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Entries through January 6
It`s a cool & great project ! I surely will be excited all this year round. Toshiyuki Oe (oe-jic@magical.egg.or.jp)
The site seems very interesting. I heard about it on National Public Radio and had to see what it was about. Good Luck Lawrence G. Leichtman, M.D. (leichtman@picard.evms.edu)
Best wishes to all of you in the Internet world, let's go
to the new age of information hands in hands!! James Chao-Wen Kao (jcwkao@hntp2.hinet.net)
A whole new concept - very exciting! Luci Harris (lharris@ida.org)
Maybe this will help our quest for peace and understanding Ray Sears (LRSEARS@HALNET.COM)
Happy New Year to everybody. And keep up the vibe; which one you can decide for yourself Jan van Boesschoten (boesschoten@gsoasd.nt.getronics.nl)
Very exciting idea!!!!! Alan Brown (alanbrown@pol.com)
Hello World!! Yoshio Ojima (chainon@st.rim.or.jp)
A Happy New Year! Congratulations the Expo 96.
Tatsuya Hatori (tatsu_h@cap.bekkoame.or.jp)
A Happy New Year!!!
IWE is a great Idea!!!
Hope all netizen participate IWE.
Hope substantial improvement of internet environment by IWE. Naohiro Iki (iki@nttsys.ho.nec.co.jp)
A Happy New Year!!!
IWE is a great Idea!!!
Hope all netizen participate IWE.
Hope substantial improvement of internet environment by IWE. Naohiro Iki (iki@nttsys.ho.nec.co.jp)
Good Luck It's very cool Yosikazu Yabushita (mmj@mxa.meshnet.or.jp)
A Happy New Year !
û╛é»é▄é╡é─é¿é▀é┼é╞éñé▓é┤éóé▄é╖üB Koichiro Fujimoto (koichiro@sns.abk.nec.co.jp)
Good luck with this excellent project! Al Kessler (70732.3262@compuserve.com)
A World Class Idea, Congratulations! Ron Careaga (krell@adnc.com)
What a nice event for the Internet.
Hiroshi MIZOGUCHI (mizoguti@screen.co.jp) |
Happy New Year!
Congratulations! the Expo 96. Matsunobu Nomura (nomura@eos.amcac.ac.jp)
Well,this place is really amazing...
what a cyberspace!! Vincent Wang (u830829@oz.nthu.edu.tw)
Sounds like a great idea. Intend to spend some time at this site just "looking" around. Sally Pavia (pavia@goodnet.com)
MERRY WWW ╣∙┤f╡╪ (monica@pc2.hinet.net)
HAPPY INTERNET ¬ß⌐└Ñ¡ (victorh@pc2.hinet.net)
I'm a devout couch potato...Love it! Saves on cab fare. John Brown (br912@freenet.carleton.ca)
Looks very exciting. I will be visiting often. Murray Weiss (Bobmurray1@aol,com)
The fair is very important for development of Internet. victor a. gomez (ediorien@zeus.uniandes.edu.co)
Looking forward to watching the "Exposition" grow all year.
Best wishes for much success! Mark E. Lillie (mlillie@bcbsct.com)
Many thanks for this experience. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Frans L. de Vries (fldvries@dds.nl)
Very, Very Interesting!! Gwen Sherrod (isdsec.isd2@mail.unch.unc.edu)
Amoung one of the best World's Fairs. Lawrence Haake IV (76417.3126@compuserve.com) | |
What a great idea for all cyberfanatics and symphathizers in this prosperous year 1996.
Exciting,my congratulations on this splendid idea!! Continue to develop the Net in this way! G÷ran Wendelhof (gorwe@bsl.utb.lio.se)
Great idea! Looking forward to an exciting expo. Continue to move the Internet forward! Good luck.
