World of Ham Radio 1997
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443 lines
Users guide for radiogram formatting program version 3.0
(C) Copyright 1991 by Barbara L. Osofsky
This is an old version, which may still contain some valuable info.
Not every feature is in here, but it still contains most.
In the following, the letters "st" will denote a two letter state
abbreviation, "#" will denote a single digit, "?" will denote a single
letter or digit, and "*" will denote a wildcard--any group of alphanumeric
Files associated with this program:
In the program directory:
NTS.EXE Large executable program for formatting messages
in ARRL or (Army) MARS radiogram format for
transmission by Amateur Radio packet (or other)
systems. Only one of NTS.EXE, ARRL.EXE is needed.
ARRL.EXE An overlaid version of the same program taking
ARRL.OVR somewhat less memory and using slightly more
references to disk when running.
COLOR.EXE This program, which must be run from a DOS prompt, lets
the user set the foreground and background colors on a
color monitor before entering the NTS (or ARRL) program.
It aborts if something other than a number is entered
when it expects a number.
PREAMBLE.ARL This file is created by the program to store information
needed to generate preambles for radiograms in ARRL
ADDRESS.ARL These files store portions of messages that can be inserted
TEXT.ARL into a message being produced by typing a period "." when
SIGN.ARL the user is asked for the given part of the message. The
specific address or text or signature to use is then
selected from a list of all entries in the appropriate
file by picking a letter associated with it.
AREA.ARL This file is produced if the user wishes to extend
verification of the agreement of state, zip code, and
telephone area codes to include area codes not already
in the program.
FUNCT.ARL Text to be inserted into an item being edited by use of a
function key (F1--F10 together with nothing, shift, ctrl,
or alt) is stored in this file.
AUXPORT.ARL File containing settings for the serial port program.
Unfortunately, the serial port driver is not completely
debugged at this time, and so is blocked in this version.
MARS.ARL Information for (Army) MARS messages.
In the output directory (path stored in PREAMBLE.ARL):
st*.NTS Name given to files produced containing a single message
ZZ*.NTS in NTS format. "*" refers to alphanumeric characters
generated . These files are ready to be uploaded to
a packet PBBS. "ZZ" is used instead of st if the message
is not addressed "@ NTSst", for example if the user
has changed the packet routing of the message so that it is
a packet pbbs rather than "@ NTSst".
st*.MRS Name given to files produced containing a single packet
ready message in (Army) MARS format. "*" is as above.
Booking MARS messages by state also will create files
of this name and title <nr of messages> R (APO) st.
st*.CNT This file is composed of all messages of type st*.NTS
for importing into a PBBS program. The st*.NTS files
are deleted after concatenation to a file of this form.
The "*" avoids overwriting. New copies of the original
files can be reobtained by using the separate option in
the edit program off the preparation menu. Here st may
also refer to a region of the NTS.
ZZ*.CNT All files of the form *.NTS are concatenated.
ZZ*.CMR All messages of type *.MRS are combined
for importation into PBBS software.
*.??U Indicates that the message in the file has been used
elsewhere by the program and so are ready for archiving.
*.D?? These are messages in appropriate format (the last two
letters indicate which) which are not ready for packet.
they can be made ready for packet by using the
separate subprogram of the edit routine.
The next group of files in the output directory are rarely produced.
WELFARE.### A booked welfare inquiry. These files are produced
by an experimental attempt at consideration of what a
mass welfare inquiry might look like. This message is
packet ready, but not really in standard NTS format.
*.BUK A message in NTS net book format, not to be transmitted
by packet.
*.PRT A message produced by this program for printing. This is
a remnant of earlier versions of this program.
Wmon####.### If a message is more than 40 words long, it is dumped
into a file with such a name.
Information stored within the program:
Translations of ARRL numbered radiograms as of 1990.
State names written out, two letter state abbreviations, ranges of
zip codes for each state, area codes for each state. Here "state"
includes Canadian provinces and zip codes includes Canadian postal
codes. Provision is made to update area codes as new ones are
Explanations of ARRL HX (handling) instructions.
A list of countries with which we had third party agreements as of
fall 1988. This can be viewed whenever the program cannot find
the state in a message address.
Choices on the main menu: If the letter is preceeded by the letter P,
the choice is still available from the main menu but actually listed on
the preparation menu accessed by the letter P. The only item on the
preparation menu not also available from the main menu is the edit.
