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Entries through February 3
$BAG@2$i$7$$!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(J Hibiki Okuma (t-okuma@kt.rim.or.jp)
See Internet 1996 world exposition soon David Rong (reservfun@ix.netcom.com)
Hello from Southern Michigan. Steve Sanders (steves@voyager.net)
It's great to see a bunch of collige net surfers come together.
I'm an Electronic Technician In the area. Graduated from
H.T.I. in Pheonix, Arizona. If you know any cool sights to
see or are interested inelectronics please shoot some mail
my way!!!!!!!
Brian Padgett (padgett@pacific.net)
Hello! Sammy Takeuchi (sammytak@po.iijnet.or.jp)
Forums like this are great for spreading ideas.
I am all in favor of broadening communications.
Bernard Olmstead (bern@cisnet.com)
good luck nigel & louise haggis (nlhaggis@mail.cycor.ca)
LOVE MY COMPUTER donald w west (dwest@nhr.com)
I Want Friends All Ower The World Eduard (avsar@datamar.com.ar)
Saludos a todos los visitantes de la Expo 96 Esther Gambin (egambin@alinet.es)
Looks good so far. jouke de vries (jvries@pi.net)
Came back for another visit! Come see me at:www.loubeach.com Lou Beach (lou@loubeach.com)
EXITO JOSE FERRAEZ MARTINEZ (jferraez@pibil.finred.com.mx)
Hello from West Texas. Largest border city in the United States. William E Myers (ah200@rgfn.epcc.edu)
I hope this event.And I hope success of this event in JAPAN.
Internet is a wonderful media.Bye! hirotoshi tsukamoto (pxu10605@niftyserve.or.jp)
Great idea! Can't wait to see more. Jim Steele (HCJC69A@Prodigy.com)
Beautiful Pages - Thanks - I'm a big Corel and Internet fan. By trade I'm a professional photographer. My wife is an Interior Designer and my Sister-in-Law owns an advertising business. Art Gerber (agerber@psci.net)
Incredible concept. Congrats to the sponsors.
I am a travel agent here in Texas and make use
of the internet very much in business. Tremendous
source of information. Will visit often..... Bob Wood (bwood2@ix.netcom.com)
whant friends all over the globe. Please write to me... :-) Iivo J. Henriksen (ivo-h@hsr.no)
I hope to Expo96. Ishihama Tkashi (ishihama@telepoarc.infoweb.co.jp)
1st Class .... Barry Dufresne (barry.dufresne@t8000.com)
Simply amazing....to think that through such a simple
mechanism, global accessability is achieved. Wonderful
experience!!! Greg Wallace (gwally@ix.netcom.com)
:) CF LANGE (cflange@earthlink.net)
internet expo banzi akira Sugihara (sugihr@sag.bekkoame.or.jp)
it's wanderful
Takashi Fukushima (tokami@leo.bekkoame.or.jp)
PERHAPS I'L SEE YOU THERE. Eduard R. (avsar@datamar.com.ar)
What a nice place!
Eric M. Shiu (sunnet@pc2.hinet.net)
Wish I could go to the Fair. Time is a problem. Really excited about computers. Its really changed my life. George w. Gardner (NGardG)
What a wonderful idea! Is there any limit to the possibilities?
Helene in Homer (kicks @ pti.alaska.net) |
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This is a marvelous way to communicate a global communication through current technology. I am pleased to see my organization (Bay NEtworks, Inc.) sponsoring the event. Steven James Ross (sjross@eworld.com)
I am a new Internet user and find this World Expo to be very exciting. I am a
handicapped man and am using a new technology to access this site. It is
DragonDictate, a great new voice recognition system. Please write me for more
information. Brad Herbert (hherb10288@aol.com)
It brought tears of joy to see our global community interacting in joy and peace!!Bravo!!! Carol Daniels (CPGPO01)
The whole net is a "world exposition" of our time - though
this is a nice site to surf at! Thomas Marx (tom@uni-koblenz.de)
Hi! Friends:
It's nice a place to visit any counties. To know more
countries. Chun-Chieh Chen (Jay) (jaychen@tc.globalnet.com.tw)
╛╚│τ ╟╧╝╝┐Σ
(It means hello in Korean)
That's it !
