home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- %
- % Copyright (c) 1990-1994 by
- % Pipeline Associates, Inc., Morris Plains, NJ
- % All rights reserved.
- %
- % This software is furnished under a license and may be used and
- % copied only in accordance with the terms of such license and
- % with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This
- % software or any other copies thereof may not be provided or
- % otherwise made available to any other person except as allowed
- % under license. No title to and ownership of the software is
- % hereby transferred.
- %
- % This software is proprietary to Pipeline Associates, Inc., and
- % is not to be disclosed without written permission from Pipeline
- % Associates, Inc.
- %
- % This file may not be changed without express written permission
- % of Pipeline Associates, Inc.
- %
- /TYPE4 false def
- /DLL 10 string (DLL) getenv {pop true def} {false def} ifelse
- /#runpath 128 string (RUNPATH) getenv {def} {() def} ifelse
- /PowerDoc false def
- /MESSAGES 10 string (MESSAGES) getenv {def} {(OFF) def} ifelse
- /SERVER 10 string (SERVER) getenv {def} { (NO) def } ifelse
- PowerDoc {
- } if
- $error /inerror false put
- MESSAGES (ON) eq {
- %(!cls)run
- ( ============================================================================) = flush
- ( | Begin PowerPage Level 2 /DOS execution |) = flush
- ( | Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 by Pipeline Associates, Inc., Morris Plains, NJ |) = flush
- ( | All rights reserved. |) = flush
- ( ============================================================================) = flush
- (\r\n\r\n) print flush
- } if
- % /stderr (%stderr) (w) file def
- /setpageparams {pop pop pop pop} def
- /#fontpath (fonts;/ps;/ps/kanji/fonts) def
- /setrealdevice {pop pop} def
- /execjob {} def
- % The following for LW version 68
- /flushfile {
- userdict /md known {
- /__str 32000 string def
- /__file exch def
- {
- __file __str readline not {
- exit
- } {
- (cleartomark) eq { exit } if
- } ifelse
- } loop
- } {
- systemdict /flushfile get exec
- } ifelse
- } def
- /=string 128 string def
- /a3 {} def
- /a4special {} def
- /PRINTER 15 string (PRINTER) getenv {def} {() def} ifelse
- /CIE 15 string (CIE) getenv {def} {(ON) def} ifelse
- /RIBBONS 10 string (RIBBONS) getenv {def} {(1) def} ifelse
- /DEPTH 10 string (DEPTH) getenv {cvi def} {1 def} ifelse
- /SMOOTH 10 string (SMOOTH) getenv {def} {(ON) def} ifelse
- /PAPERSIZE 15 string (PAPERSIZE) getenv {def} {(letter) def} ifelse
- /GRAYSCALE 15 string (GRAYSCALE) getenv {def} {(ON) def} ifelse
- /hres 10 string (RESOLUTION) getenv {cvi def} {1000 def} ifelse
- /vres 10 string (RESOLUTION) getenv {cvi def} {1000 def} ifelse
- GRAYSCALE (ON) eq DEPTH 8 eq and {
- /GRAYSCALE 1 def
- } {
- /GRAYSCALE 0 def
- } ifelse
- PRINTER () eq {
- /A-size { statusdict begin [612 792] null [0 0] [0 0 0 0] genpaper end } def
- /B-size { statusdict begin [792 1124] null [0 0] [0 0 0 0] genpaper end } def
- } if
- MESSAGES (ON) eq DLL not and {
- (Printer: ) print PRINTER print (\r\n) print
- (Papersize: ) print PAPERSIZE print (\r\n) print
- (Ribbon colors: ) print RIBBONS (1) eq {
- (Monochrome)
- }{
- } ifelse print (\r\n) print
- (Pixel depth: ) print DEPTH 10 string cvs print ( bits/pixel\r\n)print
