NoName Crew¢-----------¢¢presents¢¢the sourcecode¢the sourcegrafics¢the sourcemusics¢¢of¢¢THE MISSION - PART #1 - PRACTICE¢¢¢TMI .COM intro program¢TMIF .COM intro font¢TMIL .COM intro logo¢TMI .ASM intro sourcecode¢¢GFX1 .COM landscapepicture¢GFX2 .COM NNC-logo¢SNG .COM music-data¢DAT .COM DL-data,text,etc.¢MAIN .COM mainprogram¢MAIN .ASM sourcecode¢ (MAIN.COM & DAT.COM)¢MISSION .BAT Auto-Batch-File to¢ link all with¢ PLINK V2.3 from TKS.¢READ .ME this text¢¢The sourcecode is written with¢130XE+ Macro-Assembler V2.2.¢¢The music is written with SoundMonitor V1.2 professional. (Use load and write commands from 130XE+ Macro-Assembler to get a file that is playable again with the SoundMonitor.)¢¢We know - we aren't good¢but we have fun with our stuff !¢¢Contact us or leave it !¢¢contactaddress:¢¢Uwe Schemionneck¢Rossplatz 13¢O-7010 Leipzig¢Germany¢¢Watching out for our next release¢¢THE MISSION - PART #2 - ???????? !¢¢