How many kinds of kimchi are there in Korea?
There are an abundant of varieties in kimchi. The base vegetables and
the added materials are different from one variety to another. The how,
the regions with each own climate, the season they are made - these all
add up to the variety. And each family has its own recipe. Well, this
makes it almost impossible to count how many kinds there are. But,
according to a research, there are about a hundred distinguishable
Some examples of kimchi, grouped by their base vegetables:
- Chinese cabbage í¬ Chinese Cabbage Kimchi
(the most usual kimchi), White Kimchi (with no chili),
Bossam Kimchi (whole heads of cabbages are
wrapped with large cabbage leaves), got-chorri (kimchi without fermenting)
- Radish í¬ Dongchimi (plenty of liquid),
Chonggak Kimchi (young radishes with
leaves are used), Beeneul Kimchi (with big chunk of radish)
- Ggagduki í¬ radish or cucumber are cut into cubes and mixed
with other ingredients. Ggagduki,
oyster Ggagduki, and shrimp Ggagduki
fall into this category.
- Nabak kimchi í¬ vegetables are sliced for this kinds. There are
Nabak Kimchi (cabbage and radish),
Sokbakji (with seafood),
and Soy Sauce Kimchi (salty soy sauce is used instead of
salt) belong here.
- Vegetables with leaves or long leafstocks í¬ Leaf Mustard Kimchi,
Sweet Potato Leafstock Kimchi, Young Radish Kimchi,
Dropwort Kimchi, kimchies with various wild grasses,
lettuce got-chorri
- Vegetable Fruits í¬ Cucumber Sobagi (stuffed),
cucumber pickle, gourd kimchi, Eggplant Kimchi,
Pumpkin Kimchi,
Burdock Kimchi
- Kimchi with vegetables as their base which are usually used as added
materials for other kimchies í¬ Leek Kimchi,
Scallion Kimchi, Garlic kimchi
- Kimchi with meat, shell fish, or lavers í¬ chicken kimchi, pheasant
kimchi, ear shell kimchi, green laver kimchi, Seafood Kimchi
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