184 A group with the name '%1' already exists.\n\nEach user group must have a unique name. Please choose a unique name for this user group.
185 A group with the ID '%1' already exists.\n\nEach user group must have a unique name. Please choose a unique ID for this user group.
195 Toggles which entries are shown in the list\nToggles which entries are shown in the list
196 Shows the history notes that Maximizer creates, or just manual entries\nToggles showing all entries or just manual notes
197 Filters E-mail messages so that only unread messages are displayed\nToggles showing Unread messages
200 Shows or hides the Status Indicator toolbar
201 When this toolbar is animated, Maximizer is processing in the background\nStatus Indicator
202 Shows or hides the Smart Tip toolbar
203 Displays context sensitive tips to help you perform tasks quickly and easily\nSmart Tip
205 Filters expenses by date range\nFilter by month
206 Filters journal entries by date range\nFilter by date range
207 Shows or hides the Status Bar
208 You do not have sufficient rights to perform this operation.\nYou require delete rights for Address Book entries.\n\nUser rights can be viewed or modified by choosing File > Preferences.
1476 Deleting group %1 will result in the loss of all private records belonging to %1.
10009 Displays the latest Maximizer information (Internet connection required)\nMaximizer DirectAccess
10010 Deleted
10063 Searches by last name
10101 Searches by company
10338 Provides graphing of your user-defined fields and drop down tables\nGraph Address Book Folder
10416 Searches Address Book entries' Notes for E-Commerce orders
10417 Searches Address Book entries' Notes for E-Commerce inquiries
32771 Opens Calendar window to keep track of appointments\nCalendar (Ctrl+7)
32772 View the Income Expense Window\nIncome/Expense
32773 View the Categories Window\n\Categories
32774 Opens Address Book window to list Companies, Individuals, and Contacts\nAddress Book (Ctrl+1)
32775 Opens Contacts window for the selected Client\nContacts
32776 Opens Notes window for the selected Contact\nNotes
32777 Opens Documents window for the selected Contact\nDocuments
32778 Opens Hotlist window to list things to do and other reminders\nHotlist
32779 Opens Journal window to record personal notes\nJournal
32780 View the Activities Log\nActivities Log
32781 No macros present in current Address Book folder
32782 No alphanumeric user-defined fields present in current Address Book folder
32783 dll
32784 Designer 1
32785 Designer 2
32786 Designer 3
32787 Designer 256
32788 Address Book Folder Summary
32789 Number of Users:
32790 Number of Groups:
32791 Number of Companies:
32792 Number of Company Contacts:
32793 Number of Company Opportunity entries:
32794 Auto-dials or manually dials phone and logs call\nPhone (F7)
32795 Displays a history of phone calls made and received\nPhone Log (Ctrl+F7)
32796 Number of Individuals:
32797 Number of Individual Contacts:
32798 Transfers selected items to another Maximizer address book folder\nTransfer Data
32799 Number of Individual Opportunity entries:
32800 Opens dialog box for print options\nPrint Options
32801 Number of User-Defined Field entries:
32802 Number of Notes:
32803 Number of Documents:
32804 User &ID List...
32805 This menu item prints the User ID List.
32806 This menu item prints the UDF Report.
32807 Italicizes text in the current window\nItalic
32808 Underlines text in the current window\nUnderline
32809 Customizes the colors for the current window\nSet Color
32810 Selects a point size for the current window\nPoint Size
32811 Selects a font for the current window\nFont
32812 Maximizer cannot open the selected window as you do not currently have an open Address Book folder.\n\nTo open an Address Book folder, choose either the New Address Book Folder or Open Address Book Folder command from the File menu.
32813 Maximizer cannot open the selected window as you do not currently have an open Address Book folder.\n\nTo open an Address Book folder, choose the Open Address Book Folder command from the File menu.
32814 Opens Address Book window to display companies, individuals and contacts\nAddress Book (Ctrl+1)
32815 Opens Hotlist window to list things to do and other reminders\nHotlist (Ctrl+6)
32816 Opens Calendar window to keep track of appointments\nCalendar (Ctrl+7)
32817 Opens Journal window to record personal notes\nJournal (Ctrl+8)
32818 Opens Expenses window to record personal income and expenses\nExpenses (Ctrl+9)
32819 Maximizer cannot find the selected document or application.\nPlease ensure you have specified a document or application file that currently exists.\nIf it is a long file name be sure to enclose it in quotes.\n\nDo you want to correct the value now?
32820 C:\Windows\Favorites
32821 Internet Locations (*.url)|*.url|Web Pages (*.htm; *.html)|*.htm;*.html|All Files (*.*)|*.*|
32850 Are you sure you want to delete this custom toolbar?
32851 Related Entries
32852 You have reached the maximum number of custom toolbars
32853 Internet URL is a required field.\n\nAn Internet URL (Uniform Resource Locator) specifies the location on the Internet where a document or Web page exists. Enter the complete URL, for example: http://www.maximizer.com.
32854 file:///
32855 Images\
32856 (not using a strategy)
32857 &More >>
32858 &Less <<
32859 Requester
32860 No RSVP
32861 The user no longer exists.
32862 If you continue, you will lose data.\n\nDo you want to continue?
33256 Displays a list of all recorded macros\nMacro List (Ctrl+F11)
33306 Displays scheduled and completed activities for the current entry\nActivities (Ctrl+F9)
33307 In order to create a new Opportunity, you must have a currently selected entry in the Address Book. \n\nPlease select an Address Book entry and try again.
33311 Prints an envelope for the current Address Book entry\nPrint an Envelope
33312 Prints a label for the current Address Book entry\nPrint a Label
33313 file:///%s\Images\%s
33314 Writes a letter to the current Address Book entry\nWrite a Letter
33315 Writes a fax to the current Address Book entry\nWrite a Fax
33336 Display Journal entries for this week\nDisplay Journal entries for this week
33337 Display Journal entries for this month\nDisplay Journal entries for this month
33341 Sales Step Summary\nSales Step Summary
33342 Opportunity Analysis\nOpportunity Analysis
33343 Show All Check Box
33344 Notes
33345 History Check Box
33346 Show All Check Box
33347 The entry %s has likely been deleted.
33348 One or both of the entries has been deleted.
33352 Searches for Opportunities by associated Company or Individual\nSearch for Opportunities by associated Company or Individual
33360 Puts the Opportunity's Address Book entry into the Address Book list\nView in Address Book
33361 Updates the current list of Opportunities\nUpdate Opportunities
33377 Selects a specific date to view in the daily Calendar\nGo to Calendar Date
33378 Switches to the Address Book window and selects the current entry\nView in Address Book
33379 Saves current E-mail message to current Address Book entry\nSave To current Address Book entry
33380 Saves current E-mail message to assigned Address Book entry\nSave to assigned Address Book entry
33381 &Save E-mail Message
33382 S&ave to %s
33383 Sa&ve to %s
33384 All Message S&ubjects
33385 E-Commerce In&quiries
33386 E-Commerce &Orders
33387 E-Commerce Inquiries a&nd Orders
33388 The profile you have selected to always use when logging into your E-mail service provider is no longer valid. Ensure that your E-mail service provider is not open and then choose File > Preferences > E-mail to select a valid profile to always use when logging in.
33389 Email Service ID
33403 Writes a note to the current Address Book entry\nWrite a Note
33404 Searches by all fields\nSearch All Fields
33405 Composes a new E-mail message\nCompose
33406 Replies to the sender of the E-mail message\nReply
33407 Replies to all recipients of the E-mail message\nReply All
33408 Sends a copy of the E-mail message\nForward
33409 Delivers new E-mail now using all services\nDeliver Now
34180 The command cannot be completed because the selected Address Book folder is not compatible with this version of Maximizer. Select File > Open Address Book folder to convert it, and then try this command again.
34181 Parameter number 3 is missing.\n\nWhen performing either a copy or a write operation, parameter number 3 must be specified.
34182 Wednesday September 30, 1999
34183 99:99 PM
34184 StatusBar
34185 Date
34186 Time
34189 Page Setup
34190 Maximizer (OLE Automation)\n
34191 Failed to initialize OLE libraries.
34192 Maximizer (OLE Automation)
34193 Maximizer still has reference as an automation object.\nMaximizer will remain open, but will be hidden by this command.
