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File Comment
 ║               T*H*E  G*R*A*P*H*I*C*S  A*L*T*E*R*N*A*T*I*V*E             ║
 ║                            ────────────────                             ║
 ║            (510) 524-2780  Dual Standard 14.4k v.32bis/HST, Public      ║
 ║            (510) 524-2165  Hayes Optima 288 V.FC, Subscribers           ║
 ║      Dedicated to furthering the interest and support for Computer      ║
 ║                        Generated Graphic Arts.                          ║
 ║                   Running PCboard 15.1 24 hours a day.                  ║
 ║     Raytracing * Rendering * Animation * Fractals * Digital Imaging     ║
 ║    True Color Images, Source Code, Unusual and Hard to find Programs.   ║
 ║                   Electronic Mail, Usenet Newsgroups                    ║
 ║                   * PCGnet Hub for Graphics Systems *                   ║
 ║           ** In El Cerrito, CA. 670mb - 24 hours a day. **              ║
 ║                 PCGnet: 9:510/911   Fidonet: 1:125/524                  ║
 ║                            ────────────────                             ║

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
FIMAPS.ICO OS/2 Bitmap Array 1 888b 1993-03-21

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FIMAPS.CFG Text File 25 1KB 1993-10-30
FIMAPS.CLA Text File 1,816 64KB 1993-10-30
FIMAPS.DOC Text File 288 15KB 1993-10-30
PICEM.DOC Text File 411 15KB 1992-01-24

Other Files (3)
FIMAPS.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 264KB 1993-10-30
PICEM.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 53KB 1992-01-24
TPICEM.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 26KB 1992-01-24