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Commodore BASIC  |  2023-02-26  |  2KB  |  78 lines

  1. 5 print"[147]  [215]orking........"
  2. 10 dimg%(50):open15,8,15
  3. 20 mx=0:pb$="":od=3:fl=0:g1=32:p=2:s=1:ct=0:cn=0:bt$=chr$(167)+chr$(2)
  4. 30 l=peek(49152):fort=1tol:pb$=pb$+chr$(peek(49152+t)):next:goto70
  5. 40 input#15,e1$,e2$,e3$,e4$
  6. 50 ifval(e1$)<20thenreturn
  7. 60 printe1$;e2$;e3$;e4$:stop
  8. 70 open2,8,2,"#"
  9. 80 print#15,"u1";2;0;18;s
  10. 90 gosub40
  11. 100 get#2,a$,b$
  12. 110 s2=asc(b$+chr$(0)):s3=asc(a$+chr$(0))
  13. 120 close2
  14. 130 open2,8,2,"#"
  15. 140 print#15,"u1";2;0;18;s
  16. 150 gosub40
  17. 160 print#15,"b-p";2;p
  18. 170 forj=1tog1
  19. 180 get#2,a$:g%(j)=asc(a$+chr$(0))
  20. 190 next:close2
  21. 200 pm$="":forj=4to19:ifg%(j)=160then220
  22. 210 pm$=pm$+chr$(g%(j))
  23. 220 next
  24. 230 ifpb$=pm$then280
  25. 250 iffl=1thenfl=0:g1=32:p=2:s=s2:goto70
  26. 260 p=p+32:ifp=226theng1=30:fl=1:goto130
  27. 270 g1=32:goto130
  28. 280 t=g%(2):s=g%(3)
  29. 290 open2,8,2,"#"
  30. 300 print#15,"u1";2;0;t;s
  31. 310 print#15,"b-p";2;0
  32. 320 get#2,a$,b$
  33. 330 close2
  34. 340 a$=a$+chr$(0):b$=b$+chr$(0)
  35. 350 t1=asc(a$):s1=asc(b$)
  36. 360 open2,8,2,"#"
  37. 380 print#15,"b-p";2;128
  38. 390 print#2,bt$;
  39. 395 print#15,"u2";2;0;t;s
  40. 400 close2
  41. 410 open2,8,2,"#"
  42. 420 print#15,"u1";2;0;t1;s1
  43. 430 print#15,"b-p";2;0
  44. 440 get#2,a$,b$
  45. 450 close2
  46. 460 a$=a$+chr$(0):b$=b$+chr$(0)
  47. 470 t=asc(a$):s=asc(b$)
  48. 480 open2,8,2,"#"
  49. 500 print#15,"b-p";2;128
  50. 510 forx=1to128:print#2,chr$(32);:next
  51. 515 print#15,"u2";2;0;t1;s1
  52. 520 close2
  53. 530 open2,8,2,"#"
  54. 540 print#15,"u1";2;0;t;s
  55. 550 print#15,"b-p";2;0
  56. 560 get#2,a$,b$
  57. 570 close2
  58. 580 a$=a$+chr$(0):b$=b$+chr$(0)
  59. 590 t1=asc(a$):s1=asc(b$)
  60. 600 open2,8,2,"#"
  61. 620 print#15,"b-p";2;2
  62. 630 forx=1to254:print#2,chr$(32);:next
  63. 635 print#15,"u2";2;0;t;s
  64. 640 close2
  65. 650 ct=ct+1:ifct=3then670
  66. 660 t=t1:s=s1:goto530
  67. 670 l=len(pb$):pa$=left$(pb$,l-2)
  68. 671 print"[147]          [193]uto-[194]oot [195]omplete!"
  69. 672 print"[201] have created a new program called:"
  70. 673 print"[158]"chr$(34)pb$chr$(34)
  71. 674 print"[212]his is a [211]tand-[193]lone conversion of"
  72. 675 print"your program: [158]"chr$(34)pa$chr$(34)
  73. 676 print"[158]load"chr$(34)pb$chr$(34)",8,1"
  74. 677 print"[215]ill load and auto-start your program!"
  75. 679 poke808,237
  76. 680 poke631,5:poke632,145:poke633,145:poke634,145:poke635,145:poke636,145:poke198,6
  77. 690 new