File Comment FreeRAM XP Pro 1.40 by YourWare Solutions Released August 12, 2003 (8-12-2003) Readme File for Installation, Usage, and Distribution
What's new in version 1.40: -A few bug fixes (rare instances of tray icon not appearing or FreeRAM XP Pro interfering with shutdown/restart) -Major new feature: RAM-Cuts, or RAM-freeing shortcuts. See the Tools menu or press CTRL-U to access this feature. -Minor enhancement: Ability to hide the Memory Mode part of the program display
1. Installation for new users
Use Winzip or another zip utility to extract the executable file, FreeRAM XP Pro 1.40.exe, to a SPECIFIC and stable directory of your choosing. We recommend the DESKTOP, since you'll have easy access to the file in the future. DO NOT double-click on the file in Winzip (or the zip extractor you use) to extract, as that will cause Winzip to unzip to a temporary directory; the file will be deleted automatically by Windows or Winzip after closing; and consequently you will not be able to find it again later on.
After successfully unzipping to a directory of your choosing, just run the executable file (FreeRAM XP Pro 1.40.exe). Whenever you use FreeRAM XP Pro in the future, it will run from the executable file, so be sure to keep it in a stable and easily-accessible location. Again, we recommend the Desktop.
Note that by installing and using our software, you agree to the distribution guidelines in part 5 of this Readme and the Legal Notices in part 6 of this readme.
2. Upgrading from a previous version
To upgrade, DO NOT unzip this file to your Windows Temp folder (such as by clicking on the file in WinZip). Instead, specifically EXTRACT this file to the previous version's location and DELETE the old file, thus replacing the old file with the new one. Then run the new executable file. NOTE: You do NOT need to run the Uninstall option of the previous version prior to installing the new version. Doing so may cause your settings to revert to their defaults.
Note that by installing and using our software, you agree to the distribution guidelines in part 5 of this Readme and the Legal Notices in part 6 of this readme.
3. Uninstalling
To UNINSTALL: In the program window (not from the system tray), click on the Information menu, which is third from the left under the title bar (beginning with the File and Settings menus). Then click on the Uninstall option. After the uninstall process ends, delete the executable file (program file). Note: You may have to restart before attempting to delete the program file.
To manually install (not recommended; for advanced users only), first exit out of FreeRAM XP Pro, and then delete the program file. Note: You may have to restart to delete the program file. Next, open the Start Menu and click on Run. Type in regedit and hit Enter. Delete the key at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\YourWare Solutions. Then navigate to the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and delete the value named FreeRAM XP to complete the uninstall process.
Please note: If you are having trouble finding the program file in whatever case, try searching your hard drive for "FreeRAM" without quotes.
4. Usage
There are two main ways to optimize RAM: by pressing Go, or by configuring FreeRAM XP Pro to operate automatically. You may, of course, use the two methods together. For more info, see the Usage Notes under the Information menu and visit the Settings program window.
In addition, FreeRAM XP Pro can operate in two modes when freeing RAM: via AutoFree, in which FreeRAM XP Pro automatically balances speed and memory when optimizing, or you can manually specify exactly how much RAM you want to free up.
FreeRAM XP Pro also features many more options, functions, and customizability. For more information, read the Usage Notes under the Information menu and explore the program Settings window.
5. Distribution
We permit and encourage the free distribution and listing of FreeRAM XP Pro as long as the distributed package remains complete and unchanged as that officially distributed from YourWare Solutions (as available from our website); the software itself is available free and without cost to the end user; the user is given notice of our company website,; and the user understands that FreeRAM XP Pro is freeware. If you have any questions regarding distribution, please contact us.
6. Legal Notices
Although it is extremely unlikely that the use of FreeRAM XP Pro harms your computer, YourWare Solutions is not responsible for any damage of any sort caused by the use of our software, either directly or indirectly. YourWare Solutions makes no guarantee that FreeRAM XP Pro will function correctly or at all in all situations, systems, or circumstances. FreeRAM XP Pro is provided AS-IS, without warranty. In no event shall the author(s), YourWare Solutions, or any other related parties, affiliates or institutions be liable for any consequential, special, incidental, indirect, or other damages of any kind from the delivery, performance or use, whether direct or indirect, of any version of FreeRAM XP Pro and FreeRAM XP Lite. You may not attempt to reverse compile, modify, dissect, or disassemble FreeRAM XP Pro in whole or in part for any reason whatsoever. You may not exclude, add, or modify any files of/to the FreeRAM XP Pro download package (zip file) or modify it in any other way from the form that it is available from our website, You may not make FreeRAM XP Pro part of any other package, software or otherwise, for any reason without expressed written consent from the author(s) of FreeRAM XP Pro or from YourWare Solutions. You are not allowed to distribute any version of FreeRAM XP Pro or FreeRAM XP Lite, or any portion thereof, for profit in any form whatsoever by any means whatsoever. For distribution information, see part five above and/or our website. Copyright information at bottom.
Use, reproduction and/or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, not in strict compliance with the information in this file, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
All information contained in this section applies to all versions of FreeRAM XP Pro, past, present, and future, FreeRAM XP Lite, and all products of YourWare Solutions.
Contact information: Email: Visit our website for periodic news and updates, or use the Update Wizard under the Tools menu of FreeRAM XP Pro.
FreeRAM XP Pro (TM): It's Window's best free memory manager. (TM) Copyright YourWare Solutions, 2001-2003.