of this site.
Only the speed, from the netherlands at least, is very low.
I hope you will be able to do something about this.
But besides my remark, keep up the good work !
Erik J. Jonker
The Netherlands
Erik J. Jonker (erikjj@xs4all.nl)
Tasty Graphics Michael A. Smith (cdesign@supernet.ab.ca)
What's Happend!?
Hiromichi Yoneda (es-yone@magical.egg.or.jp)
Hello World! Anyone interested in Robotics and/or Scale models
Welcome to my site! Li-Chun T. Wang (
Hello World! Anyone interested in Robotics and/or Scale models
Welcome to my site! Li-Chun T. Wang (ltwang@optimum.me.ntit.edu.tw)
It is a very wonderful world of the internet!!! Lin Hong-Wei (sib04456@tcts.seed.net.tw)
I love you! all human beings, no matter you are black,yellow
or white! Jeremy Yun Lun Tsai (tyl3268@netra.wow.net.tw)
Marvelous site !
Good and beautiful home Pages !
But,it seems to be too slow when downloaded the pages to
take the whole trip to the favorate sites within a short
period. ▒i─_╣a (pobs@tpts1.seed.net.tw)
Hello from Munich, nice to be here! Oliver Wucher (Oliver.Wucher@lrz.fh-muenchen.de)
Great idea!! I have been waiting for a month since I first
read about the Exposition. And it has been worth while.
Felicitacions. JosΘ Manuel PΘrez (jpenelas@lander.es)
¿╚╖µ╝∩¬║Ñ|¡╙¬Bñ═.¼ⁿ─R╗P½s╖T «░╢┘y (sprite@yaya.ntu.edu.tw)
Greetings everyone.....
I want to intoduce about JeungSanDo.
JeungSando is New Truth for New Age from Korea.
Please connect Lee, JongHyuck (jsd@www.jsd.or.kr)
Love your site! Claudia McKinney (claudia1@earthlink.net)
Great Site!!!!! David Fisher (David.Fisher@internetmci.com)
This is my first Worlds Fair. Looks great. Keep it up guys. Floyd B Bennett II (hawaiian@iquest.net)
The world was become a small, God bless to you! John Huang (jhuang@direct.ca)
I never thought that there would every be such a cool page as this one! Philip Dhingra (philipkd@ix.netcom.com)
I only hope to be able to create something worthy of inclusion.
So far the sites I've visited from here are very cool.
Sue Susan Parker (sparker@u.washington.edu)
Hello everyone! I think this a FANTASTIC way for everyone to become
initiated into the world of Internet. I am currently in the medical field,
but I am taking steps to depart into the field of interactive media. Anyone
who can offer any advice, guidance, or support on graphics or programming (Java,
HTML, or any other internet language) - I'll appreciate anything that is offered.
See ya and hope everyone has a good time! CHERYL SIRBACK (dana@discover.net)
Hello everyone! I think this a FANTASTIC way for everyone to become
initiated into the world of internet. I am currently in the medical field,
but I am taking steps to depart into the field of interactive media. Anyone
who can offer any advice, guidance, or supporton graphics or programming(Java,
HTML, or any other internet language) - I'll appreciate anything that is offered.
See ya and hope everyone has a good time! CHERYL SIRBACK (dana@discover.net)
Thank you to the sponsors for making this available to the world. Robert C. Strain (rstrain@mitre.org)
I'm there Dude!!!!!! John E. Wammack (wammack@aps.anl.gov)
How wonderful to see the EXPO96!
Now I am sure that the human kind
is ready for the 21st century. Jaw, Yi-Long (yljaw@haydn.ntu.edu.tw) |
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The first World's Faire that I've ever attended! How wonderful! Kathryn L. McAvoy (Win95Gal@sheridan.org)
Really cool idea. David Oliver (Oliver.D@eworld.com)
I will be graduating in August, and am in the process of finding a job!
David Newlin (dnewlin@tlc-486.clemson.edu)
Enjoyed presentations.
Thanks! Dorothy K. DeLaine (dottie@mail.erols.com)
Nice page.
