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What a wonderful time to be alive taking part in all of this.
Let us rejoice in what the Internet has to offer, mostly,
the FREEDOM of EXPRESSION. Exercizing this freedom is
necessary for all those who can to free all those who are
currently bound to tyranny. Pierre Johnson (inforev@monroe.ny.frontiercomm.net)
Thanks for the genealogy area. Tom Fishbaugh (tfish@nwohio)
Glad to see you online Clem Contardo (contardo@pilot.njin.net)
Give me that 21st century blues.
Looking forward to February 8th. Joris-Jan Bos (joris@euronet.nl)
looks exciting.... dylan tichenor (dtich@earthlink.net)
Very Nice! Peter Lundman (peter.lundman@plsror.se)
Just got started, looks like it might be great. I am
looking for part time synthetic oil dealers. Glenn Dirksen (http://gdirksen@surfsouth.com)
This is spectacular. The Internet Railroad truly represents the shrinking of the Physical size of this world. the third stone from the sun on which we live. Greg Mareski (camgem@jagunet.com)
Joan Jordi Callau i Borrαs (callau@quimica.urv.es)
i am looking forawrd to the opening in feb. beth perkins (bperkins@indyvax.iupui.edu)
a ideia parece genial! oxalß n≤s todos possamos aproveitar tudo o que vocΩs prometem. PARAB╔NS !!!
sergio palandri (spalandri@u-netsys.com.br)
Esto es una idea maravillosa! Lo que falta ahora es que haya
informaci≤n en espa±ol ... nuestra red de hispano parlantes
"MUNDO LATINO" cuidarß que esta initiativa maravillosa ser
traducido al espa±ol ... ahora mismo al terminar este mensaje
me pongo a traducir ... y pronto habrß traducci≤n en nuestra
propia lengua ... bueno un saludo para todos ....
VIVA LA EXPO DIGITAL '96 ..... y VIVA LOS LATINOS! VanGogh (dtheb@bart.nl)
It will be interesting to watch this page grow and expand into a state of the art presentation.
Craig A. Mengert (mengertc@seoul-1sig.korea.army.mil)
I look forward to the GRAND TOUR on Feb. 8. I hope you visit the Philippines as well. Richard P. Burgos (richard@sunphil.mozcom.com)
I wish that this world would become much more new one
through INTERNET. I really really wish.
- From KOREA -
Kim Tae-gun (alive611@bora.dacom.co.kr)
great fun to see how things changed during the last expo's ! andrΘ koopman (pa0akv@noord.bart.nl)
if i do nothing but learn how to get forms off a www server
ie cgi-scripts, etc. ill be very happy to attend bruce blosser (bruce1net@qnet.com)
Hello. I'm very interested in EXPO. Yuichi Kageyama (dd@neuromagic.co.jp)
The guestbook, another wonder on the internet!
Feel free to visit
Tuan A. Tran (tat1@cs.wustl.edu)
Very interesting!
Is there any way to introduce our dye-sub printer? Masato Sakui (sakui@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp)
Great site, will visit here again. Candace L. Stauber (webdancer@netdancer.com)
Awesome! I see comments from all over the world. Welcome to
the 21st Century. George Resketo (gresketo@peganet.com)
Lost on the information super highway! Elizabeth Del Valle (DelVa3774@aol.)
So far, so good. Daniel M. Hogan (dmhogan@spectra.net)
FAB tyrone mills (apple@innotts.co.uk) Joe Jepsen (Jepsenj@cris.com)
I like the guestbook! Matt Holmes (mholmes@execpc.com) |
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Great looking train. Daryl Bowen (ubwy40a@prodigy.com)
Can't wait to look around...looks cool. Gayle Wildman (gaylew@ocp.uiuc.edu)
I heared about this exhibition at a meeting of the Digitale Stad Amsterdam (http//www.dds.nl in Dutch i'm afraid). I'm really thrilled by this exhibition and hope and believe it will be a great step forward in intergrating the Internet to our society. Great organisation! Enough talk, i'm going to surf through the exibition. Good luck to all participants!
Andre J. Gauw (ajg@xs4all.nl)
I survived the Sarlacc. Boba Fett (tantooine@csionline.com)
I've just arrived. I see great form, now I'm going to look for content.
Good luck! Alan Barlow (alanb@fox.nstn.ca)
Looking forward to a great fair. The future's history looks bright! Roger L. Vance (rogerv@cowles.com)
I think that this place is Great! There need to be more places in the
world like it.
Adam Herman (adam@communique.net)
I'd love to go to this exposition but ... Edwardo Arata Yamamoto Murakami (arata@ele.niihama-nct.ac.jp)
Great idea. Congratulations Albert Perpinya (albert@encomix.es)
Central Park .... Yahoo !!!
I Love It ! Fu-Chien Wu (wfc@iiidns.iii.org.tw)
Wow! It┤s wonderful !! Antonio Martinez (100067.1437@compuserve.com)
Hello! How are you, Nice to meet you here! Tay Chau Sam ╛G »¬ ºⁿ (lsc1129@serv.hinet.net)
Very impressive. My compliments to your graphic designer. Jim Wallace (JLWallace@nmaa.org)
Great graphics design! lalit lertmaithai (lalit@ksc7.th.com)
Nice Page!!! Still learning the tricks of the trade. Gary Kimbrell (kimbrel@connecti.com)
My friend tip me on your url.
I'v must say, you have a realy cool side.
My is under constuktion. Ann-Brith Nystr÷m (amme@pluggnet.se)
Nice to meet to you!.
I am work for Ssangyong Information & Communications Corp.
Have a nice day.