Be Happy everybody
Sungchol, Kim (chol@nextel.net)
It is great to meet people from all over the world.
Thank those persons who constructure the EXPO.
Please e-mail me to let me know you are right here,too.
Even though just say hello. See you. Michael Juang (gemini@seed.net.tw)
Great Place to visit. Will come more regularly.
Good look!
Thomas Thomas J. Winnacker (Thomas.Winnacker@student.unisg.ch)
Hello from QuΘbec ! Very interesting website ! Luc RIchard (lranjou@login.net)
Hey, really like your web site! Looking forward to
experiencing all the new and exciting advances coming up on
the Internet. We are only limited by our imagination!
D.C. Zwick (dzwick@cin.net)
we love your Expo! Please view our One-World GLOBAL CALENDAR at
perhaps you can find a way to LINK to it
and we will work on building it into a full-fledged multi-cultural pavilion
as soon as possible.
phoenix phoenix a. now (phoenix@zapcom.net)
Carved in the rotunda of the Missouri State Capitol are the
words, "Ideas Control the World." This Internet World Expo
demonstrates the power of ideas to connect us...to teach us...
to inspire us. Daniel Arnall (darnall@learfield.com)
Hi to all!Got to know of this site from the newspapers.
A good way of promoting the idea Global villagee.Kep it up. Yusman Sugianto (yusman@pacific.net.sg)
Expo96,Show me your POWER!
Alan You-Wei Chang
Gee, I say it again, cool place,man! Get in touch! Hideaki Tanioka (tanioka@internet-okayama.or.jp)
What a cool place! WORTH VISITING! Hideaki Tanioka (tanioka@inernet-okayama)
Looking forward to experincing the fair. Everyone and anyone is invinted to contact me. If anyone from Panama reads this contact me as my wife is Panamanian. Mark Kearney (mpkear@demnet.com)
I'm looking forward to exploring the fair for the first time. Lori Hilty (Lori@srvr.third-wave.com)
Nosaltres nomΘs som sis milions, per≥ serem tanta gent aqui a Internet aquest any, que les fronteres, els idiomes, les races i tot els que ens separa ja no tΘ sentit.
Amb tots, per tots,que ½no man's is an island╗.
Per sempre. Francesc Costa (byblos@bcn.Servicom.es)
I look forward to learning and experiencing many new and exciting things as this expo gets into full swing. The best of luck on this wonderful celebration of a new age international communication.
Paul W. Lowry (pp002122@interramp.com)
Estamos presenciando un acontecimiento mundial, o lo que tambiΘn podria denominarse una profecia...
Esta exposici≤n, aparecera en los libros de historia, y nosotros habremos sido testigos... Let's Surfing!!!!!!
The International Expo with&without place!! Fernando Alvarez Gonzalez (falva@serv.nidos.es)
Wow! Pam and Johanna, funny running into you here. Great Expo huh? David and Kristin Swedin
Your site looks great!! I also liked the article in business week. Keep kicking but! Mark Schwarze (schwarze@traveller.com)
How far is near,and how near is far.If we in the magic Cyberworld, we seem to be stay in the same right site.
(p.s:ñp│═¡⌠íB┤^«ß and all my friend, connect to this beautiful site ASAP. Frank Hu (g3253004@grad.cc.nccu.edu.tw)
It is a nice place for every kind of person to join in.A really different place that everyone can search what they do need in the cyber world.I do love it. Frank Hu (g3253004@grad.cc.nccu.edu.tw)
This place is gret, yiou outta add a virtual reality where you can navigate i9n a world like experence Sean Chiochankitmun (Rightnad@aol.com)
What a dynamic, shrinking world we now have. Del Rickel (delrick@azstarnet.com)
Looking forward to the internet EXPO. Mike Evans (mike@mece.sparks.nv.us)
A Great Website! Sandeep Puri (sandeep_puri@ccmail.inet.com) |
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Looking forward with interest to future developments on this site Richard Stevens (rstevens@ched.devon-cc.gov.uk)
LEGUN-SABER-LAWE- TRW Tommy Astuto (thomasa@ilx.com)
Kent Rubin (kent@bitstream.net)
Es que no hi ha ning· que parli catalα, dins d┤internet?
