17278 The type of the DLL call return value was expected. Valid types are: ANSISTRING, BOOL, DWORD, INTEGER, OEMSTRING, REAL, STRING and WORD.
17279 Array indexes or dimensions expected.
17281 CASEOF or DEFAULT was expected.
17282 The most recent compound command does not match this type.
17283 There are one or more FOR commands that do not have corresponding ENDFORs.
17284 There are one or more FUNCTION commands that do not have corresponding ENDFUNCs.
17285 There are one or more PROCEDURE commands that do not have corresponding ENDPROCs.
17286 There are one or more IF commands that do not have corresponding ENDIFs.
17287 There are one or more REPEAT commands that do not have corresponding UNTILs.
17288 There are one or more SWITCH commands that do not have corresponding ENDSWITCHs.
17289 There are one or more WHILE commands that do not have corresponding ENDWHILEs.
17290 There are one or more WITH commands that do not have corresponding ENDWITHs.
17291 All elements must be simple values.
17292 All array sub-literals must have the same number of elements.
17293 '..' must be preceeded by a value to be replicated.
17294 All elements must be array sub-literals.
17295 Unexpected hexadecimal digit encountered in number.
17296 Only decimal numbers may be used in a floating point number.
17297 Unexpected end of macro file. Comment end ('*/') expected.
17298 Unexpected end of macro file. ENDFOR expected.
17299 Unexpected end of macro file. ENDFUNC or ENDPROC expected.
17300 Unexpected end of macro file. ENDIF expected.
17301 Unexpected end of macro file. ENDIFPLATFORM expected.
17302 Unexpected end of macro file. UNTIL phrase expected.
17303 Unexpected end of macro file. ENDSWITCH expected.
17304 Unexpected end of macro file. ENDWHILE expected.
17305 Unexpected end of macro file. ENDWITH expected.
17306 Enumeration '^0' was not expected as a component of an expression.
17307 There is no command to associate BREAK with.
17308 The most recent compound command is not a FOR..., WHILE, REPEAT or SWITCH command.
17309 There is no SWITCH command to associate CASEOF with.
17310 The most recent compound command is not a SWITCH command.
17311 A CASEOF cannot occur after the DEFAULT statement in SWITCH.
17312 The most recent compound command must terminate before this one can terminate.
17313 There is no SWITCH command to associate CONTINUE with.
17314 A CASEOF or DEFAULT block in a SWITCH command may contain only one CONTINUE.
17315 CONTINUE must occur last within the CASEOF or DEFAULT block in SWITCH.
17316 There is no SWITCH command to associate DEFAULT with.
17317 A SWITCH command may contain only one DEFAULT.
17318 There is no IF command to associate ELSE with.
17319 An IF command may contain only one ELSE.
17320 The most recent compound command is not an IF command.
17321 No IFPLATFORM command corresponds to this ELSEIFPLATFORM.
17322 No comment begin ('/*') corresponds to this comment end ('*/').
17323 No IFPLATFORM command corresponds to this ENDIFPLATFORM.
17324 No FOR, FOREACH or FORNEXT command corresponds to this ENDFOR.
17325 No IF command corresponds to this ENDIF.
17326 No FUNCTION command corresponds to this ENDFUNC.
17327 No PROCEDURE command corresponds to this ENDPROC.
17328 No SWITCH command corresponds to this ENDSWITCH.
17329 No WHILE command corresponds to this ENDWHILE.
17330 No WITH command corresponds to this ENDWITH.
17331 FUNCTIONS and PROCEDURES may not be defined within FUNCTIONS or PROCEDURES.
17332 There is no command to associate NEXT with.
17333 No REPEAT command corresponds to this UNTIL.
17334 The most recent compound command is not a REPEAT command.
17335 An entire array name was expected. No array indexes are allowed.
17336 An expression may only be returned from a FUNCTION.
17337 Command '^0' cannot be called as a function; it returns no value.
17338 A NEWDEFAULT statement may not occur within the body of a WITH statement.
17339 Only simple values can be replicated.
17340 An invalid command starting keyword has been encountered.
17341 An invalid command starting token has been encountered.
17342 The application name to load the product interface description for is missing.
17343 The object name to load the typelib for is missing.
17344 This obsolete language code must be replaced with 'EN'.
17345 The command prefix will be shortened to the first 50 characters.
17346 The product identifier will be shortened to the first 40 characters.
17347 There is currently no default prefix for which to find the function '^0'.
17348 There is currently no command prefix for '^0'.
17349 The product interface description for '^0', using language '^1' cannot be found.
17350 Object '^0' is not registered or is invalid.
17351 '^0' does not exist for '^1.^2'.
