[Enter the Brain Opera]

(Click to enter the BRAIN OPERA)

The BRAIN OPERA is an interactive, musical journey into your mind, to be presented simultaneously in physical and cyber space!

Created by acclaimed composer Tod Machover and his team at the M.I.T. Media Laboratory, the BRAIN OPERA is a first-of-its-kind musical experience that will include contributions from both on-line participants and live audiences. It will debut with 100 free performances at Lincoln Center in New York City, July 23-August 3, 1996.

If you want to express your ideas, experiences, and feelings in music and sounds, you can help create the Brain Opera. We want musical inspiration and input from Mozart buffs, grunge rock fans, John Cage devotees, rappers, Verdi lovers, Deadheads...anyone who enjoys music.

[Text-Based Site] You can also navigate a text-based site if, for example, you have disabled graphics on your browser or loading images is too time-consuming.
[Performance Information] Information on the live performances, including how to get tickets to the Lincoln Center shows and the tour dates afterwards, is also available.
[Libretto] You can learn more about the story and libretto for the BRAIN OPERA.

[Hello!] See a welcome-message to you from the composer and director of the BRAIN OPERA.
[Cast and Crew] Find out more about the eclectic and free-spirited cast and crew of the BRAIN OPERA.
[Sponsors] Visit our savvy, forward-thinking and worthy sponsors.
[Internet World Expo] The Internet 1996 World Exposition is a world's fair for the information age, with participation from over 50 countries and enormous contributions from worldwide industry. Visit the Brain Opera mirror sites in Central Park:

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