README for the tiongson.expo.Intro.class Applet
This Applet was written to make it easy to make simple
QTVR like imagemaps in Java.
Basically everything you need to control is available through a
<param> tag in the HTML <applet> tag.
Here is an example:
<applet code="tiongson.expo.Intro.class" width="600" height="400">
<param name="NumberOfNodes" value="6">
<param name="background" value="main.jpg">
<param name="node0" value="0;1;main.html;index1.gif;200,0;100,0,200,100">
<param name="node1" value="1;0;Intro.java;index3.gif;350,350;300,300,400,600">
<param name="node2" value="1;1;other/scrap.java;other/index2.gif;100,200;0,200,200,200,100,300">
<param name="node3" value="2,0;d1.au;none;0,0;403,184,454,210,440,279,340,251,367,191">
<param name="node4" value="1;0;00-start.html;none;2565,331;2565,331,2564,287,2597,278,2571,248,2609,241,2661,289,2662,331,2565,331">
<param name="node5" value="0;0;00-start.html;none;0,0;2477,322,2477,291,2544,222,2586,276,2556,286,2559,323,2477,322">
In the <applet> tag itself, you can choose any size scrolling
window you want in the width and height tags. Keep in mind that
the scrolling window should ideally be smaller than the background
image you are scrolling around. Otherwise you will see the whole
image, and not scroll at all.
Note: No spaces are allowed!
There are 4 kinds of <param> tags:
<param name="NumberOfNodes" value="NN">
the value can be any int greater than 1
This tells the applet to look for nodes numbered
from Node0 to NodeNN. The applet is smart enough to
skip empty nodes, but will not check past NodeNN.
<param name="background" value="GRAPHIC.JPG"
the value can be any JPEG or GIF image.
This tag is optional! If this tag is not present,
the Applete looks for a graphic in the current
directory called "background.gif"
<param name="DEBUG" value="TRUE">
If this tag is present, then the Applet will run
in a debugging mode so that you can see your
hotspots on top of the background graphic.
If this tag is not present, then the applet will
run it the normal mode.
<param name="NodeNN" value="MODE;NEWWINDOW;TARGETURL;IMAGEURL;X,Y;x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,xN,yN">
In this parameter tag, please DO NOT put spaces between each
successive value.
This tag specifies all the different hotspots in your image map.
The following syntax follows:
MODE = 0
- On Mouse-Over, place upper-left hand of graphic
from IMAGEURL at X,Y which "floats."
MODE = 1
- On Mouse-Over, place upper-left hand of graphic
from IMAGEURL at X,Y which is fixed.
MODE = 2
- On Mouse-Down, play sound from TARGETURL.
- On Mouse-Down, open TARGETURL in this same
window ("_self") replacing the map.
- On Mouse-Down, open TARGETURL in the target
frame "_top", leaving the map in this window.
- URL of HTML or sound (*.au) relative to
current directory.
TARGETURL = "none"
- You can also use the word none if you do not want to
put a URL here.
- URL of image (*.jpg or *.gif) or sound (*.au) relative
to current directory.
IMAGEURL = "none"
- You can also use the word none if you do not want an
image to appear
X, Y
- Coordinates where on Mouse-Over the upper-left hand
corner of image should appear at or near.
- Successive pairs of X,Y coordinates whic define the bounding
boxes of hot spots. If there is only x1,y1,x2,y2, I assume that
this is the upper left and bottom right of a Rectangle. If there
are more than two pairs of x and y, then I define a Polygon with
the pairs of x and y as the vertices.
phillip r tiongson