17352 '^0' does not exist for any command prefix.
17353 The parameter name '^2' is not defined for product function '^0.^1'.
17354 The parameter name '^1' is not defined for function '^0'.
17355 '^3' is not defined as an enumeration of '^0.^1.^2'.
17356 '^2' is not defined as a enumeration of '^0.^1'.
17357 Command '^0' cannot be assigned a value.
17358 Required parameter #0 was not specified.
17359 Required parameter ^0 ('^1') was not specified for command '^2'.
17360 Required parameter ^0 ('^1') in repeating group ^2 was not specified for command '^3'.
17361 This parameter has already been referenced in this function call.
17362 There were too many parameters specified for this function. It requires ^0 parameter(s).
17363 '{' and '}' may not be used in a function with no repeating parameters.
17364 This parameter is not a repeating parameter and may not occur in a repeating group.
17365 Routine name conflicts with product/object command '^0.^1'.
17366 Routine name conflicts with command or reserved keyword '^0'.
17367 Another parameter by the name '^0' has already been defined.
17368 A MENU command specifying a DIGIT selector cannot contain more than 9 menu items.
17369 A MENU command specifying a LETTER selection cannot contain more than 26 menu items.
17370 There is already a CONSTANT with this same name.
17371 Only '+', '-', '~', 'NOT', '(', string constant, numeric constant, variable, enumeration, programming function, or product function may start an expression.
17372 Only a label or INDIRECT may start a label name expression.
17373 Only a label may start a label name parameter.
17374 Only a variable or INDIRECT may start a variable name expression.
17375 Only a variable may start a variable name parameter.
17376 Only '(', string constant, numeric constant, variable, enumeration, programming function, or product function may start a primary expression.
17377 Only a label or INDIRECT may start a label name parameter.
17378 Only a label may start a label name.
17379 Only a variable or INDIRECT may start a variable name parameter.
17380 Only a variable may start a variable name.
17381 Include file '^0' could not be opened.
17382 Listing file '^0' could not be opened. Do you want to compile the macro without generating a listing file?
17383 Macro file '^0' could not be opened.
17384 The macro object could not be opened in '^0'.
17385 The macro source could not be opened in '^0'.
17386 An error occurred closing the macro.
17387 The macro object could not be created in '^0'.
17388 An error occurred positioning the macro object.
17389 An error occurred writing to the listing file. The generation of a listing has been canceled.
17390 An error occurred writing to the macro object.
17391 An error occurred writing to the macro object. Access Denied.
17392 '^0' already exists. Overwrite it?
17393 The macro object in '^0' is already up-to-date. Do you want to replace it?
17394 The object in '^0' is already up-to-date and will not be overwritten.
17395 The label '^0' was defined on line ^1 but was not referenced.
17396 The function or procedure '^0' was defined on line ^1 but was not referenced.
17397 The local label '^0' was defined in function or procedure '^1' on line ^2 but was not referenced in '^3'.
17398 Label '^0' was previously referenced on line ^1 as a function.
17399 Procedure '^0' was previously referenced on line ^1 as a function.
17400 Function or procedure '^0' may not be used here; only a label may be used.
17401 Label, function or procedure '^0' was already defined on line ^1.
17402 Function '^0' was previously defined or referenced on line ^1 as a label.
17403 Function '^0' was previously defined or referenced as a procedure on line ^1.
17404 The function or procedure '^0' was prototyped on line ^1 but it was not defined and there are no USE files specified.
