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Commodore BASIC
209 lines
0 sys42926
2 poke56,50:clr:gosub10000:rv$=" " :gosub2000:dimm(3,7)
3 m(1,3)=2:m(2,5)=2:m(2,6)=2:m(2,7)=2 :m(3,0)=2:m(3,1)=2
4 m(3,2)=2:m(3,3)=2:m(3,4)=2:m(3,5)=2:m(3,6)=-1:rem ** sperren zeile 0-7 = 2
9 gosub7000:rem *** check fem for paras
10 s=1
90 goto 6060:rem ** seite s anzeigen
100 if s=0 then s=1
101 return
1999 rem **** switch on fem font
2000 poke30755,96:sys 30720:poke30755,169:print"[147]"
2030 return
3000 sys(57812)fi$,8,1:poke780,0:sys65493:return
3100 open2,8,15:gosub3120:print#2,"s:"+chr$(ac):if(ac=65)andm(1,1)thenclose2:return
3110 print#2,"c:"+chr$(ac)+"="+chr$(ac)+chr$(ad):close2:return
3120 print#2,"i":print#2,chr$(77)+chr$(45)+chr$(87)chr$(1)chr$(1)chr$(65);:return
3140 open2,8,15
3150 print#2,"r:"+chr$(ac)+"="+chr$(ac)+chr$(ad):close2:return
3160 open2,8,15
3170 print#2,"r:"+chr$(ac)+chr$(ad)+"="+chr$(ac):close2:return
3200 poke53280,2:gosub9000:fl=1
3210 geta$:ifa$=""goto 3210
3220 if asc(a$)<> 13 then fl=0
3230 poke53280,0:return
5000 print"[142][155] [198][197][205] - [197]instellungen [146] ";
5010 print" [146][151] ";rv$"[155] [165][146] ";
5020 print" [146] [218][197][201][195][200][197][206][211][193][212][218] : [165][146] ";
5030 print" [146] [165][146] ";
5040 print" [146][152] [1] [206]icht verfuegbar. [155] [165][146] ";
5050 print" [146][152] [155] [165][146] ";
5060 print" [146][152] [2] [206]icht verfuegbar. [155] [165][146] ";
5070 print" [146][152] [155] [165][146] ";
5080 print" [146][152] [3] [194]old ( [206]r. 3 ) [155] [165][146] ";
5090 print" [146] [165][146] ";
5095 print" [146][155] [214]erschiedenes: [165][146] ";
5096 print" [146][155] [165][146] ";
5100 print" [146][152] [5] [206]icht verfuegbar. [155] [165][146] ";
5110 print" [146] [165][146] ";
5120 print" [146][152] [6] [205][193][213][211] als [208]feil = [186] [155] [165][146] ";
5130 print" [146] [165][146] ";
5140 print" [146][152] [7] [205][193][213][211][193][194][211][195][200][193][204][212][213][206][199] aktiv [155] [165][146] ";
5150 print" [146] [165][146] ";
5160 print" [146][152] [8] [198][197][205] - [211][195][200][206][197][204][204][193][196][197][210] ein [155] [165][146] ";
5190 print" [146][151][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][155] [165][146] ";
5200 print" [146] [211]eite 1 [221]>>[221][155] [165][146] ";
5210 print" [146][151][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][155] [165][146] ";
5220 print" [164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][165][146] ";
5230 print" kl-design [146] ";
5250 return
5251 print""
5253 print"[151][198][193][210][194][197][206]: "
5257 print"[151][ ] [200]intergrundf. andern "
5262 print"[ ] [210]ahmenfarbe andern "
5266 print"[ ] [218]eichenfarbe andern "
5267 print" "
5268 print"[155] "
5269 print"[155][198]^[146][210] [208][210][207][199][210][193][205][205][211][212][193][210][212]: "
5270 print"[152][7] [197]instellungen sichern"
5282 print"[152][8] [193][194][194][210][213][195][200] ohne [211]ichern"
5290 print"[155][221]<<[221] [211]eite 3 [152]":return
5299 return
5300 print"[155][196][210][213][195][203][197][210]:[151] (nur [212]extmodus)[152]"
5301 print"[1] [195]entronics - [196]rucker?[152]"
5302 print"[2] [199]er*[146]tenummer : "
5303 print"[3] [211]ekund*[146]radresse : "
5304 print"[4] [195]hr$-[195]ode f.klein: "
5305 print"[5] [213]mlaute vorhanden ?"
