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Commodore BASIC
255 lines
1000 remem64-inetprovidr
1010 rem $0348 0840 inniin
1020 rem $0349 0841 restlo
1030 rem $034a 0842 resthi
1040 rem $034b 0843 renolo
1050 rem $034c 0844 renohi
1060 rem $034d 0845 senolo
1070 rem $034e 0846 senohi
1080 rem $034f 0847 fchaso
1090 rem $0350 0848 zeichenfarbe character-color
1100 rem $0351 0849 hintergrund/rahmenfarbe background/border-color
1110 rem $0352 0850 dnsyfi device number system files
1120 rem $03
1130 rem $03
1140 rem $03
1150 rem $0370-03af 0880-0943 name und passwort name and password
1160 rem $03b0-03fe 0944-1022 initialisierungsbefehl initial string to modem
1170 ifk>0then1470
1180 print"[147]configure email64-internet-provider
1190 [134]dn(9):[134]na$(9)
1200 [153]:[129]i[178]8[164]30
1210 [159]15,i,15:[160]15
1220 [139]st[179][177]0[167]1410
1230 [159]15,i,15,"i":[160]15
1240 [159]2,i,0,"$em64inpr*
1250 forj=0to5:get#2,a$:next:goto1370
1260 ifk=10then1400
1270 forj=0to3:get#2,a$:next
1280 ifst<>0then1400
1290 get#2,a$:ifst<>0then1400
1300 ifa$<>chr$(34)then1290
1310 get#2,a$:ifa$<>"e"then1400
1320 printk;:goto1340
1330 get#2,a$:ifa$=chr$(34)then1360
1340 printa$;:na$(k)=na$(k)+a$
1350 goto1330
1360 printi:dn(k)=i:k=k+1
1370 get#2,a$:ifst<>0then1400
1380 ifa$<>""then1370
1390 goto1260
1400 close2
1410 next:nd=k
1420 ifk=0thenprint"insert disk with file 'em64inpr...":inputa$:goto1200
1430 print"type 0 -"k-1"
1440 [161]a$:a[178][198](a$[170][199](0)):[139](a[179]48)[176](a[177]47[170]k)[167]1440
1450 an[178]a[171]48
1460 [147]na$(an),dn(an),1
1470 a$[178]"":[129]i[178]828[164]830:a$[178]a$[170][199]([194](i)):[130]
1480 [153]a$
1490 [153]"v";
1500 [129]i[178]832[164]835:[153][199]([194](i));:[130]:[153]
1510 [133]"return";a$
1520 [153]"$0348 inniin inverted / not inverted
1530 print" control-lines-inverted (0/0)
1540 [153]" -not inverted (1/195)
1550 print"bit 7 = rts same as bit 1 but easier to poll with 'bit'
1560 [153]"bit 6 = cts
1570 print"bit 2 = dtr (for initialise)
1580 [153]"bit 1 = rts (for initialise)
1590 print" if cts is then bit6 of dd01 is
1600 [153]"inv. +12v low 0v
1610 print"inv. -12v high 5v
1620 [153]"not inv. +12v high 5v
1630 print"not inv. -12v low 0v
1640 [153]"the rs232 driverchip inverts!!
