Computer Buyer 1996 May
Text File
868 lines
B-Plan Template B-Plan International Software Ltd.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.......................................
The Company - History and Present.......................
The Products and Services...............................
The Market Analysis.....................................
The Marketing Strategy and Plan.........................
The R&D Plan............................................
Management and Organization.............................
The Operational Plan....................................
Facilities and Equipment................................
The Financial Plan......................................
Curriculum Vitae......................................
The Technology........................................
Executive Summary
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│ The executive summary is a crucial part of the business plan. Most business │
│ plan readers will make their decision either to continue reading the full │
│ business plan or to stop, based on their impressions from the executive │
│ summary. │
│ │
│ This chapter should give the "five minute reader" a clear and short view of │
│ the main business and the business opportunity. Therefore the Executive │
│ Summary │
│ should deal with the following : │
│ │
│ 1. The Business Description │
│ 2. The Products │
│ 3. The Market & Business Opportunity │
│ 4. The Financial Highlights │
The Business Description
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Describe briefly and clearly the business including the main activities, │
│date of establishment, the owners, the market positioning and the │
│main objectives. │
The Products and Services
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Describe in short the main products, product lines or services. Try to │
│emphasize the main advantages of your product. Be aware that the potential │
│investor needs to understand what differentiates your products. Do not │
│forget that the potential investor is after a "winning product". │
The Market & Business Opportunities
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Give a short description of the target markets, the market size, your │
│product's market share. Devote a few sentences to the business opportunity │
│that the market offers. │
The Financial Highlights
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Give a short description of the projected financial highlights for the │
│forecasting period. The financial highlights should present the projected │
│sales, profit, cash flow, main financial indicators and the required │
│investment. │
The projected sales for the period 19xx-19xx are about xxx million dollars,
which yield over xxx million dollars net profit (xx % return on sales).
After the first x years, sales of xx million dollars and net profit of
xx million dollars are expected.
The company plans to be profitable within xx years, and the expected Payback
period is x years (based on xx million dollars investment).
The expected N.P.V. (Net Present Value - discounted by xx%) is about
xx million dollars and the expected I.R.R. (Internal Rate of Return)
over the period is above xx%.
│ Use B-Plan Highlights report │
The Financial Requirements
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Describe the future financial requirements to cover the expected needs. │
│You may find the following table useful : │
│ │
│ │ Period 1 │ Period 2 │
│ Equity │ │ │
│ Owners Loans │ │ │
│ Loans │ │ │
│ Other │ │ │
│ Total Financial │ │ │
│ Requirements │ │ │
│ Fixed Assets │ │ │
│ Research & Development │ │ │
│ Working Capital │ │ │
│ Contingency │ │ │
│ Total Financial Needs │ │ │
The Company - History and Present
(for existing company only)
The Company's Main Business
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Describe the company's main business, company objectives, main products, │
│target markets , major customers, product positioning in the market, │
│market share and company facilities. │
The Company's Owners
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Explain who are the company owners, what are their main businesses. │
│Note that one of the important questions that any investor asks is: │
│" with who do I intend to do business?". │
The Financial Position and Past Performance
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│One of the major elements that requires clear explanation is the financial │
│situation and the last five years performance. Therefore define │
│the following: │
│1. The revenue over the last five years. │
│2. The profits over the last five years. │
│3. The total assets over the last five years. │
│4. The total liabilities over the last five years. │
│5. The main financial ratios over the last five years. │
│ │ 19XX │ 19XX │
│Revenue │ │ │
│Net Profit │ │ │
│Net Profit (% of Sales) │ │ │
│Equity │ │ │
│Total Assets │ │ │
│ Use B-Plan Previous Ratios Report │
The Products and Services
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│This chapter should present the main products, product lines or services │
│that the business offers. "How the Product meets the Market Needs". │
│It is well known that a winning product is one that satisfies market needs. │
│To be a real winner your product should give the best solution to market │