Aaron Holley, HOLLEY DESIGN GROUP. Aaron Holley (aholley@ix.netcom.com)
Very interesting!! Kenji Watanabe (wkenji@mbox-kyoto-inet.or.jp)
What a splendid idea ! Save's a lot of exhibition construction and goods traffic. I am sure that you have found a terrific marketing tool which will be followed by many people and organizations.
Good luck ! Happy New Year to all readers and also to all people involved in the pet food and supplies industry worldwide. Reinder Sterenborg / PETS Europe (petsaqua@pi.net)
Which dreams come true? Miyagi Shiro (nanno@po.iijnet.or.jp)
Very exciting at 1st look!
Chatting with Japan's Park is somewhat difficult, due to time
delay and severe demand on browser capacities: multi-frame,
and even Netscape 2.0b2a has troubles filling up it's cache, it seems.
I hurry to discover the rest of the places & events.
All good wishes for 1996 !
Maurice van de Looij
themoor@xs4all.nl Maurice van de Looij (themoor@xs4all.nl)
A new age. A new power. And most important: A NEW LIFE! Alan Huang (yilin@tpts1.seed.net.tw)
Impressive! Fantastic! Good luck with the Expo! Gene Mathis (gmathis@hub.ofthe.net)
What a great park to go surfing through!
Remember, confidence is the companion of success. DAVID BERNDT (USFMCPST@IBMMAIL.COM)
Save the world! Save the people's HEART!
Be kind! Be peaceful! Jeremy Yun-Lun Tsai (tyl3268@netra.wow.net.tw) | |
Congratulations on the beginning to new try!
I hope we can look at many wonderful contents from the fair. Kanai Shoichi (syo@vir.bekkoame.or.jp)
So Funky Funky Expo! ko shimada (na6k-smd.asahi-net.or.jp)
Happy New Year to Everybody! Eric Yi-chih Chiu (lienyuan@pc2.hinet.net)
Greeting from Kunpo, Sanbon, Republic Of Korea.
Happy new year everyone!
What's a wonderful event!
I expect this site. TAKAHIKO YAMAGATA (yamagata@m.ehime-u.ac.jp)
WHAT'S A GREAT IDEA. I A COMPANY Ltd. Spencer Lee (iacom@pc2.hinet.net)
Do not surf , before you can swim . Rex Chen (rexxchen@c2.hinet.net)
What a cool idea !
Thanks for giving it to all of us.
Happy New Year & Good Luck To Net Center Korea Families. NET CENTER KOREA (info@netcenter.co.kr)
Nice! Tadashi Okoshi (t94063to@sfc.keio.ac.jp)
What a cool idea ! Thanks for giving it to all of us.
Can we prescribe VR as a potential possibility. Great work!
Hope your getting enough support through using the technology
rather than having to travel extensively. Again many thanks for the forum. Dennis Morrison (metaplex@lglobal.com)
What a great!
I can go to many countries from here, cool. Barts Chou (barts@accmail.tainet.com.tw) | |
This idea has potential beyond imagination.
Following on the explosive growth ot the WEB
for the last two years, Expo 96 can create a
new recipie for the glue of human connectivity. George Stiles (agsti119@nfi.com)
Good luck!. Internet 1996 world exposition !! INGU, KANG (kamdi@chollian.dacom.co.kr)
Happy, Prosperous and Peaceful New Year! Katsuhiko Mori (mori@iuj.ac.jp)
What's a great idea! Michael Chen (haibo@mnsinc.com)
Best wishes for the 1996 Internet Exposition ! Francois Z. (zamora@spot.com)
I'll think it later. F.Miura (aa10227@notice.kobelco.co.jp)
Let's make friends through Expo! Kohzoh (COZY) Hara (d05575@dentsu.co.jp)
What a fantastic idea to have this opportunity to greet
with all the friends in this global village.
Wish all of you have a nice 1996.
Frank Lin (m2489547@c2.hinet.net)
What a great idea! Tom Jeffries (twjeffri@facstaff.wisc.edu)
Internet Expo '96 is a good idea. Every netizen will visit
Internet World. Young Shin Park (yspark@bora.dacom.co.kr)
Cool! Lois Kim (lois@csm.berkeley.edu)
Good luck with the Expo...