Ram (rkrish2@cs.umbc.edu)
I just read about this in today's Indianapolis Star & thought I would check it out. I'm also net to "the net", so I'm just learning to feel my way around. What a cool way to start! I'm looking forward to attending the Exposition....indytpw@indy.net Timothy P. Ward (indytpw@indy.net)
Hello everybody!
This is a nice place! Dove Huang (dove@iis.sinica.edu.tw)
Hi !!! I am Sandwich, from Taipei. Welcome
mail to me !!! Sandwich (sandwich@ms2.hinet.net)
Excellent collection of homepages and a great idea! I will visit often to find out what you are doing.
There is quite a bit to see... Quite a bit to learn. David Crittenden (DAVE_CRITTENDEN@PCUSA.ORG)
Good Luck on the EXPO. I think it's a great idea!! David Heinkel (nfn05832@naples.net)
This site looks really interesting. I will visit
the site often!! David DeWell (ddewell@i2020.net)
Very interesting idea. I'm quite new in the Web, so I don't
know much about it, but this Expo could be the way to the
global world. Congratulations.
Visca el Mallorca! Marcos Fernßndez (accutype@bitel.es)
Una bona idea que espero que segueixi contribuint a eliminar fronteres.
PerquΦ serveixi per impedir restriccions i controls a la Xarxa.
It's a Good idea that I hope it continous working to eliminate frontiers.
Because it serves to prevent the restrictions and controls in the Net.
Go for it!!! Albert Torra (alberttorra@redestb.es)
Wound up here after taking a diversion from
A Day in the Life site. A significant step towards the
realisation of a real global village. Francis Mahon (c3fmahon@ompapp.dcu.ie)
Just begining to explore. The site looks great! Thanks for the opportunity to visit.
Tim Timothy G. Renshaw (tgrshaw@inetdirect.net)
Nice Page Lloyd Edwards (ledwards@ro.com)
One of the more enlighting and entertaining sites I've seen. Keep up the excelent work. Kevin Ridge (yoda@kensco.net)
The exposition, like the Internet itself, proves to be a place for the citizens of the world to cometogether. Peace To You All. Margaret M. Grayson (Magwaw@aol.com)
Fascinating idea. Only problem: finding time to explore here and
all the rest of the rich Web World. Norman Kurland (kurlandn@crisny.org)
Look at me, will ya, walking around in the future !
What an inspired job. Thank you. Leon Smith (lsmith3@sunset.net)
Surfed in from the "24 Hours in Cyberspace" Home Page.. WOW!! What a concept! GREAT IDEA! We must connect!! MORIVEX'96 is a project that you will want included in this World's Fair.
http://www.net500.com/morivex... take a look at a big chunk of history in the making in 1996!!
J. Leslie Booth (les@net500.com)
Nicely laid out. Worth a return visit. Rick Hawes (rickh@teleport.com)
Very interesting... Pauline Cubisino (pcubisino@alphanumeric.com)
This sounds like a very interesting project. Certainly an
undertaking of great effort. Best wishes and good luck. Jay Davis (ramies@cu-online.com)
It is the chipest way to visit the world! ╖¿ ╖ⁿ ╖╜ Jason Young (s8257163@cc.nchulc.edu.tw)
this is one of the things the people of internet are waiting for.
let's see whats happend.
sergio moragas sans (radical@bcn.servicom.es)
This looks to be an interesting expo. Todd McClintic
I am an "earth man",Randy
I am so happy to know everybody here!
What the human nature. To conservate our nature
in our home "mother earth" naturally should be natural.
ñH¬kªa,ªa¬kñ╤,ñ╤¬k╣D,╣D¬kª█╡M --ª╤ñl ╣D╝w╕g Randy Chen (m84086@ew001.ew.tku.edu.tw)
So wonderful & so great in this Exposition! JenDer Liaw (jdliaw@educator.nctu.edu.tw) |
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My eyes tell me that I must believe what I am seeing even though this would have been unheard of 2 years ago. Superb Idea.
Lets have more Pavillions ! RICK BOSSARD (RBOSSRD@OSC.STATE.NY.US)
What a long strange wonderfilled trip this could be..... hello world!! Susan McGrath (susanj@11shady.ultranet.com)
Un gran abrazo cibernΘtico a todos los navegantes de este nuevo mundo !.