Good-bye. Sang-Yeon YOON (netpia@toody.sicc.co.kr)
I have seen the future and it is here.....and now. Rose Clarke (rclark@earthlink.net)
I have never found such great food!
Come ceck out my recipe collection. The Pillsbury Doughboy (webmaster@crc-inc.com)
Quite a setup! Perhaps future developement will be in store. J. Whitt Singleton (jwsingle@edge.com)
Greetings from Asbury Park! Bruce says hello! Steve Koshlap (SteveK1@soho.ios.com)
They way we all will be together 20 minutes into the Future.
Here on the Net. See you all here....sometime. Thomas Jebb (maxheadroom@clo.com)
It was long awaited. This event appears to be quite exciting for the CYPERDICTS. It is expected that it would become permanent feature like COMDEX. Anxiously looking forward to witness the great event.
-- RAJINDER Rajinder S. Bedi (rsbst17+@pitt.edu)
Excellent Idea cann't wait for the Expo to began Joe Re Ville (reville@chelsea.ios.com)
Geweldig initatief, ga zo door. Jan Slotman (MAILLINE@WORLDACCESS.NL)
Fan-Tastic!!!! James Morton (jbmorton@uoguelph.ca)
Where is the Future? nuno (nuno@NetLaputa.or.jp)
Nice! Cody Hogeston
Cool! Stephen Tinius (tinius@mkots3.enet.dec.com)
And I didn't get lost once! David R. Miller (david.miller@msfc.nasa.gov)
Quite impressive. Jerry Becker Jr. (aaa533@ramail.angelo.edu)
It's getting better all the time! Bud Oliver (bud@connectnet.com) |
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This is the greatest fair I've been to and visited without
leaving my chair. And would like to greet the world and all
the Greeks surfing Ya sas ellinis send e-mail any time for
anyway I can Help. Happy New Year!! Xpovia Polla Constantine Mastoropoulos (polka@generation.net)
This is the greatest fair I've been to and visited without
leaving my chair. And would like to greet the world and all
the Greeks surfing Ya sas ellinis send e-mail any time for
anyway I can Help. Happy New Year!! Xpovia Polla Constantine Mastoropoulos (polka@generation.net)
To exist in a time when all this is possible, and to have
the means to take advantage of this technology, what a
wondrous thing!! Congratulations!! Joann Halpern (joannh@mhv.net)
A brilliant idea! Much success! Bea McKinney (bea@asksam.com)
I think you better recognize...
Detroit (a.k.a. the "Motor City") is the place for
multimedia development !!!
Dr. Gary C. Powell (gpowell@cms.cc.wayne.edu)
cool man tammy l. russell (trussell@vt.edu.)
This is a neat idea! Karen Guglielmoni (c665392@showme.missouri.edu)
Great looking web site! John W. Ford (fordjw%am6%paxmb1@mr.nawcad.navy.mil)
If you slept through the collapse of the Berlin Wall, look here and see what people can do. Read the messages from around the world. To those who would criticize the Net, I remind them of what Albert Camus wrote, "There is nothing so dangerous as an idea whose time is come" and, I would add, get out of the way! Diana Trainer (trainerd@BankersTrust.com)
I hope your success!! Motoki Kurosu (59381472@people.or.jp)
What an excellent idea, but above all implementation! Cornelis S.Vonk (vonk@ulysse.enet.dec.com)
We must success this event. Tatsuo Suzuki (suzukit@st.rim.or.jp)
I like that stuff! and for once it is not slow.. Michael Gnaegi
Internet World's Fair is a great idea Andrea Giovanni Maoro (lamarst@singnet.com.sg)
Enjoyed surfing throught the World expo - I hope that this is increasing
intercultural exchange. Keep on going ! Susanne Rehbein (rehbein@impartner.de)
This is great and very innovative ! Kevin Yeow (kevyeow@singnet.com.sg)
May technology bring peace and mutual understanding to all!
Ching-Sung Wu (cswu@haydn.ntu.edu.tw)
Fascinating indeed! Kimmo Lehtonen (klehtone@tukki.jyu.fi)
An idea whose time has come!!! Fantastic! We'll be back soon! Vikas & Rosy Ojha (stnzout@ix.netcom.com)
Better than the last world's fair I went to (New York, 1964) Frederick A. Tornatore (fatoxic@ns.net)
Beau site! j'y reviendrai!
Denis Bergeron (azimut@intercime.qc.ca)
It was a pleasure visting this site and I love Miyako chamath kannanara (chamath@takahata.comm.waseda.ac.jp)
Quite cool! And it's only jan,17... (go ahead this way!) Andrea Pelli
Very impressive. I'm coming back to review everything I can. It's been a joy. Bob & Cindy Keeney (cakeeney@aone.com)
Hello I am new in Internet, where can I go ? Juan Craveri (jcraveri@starnet.net.ar)
I believe IT is happening. Many Thanks Marcia Norris (mnorris@ginko.htctu.fhda.edu)
Wicked Site! Looking forward to tell the Royals all about it! :-) Garrett C. Smith (100416,1126@compuserve.com)
Please present Japanese site.
Hisao Yoshiki (hisao@mb.infoweb.or.jp)
An Internet World's Fair is a great idea. The Internet is
growning so fast, that it is difficult to stop and smell the
roses. Ron Osborne (osborne@netside.com)
Great look, looking forward to my next visit. sean gallivan (wil03@wwa.com)
Outstanding the feel good internet sight of the year Murray Snider (lin87)
Everything looks interisting. I'll be back when I have more
time. Thanks!
