78 forj=0to1:fori=0to23:readnd(j,i):nexti:nextj:gosub54:poke53280,9:poke53281,12:print"[147]":xs=344:ys=58:gosub76:iy=0:fori=1to79:gosub46:next:pokepn,p4:gosub7:print" [200]ello.":gosub59:gosub7:print"[155] [201] am your tour guide to the ancient":print" city of [202]erusalem.";:gosub6:print" [201] understand you"
79 print" have come here to follow [208]aul through":print" the years of his education as a":print" [208]harisee, and his growth as a zealous":print" protector of the [200]ebrew faith.":gosub6:print" [201]n addition to being your eyes and":print" legs during this time, [201] can also"
80 print" tell you about important places in the";:print" city, and things that are happening,":print" that you might be interested in.":gosub6:print" [212]hese places are marked for your":print" convenience with a flashing light.":gosub6
81 print" [217]ou can guide me there by using the":print" joystick in port#2 or the cursor keys.[151]":gosub19:pokepn,p4:gosub12:pokev+21,0:ys=58:print"[155][147]":gosub7:gosub76:gosub8:print" [201]f you want, [201] can tell you about":print" ancient [202]erusalem and the [208]harisees"
82 print" before we start.":gosub6:print" [215]ould you like that(y/n)?":poke198,0
83 geta$:ifa$="y"thenpokev+21,0:goto86
84 ifa$="n"thenprint"":gosub76:goto92
85 goto83
86 print"[147]":gosub7:pokepn,p2:gosub76:print" [207]kay,":gosub59:pokepn,p4:gosub7:print" [202]erusalem in [208]aul's time is a city of":print" two million people and the spiritual":print" capital of the [202]ews.";:gosub6:print" [212]he [202]ews are six";:print" million altogether, about one-tenth"
87 print" the total population of the ancient":print" world.";:gosub6:print" [212]he original city, established";:print" by [203]ing [196]avid, was destroyed by the":print" [194]abylonians under [203]ing [206]ebuchadnezzar,";:print" and the [202]ews driven into exile in"
88 print" [194]abylon.";:gosub6:print" [197]ventually the [202]ews":print" returned, and under the leadership of":print" the priest [197]zra and the statesman":print" [206]ehemiah, rebuilt the city.";:gosub6:print" [196]uring":print" many struggles in which the [202]ews"
89 print" gained their independence, only to":print" lose it to the [211]yrians and then the":print" [210]omans, the city has grown to become":print" the center it is in [208]aul's time.[151]":gosub6:gosub19:pokepn,p4:gosub12:pokev+21,0:ys=58:gosub76:print"[147][155] [212]he [208]harisees are [202]ews of [208]aul's"
90 print" time who believe that [201]srael exists to";:print" serve [199]od, and that we serve [199]od by":print" following [200]is [204]aw, given to the [202]ews":print" by [205]oses, in everything we do.";:gosub6:print" [201]n":print" order to do this, they have created"
91 print" many rules, based on the [204]aw, to":print" govern every phase of life.";:gosub6:print" [194]y":print" following every rule, one might avoid":print" sin, for it is sin that separates man":print" from [199]od.":gosub10
92 print" [215]e can now go into [202]erusalem.[151]":gosub59:gosub19:pokepn,p4:gosub7:gosub12:xs=28:ys=228:gosub56:tc=95:gosub65:pokev+2,92:pokev+3,114:pokev+4,148:pokev+5,112:pokev+6,172:pokev+7,144:pokev+8,168:pokev+9,220:pokev+10,228:pokev+11,220:pokev+12,244:pokev+13,214:pokev+14,24:pokev+15,216:pokev+16,128:ct=0
104 poke53281,12:print"[147][155] [215]e have seen all we can now. [217]ou can";:print"revisit some of the places, or join [208]aul";:print"in his studies at school.":poke198,0:print"[193]re you ready to join [208]aul(y/n)?":gosub59
105 geta$:ifa$="y"then138
106 ifa$="n"then103
107 goto105
108 gosub54:poke53281,7:print"[147][151] [212]his is the [149][193][206][212][207][206][201][193][160][198][207][210][212][210][197][211][211]":gosub58:print" [194]uilt by [203]ing [200]erod the [199]reat, in":print"honor of his friend and ally, [205]ark ":print"[193]ntony, the fortress serves as a base of";:print"operations for [210]oman control of the"
109 print"city. [200]ere [208]ontius [208]ilate, the [210]oman":print"governor of [202]udea, holds court, and":print"governs the city.":gosub10:gosub58:n=253:ifc(1)=0thenc(1)=1:ct=ct+1
110 goto102
111 gosub54:poke53281,9:print"[147] [212]he [208][193][204][193][195][197] [207][198] [212][200][197] [200][193][211][197][205][207][206][197][193][206][211]":gosub58:gosub6:print"[155] [212]he early [200]asemonean [203]ings have a":print"place of honor in the history of the":print"[202]ewish people.";:gosub9:print" 200 years previously,":print"they led the [205]accabean revolt.";:gosub9:print" [193]gainst"
112 print"great odds, they fought for and won":print"for the [202]ews, freedom to worship [199]od, as";:print"well as independence and economic power.":gosub10:print" [213]nfortunately the later [200]asemoneans":print"didn't do as well.";:gosub60:gosub6:print" [212]hey abandoned much"
113 print"of their [202]ewish heritage and adopted the";:print"popular [199]reek ways of the time.";:gosub9:print" [194]y":print"murder and treachery they lived, and the";:print"people grew to hate them.";:gosub9:print" [212]wo ruling":print"parties emerged, the [208]harisees and the"
114 print"[211]adducees.";:print" [215]hile the [208]harisees saw in":print"the [202]ewish nation a way to preserve":print"man's faith in [199]od, the [211]adducees saw":print"their religion as a tool to unite the":print"nation and assimilate conquered people."