There is nobody who speaks in catalonian languaje (Catalα), into Internet?
Vicenτ Oller i Falc≤ (innotek@abaforum.es)
I LOVE YOU! Ichiro Nagayoshi (kmic1201@inet.exd.city.kobe.jp)
very nice graphics. excellent web site!! :-) Raymond Kam (raymondk@portal.ca)
Hi, I'm glad to be here! Pei J. Wu (mmg@c2.hinet.net)
Happy New Year.
Kim, Hyunbum (musy@hitel.kol.co.kr)
Great work... Tim McCarthy (bbxc28a@prodigy.com)
I was so visually stimulated! Very impressive! Chad J.W. Anderson (eyeidea@west.net)
What a wonderful world! Tadashi Sode (ayasuko@hk.net)
HI uncle david and aunt kris! heh heh...-pam johanna siemon and pamela davies
Truly amazing...a wonderful experience!
Thank you. Rhonda McIntyre Logie (rhondal@corel.com)
Fabulous graphics. Dynamic presentation!! Well Done!!! Pete Heineman (pheineman@unomaha.edu)
This is the best of the best; to have a world expostion on the internet. There are no parking problems, no spending a fortune on candy and snacks, no pick-pocket problem, no standing in lo-o-o-o-n-n-n-ng lines, and no weather problems. Thankyou for bringing this exciting technology into our Macintosh637CD. I have a bowl of fresh, hot, and buttery popcorn aside me as I write this. Thank you. Well Noted Graphics of Greater Des Moines (wngdsm@aol.com)
GREAT! Looking foward to 1996 on the net.
Keep up the GREAT work. Arnie Neumann (ulu@oanet.com)
Having a World's Fair on the Internet is a splendid idea. Hal Velie (VELIEHAL@AOL.COM or PMCF66A@PRODIGY.COM)
Hello there.It is wonderful to fly into this space.I am glad to have found such a place.I hope to see more countries in this place.My best wishes to all the people who have made this space a reality.
Thank you to all who have done it.Happy new year.Bye !!!. syed mohd (syedmohd@teleview.com.sg)
very interesting Hee Kong Hua (heekh@singnet.com.sg)
What an amazing idea Ill be back many times throughout the
year.want to Know more about NZ email me Alex Taylor (alext@ihug.co.nz)
Cool ! JD Sheu (jdsheu@tpovc.enet.dec.com)
Great Idea ! Great Site ! And Great Stuff !
Xue Yong (xueyong@public.bta.net.cn)
Nice Site! Jan Watson (JWatson@iwol.com)
I lost my passport in the crowd...I'll be right back! Lou Beach (lou@loubeach.com)
I love it ! Ong Siow Seong (shimano@singnet.com.sg)
Your Grand Opening is on my birthday!!!
Good luck and best wishes... Bryan D. Floyd ([SMTP:bdfloyd@ingr.com])
What a great age we live in! Anybody remember black and white television and party-line telephones? Paula Coger (rcoger19@pop.intellinet.com)
Looking forward to it!
Tyler Donovan (tylerd01@sccoast.net)
Very Impressive Graphics!!!! Matt Fardig (matt@pinncomp.com)
What a wonderful Idea : 1996 Internet World Expo JiaHau Sin (dart@pacific.net.sg)
so wonderful!! thank you!!! yumiko kato (pony@vir.bekkoame.or.jp)
M'agrada, m'agrada molt. I enjoy it.I feel good.A reveure. Jaume Codina (76724.1613@compuserve.com) |
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;-) Rogier Heijning (rheijnin@solair1.inter.nl.net)
. People across the world unite!!
If all of us start talking to each
other we won't need our goverments
so much.The least we can do is try
this is a good start.Lets have fun!!! Paul Ledbetter (access@azstarnet.com)
Who can live without Internet ?
