Lesja Jernverk main building around 1752. Reconstruction by professor
Johan Meyer 1910.
Reinhold Ziegler purchased in 1709 the Lesjaverket from Herman Treschow. Hans
Holmboe dy. bought the iron work in 1750. Following Holmboes death, Birgithe von Ziegler got married to Poul Irgens.
Iron work owner Hans Holmboe dy. (1721 - 1756)
Birgithe Holmboe von Ziegler (1723 - 1778)
The author and his wife, Kanda Ch. Meyer, live nearby a park at Eiganes, in his home-town Stavanger. The house was built in 1891.
Click here
for an air-view of Kannik/Eiganes.
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E-mail : kmeyer@sn.no