How To Plant
Flower Bulbs
  • When to plant?

    Spring-flowering bulbs are planted in autumn, from September until December. Bulbs can even be planted after the first night frost (as long as the soil in the garden or plater can still be worked with ease).

  • How to plant?

    Flower bulbs can be planted in various ways. For example, by making planting holes or trenches with a trowel. A lovely, natural effect can also be obtained by 'scattering' the bulbs and covering them with a layer of soil.

  • How deep?

    The rule of thumb is to plant the bulb or tuber twice as deep as its height. The planting diagram shows you the planting depths for the different varieties.

  • How far apart?

    Plant larger flower bulb varieties about 12 cm apart; for smaller bulbs 10 cm suffices. If you prefer more expansive, unbroken patches of colour in your garden, most bulbs can easily be planted a little closer to each other.

  • The soil?

    Before you start planting, make certain the soil is well loosened. Then smooth it out evenly. Flower bulbs can be planted in all types of soil, as long as there is good drainage. If you have heavy clay soil, it is advisable to mix the top layer with sand or compost. If you plant the bulbs in flowerboxes you can use garden soil or potting compost. Additional fertilising is not required for the first flowering.

  • Protection and water.

    After the bulbs have been planted, the ground should be watered thoroughly. During periods of severe frost, it is advisable to cover the ground with a protective layer of leaves or compost, for example.