íFelicito esta iniciativa!. Armengol Torres SabatΘ (ats@servicom.es)
I am very glad to have this kind of opportunity to join this revolution of information,
and I am so proud to be one of this earth village member.
Let us work together to imporve global peace! I believe we can do it! Philip Chou (philchou@c2.hinet.net)
This is so cool...like the web in general, I am overwhelmed by all the options. This kind of virtual travel is marvelous. :) Alice Risemberg (ARisemberg@eWorld.com)
IT IS GREAT, BEAUTIFUL, GORGEOUS AND VERY GOOD. Charles M. Clark (chasmalc@iquest.net)
It feels very good!! I'll come again soon. Hiroyuki Shioda (hshiod@ari.bekkoame.or.jp)
The 1996 Exposition is really exciting and interesting. It's a small world ,isn't it. Henry Han (hhan@dynachem.mortonintl.com)
Have browsed the World's Fair of Internet only briefly, but I like what I see. Plan to spend some time on it.Read about it this morning in the Indianapolis, Indiana, Star morning newspaper.I plan to tell some e-mail friends about the Fair. Good luck with it. Ernest A. (Ernie) Wilkinson (ernie@dcwi.com)
Can't wait to see more! Reno Fred (fwaterhouse@vcn.com)
I've just come here now. Though this exposition should be exsiting!!
Tetsu MATSUI (tetsu@osk.threewebnet.or.jp)
Compartir la mirada, excelente idea!
Share vision, breaktrought idea!
Seen from Spain L.Felix Arranz (arranz@redestb.es)
The Indiana State Library is in the "INFORMATION" business and
we are always looking forward to "unique" informational sites
point to, and pick up ideas from. As the head of Information Systems
at the Indiana State Library I will be informing our staff and patrons
about your developments.
Thank You
John C. Presnell
John C. Presnell (john@statelib.lib.in.us)
This looks like it might be fun! Douglas Fechter (kestrel@epix.net)
┼σ┬Eñ@┐h,ª²¼O─▒▒oñ║«e¼█╖φ┬╫┤I║δ▒m,¡╚▒o▓`└|!! John Ma (majyhhng@c47.hinet.net)
I am looking forward to surf in the Internet World EXPO '96 at the official start of it. Yoshio Kambe (kambe@acs.dnp.co.jp)
The 1996 Internet World exposition is another amazing
concept here on the Net.
Who would have thought of a World's Fair for the Internet?
A wonderful way of bringing the world closer together. Jeff Shell (jshell@xtc.net)
Very good designed page weel taught! atilla gunhan (atilla@ifi.uib.no)
good idea, your world exhibition, a brilliant base for
further actions within the "global village".
Gottfried W.A. Klein (klein.muc@sni.de)
2002 Korea world cup
for the unification of korea and peace of the world Sung-Won Kim (swkim@infosun.kotel.co.kr)
WOW.. IT'S A COOL SITE!!!! Rita Wei (ritawei@mail.linkease.com.tw)
This is a very charanging and attractive event.
I hope much more people visit here. Hirofumi Chinju (m951896@mech.keio.ac.jp)
This is pretty cool. I can't wait to get back home on our
direct connection and access the high bandwidth version (I'm
on the road using a SLIP connection). I also would like to
invite everyone to visit our humble home page for Atlanta
High School in Atlanta, Texas (Yes, there really is an
Atlanta in Texas). This is GREAT! I'll be back often. Kenneth Goodson (kgoodson@atlanta.isd.tenet.edu)
I want to be a part of the information age. I'm ready to
explore all the possibilities Jose Wiltshire (jstew@azstarnet.com)
So far excellent Robert J. Cijka (setupman@sover.nat)
Please come to visit with us, A nice little hotel in Bethesda, Maryland (a suburb of Washington, DC). You may call 1-800-3237081 for reservation. Have a good vacation !!! James F. Lin (jel@ix.netcom.com)
It is my honor to have this chance to visiting this exhibition.
Naiwei LU Naiwei Lu (naiwei@cchp01.cc.cycu.edu.tw)
Fascinating, entertaining and informative. We're looking forward to many "trips" back throughout the year! The Cohen Family (lcohen@sover.net)
Neat idea. I will be interested to see how it develops.