34194 There are no telephony devices installed.
34195 A call is already being handled.
34196 Line is already in use by a non-TAPI application or by another TAPI Service Provider.
34197 Address %d
34198 Name
34199 Size
34200 Show Tips
34207 Large
34208 Unknown Size
34209 Floating
34210 Docked
34211 Unknown Position
34212 Placement
34213 Max Toolbar
34214 Icon Bar
34215 Standard
34216 Action
34217 Status Bar
34218 Custom %d
34219 Searching Address Book..........
34222 -Summary
34223 -Bar%d
34224 Bars
34225 BarID
34226 Name
34228 Tooltips
34229 Size
34231 \Button%d
34232 Software\Maximizer Technologies\Maximizer\
34233 Button
34234 Command Line
34235 Tooltip
34236 Status Bar
34237 You do not have rights to view notes
34238 Add to Tools Menu
34239 Button Image
34240 Formatting
34241 Load New Instance
34242 Default
34243 Opens %s
34244 Button Type
34245 URL
34246 Program
34247 Category
34248 Macro
34249 Unknown
34250 &Internet URL :
34251 Doc&ument/Application :
34252 &User-defined field :
34253 Mac&ro description :
34254 &Unknown Button Type :
34255 Add a Button Wizard
34256 Maximizer Browser
34257 Maximizer &Browser :
34258 User-Defined Field
34259 You do not have rights for this view
34260 The call is an outbound call.\n
34261 The call is inbound call and originated internally (on the same PBX, for example).\n
34262 The call is inbound and originated externally.\n
34263 The call is an inbound call and its origin is currently unknown.\n
34264 The call is an inbound call. Its origin is not available.\n
34265 This is a connection to the conference bridge in the switch.\n
34266 This is a direct call.\n
34267 This call was forwarded from another extension that was busy at the time of the call.\n
34268 The call was forwarded from another extension that didn't answer the call after some number of rings.\n
34269 The call was forwarded unconditionally from another number.\n
34270 The call was picked up from another extension.\n
34271 The call was retrieved as a parked call.\n
34272 The call was redirected to this station.\n
34273 The call was the result of a call completion request.\n
34274 The call has been transferred from another number. Party ID information may indicate who the caller is.\n
34275 The call is a reminder (or "recall") that there is a call parked or on hold for potentially a long time.\n
34276 The reason for the call is currently unknown.\n
34277 The reason for the call is unavailable.\n
34278 You do not have rights to view notes or user-defined fields
34279 Caller ID information for the call is not available since it is not propagated all the way by the network.\n
34280 The caller ID information for the call is the caller's name (from a table maintained inside the switch).\n
34281 The caller ID information for the call is the caller's number.\n
34282 Caller ID information for the call is valid but is limited to partial number information.\n
34283 Caller ID information is currently unknown.\n
34284 Caller ID information is unavailable and will not become known.\n
34285 The caller-party ID name is %s.\n
34286 Image Type
34287 Unknown
34288 Default
34289 Maximizer Button
34290 External Bitmap
34291 You do not have rights to view notes or documents
34292 You do not have rights to view these windows
34293 Are you sure you want to unlink %d relationship(s)?
34294 Maximizer in unable to unlink the selected entries.
34295 Show Title
34296 Draw Outline Rect
34297 Show Animation
34298 The selected line is in use by another program. Try calling again later.
34299 Contacts
34300 Maximizer Name
34301 Faded Maximizer Splash
34302 None
34303 The selected line is in use by another program. You can try calling again later or you can proceed and dial the number manually.
34304 View
34305 Columns:
34306 Notes
34307 Date Range:
34308 Filter:
34309 User-Defined Fields
34310 The operation failed for an unspecified or unknown reason. Check if your modem is connected properly and turned on.
34311 One of TAPI components is missing or corrupt in a way that was not detected at initialization time. Use the Telephony Control Panel to correct the problem.
34312 TAPI reinitialization has been requested, for example as a result of adding or removing a Telephony service provider. The new configuration can not become effective until the last application shuts down its usage of the TAPI.
34313 The line cannot be opened due to a "persistent" condition, such as that of a serial port being exclusively opened by another process.
34314 The specified permanent card ID could not be found in any entry in the [Cards] section in the registry.
34315 The specified permanent location ID could not be found in any entry in the [Locations] section in the registry.
34316 The file TELEPHON.INI cannot be read or understood properly by TAPI because of internal inconsistencies or formatting problems. For example, the [Locations], [Cards], or [Countries] section of TELEPHON.INI may be corrupted or inconsistent.
34317 A Telephony Service Provider which does not support multiple instances is listed more than once in the [Providers] section in the registry. Use the Telephony Control Panel to remove the duplicated driver.
34318 Position
34319 View
34320 Toolbar
34321 View:
34322 Show All
34323 Show History
34324 All
34325 Table
34326 Date
34327 Numeric
34328 Alphanumeric
34329 Today
34330 This Week
34331 This Month
34332 Yesterday
34333 All
34334 Notes Search
34335 From
34336 Subject
34337 Date
34338 Time
34339 Name
34340 Company
34341 E-mail Address
34342 %1
34343 Runs the macro %1
34344 %1
34345 Starts the user-defined field '%1' for the current Address Book entry
34346 Are you sure you want to delete this button?
34347 Standard
34348 Extra Large
34349 You cannot use Maximizer Wizards as you do not currently have an open Address Book folder.\n\nTo open an Address Book folder, choose either the New Address Book Folder or Open Address Book Folder command from the File menu.
34350 Show Date
34351 Show Time
34352 Yes
34353 There are no Maximizer Wizards installed.\n\nPlease consult the Maximizer User's Guide for more information on installing Maximizer Wizards.
34354 You cannot use Maximizer Wizards as you do not currently have an open Address Book folder.\n\nTo open an Address Book folder, choose the Open Address Book Folder command from the File menu.
34392 This Toolbar already has the maximum of 32 buttons. \n\nWould you like to create another Toolbar now?
34393 This bar already has the maximum allowed number of buttons per bar.\nYou have also reached the maximum number of custom bars.\n\n If you still want more buttons, you can add them to one of your other bars if there is room.
34394 Save To Entry
34395 Messages read = %lu
34396 E-mail Inbox [%lu Messages]
34397 Bitmap Images (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
34398 C:\Windows\Desktop
34399 Daily
34400 Weekly
34401 Monthly
34402 Bi-monthly
34403 Today
34404 Filters view by these options\nFilter View
34405 Views another user's Calendar and appointments\nOther User's Calendar
34406 E-mail Message
34407 Paste %1 for %2
34408 Entries analyzed = %lu
34409 Document name
34410 Options
34411 Paste &link
34412 Display as &icon
34413 &Private document
34414 &Activate document
34415 OLE Document
34416 Note
34417 The Note or Document cannot be pasted as you do not have a current Address Book entry.\n\nPlease select an entry in the Address Book and then try again.
34418 Server: %1
34419 This function does not support multiple files. Please use only one file at a time.
34420 Size: %1 bytes Modified: %2
34421 Insert the contents of the clipboard as a
34422 The text you are trying to paste is larger than Maximizer's maximum note length of 9216 characters.\n\nThe note will be pasted, but it will be truncated to this length.
34423 Another application has changed the data on the Clipboard. The current command cannot continue.
34424 There is no information for this object.
34425 < Back
34426 Wizard Options ...
34427 Close
34428 Wizard Options:
34429 Hover over a wizard's title (listed at left) to get more information on the wizard's function. If you want to add or remove wizards, download new wizards or adjust other wizard settings, choose the Wizard Options button.
34430 <<Less
34431 %1 wizard is in use by another instance of Maximizer or another application.Close all your wizards and try again.
34432 Wizards
34433 Addr...
34434 Split Window
34435 Splitter Mode
34436 The *Web Page system user-defined field has either been deleted or has not yet been created for this Address Book Folder.\n\nTo create this field, ensure that the option in Preferences under System Defaults is correctly set and then re-start Maximizer.
34437 The current Address Book entry does not have a Web Page URL.\n\nEnter a Web Page URL in this Address Book entry's *Web Page user-defined field and then try again.
34438 There is no current Address Book Entry.\n\nBefore attempting to go to a Web Page, ensure that you have selected an Address Book entry that has a valid Web Page.
34439 No. of Entries
34440 Count of Entries with
34441 User:
34442 Number Of Custom Bars
34443 Toolbars
34444 -Summary
34445 Show Address Book
34446 Client Hotlist View Height
34447 Contact View Width
34448 Toolbar
34449 Select Field Values for Graph
34450 Select Type of Field for Graph
34451 StartUp
34452 View List
34453 %4.4d%2.2d%2.2d
34454 %2.2d%2.2d%2.2d
34455 Content-T
34459 NAME=
34460 BASE64
34461 begin
34462 BEGIN %o %s
34463 end
34464 Converting attachments
34465 Processed line %lu
34466 DeleteMail
34467 SaveEMailUDF
34468 ShowUnread
34469 Se&lect All
34470 Dese&lect All
34471 Assig&n
34472 Maximizer
34473 WARNING: This will permanently delete the selected messages from your E-mail system.\nDo you wish to do this?
34474 WARNING: Setting this option will permanently destroy saved messages from your E-mail system.
34475 Unassig&n
34476 Maximizer
34477 Last name is a required field
34478 Company is a required field
34479 Could not load image <%s>
34480 User-Defined Field <%s> was not found in this address book folder
34481 This Entry does not have a value for the User-Defined Field <%s>
34532 You must have at least one entry in your current list before creating a graph.
34533 '%s' Macro not found
34534 BEGIN
34535 BINHEX
34536 Maximizer
34537 A Maximizer Prospector file which contains your selected Address Book entries will now be downloaded. You have the option of adding these entries to your current Address Book folder or saving them to disk for later processing.\n\nDo you want to add the entries to your current Address Book folder now? Choose Yes to begin adding your new entries, or choose No to save them to disk for later processing.
34538 Maximizer Prospector Files (*.mel)|*.mel||
34539 Your selected Address Book entries have been saved to the Maximizer Prospector disk file you specified. Select and then Open this file in Explorer to add these entries to a Maximizer Address Book folder.