17405 The label '^0' was referenced on line ^1 but was not defined.
17406 The function or procedure '^0' was referenced on line ^1 but was not defined.
17407 The local label '^0' was referenced in function or procedure '^1' on line ^2 but was not defined in '^3'.
17408 The function or procedure '^0' was referenced on line ^1 but was not defined. It may be defined in a USE file.
17409 Wrong parameter count for procedure or function '^0' (see line ^1).
17410 Parameter #0 in function or procedure '^1' must be passed by reference (address) (&).
17411 Parameter #0 in function or procedure '^1' must be an array.
17412 Parameter #0 in function or procedure '^1' must be a label (@@).
17413 Parameter #0 in function or procedure '^1' cannot be passed by reference (address) (&).
17414 Parameter #0 in function or procedure '^1' cannot be an array.
17415 Parameter #0 in function or procedure '^1' cannot be a label (@@).
17416 A character constant cannot span a line boundary.
17417 A string constant cannot span a line boundary.
17418 The exponent part of a floating point number (i.e., the part after the 'e' or 'E') must contain at least one digit.
17419 The fractional part of a floating point number (i.e., the part after the decimal point) must contain at least one digit.
17420 Only a single character is allowed in a character constant.
17421 The magnitude of the unit value is out of range.
17422 An unknown character for the current context has been encountered.
17423 '^0' contains an invalid character for the specified numeric radix base.
17424 The label name '^0' exceeds the maximum label length of #1.
17425 The name '^0' exceeds the maximum name length of #1.
17426 A source line read from the macro file is too long. The maximum line length is #0 characters.
17502 mADDRESS
17503 mAND
17506 mASSIGN
17507 mBOOL
17508 mBOOLEAN
17509 mBREAK
17510 mBY
17511 mBYTE
17512 mCALL
17514 mCASE
17515 mCASEOF
17520 mDATE
17521 mDECLARE
17522 mDEFAULT
17523 mDEFINE
17524 mDIGIT
17525 mDIV
17526 mDLLCALL
17527 mDOUBLE
17528 mDWORD
17529 mEACH
17530 mELSE
17532 mEND
17533 mENDAPP
17534 mENDFOR
17535 mENDIF
17536 mENDFUNC
17539 mENDPROC
17543 mENDWITH
17546 aFALSE
17548 mFILE
17549 mFOR
17550 mFOREACH
17551 mFORNEXT
17553 mGLOBAL
17554 mGO
17555 mHIWORD
17556 mIF
17558 mIN
17559 mINCLUDE
17562 mINPUT
17563 mINTEGER
17564 mLABEL
17565 mLENGTH
17566 mLETTER
17567 mLIKE
17568 mLOCAL
17569 mLONG
17570 mLOWORD
17571 mMENU
17573 mMOD
17574 mNAMEOF
17575 mNEXT
17577 aNOT
17579 mOBJECT
17581 mOR
17582 mPERSIST
17583 mWIN32
17584 mWIN95
17585 m_VERSION8
17586 m_VERSION8_0_2
17590 mREAL
17592 mREPEAT
17593 mRETURN
17597 mSINGLE
17598 mSTRING
17600 mSWITCH
17601 mTO
17602 aTRUE
17603 mUNTIL
17604 mUSE
17605 mUSING
17606 mVALUE
17607 mVARIANT
17608 m_VERSION_
17609 mVOID
17611 mWHILE
17612 mWITH
17613 mWORD
17615 mXOR
17664 <main>
17665 PerfectScript Interpreter
17666 Internal temporary message: '^0'
17674 Attempt to reference entire array '^0'.
17675 Undefined array element '^0' has been referenced.
18093 The value ^0 for parameter number ^1 of product call '^2' must be between ^3 and ^4.
18094 *Internal ERROR* - Zero length variable name as function call parameter variable.
18095 *Internal ERROR* - No parameter list to add parameter to.
18096 Product function parameter #0 is greater than the maximum allowed.
18097 Product function parameter #0 is less than the minimum allowed.
18098 *Internal ERROR* - 'Product Parameter Range Check' handler requires an integer operand.
18099 Array does not contain enough parameters to form complete repeating parameter groups.
18100 *Internal ERROR* - Attempt to expand a NULL parameter list.
18101 The product table contained in the macro object is corrupt.
18102 An error occurred reading the product table from the macro object.
18103 *Internal ERROR* - Expecting an integer for repeating parameter group.
18104 *Internal ERROR* - Expecting an integer for repeating parameter type.
