Computer Buyer 1998 October
Text File
543 lines
5 Illegal function call
6 Overflow
7 Out of memory
9 Subscript out of range
10 Duplicate definition
11 Division by zero
13 Type mismatch
14 Out of string space
19 No Resume
20 Resume without error
28 Out of stack space
35 Sub or Function '%.20s' in DLL '%.40s' not found
48 Error in loading DLL %.40s
51 Internal error
52 Bad file name or number
53 File '%.40s' not found
54 Bad file mode
55 File already open
58 File already exists
59 Bad Record Length
61 Disk full
62 Input past end of file
63 Bad record number
64 Bad file name
67 Too many files
68 Device unavailable
70 Permission denied
71 Disk not ready
74 Can't rename with different drive
75 Path/File access error
76 Path not found
91 Object value is set to Nothing
93 Invalid Pattern
94 Illegal use of NULL
102 Command failed
140 Control not found
141 Statement is not available for this control
144 Focus may not be set to a hidden or disabled control
161 Cannot change dialog when focus is changing
163 No active dialog
170 Too many active dialogs
171 missing picture
200 sb_typestr
210 0x00000000
220 ReportBasic Language
221 ReportBasic Language
222 ReportBasic Language
223 Helv
224 8
225 OK
226 Cancel
227 Abort
228 Retry
229 Ignore
230 Yes
231 No
232 36
233 14
234 Stop
235 Question
236 Exclamation
237 Information
238 8192
239 1
250 DLL
251 SBX
252 y
253 object
254 createobject
255 getobject
256 4
257 Object method returned an unsupported data type
260 Object creation failed - illegal file name
261 IUnknown
262 _SBL
264 Invalid datasource conenction
265 Array must be 2 dimensions and support 3 fields
266 implicit call to
267 Default Member
268 statement
269 external subprogram
270 member subprogram
271 object method
272 subprogram
273 external function
274 member function
275 function
277 string
278 structure
279 user dialog
280 application dialog
281 unknown
282 .SBL
283 .SBM
300 Object creation failed - bad object class
301 Object creation failed - not enough memory
302 Object creation failed - moniker syntax error
303 Object creation failed - no such object
304 Object creation failed - access denied
305 Object creation failed - file not found
306 Object creation failed - too many open files
307 Object creation failed - share violation
308 Object creation failed - share required
309 Object creation failed - object doesn't support automation
310 n
311 SblRegisterMethod failed: %d
312 Registering %s
424 Object required
429 Object creation failed
438 no such property or method
439 argument type mismatch
440 object error
441 Cannot convert between these object types
901 Input buffer would be larger than 64K
902 Operating system error
903 External procedure not found
904 Global variable '%.20s' type mismatch
905 User-defined type '%.20s' mismatch
906 External procedure interface mismatch
907 Pushbutton required
908 Module has no MAIN
909 ADT version mismatch
910 Dialog box not declared
911 This feature is not implemented for the current operating system
912 ODBC has not been installed on this computer
913 ODBC returned an error
56528 Class %.40s encountered errors during method registration
56529 Default member is obsolete for class %.40s
56530 Member %.25s is obsolete for class %.25s
56531 Comparison of objects from incompatible classes
56532 IF condition is always false
56533 IF condition is always true
56534 No DIM statement for Variable '%.50s'
56535 Unknown function: assuming implicit call to MAIN in module %.50s
56536 Function '%.50s' used as a subprogram
62981 Flags is non zero, user Ex version of Sbl API call
62982 Functions with RETVAL parameters must return Integers or Longs
62983 Only one parameter can be a RETVAL parameter
