513 Difference between Start and Lead Date & Time (i.e. Duration in Maximizer) must be <=999 whole minutes, hours, days, or weeks, i.e. 1000 minutes should be rounded up to 1020 (17 hrs)
514 Incompatible Maximizer Database Schema detected. Please contact Technical Support for help.
515 Must be equal to the Login Id or the Security Group the Login Id belongs to:
516 The address book folder you are attempting to access was created by an earlier version of Maximizer, and must be converted using the Maximizer Enterprise version before you can access it.
517 Invalid Table Name
518 Invalid Type Id -- Must be an existing Table Type
519 Unable to Load Datadef.da2
520 Name/Desc Exceed Maximimum Length
521 Only Owner allowed
522 Contact not allowed for this UDF - check UDF Setup
523 Individual clients not allowed for this UDF - check UDF Setup
524 Company clients not allowed for this UDF - check UDF Setup
525 Entry specified is Private and 'See All Other Users' Private Entries' is off
526 MxzBtrv.dll is Corrupted
527 No Team so only Single-User Team(-1) allowed
528 Invalid Team Id or Member Id
529 Probabilty range invalid: overlapping range or Range_Max<Range_Min
530 Input too big for field
531 Invalid Logon User Id
532 Private entries not allowed -- see 'Security' under 'Preference' in MAXIMIZER
533 Not allowed to change Team to Single User
534 System Error: Files in Transaction cannot be closed
535 OppActivity Key (Opp_Id, Opp_Number, Step_Id, Activity_Id) is not valid
536 Owner_Id must be a member of the Team
537 Alarm_Lead_Min must be <=999 whole minutes, hours, days, or weeks, i.e. 1000 minutes should be rounded up to 1020 (17 hrs)
538 For Individual Client Receive_Letter & Use_Client_Name must be 0
539 Owner_Id must not be equal to Client_Id
540 One Date/Time field is in conflict with another
541 NOT found in Table
542 Found in Table
543 Item not found in Cross-Reference table
544 Bad Client Id: also exists an Opportunity Id
545 Fatal System Error: unable to generate Client or Opp Id: Please contact Maximizer ODBC Support
546 Status for OppActivity must be either 3676(WAITING) or 3677(APPLIED)
547 Status for OppStep must be between 3337-3342
548 Public Client Only For Competitor
549 System Error: Unexpected Physical Data Type
550 Record can not be Physically locked
551 Record can not be Logically locked
552 Must be greater than zero
553 The Step_Id & Activity_Id are not linked to the Opportunity's Strategy Table
554 An OppComp Reocrd with the same Comp_Client_Id does not exist
555 Total Weight is over 100
556 End of File Reached
557 Only 0 to 9,999,999,999 allowed
558 Maximum 15 digits for Double Type
559 Key not Found
560 Start Date is less than Opportunity's Start Date
561 Missing Transaction File:MXZTRAN.MAX
562 Failed to Insert Transaction Log
563 Bad or Missing Client/Contact
564 Duplicate Key
565 Column Must be Positive
566 Integrity Violation
567 Invalid Team Id
568 Invalid Column
569 Opportunity Leader Only
570 Team Member Only
571 Null Unexpected
572 Must Be Equal to Login Id :
573 Invalid Date :
574 Null is invalid for :
575 Too Many Duplicate Category Table Names
576 Cannot Delete
577 Cannot Update
578 Cannot Insert
579 Date Out Of Range
580 One of the Columns is in conflict with another
581 Cannot Obtain Machine DB ID or Sequence#
582 Missing or Bad MXZU.MAX or System Record
583 Data Out of Range :
584 At least one none-blank Character
585 Contact # out of Range
586 Invalid Time :
587 Not Updateable :
588 Btrieve Record Data Corrupted
589 Btrieve File Does Not Exist
590 Bad/missing MXZU.MAX
591 Bad/missing ODBC.INI or <DataDirectory> entry in it
592 Bad/missing MAXWIN.INI or <DataDef> entry in it
593 Bad/missing MAXWIN.INI or <DBases> entry in it
595 Older version of Btrieve DLL detected
596 Invalid ODBC initialization file entry.
597 Error reading file.
598 Error opening file.
599 Too few columns in table.
742 Btrieve Err 2007: No task slot available.
744 Btrieve Err 2005: Wrong version of SPX installed.
746 Btrieve Err 2003: No local access allowed.
747 Btrieve Err 2002: Parameter invalid or out of range.
748 Btrieve Err 2001: Insufficient memory.
786 Btrieve Err 1013: Already initialized.
787 Btrieve Err 1012: Stop warning.
788 Btrieve Err 1011: Compression buffer out of range.
789 Btrieve Err 1010: Error accessing transaction control file.
11355 Correlated predicates not allowed in having clause.
11356 Data type SQL_LONGVARBINARY is not allowed in the select list
11357 Duplicate use of column in union select list
11358 Error writing to output parameter %d.
11401 S0022Invalid column name in select list.
11403 S0002Invalid view or table name.
11404 S1000Incompatible types in expression.
11405 37000Unsupported SQL command in statement.