34540 EmailWarning
34541 Your selected Wizard has been saved to the Maximizer Wizards sub-folder. Click on the Wizards button on the Maximizer Standard toolbar to use this Wizard.
34584 The selected address book folder cannot be opened because it contains and invalid owner id.
34585 The selected address book folder is being accessed by a later version of Maximizer and is not compatible with this version. Please contact Maximizer Technologies to obtain a version of Maximizer which is compatible with this address book folder.
34586 The selected address book folder is being accessed by a later version of Maximizer. You can proceed with opening it, but you should be aware that some functionality found in newer versions might not be present.\n\nDo you want to proceed?
34587 You do not have sufficient rights to open the Strategy Library.
34588 Max820.tsf
34589 From : %s
34590 Sent : %s %s
34591 To : %s
34592 Subject : %s
34593 E-mail Message
34594 This is a test
34595 New
34596 Open
34597 Updated
34598 Won
34599 Lost
34600 Abandoned
34601 In Progress
34602 You have changed the security on this entry. Any contacts associated with this entry will not have their security automatically changed. \n\nUse Search > Retrieve Contacts and then Edit > Global Edit to modify multiple entries at once.
34603 If you are changing the ownership of any Companies or Individuals, note that the ownership for associated Contacts is not automatically changed.
34604 AutomationAttachEnabled
34605 Opens E-mail window to list your E-mail Folders\nE-mail (Ctrl+E)
34606 E-mail
34607 Company
34608 Individual
34609 Company Contact
34610 Individual Contact
34611 Alternate Address
34612 Default Entry
34613 Unknown Entry Type
34614 Hotlist
34615 %1 Tasks
34616 [%1 uncompleted]
34617 Opens E-mail window to list your E-mail folders\nE-mail (Ctrl+E)
34627 You are copying an appointment with other users.\n\nDo you want to notify the other users?
34628 Copy Appointment with Other Users
34629 Do you wish to copy this appointment for all
34630 Group Name:
34631 Address Folder
34632 This appointment will be removed from the calendars of users that have been de-selected.
34633 For:
34634 Companies
34635 Individuals
34636 Type:
34637 Owner:
34638 Public
34639 An error has occurred attempting to retrieve a Group name.
34640 Attributes:
34641 Record count:
34642 Table Value Record Count
34643 Maximum field length:
34644 Number of decimal places:
34645 Include in Hotlist:
34646 Annually recurring event:
34647 record
34648 records
34649 Total usage:
34650 Table User-defined fields:
34651 Date User-defined fields:
34652 Alphanumeric User-defined fields:
34653 Numeric User-defined fields:
34654 Usage Summary
34655 Group ID:
34656 This Address Book folder contains the following Users:
34657 This Address Book folder contains the following User Groups:
34658 The entries have been linked.
34659 The entries have NOT been linked.
34660 These selected entries are already linked.
34661 An Address Book entry cannot be linked to itself.
34662 Your installed version of MaxPort, '%s', is an older version. You need to have MaxPort version %d or above. Please install a compatible version of MaxPort and then try this command again.
34663 Cannot find MaxPort file, "%s". Please re-install the software or download it from http://www.maximizer.com.
34664 LastTypeIdx
34665 Opens menu of E-Commerce options\nE-Commerce
34666 Attachment(s):
34667 Sent To
34668 Cc : %s
34669 Please close and re-open the E-mail window for this change to take effect.
34670 /products/
34671 /bp/
34672 /support/
34673 http://www.listmerchant.com/maximizer/
34674 Personal
34675 Pers...
34676 Personal
34677 Cc:
34678 The default entry cannot be related to other entries, nor can other entries be related to it.
34679 /enterprise/
34680 /maxexchange/
34681 /toolkit/
34682 /palmpilot/
34683 /pocketmax/
34684 /purchase/
34685 /register/
34686 \Mb.exe
34687 MkBuild
34688 Cannot find the file '%s'. Please reinstall the program or download MARKETBuilder from http://biznet.maximizer.com.
34689 This will take you to the registration page of the Maximizer web site. Please enter your Product Serial Number, %s, in the Maximizer Product Serial Number field of the form.
40000 You can drag and drop an entry onto the Notes window to create a note for that entry
40001 You can drag an entry from the Address Book to some of the icons in the Icon bar to create an entry
40002 You can retrieve the contacts for the selected company or individual from the Search Menu
40003 You can change the columns displayed to whatever fields you would like by choosing the Column Setup option on the View menu
40004 You can save different search criteria as a search catalog by choosing the Search All Fields menu option
40005 You can create a new contact at a new company by pressing Ctrl+Shift+N
40006 You can view all companies, individuals, and contacts in your Address Book by choosing View > All Address Book Entries
40007 You can drag and drop an entry onto the User-Defined Fields window to add a value for that entry
40008 You can drag and drop an entry onto the Documents window to create a document for that entry
40009 You can drag and drop an entry onto the Contacts window to create a new contact for that entry
40010 In the Salutation field of the Basic Information tab, you can use the characters < and > to mean First and Last Name
40011 Using the extension FAX on the Basic Information tab for a fax number allows Maximizer to use it with your fax software
40012 You can set up as many mailing addresses as you want, and designate one of them as the default address
40013 You can create a new entry from a copy of an existing entry by choosing Edit > Create Duplicate Entry
40014 You can change an individual entry to a company entry by selecting Edit > Create Duplicate Entry
40015 Global Edit is a way of performing the same action on many Address Book entries. This feature is available in the Address Book, Contacts, and Related Entries windows
40016 Using Global Edit, you can add the same User-Defined field item to many Address Book entries
40017 The Default entry allows you to start all new entries with the values in the Default Entry. Choose Edit > Default Entry
40018 By creating User-Defined field values for the Default Entry, all new Address Book entries start with these values
40019 By creating a note for the Default Entry, all new Address Book entries start with this note
40020 You can go directly to an Address Book entry's Web site by clicking the Web Page button on the Standard toolbar
40021 The Address Book window can display company, individual, and contact entries
40022 When the Address Book window displays contact entries, they are sorted by the current sort column, not by company or individual
40023 Try graphing your entire company list by City. Click the Graph button on the Standard toolbar and select City
40024 You can graph any Address Book list by any Table user-defined field and most drop-down lists
40025 Enter a company's Web site in the system defined *Web Page user-defined field, and then use the Web Page button on the Standard toolbar
40026 Enter an individual's E-mail address in the system defined *E-mail user-defined field, and then use the Send E-mail button on the Action toolbar
40027 You can print your Address Book list for many different Personal Organizers and take it with you. Choose File > Print
40028 You can print an envelope for someone NOT in your Address Book folder by selecting the Envelope button on the Action toolbar after choosing View > Clear List
40029 You can print an envelope by dragging an Address Book entry to the Envelope button on the Action toolbar
40030 You can print a label for someone NOT in your Address Book folder by selecting the Label button on the Action toolbar after choosing View > Clear List
40031 You can print a label by dragging an Address Book entry to the Label button on the Action toolbar
40032 You can synchronize your Address Book entries with the 3Com PalmPilot with the Maximizer Link for PalmPilot product. Choose Help > Other Products
40033 Pocket Maximizer lets you take your data with you on the road with Windows CE. Choose Help > Other Products
40034 In a multi-user Address Book folder, you can create a new entry as Private instead of Public
40035 You can easily send E-mail to someone in your list by dragging and dropping an entry onto the E-mail button on the Action toolbar
40036 You can quickly write a letter with Maximizer Word Processor by dropping an entry onto the Write a Letter button on the Action toolbar
40037 If you prefer to use Word or WordPerfect, create a button on a custom toolbar that opens one of the provided templates
40038 You can quickly write a fax by dragging and dropping an entry on to the Fax button on the Action toolbar
40039 You can quickly write a note by dragging and dropping an entry on to the Note button on the Action toolbar
40040 Printing a Column Report will print a report that looks like the columns in the window. If you change your column setup, it will change the report.
40041 You can print all the notes for the current list by choosing Note Report from the Printer button on the Standard toolbar
40042 To easily create form letters, build a list of entries and then select Merge Documents from the Printer button on the Standard toolbar
40043 By using the values in drop-down lists for the basic information fields you can perform better searches
40044 If you have moved your windows around and want to go back to how they were, choose Window > Restore Saved Workspace
40045 You can create searches that prompt you for values when you use the search. This is great when you include User-Defined fields in your search catalogs
40046 When you E-mail an entry in your Address Book, you can save a copy of it to the Documents window for that entry
40047 Opps...
40050 You can retrieve the company or individual for this contact through the Search menu
40051 You can drag an entry from the Contacts window to some of the icons in the Icon bar to create an entry
40052 You can drag an entry from the Contacts view to the Phone button in the Action toolbar to phone that contact
40053 You can have different column setups in the Address Book and Contacts windows
40054 Grayed-out fields on the Basic Information Tab can be modified only for companies or individuals, not contacts
40055 The Contacts window shows an entry for each of the contacts associated with the current Address Book entry, and one for the company or individual itself
40056 If the current Hotlist task is associated with an Address Book entry, that entry's contacts are displayed in the Contacts window
40057 You can create contacts for both companies and individual Address Book entries
40058 You can have different mailing addresses for each contact using the Mailing Addresses tab
40059 You can copy the notes and documents of one contact to another by choosing Edit > Combine Selected Contacts
40060 You can copy a contact from one company or individual to another by choosing Edit > Combine Selected Entries from the Address Book window
40061 Selecting an entry in the Contacts window will cause the Notes, User-Defined Fields, and Documents windows to update
40062 You can drop a contact entry on the Hotlist icon in the Icon bar to create a Hotlist task for that entry
40063 In Tabbed Windows mode, you can move the vertical split bar between Contacts and the other windows to see more of the Contacts window
40064 Printing a Column Report will print a report that looks like the columns in the window. Change your column setup, change the report.
