51¢916¢20¢ÇHow are you feeling today™Jak se v@m dnes da%(?ÇHow`s your cough™Co d"l@ ka#el?ÇI`m better today.; I`m worse«Dnes je mi l)pe.; Je mi h{%e.ÇI`ll go to the dentist«P{jdu k zuba%i.ÇYou should see a doctor«M"l byste j(t k l)ka%i.ÇWhat am I to do about it™Co s t(m m@m d"lat?ÇYou should stay in bed«M"l byste z{stat [le&et] v posteli.ÇIt looks like bronchitis«Vypad@ to na z@n"t pr{du#ek.ÇDon`t worry about it«Ned"lejte si s t(m starosti.ÇIt`ll take some time«Potrv@ to n"jakou dobu.ÇCan I have something for toothache™Mohu dostat n"co proti bolen( zub{?ÇI`ll prescribe some medicine for you«P%edep(#u v@m n"jak' l)k.ÇHe`s down with flu«Le&( s ch%ipkou.ÇHe`s in hospital«Le&( v nemocnici.ÇWhat`s the matter with you™Co je v@m?ÇI`ve got a temperature«M@m teplotu.ÇI feel [I am] sick«Je mi nevolno.ÇI am ill«Jsem nemocen.ÇHe`s a sick man«Je to nemocn' $lov"k.ÇI have a headache [I have toothache]«Bol( m" hlava [zub/y].Ç√√