Dan Knauf (dan@ids2.idsonline.com)
Fantastic idea!!!!! Knowledge is the lock....and the truth is the key that shall open it. Remember....this is just the beginning. Robert F.Dutzman (rdutzman@westol.com) |
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The Crystal Palace, 1850...
The breadth of Prince Albert's vision of an industrial
future for England in the first World's Fair is nothing
compared to what we can acheive with the Internet.
Seize the power to shape our own future. Jack In. Ericka Jane Alice Fowler (175551@newschool.edu)
brilliant idea, but i need more. kind of quickly too eric
That which you are seeking is causing you to seek. Kathleen Carr (kcarr@nettally.com)
this is my first time link to this excite place, will give
my personal comment in the near future. take care and see
you all later. hank liu (solux@pc2.hinet.net)
Really cool idea. Looking forward to an interesting year of events! David Willis (dwillis@nwc.com)
Even at low bandwidth setting, the park looks beautiful. I.J. Hudson (ij.hudson@nbc.com or ijhudson@cais.com)
Ya nada sera lo mismo. Contigo desaparecen las barreras.
Gracias por existir, Internet.
Saludos desde una colina de Corbera. Jorge Escobedo (a0805174@redestb.es)
Even though the weather is cold, I feel warm out of here - lovely world exposition !
Do not forget to look at my lovely country "Taiwan, R.O.C." OK !
Happy Chinese New Year for everyone !!!
Heidi at atlanta, GA Heidi Wang (gs02mhw@panther.gsu.edu)
GREAT!!!!! Got here by "accident" but I really LOVE it!!!!!!
I am going to enter a link here from my homepage.
Michael Kalus (100265.3065@compuserve.com)
The last World's Fair I went to was Seattle, '63. I've just started to browse around. Great! Samuel A. Skootsky (sskootsk@medicine.medsch.ucla.edu)
I'm looking forward to this cool event.
I'm not good at English.So it's hard to read
www contents.
Hiro (j51809@sakura.kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
Aprovechando un evento tan impresionante como esta expo,
no podemos dejar pasar la oportunidad de anunciar al "world"
nuestro enlace matrimonial (get married)
Un abrazo y saludos a todos, quedais invitados, ...es
un decir, claro!
Carol and Antonio
Looking forward to exploring at the fair. Jim Hartz (102102.2240@compuserve.com)
Well, apart from peace, good wishes and all that, congratulations for the layout and the speed of the connection (but maybe that is only today).
I will welcome any e-mail. Bye Jose Luis Moya (jluis@alsur.gi)
Just logged in. Looking forward to this new experience. Ed Miksch (edmiksch@aztec.asu.edu)
What a brilliant idea! Hope it will get great success. JACK XIE (jxie@oyo.com)
This is cool! yeah! Matthias Tschakert
I just arrived so I have nothing to say one way or another. Does look interesting. richard a. diehl (rdiehl@tenhoor.as.ua.edu)
yeah!!! it is great atemt!
this expo shall be succeed !
this expo keep next year !! TAKAYUKI MIYAKOSHI (T.MIYAKOSHI@inJapan.net)
A good idea ! Even a real -not virtual - necessity ! J.Clavera (jclavera@blues.uab.es)
A good idea! Even more : a real -not virtual - necessity! J.Clavera (blues.uab.es)
Hell of a job guys!!
Beatriz R. Iraola (beabug@azstarnet.com)
The 24 hour cyberspace would definitely be visited by most people and I,m sure It'll be the most visited page !!!! Arthur Chin Chong Loong (ihcchin@pc.jaring.my)
The 24 hour cyberspace would definitely be visited by most people and I,m sure I'll
be the most visited page !!!! Arthur Chin Chong Loong (ihcchin@pc.jaring.my)
Greetings to all of you. If you want to know a typical old
village in the Alcarria (in Castilla, Spain), please look
Best regards, Jose Jose Luis Garcia de Paz (depaz@tendilla.qfa.uam.es)
No more War, no more pollution!
Keep the Earth Clean!