40065 The triangle in the list heading shows which column is being used to sort the list. Click a different heading to change the sorting
40066 Click the currently sorted heading to change the sort from ascending to descending
40067 You can change which column is being used to sort the list by clicking that columns heading.
40068 You can have an UNLIMITED number of contacts for each company or individual
40069 You can create notes, documents, user-defined fields and Hotlist tasks for contacts
40070 You can see whether you current entry is a Company, Individual, or Contact by including the Entry Type field in your column setup
40071 To help distinguish the Contacts window from the others, set a different background color by choosing Window > Set Color
40072 To help distinguish the Contacts window from the others, set a different font by choosing Window > Set Font
40073 Use the Columns combo box in the View bar to quickly change the list columns
40074 Use the Up and Down arrows in the View bar to quickly move to the next and previous Address Book entries
40075 Use the Column Setup button in the View bar to quickly change the list columns, or create a new view
40076 You can quickly start a timer by dragging and dropping a contact to the Timer button in the Action toolbar
40077 Click the Printer button in the Standard toolbar to see a list of reports that can be printed from the Contacts window
40078 Try clicking the right mouse button in the Contacts window
40079 Enter an individual's E-mail address in the system defined *E-mail Address user-defined field, and then use the Send E-mail button on the Action toolbar
40080 You can relate entries from other Address Book entries to this one by choosing Edit > Relate Entries, or by drag and drop
40081 You can view a list of related entries to your current entry in the Related Entries window
40082 Related entries have a properties dialog where you can specify a description of the relationship
40083 You can create a user-defined field for the type of relationship, and then use it in a column setup to quickly view the relationship type
40084 A
40100 You can add more than one user-defined field value at a time, just check multiple values from the Table Field Values dialog
40101 You can filter the user-defined fields by type through the View bar
40102 You can create four types of user-defined fields: Date, Number, Alphanumeric, or a Table of preset values
40103 A Table user-defined field is a field that accepts only values from a table that you create
40104 Numeric fields can be summed in a report
40105 When a user-defined field is created, you can specify that it applies to companies, individuals, and/or contacts
40106 Use the Up and Down arrows in the View bar to quickly see the user-defined fields for the next and previous entry
40107 The User-Defined Fields window displays the values for the entry in the Address Book, Hotlist, or Contacts window
40108 Try clicking the right mouse button in the User-Defined Fields window
40109 You can use Date fields to remind you of upcoming dates like birthdays, deadlines, or re-order dates for customers
40110 Use Table fields to group your Address Book entries, and then create search catalogs to find all entries of a certain type
40111 You can use Alphanumeric fields to store just about anything. Use the setup dialog to set a limit for the number of characters
40112 A really powerful feature is placing the name of a document in an Alphanumeric field and creating a Custom button to launch that document
40113 Try placing the name of a price list or sales spreadsheet in an Alphanumeric field and making a Custom button to start it
40114 You can create a user-defined field to track any kind of information
40115 You can create an UNLIMITED number of user-defined fields
40116 To help distinguish this window from the others, set a different background color by choosing Window > Set Color
40117 To help distinguish this window from the others, set a different font by choosing Window > Set Font
40118 You can graph the values of Table user-defined fields for a list of entries in the Address Book window
40119 You can also enter and view user-defined fields through the User-Defined Fields tab in the Tabbed Windows view
40120 You can use the Global Edit feature to make the same user-defined field adjustment to a list of Address Book entries
40121 You can control the sorting order of user-defined fields by using an initial sorting number of letter such as a.Product Ordered or 1.Preferred Courier
40122 You can select multiple values for Table user-defined fields for each Address Book entry
40123 The acronym UDF stands for user-defined field
40124 If you create a user-defined field for birthday or anniversary and set an alarm, you may never forget them again!!
40150 When the Show History checkbox in the View bar is off, only the manually entered notes are shown
40151 When the Show All checkbox in the View bar is off, only notes for the highlighted company, individual, or contact are shown
40152 Pressing Ctrl+Shift+F will move the focus to the View bar
40153 Pressing Esc when the focus is in the View bar will move the focus back to the window
40154 You can create a default note for new Address Book entries by making a default note for the Address Book Default Entry
40155 Use the Filter combo box in the View bar to filter your view of notes
40156 To help distinguish the Notes window from the others, set a different background color by choosing Window > Set Color
40157 To help distinguish the Notes window from the others, set a different font by choosing Window > Set Font
40158 To control what history notes Maximizer tracks select different options from File > Preferences > History
40159 The Notes window displays notes for the entry in the Address Book, Hotlist, or Contacts windows
40160 You can perform a search of all notes looking for a certain word or phrase by choosing Search > Notes
40161 You can perform a search of all notes looking for a date by choosing Search > Notes and leaving the text field blank
40162 Once a Notes Search has been done, the Notes window filters all notes for each Address Book entry to match the search
40163 A Note Search is cleared whenever the Notes window is closed and re-opened, or Maximizer is restarted
40164 If your address book folder becomes really large, and you want to purge old notes, you can back them up with the built in backup utility and then purge them
40165 You can transfer the notes from one contact to another by combining the contacts in the Contacts window
40166 If you want to create a personal note that is not connected to an Address Book entry, use the Journal
40167 Maximizer's history notes can be logged to the Notes window or the Journal window or both. Choose File > Preferences > History
40168 If you want a note to always appear at the top of the list, use a date for the note that is a few years in the future
40169 If there are multiple users created for this Address Book folder and security is on, the creator of the note is displayed in the Notes window
40170 You can selectively purge different types of notes that you no longer want. Choose File > Purge
40171 You can create a Macro to search for all Timer notes for today, and then print a Note Report from the Address Book window
40172 You can search for just notes of a certain type, and find all Address Book entries with notes of that type for that date range. Choose Search > Notes
40173 You can synchronize your notes with the 3Com PalmPilot with the Maximizer Link for PalmPilot product. Choose Help > Other Products
40174 You can synchronize your notes with any Windows CE product with Pocket Maximizer. Choose Help > Other Products
40175 Once you have done a Notes Search, you can always go back to it from the View bar Filter combo box
40200 When the Show All checkbox in the View bar is off, only documents for the current company, individual, or contact are shown
40201 Different document types include Maximizer Word Processor, OLE Objects, E-mail, and Automation Objects
40202 An OLE object is just a technical way of referring to an object from another program, like a bitmap, a sound clip, a Word document or Excel spreadsheet
40203 When you read your E-mail inbox with the E-mail Inbox button on the Standard toolbar, Maximizer matches the E-mail with the entries in your Address Book folder
40204 When you save Inbox E-mail to your Address Book entries, you will have a history of the E-mail
40205 You can search saved E-mail Inbox entries for a key word or phrase and find E-mail from months ago in seconds
40206 If you don't use the Link checkbox when inserting an object, if the object changes it will not be reflected in Maximizer. So, if it is a spreadsheet of prices, use the Link command!
40207 You can quickly find any document by doing a search for a word in either the title or the document itself. Choose Search > Documents
40208 Use the Documents window to keep track of all of your written correspondence with your customers
40209 You can insert a customer's logos, graphics, or product pictures as OLE objects
40210 To see a quick rendering of any inserted object, double click the document entry in the list.
40211 Try pasting a link to a cell in a spreadsheet that is the sum of a column. Use Edit > Paste Link after choosing Copy for the cell in the spreadsheet
40212 To store and view the latest sales figures for a customer, paste a link to the cell in an Excel spreadsheet that has their total sales. To view the updated value, double click the entry.