Let's make friends with netizen. Young H, Lee(└╠┐╡╚ú) (leeyh@asiana.co.kr) | |
After the Fair Come Visit CyberStacks(sm) and Read a Good Book! Gerry McKiernan (gerrymck@iastate.edu)
Another impressed Arkansan. Looking forward to the exposition future. Jim Miller (jmiller@mail.snider.com)
Am I in the park really?
GEMINI LIM (lim@colt.sst.co.kr)
I'm working with Samsung Electronics., Co. GEMINI LIM (lim@colt.sst.co.kr)
Great idea, this Internet World Exposition ! Keep up the good work ! Remco Hammen (rhammen@dds.nl)
Happy New Year! Richard Lewis (rwlewis@cftnet.com)
Wow! What a terrific idea! I heard about the "Expo" on NPR's Science Friday and couldn't wait to check it out. Marie Ulrey (ULREYM@vnet.firn.edu)
One of the best ideas .....
Manuel Manuel Royo Font (100422.1546@Compuserve.com)
Happy New Year! Henry Jeong (bigwheels@loop.com)
Greetings to all on the net. Check this site out. It`s
way cool!
Spread the URL. See Think REACT! Enjoy..... Bas Hendriks (basch@pi.net)
It's great! Greetings to all but Alice Derk Wesseling (derkw@noord.bart.nl)
Start our new world! Yamashita, TAQueya (taqueya@gol.com)
Jeffrey Zeldman (jeffz@inch.com)
Write me! MATTHEW I. KIM (matt@wesworld.com)
I've just spent half a day wandering around... it's great!
The Durga album is especially impressive. Great site!
Stephanie Faul (steph@clark.net) | |
This feels like a few small clicks by my fingers, but may signify great leaps for mankind! Nick Reid (nick@ripe.net)
INTERNET!It's cool!
I'd like to make friend with everybody.Just give me a mail. Kevin_Chen@logitech.com (Kevin Chen)
I think this site is very good ! Luigi Corbetta (gigi@galactica.it)
Happy New Year to all involved with Internet. Ben Steggink (eps@olivetti.nl)
Happy new year!
Fight for freedom of internet! KANG, BYOUNG-TAE (brian@hncnet.co.kr)
I hope sacsesfull this ibent Yoshiyuki Futami (qfh01271@niftyserve.or.jp)
oh...Expo 96...I love... LEE,Sang Yoon (hackern@soho.ios.com)
This is a great experiment to promote Internet and
its various usage. I realy hope that, thru this event,
Internet will be substantial in Japan.
Hideki Hirayama (hideki@netcom.com)
The things I hope this year are peace on Earth, no hunger,
world-wide unification, and my love toward Eun Yeung Chang!
Happy Net-ing! Jae Woong Yu (jw-yu@students.uiuc.edu)
Best wishes for new year! I love you, Jin-Kyung!!!
I said, "I LOVE YOU, ***** JIN-KYUNG *****!!!!"
Shim, Yang Sup (y-shim1@ux4.cso.uiuc.edu) | |
Happy new year, Net-surfers!
Well, don't be "Net-suffers" this year. :)
Park, Si Mong (sm-park@ux4.cso.uiuc.edu)
Happy new year.
Great idea to start this project Peter van Putten (putten@igr.nl)
Have a nice day ! and Happy new year !!
Expo 96 is excellent!! kim jin pil (ourcf@hnc.co.kr)
Happy New Year and Net Surfing!!!
I'll see you people in the cyberspace... ^_* Sangmoon Chang (schang12@students.uiuc.edu)
Nice to join the cyberspace!
A real earth village is coming to us.
Hope I could have some help in the era Jesse R. Wang (jesse@erso.itri.org.tw)
Happy new year!