5306 print"[151]---- [213]mlaut - [195]odes : ----[152] "
5307 print"*[146]: @: ^[146]: (klein) "
5308 print"\: @[146]: ^[146]: \[146]: "
5309 print"[155][221]<<[221] [211]eite 2 [221]>>[221][152]":return
6000 poke781,uy:poke782,ux:sys58636:return
6009 uz=z:uv=v:rem *** parameter z,v = zeile 0-
6010 poke27660+80*(uz+2),v:return
6016 rem param:z1= 1 = input! rout.liefert (ak)z(eptzeil
6017 goto6024:rem *** __ get einsprung
6018 ux=33:uy=4+z*2:gosub6000:goto6020
6019 rem ** ^ input bei z1=1 !
6020 if z1 then poke19,1:inputa$:poke19,0:goto6040
6024 geta$:ifa$=""goto 6024
6025 if a$="+"and s<3 then s=(s+1)and3:return
6026 if a$="-"and s>1 then s=(s-1)and3:return
6027 if asc(a$)=13 and s=3 then gosub3200:if fl then return
6029 if val(a$)>0 then uz=val(a$)-1:goto6051
6030 goto 6024
6040 if(val(a$)=-1)and(s=2)and(uz=3)then6043
6041 rem **** teil f.input bei z1=1
6042 if val(a$)<0 or val(a$)> 255 then 6018
6043 m(s,z)=val(a$)+10:return
6051 if uz=8 then gosub9000:goto 6016
6052 if m(s,uz)=2 then gosub9000:goto 6016
6053 z=uz:return
6054 v=122:goto6010
6055 v=32 :goto6010
6059 rem *** upro display s(eite)
6060 gosub100:on s gosub 5000,5300,5251
6062 foruz=0to7
6070 if m(s,uz)=-1 then gosub6054
6072 if m(s,uz)=0 then gosub6055
6074 next
6075 if s=2 and (not m(2,0)) then gosub8000
6080 on s goto 6090,6095,6200
6082 stop
6090 z1=0:gosub6016:if s<>1 then 6060
6091 if z>2 then 6094
6092 fork=0to2:m(1,k)=0:next:m(1,z)=-1:goto6062: rem *** 1 aus 3
6094 m(1,z)=not (m(1,z)):goto 6062:rem ** 1 aus 8
6095 z1=0:gosub6016:if s<>2 then 6060
6096 if z=0 then m(2,0)=not m(2,0):ifm(2,0)thenm(2,4)=0:goto6062
6097 if(z>0 andz<4)then z1=1:gosub6018:if s<>2 then 6060:rem ** 1 aus 8
6099 if z=4 thenm(2,4)=not m(2,4):m(2,0)=0:ifm(2,4)thengosub8030:z1=1:gosub8030:z1=0
6100 goto 6062
6200 z1=0:gosub6016:if s<>3 then 6060
6201 if asc(a$)=13 then 6300
6202 m(3,6)=0:m(3,7)=0:m(3,z)=-1:rem ** 1 aus 2
6210 goto 6062:rem ** 1 aus 8
6300 if m(3,7) then sys 32222
6310 fork=1to3:m(2,k)=m(2,k)-10:next
6320 poke49200,96:if m(1,7) then poke 49200,162
6325 poke40168,96:if m(1,6) then poke 40168,206
6327 ac=65:if m(1,1) then 6335
6330 ad=49:if m(1,2) then ad=50
6335 gosub3100
6340 ac=66:ad=49:if not m(1,4) then gosub3160:goto 6345
6342 gosub3140
6345 ac=67:ad=49:if m(1,5) then gosub3160:goto 6350
6347 gosub3140
6350 goto 10090
6999 rem *** check out fem
7000 m(1,7)=0:if peek(49200)<>96 then m(1,7)=-1
7010 m(1,6)=0:if peek(40168)<>96 then m(1,6)=-1
7020 m(1,5)=0:if peek(30851)= 128 then m(1,5)=-1:rem * hand /pfeil
7025 m(1,4)=0:fi$="b":gosub10960:ifa$="63"thenm(1,4)=-1:rem * load neumus
7030 m(1,2)=0:if peek(28672)= 198 then m(1,2)=-1:rem * bold
7040 m(1,1)=0:if peek(28672)= 99 then m(1,1)=-1:rem * ocr
7045 m(1,0)=0:if m(1,1)+m(1,2)=0 then m(1,0)=-1:rem * standard
7062 m(2,0)=-peek(23465)
7065 m(2,1)=10+peek(23071):m(2,2)=10+peek(23083)
7070 m(2,3)=9:ifpeek(23102)=56 then m(2,3)=10+peek(23107)
7072 m(2,4)=0:ifpeek(23134)=24 then return
7075 fork=0to6:m(0,k)=10+peek(23264+k):next:m(2,4)=-1
7080 return
8000 rem *** zi=0 ausgabe sonst ein!