40213 Once you have done a Document Search, you can always go back to it from the View bar Filter combo box
40214 You can save E-mail you have received from people and E-mail you send to the Documents window so you have a history
40215 Maximizer supports Automation Objects natively within the Documents window. Contact a Maximizer VAR for more information
40216 Automation Objects allow the creation of custom data entry dialogs and data formats.
40217 You can drag and drop text from one document to another in the Maximizer Word Processor
40218 You can drag and drop text from Maximizer Word Processor to other applications
40250 Selecting a Hotlist entry associated with an Address Book entry causes the Contacts, Notes, User-Defined Fields and Documents windows to be updated
40251 You can filter the Hotlist by different date ranges through the View bar Filter combo box
40252 Hotlist tasks can be either personal or with the current company, individual, or contact
40253 You can complete a Hotlist task by double clicking in the check mark column, which is the last column in the list
40254 You can use different icons for different types of Hotlist entries to help them to stand out
40255 By choosing different priorities for your Hotlist tasks, you can sort them so the most important are first
40256 You can build the Hotlist over a particular date range by using the Search Hotlist button in the View bar
40257 You can build the Hotlist by searching for a particular word or phrase by using the Search Hotlist button in the View bar
40258 The View Address Book Entry button in the View bar will put the associated entry into the Address Book window
40259 The Refresh Hotlist button on the View bar will refresh your Hotlist with any new tasks
40260 The default lead time for an alarm is set from File > Preferences > Calendar
40261 Use the Find Time button in the Hotlist Task dialog to find a time that does not conflict with other tasks
40262 You can set task scheduling options from File > Preferences > Calendar
40263 By setting an alarm for important tasks, you can remind yourself about deadlines. When they go off, you can snooze them
40264 To help distinguish the Hotlist window from the others, set a different background color by choosing Window > Set Color
40265 To help distinguish the Hotlist window from the others, set a different font by choosing Window > Set Font
40266 You can drag Hotlist tasks that are associated with an Address Book entry to many icons on the Icon bar
40267 You can drag Hotlist tasks that are associated with Address Book entries to the Maximizer Word Processor to create a document for that entry
40268 You can drag Hotlist tasks that are associated with Address Book entries to the Phone button to phone that entry
40269 You can drag Hotlist tasks that are associated with Address Book entries to the Timer button to quickly start a timer for that entry
40270 Try clicking the right mouse button in the Hotlist window
40271 Try clicking the Printer button on the Standard toolbar to see the different reports available from the Hotlist window
40272 Unfinished tasks are carried forward to the current day. Toggle this feature by choosing View > Carry Forward Unfinished Tasks
40273 The Hotlist shows all tasks for the current search. If you want just the tasks for an Address Book entry use the Activity
40274 If you want to see just the tasks for an Address Book entry use the Activities Dialog. Choose View > Activities For...
40275 If you want to see just your personal tasks, use the Activities Dialog. Select a personal task and choose View > Personal Activities.
40276 You can change the minimum time interval for tasks from File > Preferences > Calendar
40277 You can mark a finished task as not finished by removing the done check mark
40278 If you have a sound card, you can change the sound for an alarm by choosing the Sounds item in the Windows Control Panel
40279 The Activities dialog can be viewed quickly by using the Activities button on the Standard toolbar or pressing Ctrl+F9
40280 You can print a label for the Address Book entry associated with the current Hotlist task by clicking the Label button on the Action toolbar
40281 You can print a label for someone not in your Address Book by selecting a personal task, and then clicking the Label button on the Action toolbar
40282 You can print an envelope for the Address Book entry associated with the current Hotlist task by clicking the Envelope button on the Action toolbar
40283 You can print an envelope for someone not in your Address Book by selecting a personal task, and then clicking the Envelope button on the Action toolbar
40284 After marking a task as complete, it will not appear in tomorrow's list, but is still in your Address Book folder. Try building for yesterday
40285 When creating a task, you can make it for ANY time. Try making a courier pickup for 2:28 instead of 2:30
40286 You can schedule a meeting by clicking the right mouse button
40287 You can synchronize your Hotlist tasks with the 3Com PalmPilot with the Maximizer Link for PalmPilot product. Choose Help > Other Products
40288 You can synchronize your Hotlist tasks with any Windows CE product with Pocket Maximizer. Choose Help > Other Products
40289 If you find that you don't often need to see a certain column, size it with the mouse to not have any width
40290 You can quickly phone the Address Book entry associated with a Hotlist task by clicking the right mouse button
40291 You can quickly start a timer for the Address Book entry associated with a Hotlist task by clicking the right mouse button
40300 You can change the Calendar to show Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Two Month views with the View bar
40301 You can change your default Calendar view from File > Preferences > Calendar
40302 You can resize the Calendar window, like others, by clicking on and dragging any of its edges
40303 In a multi-user Address Book, you can view a different user's Calendar with the View bar
40304 In a multi-user Address Book, you can see the Calendar for different users by choosing View > Other User's Calendar
40305 To help distinguish the Calendar window from the others, set a different background color by choosing Window > Set Color
40306 To help distinguish the each of the four Calendars from each other, set a different background color by choosing Window > Set Color
40307 To help distinguish the Calendar window from the others, set a different font by choosing Window > Set Font
40308 To help distinguish each of the four different Calendar views from each other, set a different font by choosing Window > Set Font
40309 Use the Left and Right buttons in the View bar to move to the next and previous periods (i.e. next and previous month)
40310 Try clicking the right mouse button in each of the four different Calendars
40311 Use the Go to Calendar Date button in the View bar to go directly to a particular day
40312 Appointments can be viewed in both the Calendar and Hotlist
40313 The Daily and Weekly Calendar use colored bars to indicate when appointments are scheduled. Red means double booked
40314 Appointments must have a start and end time; Tasks can have no specific time or a start time and no end time
40315 The Daily Calendar is the only one of the four Calendar views that shows a Hotlist Task column
40316 Try clicking your right mouse button in the Hotlist Task column of the Daily Calendar
40317 You can view the Address Book entry for an appointment with the View in Address Book button on the View bar
40318 You can use different icons for appointments to help them stand out in your list
40319 If you find that you are often making an appointment with the same description, enter it in the drop-down list for the Activity
40320 By setting an alarm for appointments, you can remind yourself about deadlines. When they go off, you can snooze them
40321 You can set scheduling options in the File > Preferences > Calendar tab
40322 Appointments can be with an Address Book entry, or personal
40323 You can make an Appointment by dragging and dropping an Address Book entry onto the Calendar
40324 You can make an appointment for a specific time by dragging & dropping an Address Book entry onto a time in the Calendar.
40325 You can quickly phone the Address Book entry for an appointment by clicking the right mouse button on that entry
40326 For regular appointments or meetings, select the Recurring button on the Add Appointment dialog
40327 As with Hotlist tasks, you can check off your appointments as they are completed
40328 In the Daily Calendar, you can double-click in the check mark column to complete an appointment
40329 In a multi-user Address Book, you can create appointments with other users
40330 When you create an appointment with other Maximizer users, you can select the Notify others checkbox, which will prompt them for a RSVP
40331 To remind everybody about a weekly meeting, create a recurring appointment with other users, and specify a 15-minute alarm
40332 You can drag and drop appointments to other times in the Daily and Weekly Calendars
40333 While you are viewing the Calendar for another user, any appointments made are for that user NOT yourself
40334 If the time for a recurring appointment with other users changes, you can update all of the appointments by modifying the next meeting's details
40335 To find out when someone is free for a meeting, select their name from the View bar and choose Free Time from the Add Appointment dialog
40336 When you are moving an appointment by dragging it to another time, dragging off the window left or right changes the day and week
40337 When creating an appointment, you can make it for ANY time. Try making a phone appointment for 4:01 instead of 4:00
40338 You remove a user from a multiple user appointment by deleting that user's Calendar entry
40339 You can mark multiple entries as completed by selecting them and then using the right-mouse shortcut menu
40340 You can print your Calendar entries in over 70 popular formats and take them with you
40341 You can print a list of your appointments with their phone numbers. To do so, choose the Printer button on the Standard toolbar
40342 You can synchronize your appointments with the PalmPilot with the Maximizer Link for PalmPilot product. Choose Help > Other Products
40343 You can synchronize your appointments with any Windows CE product with Pocket Maximizer. Choose Help > Other Products
40344 You can use drag & drop in Maximizer to move an appointment from one day or time slot to another
40345 If you hold the Ctrl button down while you are dragging & dropping an appointment from one day or time slot to another, the appointment is copied
40346 To move or copy an appointment to a day or time slot that isn't visible in the Calendar window, drag the appointment outside of the window to move forward or backward in time
40350 The Journal is like notes, but instead records personal notes not related with an Address Book entry
40351 You can build the Journal over different date ranges
40352 In a multi-user Address Book, only someone who logs in with your user name and password can see your Journal
40353 Click on the column header to sort Journal entries by Date, Time, Type or Text. Click again to reverse the sort order
40354 You can set Maximizer to log activities to the Journal from File > Preferences > History
40355 The Journal is a great place to keep all of your personal notes or ideas. No more yellow sticky notes everywhere!
40356 You can search by date range for any Journal entry you made. Choose the Search menu
40357 You can search by a word or phrase in any Journal entry you made. Choose the Search menu
40400 You can show the Expenses for different months through the View bar
40401 You can show the Expenses for different months through the View menu
40402 In a multi-user Address Book, only someone who logs in with your user name and password can see your Expenses
40403 The Expenses window automatically totals each month's accounts into a yearly total
40404 In the Expenses window, you can print, E-mail, or export to a word processor file using File > Print (Income/Expense Report)
40405 You can create new accounts for Income and Expenses. Choose the New button on the Standard toolbar
40406 When you enter new income or expenses, Maximizer automatically updates your monthly and yearly totals
40407 To compare your account totals to last year, use the Choose Date Range button on the View bar
40408 You can create accounts that are either Public or Private
40409 The Expense Report can be printed with Income on the left and Expenses on the right, or one after another
40410 To insert a new expense value, double click that expense's entry in the list and choose Add
40411 The amount of each income and expense account value is tracked for each day
40450 Try clicking the right mouse button in the toolbar area
40451 You can dock the Icon bar on all four sides by dragging it from one side to another, or float it by dragging it away from the side
40452 You can float any toolbar by dragging it away from the side of the window
40453 If you hold the Ctrl key down while you are dragging a toolbar, you can keep the toolbar from docking
40454 You can change the color of each window through the Window menu
40455 The world's 10 biggest cities are Tokyo, New York, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Shanghai, Bombay, Los Angeles, Beijing, Calcutta, and Seoul
40456 You can show or hide the date and time in the Status bar from the Status Bar Properties in View > Toolbars
40457 You can change the color of the Icon bar from the Properties button in View > Toolbars
40458 The status indicators in the toolbar area and in the Status bar animate when Maximizer is working in the background
40459 If the active window is maximized, its title appears in brackets in the Maximizer title bar
40460 Clicking the left mouse button over the light bulb in this bar will show the next tip right away
40461 New tips are displayed in this bar every few minutes. They're called Smart Tips because they relate to what you are doing.