╟ññu¼π░|Ñ·╣q⌐╥ , OES/ITRI, wish this a great success and we'll
try our best to make a contribution. Y. Tim Tsai (ytsai@oes.itri.org.tw)
A Happy New Year'96
seichi yajima (yajima@avisnet.or.jp)
Alvis Harding Jr. (adh@george.ach.uams.edu)
I wish your dream come true with internet service. Park Sung-Won (psw@ms.sem.samsung.co.kr)
HAPPY NEW YEAR ! GOOD LUCK ! khy (madoros@unitel.co.kr)
HAPPY NEW YEAR '96 ! IT'S THE BEST SITE . Create Lee (g1205113@c2.hinet.net)
It's good to be able to link with so many different
countries; however, the connection, it seems to me, a
little bit too crowded... Alex K. L. Yuo (alexyuo@pc2.hinet.net)
happy new year! well come ! hwang yong
A happy new year. Bae Hansoo (bhs@soback.kornet.nm.kr)
Good luck! We are the world!!!!!
Byeong-ok Kwak (kwakbok@cbucc.chungbuk.ac.kr) | |
Good luck! We are the world!!!!!
Byeong-ok Kwak (kwakbok@cbucc.chungbuk.ac.kr)
Greetings from South Arkansas! Dennie McKee (dmckee@infogo.com)
HAVE NICE TIME!!! KIM DONG TAEK (pchama@plaza.snu.ac.kr)
WOW! Hi,world
I think there's so many exitings at EXPO96.
Bye. Kim Jung Hyun (cooljazz@chelsea.ios.com)
:) HAPPY 1996. :)
:-)'2002 WORLDCUP' IN KOREA :-) Du-Sik Park (pds@dspsun.sait.samsung.co.kr)
Can't wait to sign on frequently and see the progress of the
Fair. Great Idea, good luck! Susan Fairty (sef@gemini.ibm.com)
Happy New Year & very interesting event. Lee, Dong Il (eastone@dhisys1.dwt.co.kr)
Great looking site! One of the reporters at my paper reported on you and I felt the need to visit.
I really like the whole feeling you've infused the site with. It makes me hopeful again about technology. Vive l'Eiffel! Chris Allbritton (callbritton@axs.net)
Quite an involved site!! Good luck in the New yYear. Bob Mullen (bmullen@mcimail.com)
Inspiring idea. Hope to bring a group of high school students through later this spring Bill Ralbovsky (ralbob@sued.syr.edu)
Have a nice day! Wellcom to 1996 World Exposition.
½╕┤╝╣ⁿ(Max Chiang) (max1973@pc3.hinet.net)
Have a nice day! Wellcom to 1996 World Exposition.
½╕┤╝╣ⁿ(Max Chiang) (max1973@pc3.hinet.net)
great looking site. :)
-brad Brad Burdick (bburdick@radio.com)
A Happy New Year to the World! Hirokazu Akashi (akashiya@cap.bekkoame.or.jp)
I'm a SIG Instructor for a large User group. I will telling
all of your sight. Thank You Richard H Hunt (regnar@ix.entrepreneurs.net) | |
Great ideas. I will visit freguently.
Thanks to all those who put in many long hours. Joseph M.S. Miller (Joe.Miller@udayton.edu)
It's very interesting event!!
Nice 1996! Jin-Hyung Kim (w9120909@naunuri.naucom.co.kr)
Good luck to everyone!
Soichi Matsunaga (matsunaga.05411@jul.jgc.co.jp) |
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Good luck on a fine site...WIll be back for many
visits Ted Salzman (btot0153@centuryinter.net)
I met Earthquake last year in KOBE.
before,I met losangeles Earthquake in L.A.too.
