Getting around Edge of the Prairie

Viewing EOTP


About EOTP

Getting Around Edge of the Prairie

There are two navigational aides on each page.

(1) At the top of each page a topic selection bar appears:

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Clicking on the page top bar allows you to jump between the main topic pages.

(2) At the bottom of each page a small navigation panel appears:

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Viewing Edge of the Prairie

Browser: Netscape 3.0 or Internet Explorer 3.0. This site is best viewed using Netscape version 2.02 or better. Internet Explorer 3.0 also produces excellent, though slightly inferior results. On the other hand IE 3.0 presently has a better implementation of MIDI which plan to use to deliver a soundtrack with very little bandwidth usage. Any browser that supports tables should produce tolerable results; however, this site will look truly awful on a browser that doesn't support tables. If your browser doesn't support tables, why not consider getting one that does? Obviously, this site is almost pointless without the images, and therefore we do not recommend "text only" use.

Monitor Settings: Hi-Color. EOTP will look much better if you set your monitor to hi-color--that's 16 bit; 64,000 colors. The natural world in general, and prairie and savanna landscapes in particular are alive with color richness: dusky greens, desert rose, cerulean blues. Earth tones are aptly named--the garish primary colors shown by the typical 256 color monitor are rarely encountered on this planet outside of places degraded by human tastelessness. To convey even a hint of the sensual experience of visiting a living natural area requires at least a hi-color pallet. Tests show that human visual perception is typically in the range of about 90,000 colors; therefore 64K is already something of a compromise. We're sorry this conflicts with the setting required for most games. Hopefully soon computers will evolve to catch up with what primates achieved a few million years ago.

Monitor: Big! EOTP will work better on a large monitor than on a small one; preferably 17" or larger. We're truly sorry about the negative impact this has on the experience of people who don't have access to a larger monitor. But, we believe the trend is moving toward larger monitors, and EOTP is intended as an on-line coffee table book, not as a data base. Coffee Table books are big, and sometimes they don't fit on the shelf--but we still love 'em. However, the data base List of Vascular Plants portions of the site have been designed to allow use on a small monitor. If you are limited to smaller screen, you may wish to try that area directly.


Sorry, the Directory is not yet implemented. We will build one when we get more data on-line.

About EOTP

Edge of the Prairie is (c) 1996, Becknell and Lucas Media and the content is solely our responsibility. We enjoy hearing your questions and comments. Please direct them to Marty Lucas. All photographs on this site by Marty Lucas, mostly taken on natural areas on Big Eastern, private property located at Lena Park, Indiana. Responsible environmentally oriented organizations and individuals may arrange to visit the property by contacting Marty by e-mail, or by calling (219) 896-5800 during regular business hours. Please do not contact us requesting to hunt or fish on the property.

EOTP is made possible by sponsorship from Big Eastern, Inc. P.O. Box 16, North Judson, Indiana and Capt. Nemo and all his silicon slaves at Nautilus Commercial Data Systems. If you're looking for a cost effective, top quality host for your web site, why not sit at the Captain's table?

No governmental funds were used in the making of this site.

Thanks for visiting!

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