John John L.Givens (jlgivens@hilconet.com) |
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What can i say. It's great. Steen Poulsen (8652_bella95@cybernet.dk)
KATHY (kathyp@crown.icongrp.com)
Great Site! An excellent idea long overdue! Glad to be here.
Meanwhile, live long and prosper! Seamus Phan of McGallen & Bolden Int'l (webmaster@mcgallen.com)
Absolutly outstanding. Chuck Gatto (CGatto@ix.netcom.com)
Best wishes.... William Brown (wbnyc@echonyc.com)
The Internet 1996 World Exposition looks great :)
-eric Eric Perlman (eric@yikes.com)
Felicitations! Robert E. DeLong (rdelong@fox.nstn.ca)
Super! Well done.
Chia Loon Chwee
This is a very great site! WANG TAO FAN (wangtao@ksc9.th.com)
A prodigious undertaking and so far a most excellent site! M.R. Smith (mrsmith@iftech.net)
very creative site !! hope you get a great turn-out for the
expo.. brent kincheloe (bsaki@cu-online.com)
Julio Vasquez Jr. (varibe@pananet.com)
My very first World's Fair! Jason Burge (jburge@aimnet.com)
URL in the future, just for fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gary pitts (gapitts@teleport.com)
This is one of the most interesting and the best WWW site design
I've seen to date. Raul A. Velez (ravelez@iclc.net)
Very nice! Creative, inventive, something for others
to strive for. Curt Lear (curt101@voicenet.com)
The world is ready for this...Let's GO!!!! Congratulations on a way cool concept
Please everybody, lets have a good time, the world is our oyster!! Rafael Cervera (cerverar@gate.net)
What we need is more bandwidth. Who's paying for this
funhouse, and how do feed it more quarters. This will
never die out like CB radios did, it's only going to get
better and better. BTW, what's your handle? --dobe-- Dobe Fgin Doinat (dobe@eskimo.com)
Cool sites is awesome. Adam Brockmiller (brock@is.usmo.com)
Interesting concept. Brian Edgar (bkedgar@sleepy.ebtech.net)
Cool site and let it snow there too! Keith R. Hagen (KRHAGEN@ALEX.STKATE.EDU)
responds E-mail, if you send ARILD JENSEN (arildj@sn.no)
Quick server! Hoping the english version of the Sensorium pavillion will appear soon.
Good luck... Michel Pellerin (mpell@neocom.ca)
Just out surfing the Web while on break from college. Nice site. Mac rules! Althea Holland (aholland@capecod.net)
very nice Zachary Maiorca (maiorca@ux5.cso.uiuc.edu)
Cool expo. Just surfing on the bosses box after hours !!!! Gary Gouge
This is a great site!!! Christopher Geidner (cg4043a@american.edu)
Paris is wonderful ... Wolfgang Schuler (wolfgang@westrade.com)
Cool Site. Melissa F. Jackson (Lissafj@aol.com)
I checked out the Kazakhstan Exhibit as I lived there for 6 months in 1992. The cooked sheep's head brought back memories. Um, um... Robert Snyder (rsnyder@wam.umd.edu)
Congrats on the Cool Site of the Day Scott Vik (svik@mail.wsu.edu)
Great place to be. I┤ll be back! Pelle Lindqvist (per.lindqvist@mailbox.swipnet.se) |
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Great site!! Congratulations on being Cool Site of the Day!!
Keep up the great work!! I've just bookmarked the site, so I will be checking back shortly!! Derek Cashman (cashman@cs.odu.edu)
in swedish:flummiga bilder ,yaeh! yaeh! niklas (m-37334@mailbox.swipnet.se)
Look forward to check your events. Keep the good work flowing. Martin Noergaard (martin.noergaard@herning.da.diatel.dk)
Hello all! Its nice to be able to browse around as a first time user and find that the world contains cool people and cool things. Peter Bason (pabason@aol.com)
This is the mandatory comment. Todd Parent (TAParent@mail.drsystems.com)
Really cool graphic design!! Peter Zoon (pzoon@cybercomm.nl)
Hello Internaltas !!!
Vamos visitar este excelente Site !
Antonio Goncalves Neto (agneto@embratel.net.br)
Great Site Sherry (Sherry@deepcove.com)
Hello evrybody. Couldn't see any Scots so thought I'd write.
BYE, BYE Neil Hughes (n.a.hughes@dundee.ac.uk)
Just Hello Ing.Adolfo Gonzalez de Leon (agonza@mail.cmact.com)
Good job on being selected as a cool site by Infinet and C|Net.
Keep up the good work and I am going to keep surfing and enjoying
your site now. Blake Spencer (bspencer@fay.infi.net)
RYUETSU SATO (sid10472@first.win.or.jp)
yeah! I'll be back Anita Lynn Staats (anlnstts@cols.com)
Hi everybody -- I really like your site! John C. Kennedy (jckenned@uncc.edu)
Really incredible. I can hardly wait for virtual access to be
able to truely experience walking around the pavilions. Bill Wall (attmail!wwall)
Amsterdam's idea of a cow site is cute -- looking forward to updates! Caroline Chevalier (caro@ivation.com)
"He who searches will find"
And I found this great World Fair. It's the Future kidz !! Edgar Leeman (e.leeman@student.rulimburg.nl)
just flying in ! Hang Glide Air was here. Andreas Fuchs (fuchsa@ping.ch)
Interesting Concept - Especially in these times of
reduced Corporate Travel. Looks like this will be
an "evergreen" type of site. Really Looing forward
to some of the "Coming Events". Marvin Lightcap (lightcmp@wmvx.dupont.com)
Good! James Gallacher (jgallacher@iccuk.co.uk)
kudos! beautiful design and execution... sandor weisz (stweisz@nwu.edu)
First visited site on my birthday - MARVEILLEUSE
SAENEVER (saenever@aol.com)
Life without Art,Imagination is reduced to Survival ... Kelly Lee Lefkowitz (KTEMA USA@aol.com)
Com anem? How do you do? Que tal! Angel Fabregat Morera (AFabreg@ibm.net)
This is the best expo I have ever been to. Ruth Soulsby-Monroy (ruths@riverlink.com)
Hello World !!
