Net Music

The Net Music section is a collection of different activities with various functions. It has been designed to introduce the ideas and experiences of the live version of the Brain Opera, to reinforce the experience for those who have already attended, and to allow people to participate on-line in the live performances. Below is a description of each of the various activities which you can participate in:


The Interact section contains the different real-time Java applets for home use and for direct participation in the live Brain Opera. Users can download all necessary software and use it to run interactive musical games on their home systems, as well as to send data from their interactions directly to the live performances; at various parts in the piece, the physical performers will stop playing and invite the Internet performers to take over. Finally, during the Lincoln Center performances (July 23-August 3, 1996), there will be regularly-scheduled audio and possibly video broadcasts of the live performances; further information will be provided on these soon. We encourage all of our Web audiences to participate in as many ways as they can.

Send us Sounds

There is another page in the Net Music section where you are invited to send us your sound files, up to ten seconds in length. Those files will be reviewed by our staff and may be incorporated into the live Brain Opera performances, as well as in future on-line versions of the opera.

Send us Images

As with the sound files, we'd also like to invite you to send us your favorite still images, in a variety of formats.


Here you are invited to sign up on our mailing list for future information and updates on our live and on-line performances. Also, you can send email to our webmaster with comments, compliments, complaints, and questions.