│needs,. Therefore you must explain very carefully the following : │
│- What is the market demand │
│- How your product satisfies market needs │
│- The product main advantages │
│ │
The Product Description and Specifications
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Describe the product's main features and specifications. │
│The description should be clear and understandable. │
│Describe the following: │
│- A general description │
│- The main features │
│- The main specifications │
│- The operational method │
The Product Costing
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│You are required to define the product costing by main features and main │
│inputs. The main product inputs are: │
│ - Direct labor │
│ - Materials │
│ - Sub-contractors │
│ - Other │
│If you estimate future trends in product costing, present the projected │
│trends. If you are in the preliminary R&D stage, describe the expected │
│variance range. │
│Main Components│ Labor │ Labor │ Material │ Other │ Total │
│ │ Hours │ Cost │ Cost │ Cost │ Cost │
│ 1. │ │ │ │ │ │
│ 2. │ │ │ │ │ │
│ 3. │ │ │ │ │ │
│ 4. │ │ │ │ │ │
│ 5. │ │ │ │ │ │
│TOTAL │ │ │ │ │ │
The Competitive Products
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│List the major existing or anticipated competitor products and describe │
│their advantages and disadvantages compared to your product, such as : │
│ - Price │
│ - Performance │
│ - Quality │
│ - Support │
│ - Easy to use │
│ - Capacity │
│ - Life cycle │
│ It is very useful to present a comparative analysis as follows: │
Competitive Analysis
│ │ Competitor A │ Competitor B │ Planned Product │
│ 1. Price │ $ │ $ │ $ │
│ 2. │ │ │ │
│ 3. │ │ │ │
│ 4. │ │ │ │
│ 5. │ │ │ │
│ 6. │ │ │ │
│ 8. │ │ │ │
│ 9 │ │ │ │
The Market Analysis
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Introduce the target market and explain the need and demand, major │
│characteristics, market size and the business opportunity. │
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│In order to evaluate the market we need to divide the overall market to │
│specific segments. The main segmentation keys are : │
│1. By geographical marketplace │
│2. By customer type │
│3. By application type │
The Market Size & Trends
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Evaluate the market size and trends per market segment. Table presentation is│
│recommended. │
│ │ 19xx │ 19xx │
│Segment │ Market│ Market│ Market│ Market │
│ │ Share │ Size │ Share │ Size │
│ 1 │ XX % │ $ XX M│ XX % │ $ XX M │
│ 2 │ XX % │ $ XX M│ XX % │ $ XX M │
│ 3 │ XX % │ $ XX M│ XX % │ $ XX M │
│ 4 │ XX % │ $ XX M│ XX % │ $ XX M │
│ 5 │ XX % │ $ XX M│ XX % │ $ XX M │
│ Total │ 100% │ $ XX M│ 100 % │ $ XX M │
The Competition
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Describe your main competitors. The main aspects that you should discuss are:│
│1. Who is the competitor │
│2. How strong is he in the market │
│3. What is his market share │
│4. What are the distribution channels │
│Competitor│Current │Current │Growth │Distribution│ Strength │
│ │Market │Sales │Trends │Channels │ (Scale │
│ │Share │($M) │(%) │ │ 1 to 10) │
│ │(%) │ │ │ │ │
│1. │ │ │ │ │ │
│2. │ │ │ │ │ │
│3. │ │ │ │ │ │
│4. │ │ │ │ │ │
│5. │ │ │ │ │ │
The Marketing Strategy and Plan
The Marketing Objectives
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Describe the main strategy and objectives. │
│Main objectives to be considered are: │
│1. Profitability goals │
│2. Sales targets │
│3. Market share targets │
│4. Product positioning │
The Marketing
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Describe your existing and planned marketing and sales activities including: │
│1. The marketing organization structure │
│2. The main marketing and sales activities │
│3. The sales and distribution channels │
The Marketing Setup Structure
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Describe the existing marketing and sales structure and how it operates. │
│Then, explain how it will operate in the future. You should mention : │
│ - The basic approach │
│ - Staff │
│ - Structure │
│ - Location │
The Basic Approach
Promotion Plan
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Present the promotion plan (what, how, when), including: │
│- Advertising │
│- Public Relations │
│- Exhibitions │
│- Sales promotion material │
│- Special events │
│- Other activities │
Sales Promotion Material
Special Events
Other Activities
Sales and Distribution Channels
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Describe the existing and the planned distribution channels and tactics , │
│and analyze why they fit the organization needs. │
│ │
The Pricing Policy
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Explain your pricing policy and quote your product sales price. │
The Sales Plan
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Present your sales plan including sales quantities, sales price, revenues. │
│Use B-Plan Sales report │
The Marketing Budget
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│ │
│Prepare a marketing budget. The marketing budget includes : │
│ - Salary │
│ - Commissions │
│ - Advertising │
│ - Public Relations │
│ - Travels │
│ - Exhibitions │
│ - Sales promotion material │
│ - Special events │