╖RÑx╞W º≤╖R╛π¡╙ªa▓y! C.S. Yen (BiMos) (e2481313@sparc1.cc.ncku.edu.tw)
╗⌠ñ╤ñj╕t¿∞ª╣ñ@╣CíI½z½ó½ó............... Yucheng Lee (yclee@mail.linkease.com.tw) |
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Hello I am from Santander, Cantabria, SPAIN.
But now we are in a new WORLD, named INTERNET.
Pedro Benito Gancedo (minguezn@ccaix3.unican.es)
Mr Skull says
Nice site, my friends. Mr Skull de Wit (mr-skull@dds.nl)
A really COOL web site!!!
Just see it... Gustavo Van Den Dooren (gustavo@mponline.com.ar)
WoWoW !! It's Great, What's a nice place
>> ╜╤ª∞┐╦¬Bªnñ═, »╟"e-mail"¿╙ <<
Hoo-Hoo-Hoo------ :O Sting Liou (╝B⌐w╗÷¼Oñ],╜╨ªh½ⁿ▒╨) (dyliou@tsmc.com.tw)
As far as I know, World Expositions have been useful since XIXth century for showing and sharing the most remarkable achievements in mankind's knowledge.
Internet is, for the time being, the best tool for sharing information. It is, therefore, the best place to set up a World Wide Exposition available to anyone in the world.
I just hope that we all can share the best of us through the wires. Let's keep pushing ahead.
(e-mail will be welcome) Pedro Carre±o (pedro.carreno@servicom.es)
just starting to explore your side after reading about it in a german newspaper, let's see, but great initiative Achim Franz (Franz@AFSMail.cern.ch)
Greetings and good luck from Spain!! Cristina Aragon (aragon@alabi.upc.es)
nice idea! Wilhelm Brezovits (Wilhelm.Brezovits@siemens.at)
Is there a way to participate without having an own internet server? This would make your fair a real event for everybody!! Anyway, good luck! Michael Michael Wladarsch (100612,602@compuServe.com)
Nice initiative! Andres Ferrer (Andres_Ferrer.rxe@eur.xerox.com)
Felicitats! Enhorabuena. Congratulations to all that made possible
this Expo come true,to promote understanding and unite people.
Would be glad to contact people from South America, Canada, the States.
Would you like to konow more about Catalonia? Pedro BaquΘs (pedro.baques@bcn.servicom.es)
Salutacions. └ngel Rueda Montalbßn (angel@enterprise.udg.es)
I am looking forward to touring the Internet 1996 World Expo! Larry R Shannon (shanman@onramp.net)
A good idea. Waiting eagerly for the day when the
internet is as prevalent as cable TV.
Power to the people! Andy Chong (Andy_Chong@mailhost.net)
Thanks to KXAS home page for giving me the opportunity to explore
your wonderful site. My! My! My! Herb Reeves (hrreeves@fastlane.net)
Congratuation and wish a great success to Expo 96! Jin-King Liu (F660124@erlb.erl.itri.org.tw)
What a wonderful idea ! Looking forward to a great web site. Vince Fox (VinceF@psln.com)
Looks interesting. I will definitely be coming back often. Thad Nisbett (nisbett@magicnet.net)
It's awesome to see the people of the world communicating in one place. Anyone in San Francisco know the whereabouts of Susana C. Pearman? E.Daniel Parker (edparker@welchlink.welch.jhu.edu)
The death of Internet is actually the low speed connections
the users (well, some users) have to suffer. I hope some day
we all can read at the lower left corner of the NetScape
something like "Document: Done 1Mb/s". c ya in da future. Ivßn Fernandez (100711.1761@compuserve.com)
Just came into your site but it looks great! Steve Tastor (stev007t@ix.netcom.com)
Although I have not thouroughly explored your site, what I ahve seen so far looks great. Clay R. Smith (claysmith@upstate.net)
Great Idea! I just came in and will return often. John Corey (John Corey@aol.com)
Good idea. We'll see how this works out. Good luck. Toby Tobin (TobyTobin@msn.com)
Nice idea, this site. Urban Sundstrom (urbans@lmv.lm.se)
What a remarkable achievement. History will look back at this "first" Robert A. Kane (rakane@earthlink.net)
Well, great site keep on doing the good work!! Carel Prins (sanderij@xs4all.nl)
Espero que a partir d'idees com aquesta es vagi asolint
la globalitat tan desitjada per la comunitat virtual que
formem. Internet ha de ser lliure i global. Oriol Ravent≤s Pedret (oraventos@adam.es)
íHola!. Me parece una idea genial esta de la Expo. Yo disfrutΘ hace poco de uan EXPO┤92 maravillosa, pero esto
me parece increible. Un saludo para todos los ciudadanos del mundo que me leais y para los demßs tambiΘn.