Key Meaning
A ARL numbered radiogram texts
This routine is used to view the meanings of ARRL numbered
B Book--common text, signature sent to address list
(This was choice C in version 2.)
This uses codewords to select which addresses from the file
ADDRESS.ARL are to receive the (mail merged) message. It also
contains a routine for adding addresses in a pre-prepared file to
ADDRESS.ARL. A file in the form used for ADDRESS.ARL is also
produced which may be renamed ADDRESS.ARL from a DOS prompt,
presumably after renaming the original ADDRESS.ARL. The
pre-prepared file may, for example, be obtained by exporting
addresses from a data base into an ASCII file with
the symbol * on a line by itself separating addresses. The phone
number for the individual address should be on a line by itself
just before the "*". Before the book is actually prepared, the
common parts are written to the screen to give the user an
opportunity to select what additional information (such as
ARL and HX explanations) to include or whether to abort. No
address is written because the user cannot modify addresses at
this point. The messages are usually prepared individually for
packet, but it is possible to put them into the form of a book
for a phone or cw net. There is also an experimental routine for
creating a disaster welfare inquiry. If messages are written
using this mail merge routine, all defaults are removed at the
end of writing the book, but if no addresses with the given code
word(s) are found, defaults are retained in case the code word(s)
were mistyped and the user still wishes to send the book. If the
user does not want to send the book at that time, he should remove
remove these defaults.
P C Concatenate message files by state or region
In this routine the user may specify specific messages to be
concatenated into a single file which is easier to import into a
PBBS program. The individual files are erased from the output
directory. Mars messages by state are booked into two single
messages with title indicating the number and whether or not
they are for APO st.
Messages can be specified by the following:
S -- All NTS messages to a given state -- S(tate)
R -- All NTS messages to a given NTS region -- R(egion)
A -- All NTS messages -- A(ll)
B -- All MARS messages to a given state -- B(ook)
C -- All MARS messages -- C(ollect)
P D Default parts of messages
A message in NTS format has three parts besides the preamble. It has
an address, a text, and a signature. Any one of these three parts
can be entered as a default, to be automatically included in
every message produced that session unless removed as a default.
Entering and removing defaults are done using this routine. In
addition, items in the preamble or the name of the output directory
path can be assigned as defaults for a given session without writing
the new items to disk. All defaults are lost at the end of the
session. If preamble parts are to be permanently changed, the
Update files routine should be used.
E Enter MARS subprogram
This subprogram does for messages in Army MARS format what the
general program does for messages in NTS format. If other branches
of the armed services use the same format, it can also be used
for their MARS messages. Its subprograms are:
A Amateur format converted to MARS format. The message may be filed
to be sent by packet (using the letter P) or RTTY (selecting R).
B Book MARS messages by state. This routine can also be accessed
from the main menu using the C(oncatenate) option.
C Change MARS call or location.
E Edit--same as in preparation menu.
M MARS format converted to amateur format.
O Originate MARS formatted message. When the message is entered, the
letter P will write to disk for packet, and the letter R for RTTY.
R Relay message in MARS format. This just attaches the relaying
stations information.
Q Quit this subroutine.
T Terminal program. This is exactly the same routine accessed from
the main menu.
P F Function key definitions
Each of the 40 function keys, F1--F10, Shift-F1--Shift-F10,
Ctrl-F1--Ctrl-F10, Alt-F1--Alt-F10, can be assigned text of
up to 255 characters. When the function key is hit while in the
editor, the assigned text will be inserted into the material
being edited at the position where the function key was hit.
P L Look at files. This is a directory viewing routine with the
option of displaying a selected file page by page on the screen.
M Message entry
This is the main routine of this program. It is intended to
make the task of producing a message in NTS format as easy as
possible. It generates the preamble of the message automatically
from information in the PREAMBLE.ARL file or defaults set for the
current session. This can be avoided by the user typing a preamble
starting NR # as the first line of the address. It computes the
check as it would be computed for a correctly formated message on an
NTS net. It automatically prepares packet sending lines for
uploading to a bulletin board. It converts state names to two
letter state codes if necessary and makes sure that state, zip, and
area code (or province, postal code, and area code) are consistent.
It generates 4 premessage lines requesting servicing if the message
is not removed from a PBBS near the destination, and explanations
of ARL codes and handling instructions.
Each message part (address, text, signature) is entered separately. If
default parts have been set, they automatically are inserted.