1650 print"if you have an adapter with only the
1660 [153]"driverchip then it is inverted
1670 print"if you have an adapter with the driver-
1680 [153]"chip and an additional inverterchip then it is not inverted
1690 print"remark:if you don't know then try:
1700 [153]"if email64 hangs after 'loading' then try the opposite value
1710 print"remark: data-lines are allways inverted
1720 [153]"type 0 f.inverted or 195 f.not-inverted
1730 print"inniin ";peek(840)"[145]":input"";a
1740 poke840,a
1750 print"restlo/hi receive startbit low/high tmr
1760 [153]"try 442 for pal and 459 for ntsc
1770 print"restlo/hi "peek(841)+256*peek(842)
1780 input"[145]";a:poke841,aand255:poke842,a/256
1790 print"renolo/hi receive normalbit low/high tm
1800 [153]"try 410 for pal and 426 for ntsc
1810 print"renolo/hi "peek(843)+256*peek(844)
1820 input"[145]";a:poke843,aand255:poke844,a/256
1830 print"senolo send normalbit low/high tm
1840 [153]"try 410 for pal and 426 for ntsc
1850 print"sestlo7hi "peek(845)+256*peek(846)
1860 input"[145]";a:poke845,aand255:poke846,a/256
1870 print"$034f fchaso flowcontrol hard / soft 0=off 1=on
1880 [153]"bit 7 = hardware
1890 print"bit 6 = software
1900 [153]"not yet supported. type allways 0
1910 print"fchaso ";peek(847):input"[145]";a
1920 poke847,a
1930 print"$0350 cochar colorcharacter
1940 [153]"cochar ";[194](848):[133]"on";a
1950 [151]848,a
1960 [153]"$0351 cobabo color background border
1970 print"coback ";int(peek(849)/16):input"[145]";ba
1980 print"cobord ";peek(849)and15:input"[145]";a
1990 poke849,a+ba*16
2000 print"$0352 dnsyfi device number system files
2010 [153]"type 8-30 for device 8-30
2020 print"or 0 for device from which em64inpr
2030 [153]"will be loaded
2040 print"dnsyfi ";peek(850):input"[145]";a
2050 poke850,a
2060 print"
2070 [153]"$0370-03af username & password
2080 print"only standart (no cbm) pc-ascii allowed
2090 a[178][194](881):[143] length of name
2100 a$[178]"":[129]i[178]882[164]881[170]a:b[178][194](i)
2110 [139](b[177]64)[175](b[179]91)[167]b[178]b[170]128
2120 [139](b[177]96)[175](b[179]123)[167]b[178]b[171]32
2130 a$[178]a$[170][199](b):[130]
2140 [153]"username ";a$
2150 [133]"";a$
2160 a[178][195](a$):[153]"length"a:b$[178]""
2170 [129]i[178]1[164]a:b[178][198]([202](a$,i,1))
2180 [153][202](a$,i,1);b;
2190 [139]b[179]32[167]2240
2200 [139]b[179]65[167]2250
2210 [139]b[179]91[167]b[178]b[170]32:[137]2250
2220 [139]b[179]193[167]2240
2230 [139]b[179]219[167]b[178]b[171]128:[137]2250
2240 [153]"illegal character":i[178]99:[137]2260
2250 b$[178]b$[170][199](b):[153]"->"[199](b);b;
2260 [153]:[130]
2270 [139]i[177]90[167]2060
2280 us$[178]b$:lu[178][195](us$)
2290 [139]lu[177]60[167][153]"too long":[137]2060
2300 a$[178]"":[129]i[178]1[164]lu
2310 b[178][198]([202](us$,i,1))
2320 [139](b[177]64)[175](b[179]91)[167]b[178]b[170]128
2330 [139](b[177]96)[175](b[179]123)[167]b[178]b[171]32
2340 a$[178]a$[170][199](b):[130]
2350 [153]"username ";a$
2360 [153]"correct (y/n)
2370 geta$:ifa$="n"then2060
2380 ifa$<>"y"then2370
2390 print"
2400 [153]"$0370-03af username & password
2410 print"only standart (no cbm) pc-ascii allowed
2420 a[178][194](881):[143] length of username
2430 aa[178][194](882[170]a):[143] length of password
2440 a$[178]"":[129]i[178]883[170]a[164]882[170]a[170]aa:b[178][194](i)
2450 [139](b[177]64)[175](b[179]91)[167]b[178]b[170]128
2460 [139](b[177]96)[175](b[179]123)[167]b[178]b[171]32
2470 a$[178]a$[170][199](b):[130]
2480 [153]"password ";a$
2490 [133]"";a$