40462 You can get help relevant to the current window or dialog box by pressing the F1 key
40463 If you have an Internet connection, you can register Maximizer from Web > Maximizer DirectAccess
40464 If you are running on a laptop or use a low resolution, you can get more space by floating the Icon bar and dragging it to the top by the menu while holding the Ctrl key down
40465 You can download sales leads through the Internet using Internet Prospector. Click the DirectAccess button on the Standard toolbar
40466 Visit the Maximizer's web site at www.maximizer.com
40467 The TAPI phone number format is "+country code (city/area code) local number", e.g. +1 (604) 601-8000 for Multiactive Software
40468 Quebec's postal abbreviation has recently changed, from PQ to QC
40469 Maximizer supports Print Preview. Make sure you are printing what you expect before you print it!
40470 "Right mouse" does not refer to a conservative rodent. It is the button on your mouse usually under your middle or ring finger
40471 If the colors on your screen seem blotchy, press the Degauss button on your monitor (if it has one)
40472 You can change the background for Maximizer by clicking the right mouse button on the background
40473 If the color you have chosen for a window background seems grainy, choose a solid color from Window > Set Color
40474 Canada is the world's second-largest country by area, after Russia, and ahead of China, the USA, Brazil, Australia, and Kazakhstan
40475 Try different mouse pointer locations to see how the shortcut menu, which appears when you click your right mouse button, changes
40476 You can use F3 and F4 to move to the next and previous Address Book entries
40477 The world's 6 most populous countries are China, India, the United States, Indonesia, Brazil, and Russia
40478 The splash in the Icon bar indicates the active window
40479 You can see companion Maximizer products from the Help > Other Products menu
40480 Maximizer is always looking for great people to join our team. Give us a call or drop by our web site!
40481 You can distinguish the different windows easier if you choose different background colors from Window > Set Color
40482 Backing up your data with Maximizer's built in Backup utility is fast and easy
40483 You can backup and restore your Maximizer data quickly. With your Address Book folder closed, use the Utility menu
40484 If Window > Save Settings has a check mark beside it, then window sizes and their column widths are saved when you exit
40485 If you hold the Shift key down while you choose File > Exit you will immediately save your settings, but NOT exit
40486 After you have performed a search, you can use the Undo Search button to go back to the list before the search
40487 You can save a particular list of Address Book entries that you often work with by choosing View > Favorite Lists
40488 You can change the size of all of the toolbars. Click the right mouse button over a toolbar and select Customize...
40489 You can turn toolbars off and on by clicking the right mouse button over a toolbar then selecting its name from the menu
40490 Check out Maximizer's CE product - Pocket Maximizer on our Web site at www.maximizer.com
40491 When you are printing laser labels, you can select the start position in case any beginning labels are missing
40492 Any time you are searching for a text string, if you don't enter a string the search will match anything
40493 Try just entering the first few letters when you are performing a text or name search
40494 You can import data into your Address Book folder by choosing File > Import Address Book Entries
40495 You can convert Address Book entries from other contact managers with MaxPort. It is included with Maximizer and it is also available - free of charge - at www.maximizer.com
40496 You can find extensive help for everything in Maximizer. If you don't know where to find something try Help > Help Topics > Find
40497 You can refresh the contents of any window by choosing the same value in the View bar Filter combo box again, or with F5
40498 To make more room for information, you can dock the View bar in a toolbar like the Standard or Action bars. Right click your mouse on the View bar
40499 When you close your Address Book folder, a Utilities menu will become active. From there you can backup and restore data
40500 Ottawa, Canada, is the world's second-chilliest national capital, after Ulan Bator, Mongolia
40501 If you need different reports than Maximizer's built in reporting, you can use any ODBC report writer, such as Crystal Reports.
40502 Maximizer can be used to track more than just contacts. Collectors can use it to track collections of art, stamps, movies, and comic books to name a few
40503 You can control whether Maximizer prompts you for a follow-up task from File > Preferences > History
40504 You can control how Maximizer displays dates from File > Preferences > Format
40505 You can control how addresses are printed from File > Preferences > Format
40506 If you don't want Maximizer to check new tasks and appointments for conflicts, choose File > Preferences > Calendar
40507 There are over 450 Smart Tips, so keep reading them to learn how to make Maximizer work better for you!
40508 You can select dialing properties from File > Preferences > Dialing
40509 Maximizer can automatically dial any of the phone numbers for an Address Book entry by clicking the Phone button on the Action toolbar
40510 When performing searches, use the Narrow List option to apply the search to only the entries in your current list
40511 If you hold down the Control key and click the left mouse button over the light bulb in this bar will show a miscellaneous tip
40512 You can have different printer setups for envelopes, labels, and reports. Choose File > Page Setup
40513 The menu items under Edit, View, and Search change when you are in different windows
40514 You can use the print functionality for the Calendar to print full month or two month calendars for your wall
40515 When performing a search, use * to represent a word or phrase - this would be useful to find all managers of something. Choose Search > Position with * manager *
40516 When performing a search, use ? to represent any one character - this would be useful when searching by zip code or phone number
40517 You can specify your return address for envelopes by selecting the Advanced button on the Print an Envelope dialog
40518 In Windows 95 and NT, higher screen resolutions can usually display fewer colors. Lower resolutions can display more colors
40519 If you want a new column setup that differs only slightly from an existing setup, choose Save As from the Column Setup dialog
40520 Check out the Maximizer Link for PalmPilot product on our Web site at www.maximizer.com
40521 You can choose the Find button on the Standard toolbar at any time to search for someone by last name
40522 Numeric fields can be summed in a report
40523 The Backup and Restore commands also fix errors and compress your data by up to 80%. Choose File > Close Address Book Folder, and then Utilities > Backup
40524 When printing envelopes and labels, choose the Advanced button to also print custom text, or the value of a user-defined field for that entry
40525 The File > New Address Book Folder can be used to link to an existing Address Book folder, not just create new folders
40526 You can create a Macro to search for all Phone notes for today, and then print a Note Report from the Address Book window
40527 You can create a Macro to search for all Timer notes for today, and then print a Note Report from the Address Book window
40528 Macros can perform the same update to multiple entries, and are easy to make and run. Choose Macros from the Standard toolbar
40529 In a multi-user Address Book folder, you can double click the user name in the Status bar to log in as a different user
40530 You can create a desktop shortcut for Maximizer that starts a specific Address Book folder by specifying Mxzc.max as the Shortcut Target.