I dont wanna meet Earthquake 1996.
any way Great Happy New Year on the Earth. TOSHIAKI KANDA (PFB00566@niftyserve.or.jp)
Happy New Year! Cyrus Shaoul (cyrus@eccosys.co.jp)
Masatoshi Matsuda (mazda_m@virgo.bekkoame.or.jp)
Happy New Year! Wow!!! 1996 Wonyul Lee (l0223@chollian.dacom.co.kr)
Very Interesting !!!!!
Giorgio Da Bormida (nemo@dibe.unige.it)
Exciting! Yuji Ogawa (yuji@on.rim.or.jp)
NICE TO BE HERE! Alexandros Done Sun Lee at AVCD INC. TW. (AVCD@c2.hinet.net)
This is my first experience on the internet world and I will try to enjoy this expo. TAKASHI HASEGAWA (tahaseg@ibm.net)
I am expecting very much for this fair. Hitoshi Chono (hchono@justsystem.co.jp) |
Carl: Beautiful graphics but one fly in the ointment the
time it takes to load a page. I hope this will not dsicourage
people from attending the fair. I'd hate to be paying on an
hourly basis for connect time. Kenneth Troy (sentinel@carroll.com)
What an amazing site, truly something worth while to spend more time on the 'Net! Michael R. Norris (boiseboy@micron.net)
Just obtained this new computer and excited about the world fair program. Me if you wish. Happry New Year Kermit Gray (Kermit2@ix.netcom.com)
I was very happy to learn about this program throught the Newspaper. I just obtained this computor and It's interesting .
Kermit Gray (Kermit2@ix.netcom.com)
These are wonderful and beautiful pages.
I hope this Expo goes on success. Taishi Tachibana (tacchan@pisces.bekkoame.or.jp)
THIS IS WONDERFUL PLACE. eui taek kim (kim19@ix.netcom.com)
I look forward to visiting this site often and seeing new
and interesting pavilions. Stuart Campbell (secampbell@ucdavis.edu)
The Johnson County GRAPHIC and myself look forward to the technology advances and the understanding of our fellow man through the fair.
Ron Wylie (rwylie@cswnet.com)
Welcome to the age of the internet! Krissy Harding (krh@george.ach.uams.edu)
I'm looking forward the opening of the Expo 96 on cyber space. It will be a good chance to expand the population of Internet users. Hiroyuki Yoshihara (yoshi@miyazaki-med.ac.jp)
It's cool visiting the World's Fair via the Internet. I'm so glad we could be a part of it. Leonard & A.W. Speed (speedo@aristotle.net)
I am happy to be an active member in the cyberspeace. Wen-shuenn Wu (Michael Wu) (wswu@fl.nthu.edu.tw)
I'm impressed, and look forward to seeing more! Great job, Carl! David Burton (bburton@ix.netcom.com) | |
Internet , one of best time eating machines. Rex Chen (rexxchen@c2.hinet.net)
Happy New Year! and Good Luck to a great site! Kathy Dean (zegb33a@prodigy.com)
Congratulations on an extrodinary concept. Roger Hooker (rhooker@interramp.com)
Congratulations on the beginning of a great adventure! We need this kind of global event to help bring us together as keepers of the planet. Curtis Heyerdahl (eaglone@ibm.net)
This is great! If this is what 1996 bodes for us, I look
forward to it. A happy W3 New Year. Richard Marmor (arbour@goodnet.com)
Happy New Year Alexander Chen (cyn@sinica.edu.tw)
A very happy New Year and congratulations with the making of
this site, So far the nicest I've met on the Web .
Waiting for more . . . Luc Bruggeman (lbelek@glo.be)
Looking foward to many wonderful tresults from the
fair. Technolgy and understanding Dennis Ouellette (oic@aristotle.net)
congratulation best thing see the world via internet
the best ever paul paul verheij (plmver)
Happy 1996. I wish it'll be a safe year. Kiyoharu Otake (otake@vir.bekkoame.or.jp) | |
Happy New Year! This is a wonderful site. Mingtong Chen ( mingtung@ccms.ntu.edu.tw)
Hello world! It looks like a good year. Overton Anderson (ande@cei.net)
I've waited AND waited for this page to come out, Finally,
the result is worth the wait.