2500 a[178][195](a$):[153]"length"a:b$[178]""
2510 [129]i[178]1[164]a:b[178][198]([202](a$,i,1))
2520 [153][202](a$,i,1);b;
2530 [139]b[179]32[167]2580
2540 [139]b[179]65[167]2590
2550 [139]b[179]91[167]b[178]b[170]32:[137]2590
2560 [139]b[179]193[167]2580
2570 [139]b[179]219[167]b[178]b[171]128:[137]2590
2580 [153]"illegal character":i[178]99:[137]2600
2590 b$[178]b$[170][199](b):[153]"->"[199](b);b;
2600 [153]:[130]
2610 [139]i[177]90[167]2390
2620 pa$[178]b$:lp[178][195](pa$)
2630 [139]lp[177]60[167][153]"too long":[137]2390
2640 [139]lu[170]lp[177]60[167][153]"too long":[137]2060
2650 a$[178]"":[129]i[178]1[164]lp
2660 b[178][198]([202](pa$,i,1))
2670 [139](b[177]64)[175](b[179]91)[167]b[178]b[170]128
2680 [139](b[177]96)[175](b[179]123)[167]b[178]b[171]32
2690 a$[178]a$[170][199](b):[130]
2700 [153]"password ";a$
2710 [153]"correct (y/n)
2720 geta$:ifa$="n"then2390
2730 ifa$<>"y"then2720
2740 fori=880to943:pokei,0:next
2750 poke881,lu:rem length username
2760 fori=1tolu:poke881+i,asc(mid$(us$,i,1)):next
2770 a=peek(881)
2780 poke882+a,lp:rem length password
2790 fori=1tolp:poke882+a+i,asc(mid$(pa$,i,1)):next
2800 poke880,lu+lp+2:rem total length
2810 print"!!! email64 supports only password authentication protocol (pap)
2820 [153]"not challenge handshake authentification protocol (chap)
2830 print"if the server terminates the connection after several
2840 [153]"rcv lcfg rqs snd lcfg nak (on the screen)
2850 print"then this means that your server wants chap.
2860 [153]"because email64 doesn't support chap
2870 print"you must use a different internet- provider.
2880 [153]"after the 'atd...'-line you must wait about 30 sec.
2890 input"return";a$
2900 print"
2910 [153]"$03b0-$03fe string to modem (0-79)
2920 s$=""
2930 print"[205] = carriage return
2940 [153]"\ = backslash
2950 printchr$(34);
2960 fori=944to1022:a=peek(i):ifa=13thena=205
2970 ifa>0thenprintchr$(a);
2980 next:print
2990 input"[157][157]";a$
3000 fori=1tolen(a$):b$=mid$(a$,i,1)
3010 ifb$="[205]"thenb$=chr$(13)
3020 if(b$="")or(b$=chr$(0))theni=len(a$):goto3040
3030 s$=s$+b$
3040 next
3050 print""s$
3060 print"length:"len(s$)
3070 print"correct (y/n)?"
3080 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then3080
3090 ifa$="n"then2900
3100 fori=944to1023:pokei,0:next
3110 fori=1tolen(s$):poke943+i,asc(mid$(s$,i,1)):next
3120 print"save new config (y/n)?"
3130 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then3130
3140 ifa$="n"thenend
3150 print"new filename f.config internet provider
3160 [153]" "na$(an)
3170 [133]"on";na$:na$[178][200](na$[170]" ",16)
3180 [139][200](na$,8)[179][177]"em64inpr"[167][153]"must begin with 'em64inpr'":[137]3150
3190 [153]"device number"
3200 [153]" "dn(an)
3210 [133]"on";dn
3220 [159]2,dn,2,na$[170]",p,r":[160]2
3230 [159]15,dn,15:[132]15,a,b$,c,d:[160]15
3240 [139]a[178]62[167]3330:[143] file not found
3250 [153]"error
3260 printa;b$;c;d
3270 ifa<>0then3150
3280 print"config file with same name allready
3290 [153]"exists. overwrite? (y/n)
3300 geta$:ifa$="n"then3150
3310 ifa$<>"y"then3300
3320 open15,dn,15,"s:"+na$:close15
3330 fori=1tolen(na$)
3340 poke678+i,asc(mid$(na$,i,1))
3350 next
3360 poke780,0
3370 poke781,dn:rem device number
3380 poke782,0:rem secaddr
3390 sys65466
3400 poke780,16
3410 poke781,167
3420 poke782,2
3430 sys65469
3440 poke193,60
3450 poke194,3
3460 poke780,193
3470 poke781,0
3480 poke782,4
3490 sys65496
3500 open15,dn,15:input#15,a,b$,c,d
3510 printa;b$;c;d
3520 close15
3530 ifa>0then3120