This is a good place !
I love it ! Cheng-Lin Li (b1705057@im.ntu.edu.tw)
Jr. Armando L. Caro Jr. acaro@udel.edu">(acaro@udel.edu)
This is a very impressive site and I have become somewhat
disillusioned recently on www pages. Ken Avis (kavis@supernet.ab.ca)
Like your graphics! Try our site as well! Stephan Luik (stephan@cistron.nl)
The best yet... Superb workmanship and the definition of
what the Internet is supposed to be!
Rick Hopper (rick.hopper@nt.com) |
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I think this is the best thing the world have to share.
Because of the development of information you make it
more easier thru that expo 96.Keep up the good work.Thank
Congrats on Cool Site of the Day!! I'm always looking for great sites to explore and this is one of the best. Kim R. Wheatley (krw@infi.net)
Hello World Mike Duggan (us020945@interramp.com)
Heard about this page indirectly from our local TV station - KTVB.
An interesting page to browse through. Robert Young (ryoung@micron.net)
Un concepto hermoso y grandioso.
Solamente falta unos jardines donde se puede dar unas vueltas;
tal vez mas tarde.
Beautiful in concept and in execution. Lacks only a few gardens
in which to stroll. Maybe later. Raydon Eiland Alexander (greenman@texas.net)
Just visiting John C. Mumaw (mumaw@access.digex.com)
What an great page! Chris Spatgen (cspatgen@rahul.net)
The dawning of a new age... how wonderful it is to be alive
Gary Shull (gshull@cts.com)
I Want to come to this cool space with my girl friend, Hiromi.
Hiromi is the Best Partner in whole this world, of course
including this space, for me.
Please aid us for marriage in your cheering e-mail.
Do much much appreciate your support.
Makoto Murakami (os200216@fsinet.or.jp)
The Site is Greeeat Robert E. Brady (rebrady@eskimo.com)
Thia is some of the grooviest pages i've visited.... Nice and clean graphics... Keep it up!! Erik Pettersson (epetters@bd.edu.amu.se)
Great site. I wish that you would identify the pictures used on your pages. I know that the bridge was the first of that type to span the Mississippi. (Eads Bridge) Don Hediger (don.hediger@msfc.nasa.gov)
Looks like this is realy going to be a wonderful place to
visit on a continueing basis. Lee R. Sherrell Jr. (lsher@negia.net)
GGGaavoooowy site! boybaby
Pretty well done WWW pages!
Please send me a list of your intenational programs of this year!
Andreas Andreas Nunnemann (Nunnemann@aol.com)
Great Site!Well Done!Will visit again Gord Hines (ghines@muskoka.com)
It isa one of the neatest fires tha I have been to even thought I was visiting in Low bandwith! Duane Brankley (Starlord@infi.net)
Congratulations! Your website really deserved the Cool Site of the Day.
I hope we get more Expo's online so we could participate in cyberspace, it's a lot cheaper than going to the actual place. John Alvin Lo (jal_dag@mozcom.com)
Congratulations on being selected the Cool Site Of The Day! It's well deserved. How about more on Canada? Leslie Barkell Rohonczy (lrohonczy@thecitizen.southam.ca)
Se sua organizacao ainda nao esta na Internet...
Nos a colocaremos!!! Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo (acme@sul.com.br)
Beautiful site...can't wait to get home tonight and explore
it. Gregory Fittinghoff (pennman@nauticom.net)
Nice EXPO presentation! Tony Bauna (tonyb@tss.no)
Paying a visit is a good way to start your day. No snow, no rain. David W. Coburn (davidc@wpgate1.ahs.state.vt.us)
Nice site. I will keep it as one of my favorites. Luther J. Diamond (diamond@mail.cybertron.com)
HELLO I LIKE THIS PAGE Aaron Ramroth (aaron@visualpurple.com)
Nice page !! Leif Frisk (leifoelisabeth@falun.mail.telia.com)
nice site , I look forward to many returns . Steve Towers (petmaster1@aol.com)
Well done! Davis Burnette (dsb927@nc5.infi.net)
If this is a "World Fair" don't you think some
representation from Africa is needed? Alwin Wiederhold (a87498@generation.eskom.co.za)
MR. JG (grimm@forst.uni-muenchen.de) |
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When the job is well done, medals fit better.