62984 An undefined value was passed for the cmd parameter to SblLockParam
62985 The application does not support a function used to compile this module
62986 Default members are not allowed in SblRegisterMethod when the class type is SBL_DT_NOT_A_CLASS
62987 SBLFUNC_VIRTUAL is not allowed in SblRegisterMethod when the class type is SBL_DT_NOT_A_CLASS
62988 SBLINVOKE_FUNC must be used in SblRegisterMethod when the class type is SBL_DT_NOT_A_CLASS
62989 SBL_DT_CLASSSELF is not allowed in SblRegisterMethod when the class type is SBL_DT_NOT_A_CLASS
62990 Reserved methods are not allowed in SblRegisterMethod when the class type is SBL_DT_NOT_A_CLASS
62991 Operation not supported for this datatype
62992 Operation not supported for these datatypes
62993 Set is not supported for this class
62994 Attempt to pop suspend stack without corresponding push
62995 This error code was not stored in the context because a previous error has a higher priority
62996 This SBL context is read only
62997 Only variant parameters may be optional
62999 object output parameters must be simple variables
63000 dialog function '%.40s' must be in same module as dialog
63001 Please contact Mystic River Software technical support
63002 Dialog box ended due to DlgEnd statement
63003 Property set and property putref methods must have a return type of SBL_DATATYPE_VOID
63004 Function %.40s not compatible with current OPTION COMPARE setting
63005 Optional parameters specified on memid %d are not supported on DLL functions
63006 Bad enum type, memid: %ld
63007 Unsupported "varkind": %d
63008 Parameter %d has an unsupported type
63009 Unsupported "funckind": %d
63010 Unsupported "invkind": %d
63011 Memid %ld has an unsupported return type
63012 Function whose memid is %ld has too many parameters
63013 Bad calling convention %d
63014 %s does not support TKIND %d found in ITypeInfo %s
63015 Invalid ITypeInfo
63016 This platform does not support one of the target calling conventions
63017 Internal calling conventions can not be remapped
63018 Parameter '%.40s' is not optional
63019 This procedure has no named parameters
63020 Some parameters are named and some aren't
63021 Parameter '%.40s' already has value
63022 Procedure does not have parameter '%.40s'
63023 Named parameters specified before unnamed parameters
63024 Cstrings nested too deeply
63025 WITH syntax error
63026 Cstrings Restore without Save
63027 A variant contained an object of class %.40s, which is not an Ole2 class
63029 Too many parameters
63030 The request is not valid for the specified context
63031 Default variable must be an object type
63032 Bad parameter type
63033 Variant parameters must be passed by reference
63034 Methods of classes registered with SBL_OLE2_CLASS must use byval string parameters
63035 The SblUnregister API may not be used while a compile is in progress
63036 Invalid DropListBox control
63037 Invalid Picture control
63038 dialog function '%.40s' undefined
63039 Bad index for instance or thread ulong (internal error)
63040 Overflow due to quiet not a number (QNAN)
63041 This SBL.DLL entry point is obsolete
63042 Object pointers may not be passed by reference
63043 Permanent registrations may not utilize temporarily registered types
63044 Error generated by host application
63045 PROPERTYGET and PROPERTYFUNC methods may not have SBL_DATATYPE_RHS set for any parameter
63046 PROPERTYSET and PROPERTYPUTREF methods need exactly one parameter with SBL_DATATYPE_RHS set
63047 Application dialogs may not be registered during cooperative registration
63048 Illegal callbacktype
63049 Creation of new object failed
63050 Class %.40s does not have a suitable default member