Otherwise the user is given a choice of entering a period "." to use
the part file or anything else to use the built in on screen editor.
The editor commands are listed on the editor screen. They include
cursor movements, search and search/replace, and a very rudimentary
clipboard (buffer). When a part is completed, the user types
Ctrl-Q or "^" to exit the editor. Many non-alphanumeric characters
are simply ignored by the editor. All letters are upper case.
The editor has 68 column word wrap (to look like (Army) MARS format)
although shorter lines are no problem. The placing of words on
lines in the final NTS formatted message is in groups of five with
two groups on a line.
Messages containing a count of more than 40 words are not formatted
for packet. They may be written to disk for later editing, but
the packet sending header will have to be entered manually if the
count is not reduced.
When a message is completed, it is printed to the screen with its
packet sending header, 4 premessage lines, explanations of HX and
ARL codes used, the final "/EX", and the name of the output file.
A very rudimentary menu appears on the bottom which is rather
cryptic and incomplete as room is very tight (the top few lines of
the message may well scroll off the top of the screen). Here are
the explanations of the options offered and some possibilities not
even mentioned on the menu. The letters and numbers mean:
C or 1 The complete message, including premessage lines and expla-
nations for HX and ARL codes, is written to the indicated
file. This should probably NOT be used for mass
originations from a fair or similar event. Using C
returns you to the main menu. Using 1 files the message
and immediately takes you to the message routine for
entering the address of the next message.
P or 2 The message written to disk contains only what is necessary
for a packet message. The four premessage lines and
explanation of codes are omitted. This is probably best
for mass originations. Using the letter P writes to disk
and returns to the main menu, whereas 2 writes and returns
to entering the next message.
M or 3 The 4 premessage lines are omitted, but the explanations of
ARL and HX codes are included in the output disk file.
Again the letter returns to the main menu and the digit to
the next message.
J or 4 Just the radiogram without packet heading, premessage lines,
explanations, is written to disk. If the message needs
further revisions, one might do this and then edit the
results. This is similar to the treatment of messages too
large for the program to accept (text word count > 40).
F or 5 This writes the message starting with the actual preamble
and ending with ARL and HX explanations. This enables the
user to type in a received radiogram and produce hard copy
that can be sent to the recipient which will give him/her
explanations of what the codes mean.
Q This aborts message entry without writing to disk. As im a
great many places in the program, typing Q exits from the
current routine (Ctrl-Q for the editor).
E This is a post-entry edit. One can edit message parts,
change the name of the output file or the output directory
path for that message. If a preamble has been generated
(the address did not start with NR #) one can change any
part of it. The user can change the generated
"ST ##### @ NTSst" or subject field entry, for example to
send to a specific call at a specific PBBS call. If the
address came from the address file and this kind of a
change had already been made, the output file name would
begin with "ZZ" rather than "st", but a post edit change
of routing leaves the output file name alone. The number
of the next message is not incremented by 1 if the post
edit routine is used to change the call of the originating
Q Quit program
As the program exits, the user is asked if there are any message
files he/she wishes to concatenate. A carriage return or the letter
"N" or "n" exits the program, whereas "Y' or "y" takes the user to
the concatenate files routine before exiting.
P S Sort files by codewords
All address, text, and signature file entries have a codeword
associated with them, even if it is only "NONE ". These codewords
are used to select which addresses are to be used in a mail merged
book. This routine also uses these codewords in a crude sort. If
the parts files ADDRESS.ARL, TEXT.ARL, SIGN.ARL have many entries
it can be very helpful for the entries most likely to be used in
a given session to be in the front of the file. For example, in
December, the user might want to bring to the front of the address
and text files those messages appropriate for the holiday season or
for December birthdays. If those parts were assigned codewords
"XMAS " and "DECBD" respectively, sorting the files in the order
"DECBD XMAS" would arrange entries so the December birthdays appeared
first and the winter holiday entries (which were not also December
birthdays) appeared next. The remaining entries would not be
reordered. The user then chooses whether to write the new order
to disk or not.
T Terminal program -- this program may not be working at this time.
This is a very rudimentary program addressing the serial port.
Characters received at the serial port are written to the screen.
Characters entered at the keyboard are written to the port.