Congratulations!! JosΘ A. L≤pez (100044.7140@compuserve.com)
Great !!! Work.... one day we may never need to travel to see an expo again..... Raymond Ng (raymond@hpsgczq3.sgp.hp.com)
This is an excellent site! I hope that it will continue
for a very long time! Chris H. Olds (firefell@best.com)
Very nice Site, informative and clear .... Edwin Ollefers (ollefers@dds.nl)
Well, Quite an interesting way to have an Expo. I'm impressed
and I even get to use my Shades. ;)
Optic Shades (optic@islandnet.com)
Like it - clearly the best thing to happen on the web in a long time. Ian Philpott (colonel@korat1.vu-korat.ac.th)
I really like your logo. Katja Nilsson (katja@pluggnet.se)
This site has given me great insights for a paper I'm writing
on the Columbian Exposition in Chicago, 1893 due tomorrow...who
knew that procrastination could be so productive! Thank you. Leslie Hermanson
Bravo. Informative & entertaining. Rudy Herman Sinen (roodee@pacific.net.sg)
ªa▓yº°¬║╣┌╖Qñú╗╖ñF! ╖φ¿║╝╦¬║ñ@ñ╤¿∞¿╙, Ñ@¼╔ñW⌐╥ª│¬║ñH│ú¼Oñ@«a┐╦! ñ╒ñl╗í:"Ñ|«ⁿñºñ║¼╥ÑSº╠", ╛a╡█║⌠╕⌠¬║║≥║≥┴p├┤, º┌¡╠¬║╢Z┬≈ñúªA¼O¿║╝╦¬║╗╗ñúÑiñ╬! ░Jñ▀╖P┴┬⌐╥ª│¼░│o¡╙│╒─²╖|ÑIÑXºVñO¬║¬Bñ═!
Morton Chen (u8412068@cc.nctu.edu.tw)
GREAT!!! Dieter Molle (Dieter.Molle@physik.uni-regensburg.de)
Too Cool, can't wait to watch Expo unfold!
Scott Broyles (sbroyles@clarkston.com)
Great! It's not as if Vegas already doesn't have something to do 24 hours a day. Now I'll never get any sleep! Mary Aehlich
Splendid! Danika Ann Larsen (larsen@beast.trenton.edu)
Fantastic! Jack Davis (jdavbse@rrnet.com)
Hmmmm...now it's either write my thesis or surf the Fair.
Decisions, decisions!
Congrats to the WebMasters - great looking site. Brad Thompson (thompson@commerce.murdoch.edu.au)
Cool! Does this mean that I can take the day off work and go surfing?!Hell, let's just declare a global holiday for cyberspace relaxation!! Michael Forde (mforde@interlog.com)
I have enjoyed this exibit. Marianne Darnell (fwb0225@tsufl.edu)
Very very good!!!
Jung Soek.Choi (laputa@unitel.co.kr)
I can smell the cotton candy. What a GOOD idea. Michael Howard (mhoward@ionet)
Great soiree. Where's the bar ? Mark (sliick@earthlink.net)
This is exciting! I'm more impressed with the Internet every day! It is true - one does not have to fully understand technology to enjoy or use it! LAWRENCE R. ALLEN (lallen@iccb.state.il.us)
This is an interesting idea, I haven't been to a World's Fair since New York's. mike schmid (mikes@cnsii.com)
How nice!! Feel free to visit Karen Tang (karen@webhk.com)
Just surfin' the guest book to look for some fellow swiss
countrymen Beat Jund (BEATJ@aol.com)
Who has time to do all this!? Greg McCann (gregm@well.com)
Lets go to the fair!!!! Joseph Hanratty (joecool@pig.net)
Good work and Good Luck andy nguyen (dnguyen@pathcom.com)
Congratulations with the Expo. It is wonderful. I am enjoying the wonderful
exhibition that you have. Greetings from Aruba. Calixto "Tito" Sapuana (73651,621@compuserve.com)
Traveling the world from my rocking chair... anyone want a
pen pal to share poetry with? E-me! --,-'(@ Heather N. Gibson (fawn@paradise.net)
Hello World!!!!! Ed Ray (eray@smartnet.net)
just got here Tim Blair (tjblair@adams.net)
As a member of the U.S. Pavilion staff at the 1993 World's
Exposition in Taejon, S. Korea I have to say this is
impressive. It just is the same, though.... Sarah E. Lindenau (selinden@maxwell.syr.edu) |
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This is the first 1996 Internet Expo that I have ever been to. Parking was terrible and we had to walk to far. People seemed friendly enough. Didn't get to all of it yet cause my wife wanted to play "Whack-A-Mole" all day. We bought the season pass, so we'll be back. And no, my favorite song is not "Billy don't be a Hero". See ya at the fair! Did anybody really read all of this ? If you did, send me some e-mail, I hardly ever get any e-mail. Look, somebody poked my eye out! .[ Tim Delcour (tdelcour@misn.com)
Now this is really quite a venture. This is my first day with a PPP connection and I am really impressed.
Dick Rose
The New World is fantastic. Mario Brambilla (m.brambilla@teseo.it)
I hope I have time to visit all the sites. From what I have seen so far it is great. linda schuck (schuck@dancooks.com)
The Internet World Exposition 1996 is an excellent idea. Wish everyone lots of success.. suzette benjamin (benjamin@inforamp.net)
I hope I have time to visit all the sites. From what I have seen so far it is great. linda schuck (schuck@dancooks.com)
The globe .. the fair .. the village. Henk Kruisselbrink (hkruis@uni4nn.iaf.nl)
Have'nt seen anything yet, thought the first thing to do was to sign up the guestbook but as i browsed all the former comments it must be fabeltastic or so :-) Jan-Willem van Stuijvenberg (jwstuijv@xs4all)
I just got here I haven't seen anything yet Kristen Tracey
Leuk idee, mooie plaatjes. Ik kom nog eens kijken hoe het zich ontwikkeld Peter Weehuizen (cpweehui@pi.net)
No Comments! Mark Yuhr (myuhr@peganet.com)
Congratulations, Great job!, Nice Graphics and excellent cgi programming, carry on and continue to astonished us! Franklin Soler (F.Soler@agora.stm.it)
Great Idea! Hope my computer works
ok to bring in the doings on Feb. 8th. Barbara Wittstock (babswitt@sirius.com)
Excellent Work!!! YS LEE (ysl19@nwlink.com)
Very good, hope more ideas like this goes on ! Miguel Olivares (miguel.olivares@st.com)
What a terrific idea! Susanne Whitt (Susanne_Whitt@bsd.beavton.k12.or.us)
it┤s the gratest place in the net!i┤ll be back soon... mⁿller helmut
A great way to cruise those fairs of the past
as we rapidly approach the year 2000. Douglas Allinson (moose@cnwl.igs.net)
happy new year
alternate e-mail: sac35094@saclink.csus.edu george dugan (dugan.george@sma1.mcclellan.af.mil)
The Netherlands..... TEN points!!! Taco Mansens (tmfht@xs4all.nl)
it is cool
somman agoo (effve84/457345/3584t)
This site is surely a great start for all Internet-newbies! Alexander Osojnik (h9200942@miraculix.wu-wien.ac.at)
I'm really enjoying all this Internet.