63051 Method used static Dll binding but doesn't have dll info
63052 PROPERTYSET and PROPERTYPUTREF methods must return type void
63053 PROPERTYSET and PROPERTYPUTREF methods need at least one parameter
63054 Illegal value of PropOrMethod field. Only FUNC and GET may be combined
63055 Can not use different v-table slots in specialized methods
63056 Can not mix virtual and non-virtual binding in specialied methods
63057 Can not mix calling conventions in specialized methods
63058 %.25s is not a member of the class %.25s
63059 Registered variables must be global or module variables
63060 Registered constants must be a simple type
63061 Invalid long expression
63062 Member function must be associated with ADT
63063 Expected variable
63064 Type not yet implemented for PUT
63065 Illegal use of ADT
63066 Illegal use of object
63067 LSET with a type containing a variant or variable-length string
63068 Parameters may not be SET
63069 Illegal object assignment
63070 The parent class was registered with SBL_CLASS_NOSUBCLASSES
63071 `%.40s' is not a class
63072 This class does not support the new operator
63073 A bad context handle was detected
63074 This class does not support TYPEOF
63075 Can not use TYPEOF on non-object
63076 The variable 'me' can not be written
63077 Invalid object reference
63078 A class used in SblCompileClass must have a _putInstanceData method
63079 A class used in SblCompileClass must have a _getInstanceData method
63080 This module must be run with SblRunObject or SblCallProcObject
63081 This module must be run with SblRun or SblCallProc
63082 The class type used in SblCompileClass was not a class
63083 Illegal use of array var in expression
63084 The request constant is illegal
63085 The request is not applicable to the given context
63086 The module contains a class member not registered in the current instance
63087 Module contains an old, incompatible version of a class
63088 The module contained a class that is not defined in the current instance
63089 Class-load string information is >64k
63090 This type of binding is not supported for reserved methods
63091 Reserved methods must be declared 'SBL_RMCC'
63092 No parameters may be specified when registering reserved methods
63093 Method name begins with an underscore and is not a reserved method
63095 The dll library name or entry name was too long
63096 A method with the given signature already exists
63097 Specialized method definitions must all have the same return type
63098 The specifed datatype is a non-class type
63099 Parent type is a non-class type
63100 Class may have only zero or one parent classes
63101 Can't assign value to function: %.40s
63102 Too many qualifications
63103 Error already reported
63104 Illegal default datatype
63105 Can not convert from %.25s to %.25s
63106 Illegal arguments to %.40s
63109 Duplicate OPTION statement
63110 OPTION syntax error
63111 Abstract data types may not appear in records
63112 CONST syntax error
63113 FOR index variable is reused
63114 Unknown array or function: %.40s
63115 OPEN statement requires FOR clause
63116 ANY only allowed for non-array, DLL parameters (%.40s)
63117 BYVAL not allowed for parameter %d in %.25s (%.25s)
63118 Return type suffix prohibited for builtin %.40s
63119 Variable storage exceeded 32K bytes
63120 ADT members not permitted in MID statement
63121 Invalid numeric label for RESUME
63122 NEXT %.25s does not match FOR %.25s
63123 FOR and NEXT statments must be in same block
63124 FOR %.40s is missing NEXT statement
63125 Assignment to constant is illegal
63126 ADT function requires parenthesis: %.40s
63127 ADT member does not take arguments: %.40s