│The convenient way to present the budget is by table. │
│ Use B-Plan marketing budget report │
The Research & Development Plan
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Business plan dealing with a new product requires an R&D plan. │
│The R&D plan should deliver to the reader a clear picture about the plan │
│and the risks involved. │
│Give a short description of the goals , objectives and the main plan. │
The Major Milestones and Timetable
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Present the main milestones and prepare a timetable covering the R&D plan │
│period. Table presentation is recommended │
│ │ │ Months │
│ │ ├───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬────┬────┬───┤
│Activities │ Man │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ 7 │ 8 │ 9 │ 10 │ 11 │12 │
│ │ Months │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│1. │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│2. │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│3. │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│4. │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│5. │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│6. │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│7. │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│8 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│9. │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
The R&D Budget
│ Use B-Plan R&D budget report │
Management & Organization
The Management
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│ The management is the key for success. Usually investors will consider │
│ the key personnel on the management team as a major success parameter. │
│ Your aim is to convince the reader that the you have a winning team. │
│ Describe briefly your key personnel: │
│ 1. Position │
│ 2. Experience │
│ 3 Education │
Brief Resume :
│Name: │
│ │
│Title : │
│ │
│Responsibilities: │
│ │
│Education : │
│ │
│Background & Experience : │
│ │
The Organization
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Draw up your organizational structure and describe the main │
│sub-organization units such as: factories, departments, main │
│production lines. │
The Operational Plan
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│ if your business plan deals with manufacturing industry you │
│ should describe your production environment as follows: │
│ 1. The production structure │
│ 2. The production process │
│ 3. The special facilities and equipment │
│ 4. The main subcontractors │
│ 5. The main material suppliers │
│ │
│ If your business plan deals with the trade or services industry you should │
│ include in your operational plan : │
│ │
│ 1. The operational structure │
│ 2. The services and activities │
│ 3. The facilities and equipment │
│ 4. The main suppliers │
Facilities and Equipment
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│Describe your fixed assets investment plan. The plan should include │
│1. The main equipment, plant and other investments required. │
│2. The cost, including set-up expenses │
│3. The purchasing period │
│ Use B-Plan Fixed Assets Budget report │
The Financial Plan
The Financial Highlights
│ Notes (not to be printed) │
│The financial highlights should draw the main projected financial │
│picture based on the plan and the basic assumptions as presented in │
│other chapters. It should also include: interest rates, depreciation, │
│terms of payment. │
The Projected sales for the period 19xx-19xx are about xxx million dollars,
which yield over xxx million dollars net profit (20 % return on sales).
After the first x years, sales of xx million dollars and net profit of
xx million dollars are expected.
The company Plans to be profitable within x years, and the expected Payback
period is x years (based on x million dollars investment).
The expected N.P.V. (Net Present Value - discounted by xx%) is about
xx million dollars and the expected I.R.R. (Internal Rate of Return) over
the period is above xx%.
│ Use B-Plan Highlights report │
Scenario Analysis
│ │ Pessimistic │ Most Likely │ Optimistic │
│sales- quantities │ │ │ │
│Sales- price │ │ │ │
│Sales │ │ │ │
│Net Profit │ │ │ │
│Net Profit (% of Sales)│ │ │ │
Break Even Analysis
│Use B-Plan Break Even Analysis report │
Sensitivity Analysis
│Use B-Plan Sensitivity report │
The Basic Assumptions
The financial projection is based among other things, on the following data
and assumptions :
│Discount rate │ xx% │
│Interest rate - Debit │ xx% │
│Interest rate - Credit │ xx │
│Inventory cycle │ xx Months │
│Production O/H │ xx% of .......... │
│Sales commissions │ xx% of .......... │
│Marketing Expenses │ xx% of .......... │
│G & A │ xx% of .......... │
Depreciation period (Straight line) in years :
│Plant │ xx │
│Production line │ xx │
│Office equipment │ xx │
│Computers │ xx │
Salary level (in $ thousands per annum) :
│Direct labor │ xx │
│Indirect production │ xx │
│R&D │ xx │
│Engineering │ xx │
│Marketing │ xx │
│G&A │ xx │
Proforma Profit & Loss report
│ Use B-Plan Proforma P&L reports │
│ (5 Year Plan and 12 Month Budget) │
Proforma Cash Flow report
│ Use B-Plan Proforma Cash Flow reports │
│ (5 Year Plan and 12 Month Budget) │
Proforma Balance Sheet report
│ Use B-Plan Proforma Balance Sheet reports │
│ (5 Years Plan and 12 Month Budget) │