40531 You can turn Tip of the Day on and off by choosing Help > Tip of the Day
40532 Keep up to date over the Net, with new Maximizer information, wizards, and more, using Web > Maximizer DirectAccess
40533 When in Separate Windows view, the Window > Tabbed Windows menu command connects them into the Tabbed Windows view
40534 When in Tabbed Windows view, the Window > Tabbed Windows menu command breaks the connected windows into separate ones
40535 You can set Envelope, Label, and Report print options from File > Preferences
40536 The MASTER user can set transfer options, like locking certain fields from changes, from File > Preferences > Transfer
40537 You can control who can view your Calendar from File > Preferences > Calendar
40538 In a multi-user Address Book folder, you can set your password from File > Preferences
40539 When you add new Maximizer users, the new user starts with the preferences of the currently selected user
40540 Maximizer has built in support for Word and WordPerfect. Maximizer Assistant appears as a toolbar in Word or WordPerfect
40541 You can export Maximizer data by choosing File > Export
40542 Maximizer has an extensive support network. Look for value added resellers in your area to help show you how to get the most from Maximizer
40543 You can automatically download new wizards for new wizard tasks from Maximizer DirectAccess on the Standard toolbar
40544 Wizards provide easier and faster ways of doing things in Maximizer. Choose the Wizards button on the Standard toolbar
40545 If you are using Maximizer to track your business contacts, you might want to create another folder for personal and family contacts
40546 You can easily transfer and receive Address Book entries with the Transfer button on the Standard toolbar
40547 Removing an Address Book folder from your list does not delete the actual data files. Choose the Explore button and then use Explorer to delete the files
40548 You can remove unnecessary Address Book folders from the Open Address Book Folders command on the File menu
40549 When creating new Address Book folders, use the Copy Defaults to copy over things like users, preferences, user-defined fields, and drop-down lists
40550 You can select all entries in the list by pressing Ctrl+/
40551 You can de-select any selected entries in the list by pressing Ctrl+\
40552 You can reverse the selected state of the entries in the list by pressing Ctrl+=
40553 You can make the selected list the current list through the Edit menu
40554 Select non-consecutive entries in a list by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking each entry's row heading
40555 Entries are displayed in a different color when they are selected, which you can choose using Window > Set Color
40556 To de-select all of your currently selected entries, choose Edit > De-select All
40557 To select all but a few entries in a list, select the ones you DON'T want, then choose Edit > Invert Selection
40600 You can drop an entry on the phone button in the Action toolbar to start the phone dialer
40601 You can drop an entry on the tab for the Notes window in Tabbed Windows mode to add a note
40602 You can drop an entry on the tab for the Documents window in Tabbed Windows mode to add a document
40603 You can drop an entry on the tab for the User-Defined Fields window in Tabbed Windows mode to add a user-defined field
40604 Try dragging and dropping an Address Book entry onto each of the buttons in different bars, and each of the windows
40605 You can drag a Hotlist entry associated with an Address Book entry as if it was the Address Book entry
40650 You can add more Custom toolbars by selecting Add in the Customize Toolbar dialog
40651 You can turn a toolbar off or on by selecting it from the menu when you click the right mouse button on a toolbar area
40652 You can customize the toolbar sizes. Click the right mouse button over the toolbar area and choose Customize > Properties
40653 You can change the background color for the Icon bar. Click the right mouse button over the toolbar area and choose Customize > Properties for the Icon bar
40654 You can turn the titles in the Icon bar on and off. Click the right mouse button over the toolbar area and choose Customize > Properties for the Icon bar
40655 The Smart Tip and Icon bars have three sizes, all the others have two sizes
40656 Turn the Formatting toolbar on, change your formatting, and then turn it off to conserve toolbar space
40657 You can create one Custom toolbar for your favorite Web sites, and another for useful macros. Turn each bar on and off when you need it
40658 Create a button on a Custom toolbar for other programs you run frequently, such as Calculator, Microsoft Excel, or Notepad
40659 Instead of creating a button to start a program, if you use the name of the document you want to open, it will automatically be opened for you in that application
40660 If you create a button to start a word processor's template for an invoice with a DDE command for the company name, you can print an invoice with the touch of a button
40661 Did you know that you can drop Address Book entries onto many of the buttons on the toolbars to perform quick tasks?
40680 You can open the Address Book by selecting it from the Window menu
40695 Maximizer is Great!
40696 You can choose File > Open Address Book Folder to open a folder
40700 If you are using Extended MAPI, you can mark read messages as unread by selecting the Mark as Unread option from the shortcut menu
40701 You can copy a message to another folder by pressing Ctrl and dragging it to another folder
40702 You can move an E-mail message by dragging and dropping it to another folder
40703 You can press F5 to refresh your E-mail message list in the E-mail window
40704 You can sort your E-mail messages by selecting the Sort by option from the View menu to sort by Status, From/To, Subject, Address Book Entry, Date and Time. You can also click on the E-mail window's columns for sorting
40705 Use the View bar to filter E-mail messages by All, Yesterday, Today, This Week, and This Month.\nYou can also do this by selecting these options from the View menu
40706 Use the View bar to filter your E-Commerce E-mail messages by Subject: All, Inquiries, Orders, or Inquiries and Orders.\nYou can also do this by selecting these options from the View menu
40707 Using Extended MAPI you can click on the Show unread only option in the E-mail Window's View bar to display only unread E-mail messages
40708 You can save all E-mail messages as Maximizer documents for all those messages in the current E-mail list which have an associated Address Book entry by selecting Edit > Save E-mail message
40709 Use Ctrl+E to make the E-mail window active
40710 Try clicking the right mouse button in the E-mail window
40711 You can create your E-mail AutoSignature in File > Preferences. This can be added to the end of your outgoing messages sent from the Maximizer E-mail window
40712 You can have your unread messages displayed in blue in the E-mail window by setting this option in File > Preferences
40713 If your E-mail service provider supports Extended MAPI, you can choose to use either Simple or Extended MAPI in File > Preferences > E-mail
40714 You can choose to view your E-mail messages in the E-mail window with either the Maximizer's editor or your E-mail Service Provider's editor by setting this option in File > Preferences > E-mail
40715 You can choose to compose your E-mail messages from the E-mail window with either the Maximizer's editor or your E-mail Service Provider's editor by setting this option in File > Preferences > E-mail
40716 You can drag and drop an E-mail message from the E-mail window to the Hotlist window to create an appointment with the Address Book entry associated with the E-mail message or a Personal Hotlist Task if there is no association
40717 You can drag and drop an E-mail message to the Address Book window or icon to update the E-mail address user-defined field in the selected Address Book entry, to save the E-mail message as a document for the selected entry or to create a new Address Book entry
40718 You can drag and drop an E-mail message from the E-mail window to the Documents window to save the E-mail message as a document for the selected Address Book entry
40719 You can drag and drop an Address Book entry to the E-mail window or icon to send an E-mail message to this entry
40720 You can quickly access the E-mail Preferences by choosing Preferences from the shortcut menu
40721 You can access the E-mail View bar by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F
40722 The top-level folder in the left pane of the E-mail window contains E-mail messages associated with the currently active Address Book entry
40723 AA
40724 AA
40725 AA
40726 AA
40727 AA
40728 AA
40729 AA
40730 AA
40731 AA
40732 AA
40733 AA
40800 The Filter in the Opportunity Window View bar allows you to view all opportunities, ones that are in progress, or just those that have been updated by another user since you last looked at them
40801 The icons in the Status column have individual meanings -- try widening the Status column to see the text descriptions
40802 "Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing." - Albert Schweitzer
40803 You can select "not using a strategy" as your strategy. In this mode, you may set your own Close Date and Probability of Close
40804 Try clicking the right mouse button in the Opportunities Window
40805 The "Search" menu is different when you are in the Opportunities window. Take a look at the different things you can search by
40806 Teams for Opportunities are created by your administrator using the Distribution List Manager
40807 If you want to create an opportunity that is similar to an existing one, just click the "Create Duplicate Opportunity" button in the View bar and make the necessary changes
40808 5 Steps to wrapping up a sales call: 1-Summarize the client's need and interest; 2-Review what they will do next; 3-Explain what you'll do next; 4-Set a date when you'll talk next; 5-Plan the agenda for that call
40809 You can assign multiple contacts to each role in the Opportunity Analysis
40810 The Strategy Library Wizard is a great way to learn about what a strategy is and how the different components relate to each other
40811 The Rating column in the Opportunity view shows the Probability of Close based on the Ratings table, which is found on the Opportunity tab of the Preferences dialog
40812 F5 will refresh the Opportunity view based on the current selection in the filter combo box in the View bar
40813 You can update the information for your current Opportunity entries with the Update Opportunity menu option or button on the View bar
40814 You can search for all of the Opportunities for a specific Address Book entry with the Search > Company/Individual menu option button on the View bar
40815 You can graph your opportunities just like the other Address Book entries. Choose the graphing button on the Standard bar
40816 There are some very useful reports for Opportunity entries. Choose the Print menu item or button on the Standard bar
40817 You can produce even more sophisticated reports by using Maximizer's ODBC driver or OLE Automation.
40818 The Actions menu is available from the Work button on the Work Step and Opportunity Contacts dialogs
40819 The Score column on the Opportunity Analysis dialog represents an item's weighted score and maximum weight that item has in the Strategy
40820 The scores of the Roles are summed together into one entry in the Success Factor list, called Political Alignment
40821 You can create an Opportunity for an Address Book entry by using drag and drop from the Address Book window to the Icon bar
40822 You can create an Opportunity for an Address Book entry by using drag and drop from the Address Book window to the Opportunity window
40823 You can assign competitors to your Opportunities
40824 Click on the column header to sort Opportunities by Status, Address Book Entry, Objective, Rating, Revenue or Close Date
40825 You can reverse the sort order by clicking on the column that is currently being sorted, which is indicated by a triangle in the column heading
40826 You can create an Opportunity that is not team based. That way you can track Opportunities that only you are working on
40827 Single user Opportunities work the same as private Address Book entries for visibility for other Maximizer users.
40828 The Opportunity Leader can reassign the activities for a step from one team member to another.
40829 When you create a follow up activity after completing a step's activity, the follow up task is associated with the step
40830 You can view what tasks your team members are doing for an Opportunity by changing the Show Activities For combo box on the Review Step dialog
40831 A step's activities become Hotlist tasks when the step is applied
41200 AppEvents
41201 Schemes
41203 Apps
41204 Maxwin
41205 .current
41206 MX_Alarm
41207 MX_SearchNoneFound
41208 MX_SearchSomeFound
41209 MX_ActionNotAllowed
41210 Toolbars
41211 You have entered an invalid customer number or product serial number.\n\nPlease check your entries carefully to ensure they are correct, and then try again.