63128 Illegal redefinition of '%.40s'
63129 Recursive TYPE definition is not allowed
63130 Fixed string length is too short
63131 Element not defined
63132 Variable required in LEN function
63133 DEFtype expects letters ('%.40s')
63134 Duplicate DEFtype statement
63135 DEFtype range must be in order
63136 DEFtype syntax error
63141 Value incompatible with constant %.40s type
63142 Value for %.40s is not constant
63143 Syntax error
63144 Literal string is too long
63145 Parameter %d of %.25s %.25s is of invalid type
63146 Invalid procedure definition
63147 INPUT syntax error
63148 WRITE syntax error
63149 WRITE Type mismatch
63150 Invalid system dialog call
63151 OPEN syntax error
63152 '%.40s' is not valid as a FOR variable
63153 Expected: ')' or ','
63154 Fixed string length is too long
63155 INPUT Type mismatch
63156 PRINT Type mismatch
63159 Missing quote at end of string %.40s
63160 Illegal use of ADT var in expression
63161 Missing or incorrect subscripts for array %.40s
63162 Array cannot be passed by value: %.40s
63163 Type of array %.40s cannot be changed
63164 Array %.40s is not dynamic
63165 Bad REDIM statement
63166 Bad ERASE statement
63167 Illegal definition of %.40s, arrays not supported for this type
63168 Size of array (%.40s) is too large
63169 Too many dimensions specified for array: %.40s
63170 Variable (%.40s) is not an array
63171 Incorrect number of subscripts for array: %.40s
63172 Lower bound greater than upper bound
63173 Array subscript must be between -32,768 and 32,767
63174 Option Base must be 0 or 1
63175 Option Base must be before any array definition
63176 Illegal use of TYPE var in expression
63186 Improper use of reserved word '%.40s'
63187 %.15s '%.30s' is forward-declared but never provided
63188 Invalid definition for 'sub main'
63189 BYVAL is only supported in external functions (argument '%.40s')
63190 %.40s SUB/FUNCTION does not match header
63191 '%.40s' differs from its prototype
63192 Redefinition of procedure '%.40s'
63193 Cannot use prototype after definition
63194 '%.35s' is not of type %.35s
63195 GSD Function '%.40s' not registered correctly
63196 The %.15s '%.45s' conflicts with %.15s by same name
63199 Subroutines have no type
63200 Invalid return type for function '%.40s'
63201 Type mismatch, parameter %d in %.25s '%.25s'
63202 Can't pass by value. (?)
63205 Too few arguments to %.30s '%.30s'
63206 Too many arguments to %.30s '%.30s'
63213 EXIT FOR without FOR
63214 INPUTBOX syntax error
63215 MSGBOX syntax error
63216 STRING$ syntax error
63217 RND syntax error
63218 SHELL syntax error
63219 INSTR syntax error
63220 MID$ syntax error
63221 ENVIRON$ syntax error
63222 EXIT DO without DO
63223 Bad SELECT CASE expression
63224 Missing END SELECT
63225 SELECT syntax error
63226 Missing END IF
63227 ELSEIF syntax error
63228 IF syntax error
63229 LOOP without DO
63230 Missing END TYPE
63231 Procedure is too large
63232 Unexpected end of file
63233 Invalid string expression
63234 Invalid conditional expression
63235 Invalid integer expression
63236 CALL syntax error
63237 LET syntax error
63238 ELSEIF without IF
63239 ELSE without IF
63240 END IF without IF
63241 NEXT without FOR
63242 WEND without WHILE
63243 EXIT syntax error
63244 GOTO syntax error
63246 SEEK syntax error
63247 FOR syntax error
63248 GETCURVALUES syntax error
63249 Must be defined 'AS type'
63250 Invalid type
63251 ON ERROR syntax error
63252 RESUME syntax error
63253 Invalid library name
63254 Invalid alias
63255 error -> [%.40s]
63256 Expected: end-of-statement
63257 More than one caption specified
63258 Invalid Caption
63259 Dialog control captions must be literal strings
63260 '%.35s' is not of dialog type '%.35s'