Luke Luoh (lukeluoh@axionet.com)
Congratulations to all who made the opening of the Internet 1996 World Exposition such a huge success. I am excited (and quite humbled) at the promise of this global effort, and look forward to watching this park grow over the coming year.
Happy New Year, everyone! Rebecca Pranger (becky@enviromedia.com)
Happy New Year! Carl, you have already done much to enrich the Web.
The Fair looks to be an important and wonderful site. Bob Olodort (olo@netcom.com)
It looks good..keep it up! John T. Gates (jgates@chelmsford.com)
A beautiful realization of a magnificent idea!
Spiritual awareness need to reach that critical
mass that will make everybody to think more
towards understanding differences hence make place
for more light-within to come out and shine.
Love, JL. Jean-Louis DiDomenico (domenico@magna.com.au)
GOD FORTSATTNING PA DET NYA ARET, ONSKAR EN AMERIKASVENSK!!!!! Joakim Jorwall (jorwall@curie.ualr.edu)
Thanks for the show! Clunking along w/ an old 386sx and 9600-baud, haven't gotten past the menus, but hope soon....
Please do not give out my name and address to anyone else! Thanks again! L. Edwin Happel (edwin@hawaiian.net)
This is a great idea...when more schools in my area get hooked up to the Internet, sites like this one will link us with the world and be a great source for learning and understanding. Colin Kirk (colin.kirk@tpoint.com) | |
This is a great idea and a very cool site. Carol Kirk (Carol@mci.newscorp.com)
What a neat way to start off 1996! The Internet has nowhere
to go but up. This site is a great representative of that
fact. Let's hope we can all come together, not just here,
but in many more places on and off the net. Bill Downs (bdowns2@aol.com)
Looks like a lot of fun!!! Brandon Curtis (zephyr@vixa.voyager.net)
Neat Idea. Hope to see more of this site.
Happy New Year to everybody! Kay Koehler (76061.677@compuserve.com)
A terrific thing you are doing. good for the whole world, and it promises to be ascinating. Happy New Year from sunny southern california Michael D. Reagan (mdreagan@ucr.campus.mci.net)
Cool Guestbook! Nice place.. Too bad I can't make it to the Expo in 96! :-( Matt Wright (mattw@xtc.net)
WISH ALL OF YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL 1996. ROD LEE & BEN LIN [º⌡║a¿&¬L¡┐Ñ┐] (rodlee@hntp2.hinet.net)
Congratulations on the opening of the fair. I am thrilled. Mariko Yamada (MXK03760@niftyserve.or.jp)
I think it's wonderful that we can come together in one "place", if not in world peace, then at least as a global people. W.H. Mitchell (whmitch@aol.com)
Happy New Year & New World !
1996 will be memorial year for the people. DAI EGAMI (NJ6M-EGM@asahi-net.or.jp)
Happy New Year to the whole World. └╣ª░╝² (Taihc@pc2.hinet.net.tw)
This year is the real first year of the internet
revolution,I think. Yasushi Yoneda (yoneda@os.gulf.or.jp)
Congratulations on the successful opening !
We all will make this expo great.
- at Intercontinental Hotel, Paris Shigeru Inatomi (88005044@people.or.jp)
The graphics look great! William & Anne Lanning (yankefan@nr.infi.net)
A dream's comming true. Let's go for the future!!! shintaro miyahara (GEG00030@niftyserve.or.jp) |
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Happy New Year Internet Fair -- this should be a good exhibit. Jerry Reagan (brendar@cei.net) |
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WELCOME TO TAIWAN PAVILION(http://expo96.org.tw),
╢└½T┤I (jeff@www.aide.gov.tw)
Hello WORLD! April Walker Gibbs (tazdudes@aol.com)
You have made the world a little smaller. Frank G. Fusco (frankf@centuryinter.net)
I feel great to be here with all of you.