Thanks to all who make it happen! John Cowan (johngcowan@AOL.com)
Looks like an excellent idea and concept. I'm just starting to finds my way around the Internet and this sure looks interesting and informative. keith hincks (khincks@wchat.on.ca)
What an interesting idea. We'll watch to see how this works, and return often if it stays interesting (so much of Cyberspace is such a waste of valuable time). Good luck, and best wishes! Bob & Greg Bob Copeland & Greg Staler (twoguys@maroon.tc.umn.edu)
The World's Fair is a wonderful idea and very enlightening. Thanks for bringing
the world to us via cyberspace! Dave Stemen (BTXD04A@PRODIGY.COM)
Hi ! I am a freshman in this internet world.Here is a non-bondary country.
I am happy to sign my symbol here.May this world be a messege of peace will coming!
Jason Chen (jason73@c7.hinet.net)
A great place to visit. I'll Stop by next time Jim Li, Ph.D. (liz13@ix.netcom.com)
Great, What I have seen so far.
Peter Goldman made a nice side for us.
I hope to find out how this can be exposed in your exhibition.
Good Luck Huibert Groenendijk (pro@euronet.nl)
This cyber Expo. looks very nice,kinda exotic.
I hope it to go well.
Hyuck Cho (ecosave@nowcom.co.kr)
Interesting site. I hope that you can continue to expand and
that I can develop some interesting ideas for my business from
your efforts. Keep up the excellent work. Patrick E. Mc Hugh (outdoor1@ix.netcom.com) |
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EXELENT!!! Masayuki Shirai (masa@aquapress.co.jp)
Congratulations for your work. I think you can incloude a new url , http://www.ole.es ( All the webs in spanish lenguage are around the world. Good virtual comunication ).
PEP VALLES (PEP@CINET.FCR.ES) Nice GuestBook, keep up your good work! Try to leave this world a little better than you found it and when time comes to die, you can die happy in feeling taht at any rate you have not wasted your time, but have done your Best.
So long, Günther Nowotny (gnowotny@tph.tuwien.ac.at)
Site looks great!
I admire the initiative: the is the kind which creates progress.
I have put you on my bookmark list and will be back. Rene Kolpa (hrmkolpa@pi.net)
This site looks great, keep up the good work! Alexander Schutte (aschutte@worldaccess.nl)
Well done.
Keep on keeping on! JOACKIM JOSEPH MREMA (joackim@stud.unit.no)
I have put your site in my bookmarks. Looks good so far. I will be back soon Pamela Grashuis (grashuis@solair1.inter.nl.net)
Great!(Sugoi!) Makoto Tajima (tajima@na.rim.or.jp)
Excellent !! Probably the most professional site I've been
to.Well Done !
Sean Dame's (sdames@names.ibi.co.za)
It helps all the dreams come true! Terence C.L. Chou (terence@tse.com.tw)
What a cool idea! Tim Chipman (diamondz@getnet.com)
Man... Man... Man.. This is GOOD !!! Mohd Nazdrin
Great idea!! Congratulations. Andreas D÷ckel (dockehm@alpha.unisa.ac.za)
Keep the Internet free. Bryan P. Rosetti (rosetti@datasync.com)
WAY COOL!!! Lance Hackewich (hound@maple.net)
I think the Internet World Fair is wonderful and so much fun! Lanna S. Kwon (lannak@minerva.cis.yale.edu)
Great Idea! Interesting! Jennie Alfrey (teddya@tctc.com)
If we can do this well, the EXPO may very well be an
crucial step to get peace on earth. And to do this well,
let us keep our good will towards all fellow mankind. Nai-Kuan Huang (nkhuang@tse.com.tw)
I shall return ! Stanley J. Giner (sjg2@psu.edu)
Just checking you out. Looking good so far Gregory L. Bennett (aixelsyD@ix.netcom.com)
Wow! Great graphics!! That's all.:) Vivian Wong (fba40177@leonis.nus.sg)
Well, this is what I will definitely describe as KEWL.
Now, how about sponsoring me for some ISDN access?
14k4 is way too slow for such a gordious site...:-)
Wish you all lots of success! J. Patrick Goossen (74774.1355@compuserve.com)
I'm very much looking forward to this experience...it feels cutting edge....Frank Frank Coffey (frank@harborside.com)
I'm very much looking forward to this experience...it feels cutting edge....Frank Frank Coffey (frank@harborside.com)
Joey rules! Mark, Cindy and Branka (markn@elrond.ucdavis.edu)
WHAT AN ABSOLUTLEY FABULOUS IDEA! keep up the good work. TYRONE MILLS (apple@innotts.co.uk)
First impression of this admirable initiative is promising, though I, like so many others, notwithstanding wide band, am experiencing slow responses ! Discovered this site thru the NRC paper of today, good article ! If performance improves I plan to explore this site in detail ! Would also like to have a forum for international exchange on experiences, e.g. as an attachment to the guest book ?? Alexander Alexander Sandkuyl (sanbreda@worldaccess.nl)
Very good job!!!!!!!! Christian Young (cyoung@smartar.com)
Glad to see all your hard work coming to fruition.