11406 S1000Expression evaluation error.
11407 S1000Column identifier out of range.
11408 S1000Nested Set Functions not allowed.
11409 S1000Insufficient number of file handles for sort.
11410 S1000Error writing to temporary sort file.
11411 S1000Error sorting data.
11412 S1000Unable to open temporary sort file.
11413 S1000Error reading from temporary sort file.
11414 S1000Unable to sort on column type.
11415 S1006Error in data conversion.
11418 S1006Unable to determine dynamic parameter type.
11419 S1000Expression evaluates to a length greater than 64K.
11420 80005Column Parameter out of range.
11421 80005Invalid type/operator combination in predicate.
11422 S1000Invalid column length.
11423 22005Dynamic parameter type mismatch.
11424 37000Value exceeds maximum numeric precision.
11427 S1000Filter evaluation error.
11429 S1000Alias name exceeds maximum length.
11431 S1000Maximum filter or expression depth reached.
11432 S1000Maximum number of sort columns exceeded.
11433 22008Error converting to Date type.
11434 S1000Paradox tables require a primary key for this operation.
11435 S1000Invalid or missing password.
11436 S1000
11437 S1000Unable to use directory. Open statements detected.
11438 S1000Out of disk space writing temporary sort file. The 'TempFileDirectory=' variable in odbc.ini can be used to specify different drive/directories.
11439 28000Password too long.
11440 28000User ID too long.
11441 08001File type specified is invalid.
11442 S1000Paradox index name must match indexed column name.
11443 S1000Paradox primary index name must match table name.
11444 22012Division by zero.
11445 22003Floating point overflow.
11446 S1000General floating point error.
11447 S1000Error creating temporary sort file.
11449 37000Duplicate column found in insert list.
11450 IM001Driver does not support this function.
11451 S1000Maximum buffer size of 65500 bytes exceeded.
11452 S1000Incompatible types in predicate.
11453 S1000Paradox primary key cannot be dropped.
11454 S1000Index optimization error: Unable to compare with key greater than length of column.
11455 S1000Unsupported type in ORDER BY clause.
11456 S1000Unsupported type in GROUP BY clause.
11457 S1000Unsupported destination convert type.
11458 S1000Unable to load ISAM driver.
11459 S1000Sort data row exceeds 65500 bytes.
11460 S1000Use of index for join results in truncation.
11461 S1000Long set function data will be truncated to 255 bytes.
11462 S1000Cannot compare a binary data type.
11463 37000Create index statement not supported.
11464 37000Drop index statement not supported.
11465 37000Update statement not supported.
11466 37000Delete statement not supported.
11467 S1000Backup memory pool invoked. Please report this error to customer support.
11468 S1000Invalid or duplicate DRM_COLTYP specified.
11469 42000Column not updateable.
11470 S1000Invalid event received in TSP FSM. Please report this error to customer support.
11471 S1000Current TSP state is invalid. Please report this error to customer support.
11472 S1000Next TSP state in STT is invalid. Please report this error to customer support.
11473 S1000Error in TSP state action.
11474 S1000DDL statement encountered in transaction.
11475 S1000State transition in AUTOCOMMIT mode. Please report this error to customer support.
11476 S1000This application cannot be used with this driver.
11477 S1000Grouped view access violation.
11478 S1000'Invalid view column list.
11479 S1000'Maximum view count exceeded.
11480 S1000'View already exists.
11481 S1000'View coalesce error.
11482 S1000'Invalid row-count in subquery.
11483 S1000Union select lists do not match.
11484 S1000Invalid union table reference.
11485 S1000Invalid subquery column reference.
11486 S1000Invalid extended predicate: %s.
11487 S1000Invalid or missing argument.
11488 S1000Stored procedure argument requires an output parameter.
11489 S1000Maximum stored procedure data size exceeded.
11490 S1000Parameter Input/Output type does not match stored procedure definition.
11491 S1000Stored procedure does not return a value.
11492 S1000Union not supported in view statements.