63261 '%.40s' is not a system dialog
63262 Control texts must be strings
63263 Dialog type '%.40s' re-defined
63264 Field '%.40s' already exists
63265 Dialog positions must be literal integers
63266 More than one ButtonGroup declared
63267 OptionButton used before OptionGroup defined
63268 Button used before ButtonGroup defined
63269 Invalid ComboBox control
63270 Invalid ListBox control
63271 Invalid Button control
63272 Invalid ButtonGroup control
63273 Invalid TextBox control
63274 Invalid Text control
63275 Invalid OptionButton control
63276 Invalid OptionGroup control
63277 Invalid CheckBox control
63278 Invalid GroupBox control
63279 Invalid CancelButton control
63280 Invalid OKButton control
63281 Unknown dialog control type
63282 Invalid dialog definition
63283 END DIALOG syntax error
63284 BEGIN DIALOG syntax error
63285 '%.40s' is not a dialog box
63286 DIALOG syntax error
63287 Type mismatch on field '%.40s'
63288 INPUT$ syntax error
63291 Unexpected error writing Basic executable. Disk Full?
63292 Cannot Create Output File
63293 Symbol table overflow
63294 Invalid escape sequence
63295 Error opening include file: %.40s\n
63296 Includes too deeply nested. Limit is %d\n
63336 Name truncated: %.40s
63370 Internal Error - Couldn't free name list
63371 Internal error - Name list insertion failure
63372 internal error - could not create name list in initProcData
63373 This module contains too many external Basic function declarations
63374 The module contains too many global variables
63375 A procedure contains too many local variables
63376 Too many external modules referenced
63377 Too many module-level variable defs
63378 >64k of debug data
63379 Module base > 64k
63380 > 64k of shared data
63381 > 64k of load data
63382 Too many procedures defined
63383 Too much constant space
63384 Too many DLL functions referenced
63385 Too many DLLs referenced
63386 This module contains too many record definitions
63409 Function '%.40s' type conflict
63410 '%.40s' is not a field in the record type
63411 '%.40s' is not a record type
63412 TYPE member '%.40s' redefinition
63413 '%.40s' TYPE redefinition
63414 Label %.40s redefinition
63415 Illegal lvalue '%.40s'
63416 Assignment using type field not implemented
63418 Invalid function type
63419 Invalid subprogram type
63420 SHARED invalid in a procedure
63421 Parameter %.40s redefinition
63422 Parameter %.40s type unknown
63423 Variable %.40s undefined
63424 Object DLL for %.40s not declared
63425 Type %.40s not declared
63426 Variable '%.40s' redefinition
63427 Variable '%.40s' type conflict
63428 Variable '%.40s' type unknown
63429 Illegal statement
63431 Bad declare
63432 User types not implemented yet
63433 Bad TYPE statement
63434 USING not implemented yet
63436 Error in statement
63445 Unknown character '%.40s'
63446 Invalid metacommand
63451 Mismatched operands for '<>' comparison
63452 Mismatched operands for '=' comparison
63453 Mismatched operands for '>=' comparison
63454 Mismatched operands for '<=' comparison
63455 Mismatched operands for '>' comparison
63456 Mismatched operands for '<' comparison
63465 Operands for 'IMP' must be numbers
63466 Operands for 'EQV' must be numbers
63467 Operands for 'XOR' must be numbers
63468 Operands for 'OR' must be numbers
63469 Operands for 'AND' must be numbers
63470 Operands for 'MOD' must be numbers
63471 Operands for '*' must be numbers
63472 Operands for '+' must be numbers
63473 Operands for '-' must be numbers
63474 Operand for '-' must be a number
63475 Operands for '\' must be numbers
63476 Operands for '/' must be numbers
63486 Illegal re-entry into compiler
63496 Type mismatch
63506 Label '%.40s' is missing
63511 Unknown variable: %.40s
63513 Missing Args in procedure %.40s
63514 Arg. type mismatch (use parens?) in call by ref to: %.50s
63532 Subprogram '%.50s' used incorrectly as a function
63534 Unknown function: %.50s
63535 Parsing error: %.50s
63536 Illegal Number
64432 Active Thread
64433 Unused break point table entry
64434 Can't set break point on this line
64435 No Such break point
64436 Break Point Interrupt
64437 Can't load module
64438 Assertion failure
64446 The buffer supplied is not large enough
64451 Can't reload pcode
64452 There is no more Basic code to execute
64453 Procedure interrupted
64454 Procedure suspended
64455 SblUnload called more times than SblLoad
64460 the size of the supplied buffer was incorrect
64461 The specified type is not in the module or is an ADT
64462 the size of the supplied buffer was incorrect
64463 the size of the supplied buffer was incorrect
64464 Enumeration completed
64465 Invalid size for SBL_FILE_SYSTEM
64466 Type array buffer not big enough
64479 Module data not initialized
64480 The call frame nesting level was too large (not that many call frames)
64481 Bad flags passed in type call
64482 the size of the supplied buffer was incorrect
64483 Invalid module handle
64485 Invalid cStmtCallBack arg to SblSetCallBack
64488 the size of the supplied buffer was incorrect
64489 Bad SBL_PROC_INFO buffer size
64490 Bad SBL_VAR_INFO buffer size
64491 Variable not found
64492 Wrong number of args for SBL procedure
64493 Bad argument type for SBL procedure
64494 Bad return type for SBL function
64495 SBL procedure called with extra arguments
64508 SBL thread not in error state
64514 SBL thread id is busy or in error state
64515 Unexpected NULL pointer
64516 Bad SBL thread id
64518 Cannot unload module while procedure is running
64519 Procedure not found
64520 Cannot find module by name
64521 Too many modules loaded
64523 Bad module format
64524 IO error in SBL file system
64526 Floating point error
64527 Floating underflow
64531 Halted Pcode interpreter
64532 !!!Invalid OP Code!!!
64533 ERROR exception not handled by program
64535 User Interrupt
65535 The file could not be opened