7001 Unable to convert OLE object. Try again later.
7002 Unable to complete OLE request. Try again later.
7003 Unable to resize OLE object. Try again later.
7004 Unable to change OLE links. Try again later.
7005 Unable to complete OLE request. Try again later.
7006 Bad handshake, did not receive an OLE image.
7007 Unable to change OLE link. Try again later.
7008 Unable to change OLE link. Try again later.
7009 System memory overloaded. Unable to load OLE subsystem.
7010 The OLE subsystem is not responding.\nMay be unable to add OLE objects.
7011 Unable to load an OLE object.\nOLE might need more memory.\nClose one or more applications and try again.
7012 An OLE object has refused to close.\nWindows should be closed then restarted.
7013 The OLE subsystem is having storage problems.\nMake sure share is loaded.
7014 The OLE subsystem is not responding.\nYou may not be able to create OLE objects.
7015 Unable to rename OLE object. Try again later.
7016 OOPS!, unable to register this window for OLE drag and drop.
7017 OLE is not responding.\nMake sure share is loaded.
7018 OLE system is not responding.\nCopy something else to the clipboard and try again.
7019 OLE system is not responding.\nTry again later.
7020 Unable to update an OLE object's image.\nTry again later.
7021 OLE subsystem is not responding.\nOLE might need more memory.\nClose one or more applications and try again.
7022 Warning, the OLE server did not accept an object's new size.
7023 Unable to convert object's type.\nTry again later.
7024 Unable to create OLE object.\nTry again later.
7025 Unable to close an OLE server.\nComplete server action then try again.
7026 The selected application is not registered.\nApplications should be installed from their original product disks.
7027 Unable to find the selected application.\nApplications should be installed from their original product disks.
7028 Unable to complete OLE drag or drop. \nOLE might need more memory.\nClose one or more applications and try again.
7029 Can't complete an OLE request because your hard disk is full.\nDelete the object you were just working with, free up some disk space, and try again.
7030 Can't complete an OLE request because of a sharing violation. \nMake sure you have read/write disk access.
7031 Can't complete an OLE request because your disk is write protected.
7032 An OLE server has closed without completing it's task. \nThis may cause memory problems.\nSave your work and exit Windows.
7033 Sorry, OLE linked data not found in local files or path.
7034 Warning, too many files are open. \nYou should close some documents or applications.
7035 The selected application is not registered.\nUse file manager to locate it's .reg file, then double click on it.\nApplications are usually registered during installation.
7036 Application not found or insufficient memory to run it.\nClose one or more applications and try again.
7037 The selected application does not like the link's file extension.\nEdit the link, change it's source, and try again.