Matias Denker (Denker@sion.com)
Hello!Hello! Ichiro Nagayoshi (kmic1201@inet.exd.city.kobe.jp)
It's great!! I'll be back. Tom Leslie (tles@olympus.net)
Thanks for the Ride !!! Eddie Drake (eddie@oasisstudios.com)
This is a memorial about what the Information Age
is all about. People across the world united and
the product therefore. Ryan Leigh (raleigh@ix.netcom.com)
GREAT ! ! ! ... just GREAT ! Buddy M. Beard (MrBuddy3C@aol.com)
I enjoy World EXPO. It's cool. Masahisa Hojo (masahojo@shizuokanet.or.jp)
Where are we going right now to create the future as it already exists? Colby Stuart (cstuart@solair1.inter.nl.net)
As you can plainly see now: E is not always MC2. Thank you for introducing some future. Gijs ten Kate (gtenkate@solair1.inter.nl.net)
It's a small world! Hubert Yang (hubert@ntumc1.mc.ntu.edu.tw)
KO-N-NI-CHI-WA Kazuya Ohuchi (kazu@kinotrope.co.jp)
I invite to everyone at the net to join the expo is the best
idea since the tv's invention! Jaime Mercado (JAIME5224@cuh.upr.edu.cl.com)
Ideas like this make me proud to belong to "the tech-age". It┤s only rock&bits, but I like it. Juan Pablo Bustos (evento@lix.intercom.es)
It's great !! Meiling Wu (Marisa Wu) (marisa.bbs@bbs.mgt.ncu.edu.tw)
This seems to be a grand idea! I read about it in the local
paper. Sure hope the idea gets around. I see quite a bunch
of folk signing in from places in Asia, Wonderful! John Mork (johne@chemek.com)
What a beautiful site! What a concept! Like bringing the whole world together to one place. This would be impossible to do physically. What a time to be alive! Larry E. Shipman (lshipman@tscnet.com)
How I love to sign the Expo 96 guestbook. Three times already. Ichiro Nagayoshi (kmic1201@inet.exd.city.kobe.jp)
Kudos!!! to all the lovely people responsible for this site.And A special thank you to Tim Berner-Lee for starting this whole wild Web thing. Joe K (Chat_Host_Joe_K@ichange.com)
very fun to visit! Izumi Watanabe (izu@leo.bekkoame.or.jp)
Great! Congratulations! No limit, no frontier... only our imagination... David Mira (dmira@lix.intercom.es)
I am really excited about this web page. I can't wait to explore all the different sites. Kathy Myers (keo@pop0.neca.com)
great idea, interesting concept, fun place to visit ira and diane (iradiane@aol.com)
Felicitats! Congratulations!
It's a cool idea, and you did a good job!
Perfect! Fernando Rodenas (rodenas@ibm.net)
Fantastic! Full of wonders! Just like the old days! Reminds
me of past fairs I have visited. I am new to the Internet and
I can see how a fair-goer will get user friendly fast
connections! This appeals to me and the middle school age
stuidents I teach. Thank you sponsors!!! Bruce E. Schnieber (bschnebr@open.org)
Good Idea!! Makes the world available to everyone!! Lori Anderson (sanders@q.continuum.net)
This is truly a wonderful idea. Kudos to all those who participate
and put it together. Can't wait for Radio Real World to be up! Solsbury Hill Homepage Committee (solsbury@digital.net)
I love Internet. Albert Ferran Casas (saatchi@hnet.es)
The internet should, if used to its full potential be a positive force
to cement the ordinary people throughout the world by enabling free speach
and the ability to breakdown old wives tales Ed (eds_island@compuserve.com)
I had a very enjoyable first time visit.
Robert C. Garceau (bobgar@neca.com)
How beautiful it is ! Lo Li-Te (lote@hntp2.hinet.net)
THE GREATEST IDEA IN THE CYBER HISTRY! Ichiro Nagayoshi (kmic1201@inet.exd.city.kobe.jp)
WOW!!! This is FANTASTIC folks! Mind boggling! Tim Nungesser (tnun@greenapple.com)
It's a beautiful world in cyberspace. John Kit (jkit@cipsinc.com) |