Let's enjoy expo'96 together. Yoko Michihiro (tateyoko@urban.or.jp)
Looking foward to this experiment. Jules Rosen (jobi@aol.com)
What a wonderful internet world!!!!!! DASOL SHIN (y0315@chollian.dacom.co.kr) |
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(I/,%(J@(I,I$(JW(I)R&3$(JH((I$S*E$(JH,(I%(J~(I,(JP(I$(JH(I$N0J4SD(Jq(I*+-L(J)(I7(Js(I&(J~(I4(Jr(I'V(J. Happy New Year!!
(I'F1$Bl+·ñ(IQ'$B≤ª(Jn Henry Hwang (ip0744@c37.hinet.net)
This looks very interesting. Good luck and Happy New Year Bill Kerr (doggie@mail.snider.net)
Inspirational! Mark Sigler (MSigler@Informix.Com) |
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Happy New Year and thanks for providing this new insight
into our world! Reynie Rutledge (rrutledg@cswnet.com)
Happy New Year!!!!
I wish you success!!!!!!
Young-Jun Shin (dasol@cc-sun.knue.ac.kr)
Great Idea! I wish you much success. Tom Fehnel (tfehnel@netc.com)
A Happy Internet Year 1996 !!! Naoyuki Itoh (snao@st.rim.or.jp)
A Happy New Year! shinobu honma (shinobu@on.rim.or.jp)
Happy new year and happy internetworking. Michio Sugawara (msu@gem.bekkoame.or.jp) |
Happy new year and welcome to my Homepage. Shii-Tyng Duann (¼q│▀½F) (duann@banyan.cm.nctu.edu.tw)
May you have a peaceful and wonderful new year. This forum is a great idea! Larry Cagle (red-dog@snider.net)
It's my honour to say Happy New Year here, Wonderful the special EXPO96'.
Will visit here soon.
Best 73
BorLong Lin (bv5af@amsat.org)
Happy New Year all over the world. Peace. Marilyn Freeman (Malryn@AOL.com)
This is a great moment for our days to join together with each other so closely. Let us work it out!!Thank you! º⌡┤fñZ(David Lee) (davidle2@pc4.hinet.net)
This site is a terrific idea.Thanks for giving it to all of us. Happy New Year Harry L. Cage (hcage@solgate.com)
This site is a terrific idea.Thanks for giving it to all of us. Happy New Year Harrt L. Cage (hcage@solgate.com)
It is very nice to say Hello to every e-citizen. Happy New Year!!I would like to enjoy you with my best homemade Wu-Long Tea(Wu-She Tea) , If you like, please don't hesitate to let me know!! Thank You!! ░¬╝w│y(Kao Deh-Zhow) (k2369518@c4.hinet.net)
Do anything good to the earth!
God bless everyone!
Happy New Year! Philip J.K. WU (wjk454@c2.hinet.net)
Have a happy and successful 1996! This project is a wonderful
idea. Jerry Young (young@uamont.edu)
Happy new year!
Please come surf scape tokyo. you can enjoy internet.
Kazuhiko Takizawa (takizawa@scan-net.or.jp)
So exciting to feel all the world in my computer!
Franklin Lee (flee333@pc2.hinet.net)
Happy New Year! Welcome to the Net! Chih-Hsien Huang (hch@ftp.edu.tw)
Happy New Year!!
Yoshihiko Takeda (takeda@nsknet.or.jp) |
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A Happy New Year!
May this exibision create a new world,new Human Lives.
See you again .
M.M Masahiko Morikawa (mhiko@st.rim.or.jp)
Happy New Year. Thanks for Expo '96 and Good Luck. David Kirk (ruffian@interserv.com)
Happy New Year . Jh Liang (ljh1026@[])
Happy new year for everybody!!
This CyberSpace is for YOU and ME.