Hasta pronto.
Rafael L≤pez Morales (alba@svq.servicom.es)
I cover the Internet for the Philadelphia Daily News. If you
have comments on what you see at the "fair," and live in or
near Philadelphia, Pa., please e-mail me. Thanks! Rick Selvin (RickEditor@aol.com)
We can see our future! Alex L.C.Choo (lcchoo@ms2.hinet.net)
I'm really exited about this event, and can't hardly wait for the start.
Congratulations and I'll be comming back soon, Just 4 days to go... Francisco Nin (fjnin@wave.net)
Hi! What a way to talk to people around the world. Are there
any thespians out there. I would love to hear from anyone
from a foreign country. Good luck Expo we just caught a wave. Elsa Morales-Myers (ah856@rgfn.epcc.edu)
Just got in - looks very interesting - Thanks Steven A. Nutting (NYSPINV)
What a great idea. I have spent a pleasant afternoon
browsing through the expo seeing and doing the things
I want (interactively). Far better than watching
mindless TV!! Don Auderer (auderer@rapidramp.com)
Finally...a way for the world and all of it's people to
come together in peace and harmony!
What an idea. Dave Zaiser (DZAZ@aol.com)
I don't have much time, so I'll just sign here.
Bye! Boudewijn van der Valk (valkadm@worldaccess.nl)
Saludos desde Badalona, ciudad tranquila junto al mar mediterraneo. jaume vallejo (jaume@encomix.es)
visit Willow Bend Books, a genealogical and historical bookstore on the Internet at http:www.mediasoft.net/ScottC Craig R. Scott (willowbend@mediasoft.net)
Finally - something REALLY great on the Internet Terry Call (Top Bear@AOL.com)
on my journey around the world for planing a road trip by
AOL I landed in this great area!! Michael (sniffer77@aol.com)
Internet World's Fair - Interesting concept!
-GOOD LUCK- Michael G. Waack (mgw657@iw.net)
Just read about this in our local papers computer section.
Very interestng idea. Will be back for more later. How are
schools receiving word of this site? C. Patrick Coleman (Pat_The_Bald@msn.com)
Just read about this in our local papers computer section.
Very interestng idea. Will be back for more later. How are
schools receiving word of this site? C. Patrick Coleman (Pat_The_Bald)
World's Fair on the world's Internet!
What a GREAT idea.
I'll be back often.
Reagan McLemore (breagan@synapse-group.com)
Nice.Ho wants to write me can do it. Eduard (avsar@datamar.com.ar)
An eary visit. Will be back at official opening Richard Clemons (rickotron@aol.com)
Greetings from the FRIGID North East US Larry Frank (elfrank@globalone.net)
I found out about the fair in an article in my local newspaper. Great idea. Jeffrey Gluck (gluckj@crisny.org)
Espero que este acontecimiento sirva para acercar las culturas, y que nos demos cuenta de una vez por todas de lo cerca que estamos a pesar de la mala voluntad de algunos Gobiernos Antonio Fernandez B.-Pedrazuela (antonio@super.zippo.com)
Internet is our future.
This event means that next stage in communication is just here. TAISHO (taisho@ppp.bekkoame.or.jp)
WOW!We meet here- INTERNET EXPO`96 !!
FUNNY!! »uñú┐α!!
╣∙░O╜σ(LIAO,CHI-HSIEN) (CK830926@ck.tp.edu.tw)
Greetings to all from the country with the largest number of Internauts per capita in the world. Nathan Cochrane (nathan@wanews.com.au)
Best wishes for a successful exposition! Tom Everett (teverett@mail.orion.org)
Internet Expo..What a great idea..Peace to all..always! I am a public school business official,,have 5 children and am glad to be a part of this.
Bob Moore (cgabob@usa.net) |