This picture has no relation with the next story, but we find it will be a waste to keep it out of this edition

The Stepmother
Claudia Figueyra

Once when I was young and still beautiful I married a man who died months after the birth of our second daughter, Drizela. Anastashia, my first girl, was not provided with beauty and Drizela was even uglier. Not to mention that they had no charm at all. By that time I could see I was alone to carry two children who, unfortunately, would hardly manage to find a rich husband who could take care of us. My husband had left me some money but also lots of debts. In four or five months IÆd be living in poverty with my little ones. I loved them just like the owl loved her ugly babies. I couldnÆt help it, I was their mother. So I decided to get married again. I discovered that in the neighborhood lived a really rich and reserved widower who had only a single daughter to look after. I made all the necessary efforts to get to know him and to begin a relationship. He was nice, gentle and handsome. The girl was a most lovely creature and any mother would be forever happy to have her as a daughter. God, I thought, in His glorious kindness, had given me, through strange means, all that I could wish in my life. Soon I married that man and we became a happy family, except for occasional quarrels between the girls. Nothing but jealousy and drops of envy. My daughters were human beings and my stepchild was much too beautiful, much too kind. She could sing like a bird, while Anastashia and Drizela couldnÆt even say a word without hurting oneÆs ears. She had such a grace, such little soft feet and bright long hair, while the other two acted foolishly, they were clumsy and had disproportionate limbs. When my second husband mysteriously died, Anastashia and Drizela started to treat my stepdaughter very badly and because they saw I was fond of her, they were always obliging me to prove that I loved them more than the poor little orphan. My heart was really hurt to do that, but there was no way out...Not to loose my girls and also to protect Cinderella (this was how Anastashia nicknamed her) I told her to leave the room in the house and to begin living in the servants quarters. Cinderella was such a nice girl that she obeyed me without saying a single word. No one was able to understand my attitude towards Cinderella, but I think that deep inside she knew I was doing what was good for her. I really believe she understood I had to act for Anastashia and Drizela as if I hated her but in fact I loved Cinderella more than my own children. In spite of all that, the girls continued to treat Cinderella as no one would treat an enemy. Even my cat, the lovely Lucifer, didnÆt like her and she was so good. Nevertheless, nothing brought hatred, bad humour or ugliness to the little lady. Day by day Cinderella seemed more beautiful, more radiant and kind. Nobody knew it, but every night I prayed for a Prince to find her and to make her happy far away from Anastashia and Drizela. Finally, the day came when the Prince gave a ball and fell in love with her. Of course I recognized Cinderella in that marvelous enchanted dress, but I coudnÆt tell the girls, otherwise theyÆd hate me forever. God bless the fairies! Cinderella lived happily as a Princess while I had to stand Anastashia and Drizela until the day I passed away.

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