Greeting in Tokyo,
Osaka and Kyoto
While people in Tokyo just say, 'Ogenki desu ka? (How are you?) when
seeing somebody they know, people in Osaka say ,'Moukari makka?' (How is
your buisiness? or Are you making big money?). In early days, most of the
residents of Tokyo (it was called Yedo) were samurais (warriors), most
of the people in Osaka were shonin (merchants).
Another interesting greeting is ,people in Kyoto are famous for their
stinginess. When they want their visitor to go home, they are said to say,'Ochazuke
demo?(Aren't you hugry? or Do you want to eat?' Of course you should not
wait there for some food to come when you hear this question. What you
should do is just to go home immediately.