Congratulations!!! Sandy Ressler (sressler@nist.gov)
Wonderfull site. This becomes my number one bookmark
I want to see more. Marius van Leeuwen (nldesign@euronet.nl)
Nice graphics. Hot backgrounds! Come see us sometime. Veres Tamas (pick@hway.net) |
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I don't have an URL yet, but I hope to soon. Jason Shivers (jshivers@aristotle.net)
I do agree with some other comments that the site puts a great demand
on our system's resources. Like many "fair-goers", I'm limited
by my narrow bandwidth-therefore everything is slow!
Having said that, it's a great idea. Suggest "small kiosk" upon entering
with links to "sponsor" helper applications.
Good luck and look forward to coming back throughout the year.P.S-where can
I get my pavillion passport stamped? Wayne Hunter (whunter@direct.ca)
Looks great,
but I haven't seen very much, because of the slow speed
of my modem.
Anyway, good luck with this side Hein T. Woudstra (picard@euronet.nl)
Your idee is good and necessary.
This is the slowest side I ever saw.
Please speed it up. Forget your complex visuals
and give interactive communication a change.
Frans Drupsteen (drudes@euronet.nl)
Today I read an article in my newspaper on the initiave of mr. Carl
Malamud to start the world EXPO on Internet. The idea is great !
Hope to visit this place many times.
I Like It
Good Bye
Kees Broer-Eikmeier (042731517-0001@t-online.de)
I think the Internet is GREAT! Bob Protus (bprotus@telepath.com)
Interesting !!! Alberto Bonells (alberto@bonells.se)
It's 1996 and it's the beginning of a NEW WORLD OF IT! Gerard van Assem (G.B.van.Assem@inter.nl.net)
It's 1996 and it's the beginning of a NEW WORLD OF IT! Gerard van Assem (G.B.van.Assem@inter.nl.net)
Some of the best looking pages I've seen(and I've seen a
lot of pages). I also like the background material
on the past expos. Keep up the fine work!
Dale L. Rook (drook@frontiernet.net)
Today I read an article in my newspaper on the initiave of mr. Carl Malamud to start the world EXPO on Internet.
The idea is great ! Hope to visit this place many times.
If you know somebody with the name Wolthoorn, Wolthorn or Walthorn please send an e-mail to me.
Olivier C. Wolthoorn (kees.wolthoorn@tip.nl)
Good idea, Fine home-page, though slow site while I have the fastest modem in town.
Regards, Dick viveen Dick Viveen (dviveen@pi.net)
Congratulations on an excellent new site. I'm researching ideas to complement the Calgary 2005 World's Fair which is currently being bid. An internet world's fair is a great start for world citizens to communicate, connect and meet. Thanks. Randall Way (rww@planet.eon.net)
If guests havequestions with recovering foreign VAT,
we can help them.
European VAT refund office RETOURTAX (vatrefnd@tref.nl)
No comments James Brunette (jjbrunet@ix.netcom.com)
A great idea for marketing a site. Mark Ward (mark@canadas.net)
Congratulations to all the Cyberfriends! I see you soon Miguel del Fresno (ouroboros@mad.servicom.es)
Only through the amazing technology of the Internet am I able to visit a fair like this..enough said,
Keep up the good work Graham Taylor (gtaylor@netlunx.netline.co.za)
have definitely booked marked for future visits. a wonderful idea and way to make new friends. Virginia Paes (vaday@atlantic.net)
I have not had the chance to explore much, but I look forward to doing so. GREAT IDEA!
Ron Salma (Rsalma@aol.com)
Good work everyone. Good work, Wade!
H. Nam Pham (ae030@Freenet.Carleton.ca)
Great site! Hope to see more in the future.
Great site! Hope to see more in the future. Hans van Driel (H.vDriel@kub.nl)
It is nice to have all the people from the world to get to
know each other's culture, customs. literature... by such a
easy and quick way. I appreciated the gifts and do hope
that the world can be united into one family through
Best Wishes to all of you. Michelle Jung (demijung@tcts.seed.net.tw)
congratulations with this initiative. I wish you the best of
results with this world exposittion. Ruud Kwakkenbos (kwakkenb@mercuri.nl)
Very Informative, Will stop in in the near future. Herbie Thompson (Herbie@Coastal.Edu)
Great idea, will be visiting often, can't wait. Renato Berardo (metalgeste@ip.pt)
It's a turning point for our future. Takeo Kubo (takekubo@po.iijnet.or.jp) |
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Phantastic idea with really superb chances for a World Exhibition
of the Cyber Age !
Anybody knows why Austria isn┤t here yet ?
After all we celebrate our "millenium" ! Cyril Dance (cyril.dance@kfunigraz.ac.at)
Very interesting and I will visit here often William R. Bowman (wrbowman@cyberia.com)
Excelent Idea
Excelent layout & Design
Fantastic - Original
I LIKE IT! Robert G M Ward (robert.ward@bcs.org.uk)
I hope Internet 1996 World Expo will succeed.
