There are a lot of places you kids can play an active part.

So kids don't give up.

 What made me start a homepage was when I saw Michael Jordan of NBA
 on TV communicating with the kids of the world.
 Also, I wanted to tell you what I learned from being a sumo wrestler.

 When I first went on a trip from my hometown to Waikiki, I received
 a culture shock. I thought I was in a different country.
 That's when I first learned that the world was really big.
 And after I came to Japan and rose up the ranks of the sumo world
 I found a new world opening up in front of me.

 When you are a small-town boy your world is very limited
 and its hard to have a dream or to say it differently you don't know
 what kind of possibilities there are waiting for you in the big real world.
 There should be a lots of kids out there with a lot of
 talent but who don't know that.

 So kids, open your eyes to the world and go after your dream.
 There's a challenging new world waiting for you.
 I know you all have talent so put your efforts into it and make it happen.
 I'll be waiting for you. Aloha!


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