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Entries through January 27
The "hot" new future for the Internet is not Java or CommerceNet, it is how we all will learn to use this space to build new communities. Not even that really, it will be how we use this technology to expand and enhance our existing communities.
The important part of the future is how we can scale our communities to match the personal, social , commercial needs that are part of our own unique human experience.
This is a grand experiment. I'll be here often. Thanks for the wonderful, exhaustive work to all the volunteers, soponsors, contributors.
Jerry Jerry Monti (JMonti@Multicom.com)
I was senior press officer for the 1962 Seattle World's Fair;
a fair on Internet is an outstanding idea. The graphics are
superb. Best of luck, and if I can help, let me know. CN Cyrus Noe (cyrus@newsdata.com)
wonderful!! falcon tzeng (tzeng@part.net)
GREAT images! Erna Tillema (aet.erna@inter.nl.net)
This is the most interesting site I've seen! A must-visit place for everyone. Oriol FrancΦs Acosta (100672.210@compuserve.com)
I am Looking forward to this one year span exposition.
Sugawara Naoki (sgapie@cancer.bekkoame.or.jp)
What a beautiful idea ! It's cool! Ichiro Nagayoshi (kmic1201@inet.exd.city.kobe.jp)
It┤s the third time, that I┤m in the net and I like it
very much. Dietmar Neyer (Dietmar.Neyer@uibk.ac.at)
Felicitats! Internet uneix a tot el mon...
Internet une a todo el mundo...
Congratulations! Internet meet people around the world...
Emma Panisello (emma@bcn.cafeinternet.es)
½▄░¬┐│ ¿∞ª╣ñ@╣C!!!!Good job!
Hello,allmy friend in the world,I'm Lily. ╢└▓·»°(Lily Huang) (a1001156@hntp2.hinet.net)
We'll soon join IWE from Toyonaka City, Osaka, Japan.
Stay tuned. Kenji Rikitake (kenji@reseau.toyonaka.osaka.jp)
I cannot read english well,but I'm interested in these contents.
I'm going to read more. Atsuhiro Kawato (oaky@tau.bekkoame.or.jp)
Really neat site! Particularly enjoyed the Crystal Palace. I wonder if anyone else noticed how similiar the Eaton Centre in Toronto looks like it?
We will be back for more visits. Nelson Komaiko (nelsonch@interaccess.com)
O problema Θ a lφngua. Pode ser em PortuguΩs? Bem, quero estar "up to date" com as ·ltimas novidades da Internet. Eloysio Rodrigues da Silva (betto.d'elboux@mandic.com.br)
A wonderful program! I hope to see this continue to grow! Would love to see more European Genealogy Online! Let's see what we can get! Absolutely love it! Teresa Rozich (Wthr1@aol.com)
What a site!
Jason Goecke (jsgoecke@genesyslab.com)
Wow...cool site!! Michael John (mjohn@castles.com)
I think that this site is really tight! I liked the music
from sound machine before I came here. Rusty Monroe (Don't have one.)
Greetings from a new member of the Global Village. Love the graphics Kevin Chilton (kchilton@docuware.de)
Great stuff. Thanks for adding our pavilion. The stamp looks great on our 'Brug'-site. Do visit my own page too at http://studwww.rug.ac.be/~tdpessem. See you there. Tobias De Pessemier (Tobias.DePessemier@rug.ac.be)
The Guestbook is all that and a bag of Doritos!As far as I know the
is absolutely awesome!People from all over the world consider me your brotha! Jaime Mercado (CUHAC::JAIME5224.UPR.CLU.EDU.)
Very cool... Thai-Anthony Lam (tal@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU)
What an excellent vehicle for sharing information, discussing
issues, solving problems and learning about each other. The
beauty of the written word and the creativity expressed via
visual images is alive and well on the Internet. Zina C. Munoz (zmunoz@mcdesign.com)
We are the World !!! Wu Chih-Hsien (tonywu@pc4.hinet.net)
Started with computers back in 1964 (Yes it had tubes), but
this is now beyond my wildest dreams, I love it. Keep up the
good work. Jim Roughsedge (ncikl13@mindlink.bc.ca)
Good Job with the setup here. Thanks for the information. Joseph White (hitech@megalinx.net)
This site is very well constructed. Excellent graphics as well!
