10008 A non fatal error has occurred while reading MARKETbuilder's data file. This can occur if you have a data file that was created by an older version. Please visually verfiy that all data fields on each page contain valid values.
10009 An error was encountered reading the terms of usage agreement text. The application cannot continue due to this error. Please call our technical support line for help.
10010 Error
10011 MARKETbuilder Options
10162 MARKETbuilder - Select an Image File
10163 MARKETbuilder - Save Image As...
10164 HH:MM
10166 Error Loading image!\nFile name : %s\nError Code = %i
10170 %i X %i Pixels\n%s
10171 2 Colors
10172 16 Colors
10173 256 Colors
10174 16 million Colors
10175 Unable to preview\n Progressive JPEG files
10176 Progressive JPEG format. Unable to preview.
10178 Invalid Image
10181 Open
10182 Convert
10191 MARKETbuilder will resize your image from %ix%i Pixels to %ix%i Pixels.
10192 Most web browsers only accept image files in GIF and JPEG format. MARKETbuilder will create a copy of your image and convert it into one of these formats.\n\n
10198 Error converting file\nError Code %i
10200 No Error
10201 Generic Error
10202 Invalid Instance Error
10203 Invalid Func. Table Error
10204 Module Load Failed Error
10205 Out Of Memory Error
10206 Invalid Plugin Error
10207 Invalid Plugin Dir Error
10208 Incompatible Version Error
10209 Invalid Param
10210 Invalid URL
10211 File Not Found
10212 No Data
10213 Stream Not Seekable
12000 There was an unknown error in the program.
12001 Please Select an item.
12002 This field can NOT be empty.
12003 No timers are available. Auto-update will be disabled.
12004 The maximum value for this field is %1.
12005 You must select an industry category.
12006 Can not access directory\n %s
12007 There is an inconsistency in your choice of Country and Province/State.
12008 Can not Find File 'MB2.CFG'
12009 To process online orders, you must add acredit card to the list of accepted cards.
12010 Are you sure you want to remove ?
14001 Following Images were not Found:\n
14002 Wrong or corrupt data file!
14003 Wrong version of data file (%d)!\n\nExpecting %d
14004 Error Openning file.\nFile name: %s
14005 Wrong Version of data file.\nThe file you are trying to open is:\n %s\n\nExpecting:\n %s
14006 This file was created by:\n %s
14021 Invalid URL
14022 Invalid URL\nExpecting 'http' or 'https'
14023 Invalid URL\nExpecting at least two domain names, separated by '.' sign
14024 Invalid URL\nInvalid Domain name.
14031 Invalid Email
14032 Invalid Email\nExpecting '@' sign
14033 Invalid Email\nInvalid Domain name.
14034 Invalid Email\nExpecting at least two domain names, separated by '.' sign
14041 Unable to open Palette file.
14042 Error Loading image!\nError code = %i
14043 Please provide an FTP server.
14044 Please provide a User ID.
14051 We are uploading your data to server. \nDo you want to Cancel the upload?
14052 We are uploading your data to server. \nYou must stop the submit process before you can countinue with this operation.
17416 Change options\nOptions
17421 Open the MARKETbuilder home page\nMARKETbuilder home page
17422 Open your home page\nYour home page
17423 Open your administration page\nYour administration page
17451 Go to the Company Profile page\nCompany
17452 Go to the Builder Profile page\nBuilder
17453 Go to the Contact Person Profile page\nContact Person
17454 Go to the Promotion page\nPromotion
17455 Go to the Identity page\nIdentity
17456 Go to the Content page\nContent
17457 Go to the Catalog page\nCatalog
17458 Go to the Payment Option page\nPayment Options
17459 Go to the Template & Color Selection page\nTemplate & Color Selection
17460 Go to the Submit page\nSubmit
21101 Demo version of MARKETbuilder only Allows you to upload your site using the Template <%s>.\n\n%s
21102 Template <%s> Not found.
21103 Demo version of MARKETbuilder has a limit of %i Catalog Items.\n\n%s
21104 Demo version of MARKETbuilder has a limit of %i Marketing Messages.\n\n%s
32004 (WSAEINTR): Interrupted system call
32009 (WSAEBADF): Bad file number
32013 (WSAEACCES): Permission denied
32014 (WSAEFAULT): Bad address passed
32022 (WSAEINVAL): Invalid parameter passed
32024 (WSAEMFILE): Too many open files
32035 (WSAEWOULDBLOCK): Operation would block
32036 (WSAEINPROGRESS): Operation is now in progress
32037 (WSAEALREADY): Operation is already in progress
32038 (WSAENOTSOCK): Socket operation on non-socket