The Cursor-down arrow will start recording all received
characters to disk. Recording is ended by receipt of Esc from
the keyboard, and the file is named mnd_*.TER, where mn is the
first and third letter of the month, and d the day. "*" is the
usual characters to prevent an overwrite. Cursor-up arrow takes
the user to an upload routine which will
upload individual files by user provided name, by state, by NTS
region, or all NTS or MARS messages. A ctrl-Z is sent to the
PBBS in place of /EX to terminate each message. After a message
is uploaded, if the serial port receives the prompt ">" the file
extension is changed to end in the letter U, so the file name
will no longer match the masks for concatenating or uploading.
There are a variety of (hopefully understandable) error messages.
Esc will terminate an upload. This program uses stop/start flow
with stop character <ctrl-S> and start <ctrl-Q> in both directions.
Set your TNC for these characters if it has software flow control
(they are almost certainly the default values).
the program is currently in limbo. All routines have had a
reasonable amount of debugging, the hardware intercept seems to
work and report error conditions as programmed. But I have a
problem with the TNC I was using to test it. Even with a known
working terminal program I could not get output to the TNC, and
the only input I got was about half of the sign on program.
With this program I got one or two symbols from the sign on
of the TNC and loads of error reports (funny characters indicate
overwrite, parity, framing errors). I have no idea how to
continue debugging this. My guess is there is some kind of a
handshaking problem. I've set both DTR and RTS high and ignored
hardware handshaking. Any ideas, suggestions, help, etc would
be much appreciated.
P U Update files
This routine enables the user to add, edit, or delete entries in
the address, text, and signature files on disk and in memory. The
editor is used as in entering message parts in a message, except
that an additional command Ctrl-D is included if a message being
picked from the file is to be deleted. One can also change entries
in the preamble file. These entries are: next message number,
default handling instructions, call of station, location of station,
information on inserting the time of origin into preambles, zip of
station, output directory path. Serial port parameters are also
updated using this option.
P X Xtras for screen appearance
This routine enables the user to select cursor type and highlight
type. For an LCD screen, one can select a block cursor rather than
an underline cursor. The highlighting selection can also make a
great difference on an LCD screen.
(There is a separate external file COLOR.EXE that can be used to
adjust the colors of foreground and background for a color monitor.
The color program must be run from a DOS prompt by typing COLOR and
following instructions. It is not included in the main program
because if the user accidentally makes the foreground and background
colors indistinguishable, the user is in trouble, and a letter or
other character in place of a digit will abort the program.)
Miscellaneous comments:
The editor screen is divided into three parts. The top is where what is
being typed is displayed. The bottom is a list of commands and some status
indicators. The middle few lines are messages from the editor to the user,
such as statements of what is being entered, warnings of state, zip, areacode
mismatches, requests for confirmations of deletions. If the editor seems
suddenly to behave differently, CHECK THIS MIDDLE SCREEN AREA.
There is a lot of "alphabet soup" in the various menus and output file
names. Any suggestions for improvements would be greatly appreciated.
Some rough rules of thumb: Q exits most routines (Ctrl-Q for the editor);
Ctrl-C exits the program in most places; Ctrl-D is used in updating routines
using the editor to delete the item in the editor; numbers in the order things
are written in the bottom line of the post edit member perform the operation
and then start entry of the next message.
I have tried to make normal entry of messages as easy as possible. If you
find that some routines take extra keystrokes to do normal things, please let
me know. On the other hand, if you find that there is some thing you would
like to do that you cannot, let me know that also.
My usual response to comments about earlier versions of this program was to
do my best to ascertain exactly what the commenter had in mind and then see
if I could work it into the program. The result has been a collection of
improvements and elimination of bugs from version to version. Let me know
any thoughts you have on how to improve things. Also, please report bugs to
me asap. And anyone with any serial port programming experience please
let me know what I might try next on the terminal program.
If there is considerable user interest, the color program can be improved so
that it does not abort if it does not get a number when expected, and
foreground and background colors cannot be the same. With these modifications
it could be an option in Xtras for screen appearance. Let me know if this
would be valuable for you.
At some point, a mating program to the experimental welfare message generation
might be produced to create lists of welfare inquiries outside a disaster area
and to automatically check those lists against lists from inside the area. The
hope is to help relieve pressures from this kind of inquiry inside the disaster
area by moving much processing of it outside. Is there any interest in such a
Barbara Osofsky KB2HM
1010 South Park Avenue
Highland Park, NJ 08904
February 1991, revised Sept 1991
Published in the AmSoft CD-ROM with permission from KB2HM.