Adaline Elrod (sevier@webstar.net) |
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Just too much of everything,
seems enough to me ;-)
Paul Wagenaer (paulwag@xs4all.nl)
Excellent presentation of information. Andrew C. Schwabe (aschwabe@iexp.com)
Internet is the first major step to a global community.
We are all connected in a great circle of life.
I wish "INTERNET WORLD EXPO'96" success.
Akihiro Sugai (aceguy@cap.bekkkoame.or.jp)
It's wonderful! We can sit down to "see" the world. I like it. Happy Chinese New Year!
Shin,Yang-Hsin(¼I╛i½Hí^ (r3507001@cc.ntu.rdu.tw)
This looks very nice. Waiting for more to come. Read about this site in the Bangkok Post while vacationing in Thailand. Good luck! I'll be back many times.
Jos Kokshoorn (JOKO@Worldaccess.nl)
Great Idea!
Keep up the good work.
Share and Unite. Per Trydell (f88-pet@nada.kth.se)
Net page that was long time coming. Worth the wait. Viola Limric (vi35@epix.net)
Great idea!! Yoshiyuki IIJIMA (iijima@sowa.is.uec.ac.jp)
And then the fair came to them...
:> Ken Bailie (mattang@interaccess.com)
What a great idea. I'm sure over the year I will be using this area alot.
Great design. Keep up the good work.
I signed on to see the genealogy section and wanted to sign the guestbook fires.
William R. Packard (es108co1@mail.teleport.com)
Best wishes for 1996! Andreas Tidstr÷m (catrin.tidstrom@mailbox.swipnet.se)
A big greeting to the designers of these pages.
This is really EXCELLENT done...
BTW: Check out my Let's Trace Prod. Homepage...
Tobias Biehl (tobi@vip.cybercity.dk)
Looking forward to seeing more sites on the Exposition! Kevin McClelland (kmcclelland@broadview.com)
Saw an article about the page in the Cincinnati Enquirer
newspaper on Sunday 1/21/96 Jerry Volker (james.volker@uc.edu)
This seems to be an exciting place that will become even more so as 1996 rolls on.
I'm particularly looking forward to the Internet Railroad. Mickey Diener (mdiener@soho.ios.com)
I could spend all day looking around here. You are providing
a lot of great information. Keep on top of this great site. Katharine Gallop (avisg@tir.com)
Excellent! "SUBARASHII" Shinichi Yoshino (yoshino@fat.coara.or.jp)
Great Idea, I find Internet a Senior Citizen awakening Harold Levinson (hlevin@icanect.net)
!@#$%^&*()_+>? ( journey tou (journey@c2.hinet.net)
Wonderful experience! Let's make it happen every year. W H Yang (cybersce@singnet.com.sg)
Well done! Internet World Expo 1996 brings the notion of a borderless world to life. Wong Jeat Shyan (jswong@pacific.net.sg)
It's wonderful to be here.
It's certainly a thrill. Masashi Imai (j7392025@ed.noda.sut.ac.jp)
It`s a great Idea.
subarashii aidea desune. tanoshimi desu.
Tohru SUGIURA (sugiura@vehicle.city.hiroshima.jp)
Congratulation..... Hwang Woo (root@simul.hannam.ac.kr)
Great idea! Clive Read (cliver@ilink.nis.za)
A superb site that's keeping the true spirit of the Internet alive.
Congratulations to all involved.
A link to the Internet World Expo 1996 will be up on Aussie Music Online shortly.