41212 Browse for Maximizer Installed Folder
41213 Cannot find install files at %1.
41214 You must specify path to install files.
41215 NAME="
41216 VALUE="
41219 CurrentVersion\Register
41220 MR_MS
41225 ADDRESS_1
41226 ADDRESS_2
41227 CITY
41228 ST_PROV
41232 FAX
41233 EMAIL
41239 USER_ID
41240 PROD_ID
41241 Upgrade to the full version of Maximizer via the Internet or by telephone! It takes only a few minutes -- you don't even need to restart your computer or Maximizer!\n\nYou will require an Internet connection to perform the upgrade via the Internet. If you wish to perform the upgrade by telephone, a Maximizer sales representative will assist you with completing your upgrade.\n\nSelect the appropriate option below, click the Upgrade button, and then follow the upgrade instructions.
41242 You don't have all installation files.
41243 Backup file failed
41244 Maximizer cannot be upgraded.\nThere are missing files or Maximizer files are in use by another application.
41245 Maximizer has been upgraded successfully.
41246 Maximizer has not finished the upgrade procedure successfully.
41247 You should consult a Maximizer sales representative before modifying your registration information.\n\nDo you want to continue?
41248 Maximizer
41249 Maximizer
41250 The customer number you have entered is not valid. Please check your entry carefully to ensure it is correct, and then try again.
41251 The product serial number you have entered is not valid. Please check your entry carefully to ensure it is correct, and then try again.
41252 First, dial 1-888-468-2469, and ask for operator 03000. You will be given instructions on how to perform the upgrade. When you have completed following the instructions, press the Finish button. Maximizer will then automatically upgrade itself. Enjoy your Maximizer upgrade!
42009 Maximizer is unable to draw the requested map. There is incomplete information for the selected address.
42010 Maximizer is unable to draw the requested map. There is incomplete information for the current address.
42011 ** DO NOT ADD STRINGs WITH IDs ABOVE 56000 **
42012 ** DO NOT ADD STRINGs WITH IDs ABOVE 56000 **
42013 ** DO NOT ADD STRINGs WITH IDs ABOVE 56000 **
42014 ** DO NOT ADD STRINGs WITH IDs ABOVE 56000 **
42015 ** DO NOT ADD STRINGs WITH IDs ABOVE 56000 **
42016 Workspace name is a required field.
42017 Are you sure you want to delete the selected Workspace?
42018 Are you sure you want to update the selected Workspace?
42019 A Workspace with that name already exists.\n\nEach Workspace must have a unique name. Please choose a unique name for this Workspace.
42020 Add Workspace
42021 Workspace Properties
42022 WorkspaceName
42023 DoNotResizeFrame
42024 SplitMode
42025 This workspace is in %1.
42026 Tabbed Windows
42027 non-Tabbed Windows
42028 Country
42029 Contact by VAR
42031 Wizard
42033 A&utomation New:
42034 Wi&zard :
42035 A&utomation Report:
42036 Single User Opportunity for %s
42037 Save changes to note?
42038 Company Library strings
42040 A folder with the name you specified already exists.\n Please specify a different name.
42041 This folder already contains a document named '%1'.\nWould you like to replace this document?\n\nWarning! Replacing this document, '%2', will cause its contents to be permanently deleted.\n
42042 This folder already contains a folder named '%1'.\nWould you like to replace this folder?\n\nWarning! Replacing this folder, '%2', will cause all of its subfolders and their contents to be permanently deleted..\n
42043 New Folder
42044 New Document
42045 Name of document is a required field.
42046 Company Library
42047 Pre&view >>
42048 << Pre&view
42049 Maximizer
42050 Do you want to save changes in document '%1'?
42051 Maximizer is unable to create the selected document. Please try again.
42052 Document '%1' is still open.\n\nServer application is not OLE aware and document will not be saved if you first close the Library's window.\n\nContinue closing?\n
42053 Maximizer is unable to open the selected document. Please try again.
42054 Cannot move folder.\nThe destination folder '%1' is a subfolder of the source folder '%2'.
42055 This document does not have preview.
42056 My Company's Library
42057 Maximizer is unable to close the selected document.\nTry closing the document by selecting the Exit command from the source application's File menu.
42058 Software\Maximizer Technologies\Maximizer\
42059 Create a link to the selected file. The contents of this document will remain in the document's source file.
42060 Create new (empty) document of any type and add to the Library in the currently selected folder. This document will be created and stored in your current Maximizer Address Book folder.
42061 Create a document from the selected file and add it to the Library in the currently selected folder. The contents of this document will be copied and stored in your current Address Book folder.
42062 Create a lin&k to the selected file
42063 A document with the name you specified already exists.\n Please specify a unique name.
42064 Document
42065 Folder %1 exceeded the maximum tree level depth.\n\nNOTE:Your deepest folder/document must not exceed %2 levels from the root folder. Please move this folder or document.
42066 This is not a valid search string. Please specify a valid search string.
42067 NOTE: This is a link to a document source file and therefore cannot be synchronized with MaxExchange.
42068 Are you sure you want to delete the document '%1'?
42069 Are you sure you want to delete the folder '%1'?
42070 Maximizer is unable to open the document '%1'. Please try again.
42071 The file that this link refers to has been either moved or deleted.\n\nDo you want to search for the source file or create a new link with the same name of '%1'.
42072 The file '%1' does not have an associated application and therefore cannot be inserted into the Library.\n\nBy using Windows (NT) Explorer, you can create an association for this type of file. To do this, open Explorer, choose its View > Options menu command, and then select the 'File Types' tab. This dialog contained in this tab contains commands to add new file types.
42073 &Relate %s to %s.
42074 Retrieve %s and &display in Address Book.
42075 My Company's Library
42076 My Library
42077 Folder
42078 Document '%1' was changed by another Maximizer user.\nYou should refresh (F5) the Library and check the changes in the Library and this document.\n\nDo you want to refresh the Library now?
42079 Folder '%1' was changed by another Maximizer user.\nYou should refresh (F5) the Library and check the changes in the Library and this folder.\n\nDo you want to refresh the Library now?
42080 The document '%1' could not be found. This document was probably deleted by another user. You should refresh (F5) the Library to view any changes to its content.\n\nDo you want to refresh the Library now?
42081 The folder '%1' could not be found. This folder was probably deleted by another user. You should refresh (F5) the Library to view any changes to its content.\n\nDo you want to refresh the Library now?
42082 The folder '%1' is not empty. A folder cannot be deleted if it has documents or subfolders. Please empty the folder and then try deleting again.
42083 The folder '%1' is not empty. Another user may have recently added a subfolder or document. You should refresh (F5) the Library now to verify its contents.\n\nDo you want to refresh the Library now?
42084 The folder '%1' cannot be deleted.\nThis folder contains documents private to other users, and you do not have rights to delete these documents.
42085 The document '%1' has been marked private by another user. You should refresh (F5) the Library now to verify its contents.\n\nDo you want to refresh the Library now.
42193 This file cannot be linked.\nDo you want to embed this file instead?
42202 The holiday file (Mxzhol.nam) cannot be opened for editing.\n\nEnsure the Calendar is not in use or open by a Maximizer product, then try again.
42203 Error getting the first Holiday record.
42204 Error getting path for Holiday file.
42205 Error closing the Holiday file.
42206 Error deleting Holiday record.
42207 Error adding Holiday record.
42208 Error updating Holiday record.
42209 Error getting the next Holiday record.
42210 This is the end of the Holiday file.
42211 This is the beginning of the Holiday file.
42212 Error getting the previous Holiday record.
42213 No record found on or after the requested date.
42214 Error closing Btrieve.
42215 Unknown error occurred.
42216 If you continue, the following holiday will be overwritten:\n\nYear: %d\nMonth: %d\nDay: %d\nText: %s\n\nDo you wish to continue?
42217 Holiday Editor
42219 Please enter a value for Month in the range 1..12.
42221 This will delete all the holidays in the file.\n\nDo you want to continue?
42222 All holiday records were successfully deleted.
42223 If you continue, the following holiday will be deleted:\n\nYear: %d\nMonth: %d\nDay: %d\nText: %s\n\nDo you want to continue?
42224 The Holiday file is empty.
42225 Please enter up to %d characters for the text of the holiday.
42226 Are you sure?
42227 If you continue, the following holiday will be overwritten:\n\nYear: Every Year\nMonth: %d\nDay: %d\nText: %s\n\nDo you want to continue?
42228 If you continue, the following holiday will be deleted:\n\nYear: Every Year\nMonth: %d\nDay: %d\nText: %s\n\nDo you want to continue?
42229 The recurring holiday you entered conflicts with the following holiday :\n\nYear: %d\nMonth: %d\nDay: %d\nText: %s\n\nIf you continue, all conflicting holidays will be deleted. \nDo you wish to continue?
42230 Changes have been made to Holiday details. If you continue, the changes will be lost.\n\nDo you want to continue?
42231 Every Year
42232 Update Holiday
42233 Go To
42234 Date
42235 Please enter a value for Year in the range %d..%d.
42236 Please enter a value for Day in the range 1..%d.
57344 Maximizer
57345 Press F1 for Help
57600 Create a new Maximizer address book folder\nNew Address Book folder
57601 Open an existing document\nOpen
57602 Close the active document\nClose
57607 Print a report\nPrint
57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
57634 Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard\nCut
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57664 Display program information, Maximizer version number and the copyright\nAbout Maximizer