18105 *Internal ERROR* - Parameter number greater than size of parameter list.
18106 The product command information block is too large.
18107 Product command '^0' has returned an undefined function return value.
18108 Product command '^0' has returned an undefined system variable value.
18109 *Internal ERROR* - Unknown parameter type.
18114 Macro '^0' not found.
18115 The macro name must evaluate to a string.
18116 The macro name cannot be a 0 length string.
18117 '^0' is not a compiled macro.
18119 *Internal ERROR* - An incorrect number of entries are on the stack.
18120 Illegal operation error - Stack overflow.
18121 *Internal ERROR* - Stack underflow.
18124 Composite index for array '^0' must be between 0 and ^1.
18125 The number of dimensions for array '^0' must be #1; found #2.
18126 Array index for dimension #1 of array '^0' must be between 1 and #2; found ^3.
18127 Array indices must evaluate to integers.
18128 Composite index must be between 0 and ^0.
18129 The number of array dimensions must be between 0 and #0; found #1.
18130 Array index must be between 1 and #0; found ^1.
18131 Attempt to create array '^0' with no elements.
18132 Attempt to assign array value to non-array variable '^0'.
18133 '^0' is an invalid or improperly formed variable name; only 'A'-'Z', '0'-'9' and '_' may be used in variable names.
18134 Attempt to assign non-array value to array variable '^0'.
18135 Reference array variable '^0]' addresses an array that does not exist.
18136 A variable name must be a string.
18144 A valid Hkey was expected in 'RegistryCloseKey'.
18145 A valid Hkey was expected in 'RegistryQueryKeyCount'.
18146 A valid Hkey was expected in 'RegistryQueryValueCount'.
18147 A valid Hkey was expected in 'RegistryCreateKey'.
18148 A valid SubKey was expected in 'RegistryCreateKey'.
18149 A valid Hkey was expected in 'RegistryOpenKey'.
18150 A valid SubKey was expected in 'RegistryOpenKey'.
18151 A valid Hkey was expected in 'RegistryDeleteKey'.
18152 A valid SubKey was expected in 'RegistryDeleteKey'.
18153 A valid Hkey was expected in 'RegistryDeleteValue'.
18154 A valid Hkey was expected in 'RegistryEnumKey'.
18155 A valid Hkey was expected in 'RegistryEnumValue'.
18156 A valid Hkey was expected in 'RegistryQueryValue'.
18157 A valid Value was expected in 'RegistryQueryValue'.
18158 A valid Hkey was expected in 'RegistrySetValue'.
18159 OK
18160 Cancel
18164 The 'GET' dialog cannot be brought up.
18165 The 'PROMPT' dialog cannot be brought up.
18166 This feature is not available on NT 3.51.
18167 Macro elapsed times:\n ^0 = Time in interpreter\n ^1 = Time in product tokens\n ^2 = Time in OLE objects\n ^3 = Time in DLL calls\n ^4 = Total elapsed time