Hooroo and regards from downunder. Paul Trewern (ptrewern@aussiemusic.com.au)
Neat, clear, useful and most practical idea. Love it !!! Gregg Marti, E.Eng. (Grpargen@ix.netcom.com)
Very impressive. Dr. Shunsuke Chigusa (chigusa@square.mk.toyota.co.jp)
I'm gald to sign here.... Donggoo Lee (ccomjipp@bora.dacom.co.kr)
Let's hope this Internet fair works Daniel Chamberlin (dlcjz00z@barbados.cc.odu.edu)
My first visit! Expo 96 = 110% !! Roger Leliaert (roger.leliaert@ping.be) |
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I've bookmarked this at work and at home so I can easily get back here. I'll spread the word on this site. Good Luck with it. Ken Cauthorn
wish all the best to "Internet Expro 96" Robin Lee (dc244f07@pandora.senecac.on.ca)
geograqphy never was my strong point - but i get the distinct feeling that our globe is shrinking! looking forward to participating along with local kloof high school dave mcphail (durban3030@kestrel.ugrd.und.ac.za)
A great site and a great idea! I particularly enjoyed the
India site on Durga Puja. When I am not working on Objects,
Relational Databases and the WWW, I am planning Web Services
for the Unitarian Universalist Association. This site will
be very useful to promote global understanding. Dr. Jeff Sutherland (jsutherland@vmark.com)
Very impressive! Jason Coburn (coburn@mutual.hadwen.com)
Great Place! Alan Chan (alch@bu.edu)
Nice graphics! Carla Lee (clee@luc.edu)
Hail Technology! Dan Hartshorn (dharts@do1.kyrene.k12.az.us)
WOW ! 45Mbps infomation-highway !
GREATE IDEA !!! JC Sung (jc_sung@smtplink.syscom.com.tw)
I am new to America Online, this idea of an expo seems quite interesting and innovative. I can't imagine all that will come in here, but am looking forward to it! Norman J. Meshriy (normacis@aol.com)
A great idea!! See you in February! Josep Forroll
Internet is the first major step to a global community.
We are all connected in a great circle of life. Chuanlarp Satchavarodom (chuan@gwis2.circ.gwu.edu)
Internet Exposition is very interesting URL.
It's future exhibition form.
Excellent! Baek, Se-Hun (white3h@chollian.dacom.co.kr)
It's a magic thing to come here , I enen not image
that before . Hope it will sucessful. Benjamin Wu (Benjamin@mail.linkease.com.tw)
The Internet is the foundation for the New World Order. Ernie Robert Silver (esilver@cordant.com)
I am fascinated with this fair. I wish to join it. Accept my heartiest congratulation for this achievement!!!
Good luck!!!
Hari Shanker Sharma Hari Shanker Sharma (Sharma@anatomi.uu.se)
Simply incredible! Christopher Artrip (chrisa@novaengr.com)
A very nice website to look at! It's a real information-highway! Wilco van Vuure (spet@knoware.nl)
Just poking around. Stephen M. Strong (sssmiley@aol.com)
This whole new concept is very exciting. However, I just hope more of my less privileged Filipino brothers and sisters would be able to see, hear and read all kinds of pictures, sound, and information through the World Internet Expo. Nevertheless, I hope this virtual expo will bring in peace and harmony among different cultures. I really love the Creativity Cafe pavilion. I will visit that again once you unveil this on Feb 8. More power!! Internet is indeed a miracle itself. Betty B. Daguio (pcdigest@mozcom.com)
I wish "INTERNET WORLD EXPO'96" success. Akira Takayasu (takayasu@sme.sony.co.jp)
gannbatte kudasai Yuki Nakayama (yuki@eccosys.com)
I read about this fair in Newton magazine, And I realy can't
wait for the Grand Opening Feb.8 !!! Justin Lee (justinlee@mail.formac.com.tw)
good! very good! carl d brown (carl@screaming.org)
The older I get the longer I want to live - it gets more exciting every moment since I found the www. This is a wonderful spot - I'll come back often. Mary-Anne Artz (MArtz90151@aol.com)
As this century comes to a closure, the progress mankind has made is
almost impossible to fathom. it was too long ago that electricity was
discovered, automobiles were invented, and look where we are now.
By the end of the next century, we will surely be communicating with
with other intelligent life forms, millions of miles away in a yet to
be discovered galaxy. I say, BRAVO to all of mankind especially the
architects of this Internet World Exposition/Global Village concept.
dj (discjock77@aol.com)
Very interesting concept. Sue Judkins (judco@cei.net)
"...i see wonderful things..." this is just fantastic! wonderful concept. i sincerely hope everyone (whether one has a computer or not) can learn about this site and share in the experience. beverly mcgough (bgs@erols.com)
I stumbled upon your site unintentionally. However, I'm glad
to have found this location. I'm sure my family and I will be
back. Stephen B. Duff (duffsb@ix.netcom.com)
I knew this address by TV (Tokyo-12ch).
