12005 This version of First Impression does not support the requested feature.\n\nContact Visual Components at (800) 884-8665 to obtain information\nabout a version of First Impresssion which will support this feature.
13000 Database error
13001 Database warning
13002 Database cursor is read only
13003 Database invalid state
13004 Database invalid column name
13005 Database invalid table name
13006 Database invalid ODBC version
13007 Database keyset cursor not available
13008 Database snapshot cursor not available
13009 Database update not available
13010 Database lock on read not available
13011 Database lock on edit not available
13024 Edit Ch&art Data...
13025 &Wizard...
20000 Format series label.
20001 Format chart backdrop.
20002 Format chart plot.
20003 Format chart legend.
20004 Format chart title.
20005 Format chart footnote.
20006 Format series.
20007 Format axis scale, grid, ticks, options.
20008 Format axis title.
20009 Format data points.
20010 Format data point labels.
20011 Print chart.
20012 Format axis scale labels.
20013 Load chart from file.
20015 Edit Chart Data
21104 Bar (Column)
21105 Bar/Pictograph
21106 Line (Tape)
21107 Line
21108 Area
21109 Area
21110 Step
21111 Step
21112 Combination
21113 Combination
21114 Horizontal Bar
21115 Horizontal Bar
21116 Pie
21117 Pie
21118 Doughnut
21119 X Y (Scatter)
21120 Polar
21121 Radar
21122 Bubble
21123 Clustered Bar
21124 Hi Lo
21125 Gantt
21126 Gantt
21127 Contour
21128 Surface
21129 Scatter
21130 XYZ
21131 Bar
21132 Bar
21133 Horizontal Bar
21134 Line (Tape)
21135 Line
21136 Area
21137 Area
21138 Step
21139 Step
21140 X Y (Scatter)
21141 Polar
21142 Line (Radar)
21143 Area (Radar)
21144 Bubble
21145 Pie
21146 Pie
21147 Doughnut
21148 Horizontal Bar
21149 Bar
21150 Hi Lo
21151 Hi Lo Cl (across)
21152 Hi Lo Cl (right)
21153 Op Hi Lo Cl
21154 Op Hi Lo Cl Bar
21155 Gantt Bar
21156 Gantt Bar
21157 Dates
21158 Contour
21159 Surface
21160 Hi Lo Bar
21161 Hi Lo Bar
21162 Hi Lo Horizontal Bar
21163 Hi Lo Horizontal Bar
21164 Hi Lo Bar
21165 XYZ
21166 Created by Visual Components, Inc. First Impression v%s
21167 All Series
21168 <Stack>
21169 X Axis
21170 Y Axis
21171 Secondary Y Axis
21172 Z Axis
21173 Select Axis
21174 Select Data Series
21175 Select Data Point
21176 Series Defaults
21177 Chart Title
21178 Footnote
21179 Series%d
21180 Datapoint%d
21181 Category (%s) Axis
21182 Value (%s) Axis
21183 Date (%s) Axis
21184 Angle Axis
21185 Radar Axis
21186 X
21187 Y
21188 2nd Y
21189 Z
21194 vcfiu.hlp
21195 Pictures (*.bmp;*.wmf) |*.bmp;*.wmf| Windows Bitmaps (*.bmp) |*.bmp| Windows Metafiles (*.wmf) |*.wmf| All files (*.*) |*.*||
21196 <from clipboard>
21197 Invalid picture format.
21198 Not Enough Data
21199 *.vtc
21200 vtc
21201 bmp
21202 wmf
21203 Chart Files (*.vtc) |*.vtc| All Files (*.*) |*.*||
21281 This version of First Impression does not support the requested feature.\n\nContact Visual Components at (800) 884-8665 to obtain information\nabout a version of First Impression which will support this feature.