- (Resolution: ) print hres 10 string cvs print ( dpi\r\n)print
- flush
- } if
- /rerun {
- $lastfilerun //run
- } def
- /run {
- /$lastfilerun exch def
- $lastfilerun //run
- } def
- /timerun {
- <</OutputPage false>>setpagedevice
- /time usertime def
- systemdict /run get exec
- usertime time sub timeprint
- } def
- /timeprint {
- 1000 div (time (secs): ) print = flush
- (\r\n)print flush
- } def
- statusdict begin
- /product PRINTER () eq { (PowerPage) } { PRINTER } ifelse def
- /setbin {statusdict exch /$$bin exch put} def
- /currentbin {statusdict /$$bin get} def
- /$$bin 0 def
- /cartstatus { pop 0 0 0 true } bind def
- end
- true setglobal
- systemdict begin
- /_findfont /findfont load def
- /findfont {
- systemdict /FontDirectory get exch 2 copy known
- {
- get
- } {
- exch pop
- /Font {findresource} stopped {
- pop $error /command /findfont put stop
- } if
- } ifelse
- } bind def
- end
- false setglobal
- (resource.ps)run
- % (setpage.ps) run
- statusdict begin
- /genpaper {
- << /Policies << /PageSize 7>> >> setpagedevice
- statusdict begin
- /traydict 5 dict def
- traydict begin
- /PageMargins exch def
- /Margins exch def
- /ImagingBBox exch def
- /PageSize exch def
- end
- traydict setpagedevice
- end
- } def
- end
- true setglobal
- % The "InvalidFont" font -- mimics Adobe's default font
- 11 dict dup begin
- /FontInfo 9 dict dup begin
- /version (4/20/91 10:58 AM) readonly def
- /Notice(Copyright (C) 1993 by Pipeline Associates, Inc., All Rights Reserved)def
- /FullName (InvalidFont) readonly def
- /FamilyName (InvalidFont) readonly def
- /Weight (Medium) readonly def
- /ItalicAngle 0 def
- /isFixedPitch false def
- /UnderlinePosition 0 def
- /UnderlineThickness 0 def
- end readonly def
- /FontName /InvalidFont def
- /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255{1 index exch /.notdef put}for def
- /FontMatrix[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0]def
- /CDevProc {11{pop}repeat 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 -1 .5 1}def
- /BuildChar {pop pop 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 -1 .5 1 setcachedevice2} def
- /FontType -1 def
- end
- /InvalidFont exch definefont pop
- false setglobal
- % mark DEPTH RIBBONS cvi hres MEMdict /installdevice get exec
- /InvalidFont findfont setfont
- %
- % load Level 2 default CIE color rendering dictionary
- %
- CIE (ON) eq {
- %
- %
- % PhotoShop friendly default CRD
- %
- systemdict /setcolorrendering known {
- 6 dict begin
- /ColorRenderingType 1 def
- /MatrixLMN [2.951 -1.085 .0864
- -1.289 1.991 -.2711
- -.4738 .0372 1.0910] def
- /EncodeLMN [ {dup 0 lt {pop 0} {
- dup 1 gt {pop 1} {0.555555 exp} ifelse}
- ifelse} dup dup] def
- /WhitePoint [.9505 1 1.0891] def
- /TransformPQR [ {} {} {} ] def
- /PipelineCIEDefault 1 def
- currentdict
- end setcolorrendering
- }if
- }{
- % Old-style 'do-nothing' default CRD
- %
- systemdict /setcolorrendering known {
- 3 dict begin
- /ColorRenderingType 1 def
- /WhitePoint [0.9505 1.0 1.089] def
- /TransformPQR [ {} {} {} ] def
- currentdict
- end setcolorrendering
- }if
- } ifelse
- RIBBONS (4) eq {
- {pop 0} setundercolorremoval
- {pop 0} setblackgeneration
- } if
- /letter {statusdict begin [612 792] null [0 0] [0 0 0 0] genpaper end} def
- /landscape {statusdict begin [792 612] null [0 0] [0 0 0 0] genpaper end} def