DON'T FORGET TO DRAW ME A LINE. Chien-Loung Wang (u2608@acs.hinet.net)
Happy New Year! Cyberpeace & Prosperity to All Humanity! Robert Batts (RABatts1@aol.com)
Happy New Year! âGâLâXâ|èJì├é¿é▀é┼é╞éñüI Yuko Amano (NBB02156@niftyserve.or.jp) |
Hello! Let's enjoy Internet exepo 96 together. Akira Manaka (a-manaka@NetLaputa.or.jp)
hi everybody looking at this !!
welcome to the fantastic world ... :)
and remember me !! bobble dragon !!bye !! steven su (stevensu@mail.linkease.com.tw)
Happy New Year to all net surfers. C.K. Farn (ckfarn@im.mgt.ncu.edu.tw)
Happy New Year !! Hideki Kato (PAN64521@PCVAN.OR.JP)
It's very nice.
I hope this home page can exist forever! Chang Chia Hao (cowboy@moon.tkcna.tku.edu.tw)
Happy New Year ! Mine-Jye Hsu (hsumj@tpts1.seed.net.tw)
A happy new year! Keiko Watanabe (pgb00550@niftyserve.or.jp)
Wish eyerybody has a very nice year. Donald Peng (donaldp@tpts1.seed.net.tw)
Hi! Happy new year everyone.Thank you. Tsuyoshi Yabe (tsuyoshi@shizuokanet.or.jp)
Happy New Year! Tony Lung-Sheng Su (tony@moers4.edu.tw)
PEACE AND LIBERTY!! Kenji Suzuki (laury@po.iijnet.or.jp)
Happy New Year !! Dep. Idustrial Design of Yuntech (8431709@flame.yunntech.edu.tw)
A Happy New Year. Congraturation start Internet Expo. '96.
I started Internet last year.
Please send me a mail all begginers. Shoichi WAKITA (swakita@aqu.bekkoame.or.jp)
It's a nice place. But the traffic is heavy, isn't it. Takao Itoh (takaokun@po.infosphere.or.jp)
Always happy,everybody.If you like.just mail me. CHAO-JAN WANG(ñ²¼L╡M) (wcj@mail.linkease.com.tw) | |
╖sª~º╓╝╓íIHappy New Year. Joel Hu (joel@UUserv.Net.tw)
Happy New Year !!
Wish Internet Expo. success. Yoshiro KAWAHARA (yoshiro@po.harenet.or.jp)
Happy new year !!
It's a wonderful year!!
»¼ ñj«a╖sª~º╓╝╓ !! Phil Jeng ╛G╖τ┬E (8431709@flame.yuntech.edu.tw)
Felis ano novo! H.Takahashi (ay1h-tkhs@asahi-net.or.jp)
Hey! Guestbook now fixed.
I look forward to many exciting events online.
H.K. Hirotaka Kamata (kamata@tau.bekkoame.or.jp)
Happy New Year to Everyone!
»¼ñj«a╖sª~º╓╝╓! Dan (kevinz@pc38.hinet.net)
Happy New Year citizen's of planet earth! Paul S. Kaufmann (pkaufman@tfs.net)
Happy New Year and Congratulation!
Please accept my sincere conguratulations upon your succes.
Masami Yoshihama (yosihama@can.bekkoame.or.jp)
hello!everyone ¬L½█┬┼ (B4501063@cc.ntu.edu.tw)
Happy New Year and may 1996 find this park
a peaceful place to visit all year long. Bruce Tadd (btadd@mci.newscorp.com)
A Happy New Year and Congratulation on the Internet World Expo.! Hiroaki Ohkubo (hiohkubo@gpo.kumamoto-u.ac.jp)
Tatally new world begin in 1996 and all the hope of
netizes's dreams are coming true!
let us join this new world! Really Congratulations! to all netizens... (Hwang, Gi-eon)
A great place....I likt it...
Happy New Year.. Chun-Chieh Chen (Jay) (jaychen@tc.globalnet.com.tw) |