8002 fork=1 to 3:ux=33:uy=4+k*2:gosub6000:printm(2,k)-10:next
8020 if not m(2,4) then return
8030 for k = 0 to 2:uy=16:ux=10+k*7:gosub6000:gosub8070:next
8040 for k = 3 to 6:uy=18:ux=-11+k*7:gosub6000:gosub8070:next
8060 return
8070 if z1 thenpoke19,1:inputa$:poke19,0:m(0,k)=val(a$)+10:return
8080 printm(0,k)-10:return
9000 si=54272:pokesi+5,1+8*16:pokesi+6,0+8*16:pokesi+1,10:pokesi+24,15
9005 pokesi+4,33
9010 fork=0 to 600:next:pokesi+4,32:return
10000 gosub10060
10010 gosub10950:iffi$="3.!text drucken "then gosub3000:rem load fi$
10020 if fi$="3.!text drucken"then goto 10070
10040 return
10060 return
10070 print" [204]egen [211]ie zum [211]tart dieser [193]npassung ";
10080 print" die neue [205]agazindiskette ein ! ":inputa$:run
10090 poke23465,0:rem ** einsprung
10100 if not m(2,0) then 10120
10110 poke23071,4:poke23083,7:poke23134,24:poke23102,24:poke23465,1:goto10360
10120 rem *** gn
10140 poke23071,m(2,1)
10150 poke 23083,m(2,2)
10170 poke 23102,24:if m(2,3)< 0 then 10190
10180 poke 23102,56:poke 23107,m(2,3)
10190 poke 23134,24:rem clc, einzel off
10200 if m(2,4) then gosub10240:rem ****umlaut - frage !
10210 goto10360
10220 rem ** umlaute abfragen
10240 poke 23134,56:rem sec, einzel on!
10340 for k=0 to 6:poke23264+k,m(0,k)-10:next:rem table3=23264!!!
10350 return
10360 rem
10390 print"[147] [211]peichern der [196]ruckeranpassung! "
10395 print"[194]itte legen [211]ie das anzupassende":input "[205]agazin jetzt ein";a$
10400 open1,8,15,"i":print#1,chr$(77)+chr$(45)+chr$(87)chr$(1)chr$(1)chr$(65);
10410 gosub10950:rem *** fi$ bestimmen
10420 print#1,"s:"+fi$:close1
10430 gosub10800:ifa$="j"goto10390
10440 :
10450 sys(57812)fi$,8,1
10460 poke 193,255:poke194,89:rem *** $59ff
10470 poke174,255:poke175,91:rem *** $5c00
10480 sys62957:gosub10800:ifa$="j"then10450
10490 input"[197]in weiteres [205]agazin anpassen (j/n)";a$:ifa$<>"n"then 10390
10500 fi$="mc":gosub3000:sys1098:sys32222
10510 end
10800 open2,8,15
10805 input#2,a$,b$,c$,d$:close2:ifa$="00"then return
10807 print" ";b$" "
10810 input"[206]ochmals versuchen (j/n)";a$:if a$<>"n"then return
10820 print"?[211]peicherung abgebrochen":stop
10950 fi$="3.!text drucken":gosub10960:goto10980
10960 open2,8,15:print#2,"r:"+fi$+"="+fi$
10970 input#2,a$,b$,c$,d$:close2:return
10980 ifb$="file exists"then11010
10990 fi$=fi$+" ":gosub10960:ifa$="63"then return
11000 print" [198][197][200][204][197][210]! [146] [196]isk ohne [196]ruckeranpassung!":poke1023,0:stop
11010 print"[147][193]chtung! [194]eim eingelegten [205]agazin"
11020 print"handelt es sich um eine aeltere [193]usgabe."
11030 print"[196]as frueher verwendete [196]ruck-[208]rogramm"
11040 print"wurde durch ein neues [208]rogramm ersetzt!"
11050 print"[196]aher darf die alte '[196][210][213][195][203][197][210][193][206][208][193][211][211][213][206][199]'"
11060 print"nicht mehr verwendet werden!!!":print"[196]anke."
11070 open2,8,15:print#2,"s:druckeranpassung":close2:return