Psin has many tools but a lie is the handle which fits them all PA handle that deals with morals. Pby failing to prepare you are preparing to fail PPreparation for failure. Pyou can't keep a good man down PAbout a good man. Pyou can't have your cake and eat it too PEating desert and being greedy. Pa leopard cannot change it's spots PHaving to do with a personality trait being the same. Pif at first you don't succeed , try , try again PPersistence of success. Pa closed mouth gathers no foot PKeeping a mouth in correct position. Pa rolling stone gathers no moss PNot staying in one place. Pthe proof is in the pudding PWhere the proof is. Porganization is the enemy of improvisation PKeeping orderly. Pa good memory does not equal pale ink PDocuments are always best. Pthere's no place like home PAppreciate your dwelling place. Pthank god it's friday PThe end of a work week. Pall's well that ends well PDescribing an ending. Pyou can't take it with you PWhat you own when you expire. Pthat's the way the cookie crumbles PThings happen the way they do. Pdon't cry over spilled milk PWhat's done is done! Pquiet as a church mouse PComparison of being real quiet. Pdead as a doornail PHow dead can it be? Pstrong as an ox PHow strong can it be? Ppain in the neck PWhere people say most pain is. Plook both ways before crossing PSafety of jay-walking. Pwish upon a star PA standard item to wish upon. Pkeep your nose to the grindstone PThe best way to keep earning money. Pgood things come to those who wait PThe rewards of patience. Plike two peas in a pod PComparing identical likeness. Phard as a rock PComparison of hardness. Ptransparent as glass PComparison of clarity. Pskinny as a rail PComparison of being slender. Pchilled to the bone PHow cold you could be. Pthe cat's out of the bag PSecrets have been exposed. Pthe check is in the mail PAn old promise of payday lies. Ptwo is company , three is a crowd PTo many people. Pit will never fly PIt won't ever work. Pevery cloud has a silver lining PEverything has some good in it. Pclean as a whistle PComparison of being clean. Ponce bitten , twice shy PScared of something happening again. Pyou can't always get what you want PExpectations can be to high sometimes. Pwhat goes up must come down PThe law of gravity. Psnug as a bug in a rug PA rhyme of being cozy. Ppretty is as pretty does PActions are what really count in appearance. Pone mans trash is another mans treasure PComparing how 2 different people value things. Pbeauty is in the eye of the beholder PHow each person views beauty. Pbeauty is only skin deep PWhere beauty really is. Pcan't see the forest for the trees PBlinded by the obvious. Pwhat goes around comes around PYour past getting even. Pthings are not always what they seem PLife can be full of illusions. Plove makes the world go around PWhat love can do, in a song that is. Pwhat you see is what you get PGetting what you have viewed. Ptime is of the essence PImportance of time at the moment. Pmoney does not grow on trees PWhere money does NOT come from. Pa dog is a mans best friend PThe value of a canine. Pyou can't always get what you want PDon't expect to get everything in life. Phe's not heavy , he's my brother PBrotherly love. Pfaster than a speeding bullet PA SuperMan saying. Pit is better to be thought stupid than to speak up and remove all doubt PSilence can protect your ignorance. Pincompetence knows no barriers of time or place PLimits of inability.