I expect this fair !! bye bye.. Takeshi Igarashi (e23228@yamato.ibm.co.jp) |
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I'll be back!! Glenn Draudt (glennd1@ix.netcom.com)
I'm starting in the fair.
It's a very good idea. Bye bye, from Argentina Ernesto Golomb (ergo@totalnet.com.ar)
Glad to visit! I have been to several World's Fairs, and this one looks like it will be lots of fun! I'm wondering how I will buy cotton candy, though... Guy D (GuyD@aol.com)
Great initiative...
I loved the Beggian Atomium at the HomePage....
Reminds me of the World Expo in Brussels '58
Karel Uyttendaele (karel.uyttendaele@ping.be)
Great tool for teaching a group of seniors (citizens) in the
University of Cincinnati's Institute for Learning in Retirement. Hope we can find special programs for them and
can teach them to participate. There are two other Cincinnatians who signed up today and I think we all read
about it this morning in the Business section of the Cincinnati ENQUIRER which gave the URL of the Fair. Jerry Ransohoff (ransohjn@ucbeh.san.uc.edu)
Cool graphics, nicely done. Chapeau! Erik-Jan Bos (erik-jan.bos@surfnet.nl)
Looks like a great idea coming at a good time. I found out about this from the "ONLINE" column in our city newspaper (thanks John Byczkowski). I believe this is one of those events whose success will be in direct proportion to the number of visitors. Good ideas need a critical mass to gell and be spread for the synergy and reapplication new technology needs to be successful. I'll be here often. Let's spread the word to others. Bob Wylly (wyllybob@primax.net)
Excellent! James T Rutherford (nbp@one.net)
Great concept! I will be back often. Pat Sturgeon (psturg@southwind.net)
Nice features! Sune Falkenby (sune.falkenby@mailbox.swipnet.se)
The place looks great. I hope this develops into something interesting. Dave Niederbaumer (dniederb@ix.netcom.com)
As a spanish and ESL instructor and Webpage designer, I think this is a great idea! I'm glad I found you. I"ve taught at Cushing Academy in Boston, the Univ. of Delaware in Newark DE, and with students from some 47 different countries, its hard to keep track of them. Let me know if I can help you with any of the designing of your websites. Gracias Thanks Merci Prego Sayonara Teresa (polymerdon@aol.com.)
Cannot wait to see the end product. Veryyyyyy interesting and enjoyable. Peter Hart (hart@eastcoast.co.za)
Great idea. Walter M. Sanchez (wallysesq@aol.com)
I am a System-Programmer in IBM Main-Frame,
and sometime Artist, Poet, or Musician.
Anywhere, I can be in Cyber-Space. Toshihiro Oimatsu (tien0028@mxa.meshnet.or.jp)
I will revisit this site to see what develops. I enoyed the Fair of '64 in New York and look forward to this one. I hope to be surprised, challenged and educated. Edward A. Gelb (egelb@epix.net)
Great idea and thanks for giving users the option to use low/high bandwisth connections. Paul Foote (pfoote@newcomm.net)
Great idea to let the world sign your book. I look forward to checking back to see how it has grown Jeff Myers (jefbmyers@msn.com)
THE PROMISED LAND. I am reminded of Chicago's 1893 World's Fair
and subsequent fairs that heralded technology as the Promised Land.
Technology's siren still calls to us today. Is the Internet's promise
of electronic democracy, instant communication, and virtual information
our long-lost Eden? Probably not. A better land? I think so.
Regards from the Snowy Range. Randy C. Bunney (Bunney@uwyo.edu)
I'm a science teacher who looks forward to expanding my mind. I know my students will benefit from anything I can learn, proving to them that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Thank you all for providing this site. Melinda Berg (mberg@arctic.nsbsd.k12.ak.us)
Tadahiro Sawada (choo@dit.co.jp)
seems to be United Nations online...great feeling
Best regards to all participants Lothar Schulze (schulze74@aol.com)
I'm glad to have stumbled upon you. I hope this is a successful event! Barry Kaplan (bkaplan@publichealth.org)
Greetings and God's blessings to all.
73's - N4RMF
Rev. Kevin L. Walton, Associate Pastor (kwalton@gemlink.com)
Looks an exciting expo..!! Scott Herbert (scotth@iinet.net.au) |