18184 Error calling an Automation method or getting a property.
18185 Error calling the Automation method '^0' or getting the property '^0'.
18186 Error setting an Automation property.
18187 Error setting the Automation property '^0'.
18188 An object was expected.
18189 The variable '^0' was expected to contain an object.
18190 The object is not connected to an Automation server.
18191 The object '^0' is not connected to an Automation server.
18192 The object '^0' is not a collection.
18432 Corel PerfectScript Dialog Editor
18433 Dialog Name
18434 Dialog Caption
18435 MS Sans Serif
18436 Save changes to ^0?
18437 Macro Dialog
18438 Bitmap
18439 String Table
18440 Source
18441 NewDialog
18442 Name
18443 Type
18444 Size
18445 Modified
18446 Corel PerfectScript Dialogs
18447 Delete dialog '^0' in file ^1?
18448 Delete the ^0 selected dialogs in file ^1?
18464 Normal
18465 WP Units - w
18466 Points - p
18467 Centimeters - c
18468 Millimeters - m
18469 Inches - "
18470 Inches
18471 Inches - i
18472 Percent - %
18473 Fixed Point
18532 Bitmap
18533 ChkBx
18534 Color
18535 ComboBx
18536 Cntr
18537 Custom
18538 Date
18539 Edit
18540 Filename
18541 Frame
18542 GroupBx
18543 HLine
18544 VLine
18545 ListBx
18547 PopupBttn
18548 Progress
18549 PushBttn
18550 RadioBttn
18551 HScrollbar
18552 VScrollbar
18553 Static
18554 Viewer
18556 CancelBttn
18557 OKBttn
18558 HelpBttn
18582 Check box
18583 Custom
18584 Edit
18585 Group box
18587 Push Button
18588 Radio button
18589 Static text
18590 Viewer
18591 Cancel
18592 Help
18593 OK
18632 Overwrite dialog '^0' in file ^1?
18634 The file selected is not a valid macro or is read-only.
18932 Add a bitmap control
18934 Add a push button
18935 Add a radio button
18936 Add a check box
18937 Add a color wheel
18938 Add a combo box
18939 Add a counter
18940 Add a custom control
18941 Add a date control
18942 Add an edit box
18943 Add a file name control
18944 Add a frame
18945 Add a group box
18946 Add a horizontal line
18947 Add a vertical line
18948 Add a list box
18949 Add a progress indicator
18950 Add a horizontal scroll bar
18951 Add a vertical scroll bar
18952 Add a static text control
18953 Add a viewer control
18954 Align selected controls along their left borders
18955 Align selected controls along their right borders
18956 Align selected controls along their top borders
18957 Align selected controls along their bottom borders
18958 Center the selected controls vertically
18959 Center the selected controls horizontally
18960 Make the selected controls the same size vertically
18961 Make the selected controls the same size horizontally
18962 Make the selected controls the same size
18963 Evenly space the selected controls vertically
18964 Evenly space the selected controls horizontally
18965 Test the dialog
18966 Save the dialog
18967 Close the dialog editor
18968 Show/hide grid
18969 Snap to grid on/off
18970 Change properties of selected control or dialog
18971 Set dialog font
18972 Set order of controls
18973 Help topics
32768 Not enough memory to perform the requested operation
32769 Not enough global memory available to perform the requested operation
32770 Not enough local memory available to perform the requested operation
32771 Cannot load resource -- The most probable reason is insufficient memory
32772 Cannot initialize -- The most probable reason is insufficient memory
32773 An unknown error has occurred -- The most probable reason is insufficient memory
32774 No help file specified
32775 Call to WinHelp failed
32784 Filename specified is too long: ^0
32785 The disk drive is invalid in ^0
32786 The path is invalid in ^0
32787 This file does not exist: ^0
32788 No drive or folder specified
32789 Cannot create folder ^0 -- Folder already exists or invalid folder name
32790 Out of memory
32791 The descriptive name ^0 is already found in the QuickList
32792 You cannot use an '=' (equal sign)
32793 Access denied to ^0. Insufficient rights, or file is already open in an incompatible mode.
32794 Cannot list files from multiple folders
32795 This filename is invalid: ^0
32796 Folder ^0 does not exist. Do you want to create the folder?
32797 Folder ^0 does not exist.
32798 Folder ^0 cannot be removed. Folder is probably not empty.
32799 Access denied to ^0. Insufficient rights or destination is read-only. Select another folder.
32800 Filename must be specified
32801 You must fill in the Folder/Filename field before closing the dialog
32804 WARNING! All ^0 on drive ^1 will be deleted. Continue?
32805 Cannot delete file ^0
32806 Cannot copy file ^0
32807 Cannot move file ^0
32808 Cannot print file ^0
32809 Cannot change attributes on ^0
32810 Invalid destination ^0
32811 Wildcards not supported
32812 Are you sure you want to delete all files in: ^0?
32813 Cannot copy file to ^0
32814 Destination drive is full.
32815 Cannot move file to ^0
32816 File ^0 cannot be moved or copied onto itself.
32817 You cannot use '[' or ']' (square brackets).
32818 You cannot use a ';' (semi colon).
32820 Syntax error found in string ^0
32821 Specify only one filename when you use this option.
32822 Drive ^0 is not ready (drive door may be open).
32823 No files were found that matched ^0
32824 Unable to add file ^0 to multiple file packet
32825 Error writing to BIF
32826 Application does not support a default save format
32827 Files exist on drive ^0. Do you want to delete them?