I'm very happy if you send me more information about Internet Expo to my E-mail address.
yutaka yamada (ki4y-ymd@asahi-net.or.jp)
95' internet expo will be seen our future.
the internet world will is human's free world. Nam sanggan (fza00631@nownuri.nowcom.co.kr)
It is nice to share different civilization in Expo96. Roger Jen-Chieh Cheng (roger@paradise.ccl.itri.org.tw)
Very Nice piece of work....hope it becomes an annual event for you Edward I. Jenny (edjenn@microsoft.com)
Very Nice piece of work....hope it becomes an annual event for you Edward I. Jenny (a-edjenn@microsoft.com)
wow! there is real soul here! i can sense the workings of
great imagination and see the attention to detail...thank
you all very much for being there...virtually yours...pas paul searle (drpaul@midtown.net)
Awsome - will be back to check it out...... cwl
SUGOI (Wonderful)! I hope this project will be successful. Kozo Tajiri (jiri@liq.xtal.nagoya-u.ac.jp)
Great Site! Rev. Eric Roberts (woad@mcs.com)
What a brilliant idea! I'll be back for sure.
Chito Guerrero (cravings@mnl.sequel.net)
I like it.
I think I'll enjoy it... Lee, Jin Woo (lee@sam1.info.samsung.co.kr)
WOW! Am I excited! D. Schneider (spitfire@eskimo.com)
Thank you for having me. Joe Ponkey (joenkate@nhr.com)
Can't wait to read more about the exposition Dave McDuff (matryx@ottawa.net)
wonderful idea!!!! I hope to meet people internationally via this
stupendous website. will gainey (willgain@ix.netcom.com)
Great Site. Cool to see the Expo take off. Hope
to see more in the future. Carl Meske (carl.meske@sun.com)
This is amazing, even more fun than being at expo in person. Marnie Tokaruk (Tokaruk98@alison.sbc.edu)
Innovative and fun idea. I'm looking forward to browsing through the 1996 World Expo.
Crispin Davis (davis98@alison.sbc.edu)
An interesting project and a beautiful layout!! I'll be
sure to check back often to explore the content. Scott Feinstein (scottf@eniac.seas.upenn.edu)
looking forward to meeting new friends via e-mail at
this site. I plan to visit hear often to learn about
this new way to communicate. Ron Checketts (rxetts@micron.net)
looking forward to meeting new friends via e-mail at
this site. I plan to visit hear often to learn about
this new way to communicate. Ron Checketts (rxetts@micron.net)
Looking forward to meeting some new friends at this site,
and will visit here often. ron checketts (rxetts@micron.net)
cool Craig Brandt (craig@sys677.chatlink.com)
CCooooll.... Soon Ho Hong (shong@mahan.sdsosc.co.kr)
Just exploring WWW I hit your site. More than interesting
initiative. I will visit you often in the near future! Hans H. W. Felix (fenj@euronet.nl)
Very effective exibition visit Gary Kirksey
Pretty cool site. Will be here a lot. Nice to see a
"World's Fair" on the net. Jason D. Mickelson (valiant@netzone.com)
What a great concept..... I will be visiting this page for some time ! Peter Gabriel is on of my favorites!
Good luck to all participants from this small Village outside of Chicago, Illinois William Manuel Pedroza (usarail@ix.netcom.com) |
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I like it. Magnus Magnusson (magmag@ismennt.is)
Where is EXPO going to be for 1996? Anywhere near SPOKANE
Valerie Moe (VMOE@EWU.EDU)
Great Idea!!!! Mike Glazer (mglazer@inforamp.net)
I'm gald to hear that there will have a EXPO in internet.
Have a successful..... Patrick Tong (tpatrick@hkstar.com)
I wish you/our great success. $B:eHxCN<#(J / SAKAWO Chiharu (csakao@tcp-ip.or.jp)
As smallest village in the province of Groningen in the northern
part of the Netherlands, I wish you good luck! Dick Kuil (dkuil@noord.bart.nl)
└╬┼═│▌┐ó╜║╞≈└╟ ╝║░°░· ╟╤▒╣ └╬┼═│▌ ╚»░µ└╟ ╝║└σ└╗ ▒Γ┐°╟╧╕τ...
▒Φ ╕╕╝÷(Kim, Mansu) (mskim@seoul.park.org)
TOSHIO TAKENAGA (takenaka@fat.coara.or.jp)
Nice place to visit Chang-Feng Chen (chen@tigger.stcloud.msus.edu)
pretty good home-page. ┴┬Ñ@¡█ (topgun@hntp2.hinet.net)
great picture ! well done ! James Lin (cmlin@netra.wow.net.tw)
great picture ! well done ! James Lin (cmlin@netra.wow.net.tw)
ªA▒╡ªA└yíIKeep Going! Welcome To Taiwan Internet Fair
http://expo96.org.tw/!!! Alexander Chen │»º╡⌐y (alexchen@iconz.co.nz , artan@pc2.hinet.net)
I am so happy to visit here.
Bryan fu (bryanfu@pc2.hinet.net)
I just found this and it is added to my must return list to find out more on what is going on around the world on the internet Leonard DeCormier (lecada@oeonline.com)
Wonderful idea to make such an exhibition at the global
Congratulations ! Dr.Eiko Meister (emeister@sime.com)
Excellent job!!
Peng-Piaw Foong (ppfoong@csie.ncu.edu.tw)
A great exhibition! A great idea! I hope this won┤t be the
last effort of this kind. You bring people together in a
completely new way. Tom Ruess (ruess@informatik.tu-muenchen.de)
Congratulations to this sort of great global INTERNET event!
In addition to enjoying visits to various pavillions and other event sites, I hope I could have chance to have acquaintance with worldwide people as e-mail friends.
I'm looking forward to visiting countries, pavillions and companies whose home pages are regrettably still under construction.
Toshikazu Oimatsu (tymedsvc@interlink.or.jp)