- /Letter {statusdict begin [612 792] null [0 0] [0 0 0 0] genpaper end} def
- /11x17 {statusdict begin [792 1224] null [0 0] [0 0 0 0] genpaper end} def
- /tabloid {statusdict begin [792 1224] null [0 0] [0 0 0 0] genpaper end} def
- /Tabloid {statusdict begin [792 1224] null [0 0] [0 0 0 0] genpaper end} def
- /Legal { statusdict begin [612 1008] null [0 0] [0 0 0 0] genpaper end } def
- /legal { statusdict begin [612 1008] null [0 0] [0 0 0 0] genpaper end } def
- /A4 { statusdict begin [595 842] null [0 0] [0 0 0 0] genpaper end } def
- /a4 { statusdict begin [595 842] null [0 0] [0 0 0 0] genpaper end } def
- /note {initgraphics} def
- /a3 {initgraphics} def
- /custom {
- <</HWResolution [200 200] /PageSize [1440 2160] /ImagingBBox null
- /PageMargins [0 0 0 0]>> setpagedevice
- } def
- %
- % Now install the appropriate paper size
- %
- <<
- /PageSize [612 792]
- /ImagingModel 4
- /ColorDepth DEPTH
- /Colors RIBBONS cvi
- /HWResolution [hres vres]
- /GrayScale GRAYSCALE
- /Yorient 1 % Page flipped vertically if -1, normal if 1
- /OutputProc { }
- >> setpagedevice
- %DLL {
- % 10 string (HIRES) getenv {
- % << /OutputProc { (c:/pwrpage/page) (bmp24) writepage } >> setpagedevice
- % <</OutputPage false>>setpagedevice
- % } {
- % << /OutputProc { (c:/pwrpage/page) (bmp) writepage } >> setpagedevice
- % } ifelse
- %} {
- % << /OutputProc { (c:/pwrpage/page) (bmp) writepage } >> setpagedevice
- % << /OutputProc { (c:/tmp/page.out) (bin) writepage } >> setpagedevice
- % << /OutputProc { (page.bmp) (bmp) writepage } >> setpagedevice
- %} ifelse
- PAPERSIZE cvx exec
- statusdict begin
- /lettertray {} def
- /11x17tray {} def
- /setpapertray {pop} def
- end
- DLL {
- mark 256 2000 setcacheparams
- } {
- mark 2000 10000 setcacheparams
- } ifelse
- /timeit {
- /S__1 save def
- dup print (: ) print
- timerun
- clear
- S__1 restore
- } def
- false echo
- systemdict begin
- true setglobal
- /cexec { pop } def
- /devformat { pop pop pop } bind def
- /product (PowerPage) def
- false setglobal
- end
- true setglobal
- (ROMFONT1)run
- false setglobal
- %
- % Initiialize Type4 font support if necessary
- %
- TYPE4 { (type4.ps) run } if
- {pop 0} setundercolorremoval
- {} setblackgeneration
- statusdict begin
- mark currentscreen counttomark array astore exch pop /DEFAULTSCREEN exch def
- end
- /setsmoothing {
- 10 string (SMOOTH) getenv {
- dup dup
- (ON) eq {
- (Smoothing turned on for next job\r\n) print flush
- 26.5 45
- {
- dup 0 lt { 1 add } if exch
- dup 0 lt { 1 add } if exch
- .49 sub 2 mul exch .48 sub 2 mul
- abs exch abs dup 2 index add 1.1 le
- {dup mul exch dup mul add 2 div 1 exch sub}
- {1 exch sub dup mul exch 1 exch sub dup mul add 2 div 1 sub}
- ifelse
- }
- } {
- (Smoothing turned off for next job\r\n) print flush
- statusdict /DEFAULTSCREEN get aload pop
- } ifelse
- setscreen
- } {
- pop
- }
- ifelse
- /OLDSMOOTH exch def
- } if
- } bind def
- setsmoothing
- MEMdict pop % Ensure that MEMdict gets initialized at lowest save level.
- SERVER (YES) eq {
- MESSAGES (ON) eq {
- (Running PostScript job server\n)print flush
- } if
- (server2.ps)run
- userdict /start {serve} put
- } {
- save pop
- } ifelse
- vmstatus sub neg exch pop .6 mul cvi setvmthreshold
- MESSAGES (ON) eq {
- (Waiting for PostScript job...\n)print flush
- } if