115 print"[195]ivil war and the lack of trust of the":print"people in their rulers weakened [202]udea,":print"and eventually [202]udea fell to the [210]omans.[129]";:tc=105:gosub65:gosub9:n=247:ifc(3)=0thenc(3)=1:ct=ct+1
116 goto102
117 gosub54:poke53281,2:print"[147][156] [212]his is [158][203][201][206][199][160][200][197][210][207][196]'[211][160][208][193][204][193][195][197]":gosub58:gosub6:print" [212]he [210]oman conquerors, although they":print"want to extend their empire over all the";:print"world, do not wish to get involved in":print"the local affairs of the countries they"
118 print"control (unless of course it affects":print"their empire).";:gosub10:print" [211]o they have let the":print"[202]ews retain a king whom they approve of.";:gosub9:print" [200]erod [193]ntipas is the present king of":print"[202]udea and he is ruthless in exerting his";
119 print"authority over the people.";:gosub10:print" [204]ike his":print"father, [200]erod the [199]reat, he has built":print"many public buildings and helped make":print"[202]erusalem one of the great cities of thetime.":gosub10:print" [200]owever, he is concerned only with"
120 print"power and wealth, and ignores the people";:print"and [199]od to whom he is responsible.[156]":gosub60:gosub10:n=239:ifc(4)=0thenc(4)=1:ct=ct+1:gosub58
121 goto102
122 poke53281,5:gosub54:print"[147][153][212]he [208]alace of the [200]igh [208]riest [195]aiaphas":gosub58:gosub6:print" [212]he [200]igh priest is traditionally the":print"spiritual leader of the [202]ewish people.":gosub6:print"[213]nfortunately at this time, the position";:print"of the [200]igh [208]riest has diminished, and"
123 print"he is now appointed by the king.";:gosub6:print" [203]ing":print"[200]erod is rather greedy, and the [200]igh":print"[208]riest is someone who has paid the king":print"handsomely for the position.";:gosub6:print" [212]he":print"present [200]igh [208]riest is [195]aiaphas, a man"
124 print"of much wealth and power.":gosub10:gosub58:n=223:ifc(5)=0thenc(5)=1:ct=ct+1
125 goto102
126 gosub54:poke53281,3:print"[147][151] [212]his is [203][201][206][199][160][196][193][214][201][196]'[211][160][212][207][205][194]":gosub58:print" [212]his monument, in the old part of the":print"city, is located where [203]ing [196]avid was":print"thought to be buried.":gosub9:print" [196]avid, of course, is the shepherd boy"
127 print"who killed [199]oliath and later became king";:print"of [201]srael.";:gosub9:print" [199]od was his trusted":print"companion, and he wrote many psalms,":print"which are preserved in the [194]ible.[151]":tc=135:gosub69:gosub6:n=191:ifc(6)=0thenc(6)=1:ct=ct+1:gosub58
128 goto102
129 gosub54:poke53281,1:print"[147][155] [212]his is the [156][197][211][211][197][206][197] [199][193][212][197]":gosub59:print" [212]he [197]ssenes are a group of [202]ews who":print"have decided to give up all worldly":print"things, in order to live in harmony with";:print"[199]od.";:gosub9:print" [212]hey share all they have, and live";
130 print"together, very simply, in the hills.":gosub9:print"[211]ometimes they come to [202]erusalem, and":print"the other towns around [202]udea, and preach";:print"to the people.[155]":gosub6:n=127:ifc(7)=0thenc(7)=1:ct=ct+1:gosub59
131 goto102
132 xt=xs:yt=ys:xs=28:ys=150:gosub55:gosub63:gosub9:gosub54:poke53281,1:print"[147] [212][200][197] [212][197][205][208][204][197]":gosub63:gosub6:print"[154] [212]his is the second [212]emple, built on":print"the site of the original [212]emple which":print"was built 950 years ago by [203]ing [211]olomon.";:gosub9
133 print" [212]he [212]emple is [199]od's house on earth.":gosub9:print"[201]nside the [212]emple is a special chamber":print"called the [200]oly of [200]olies which holds":print"[199]od's [196]ivine [208]resence.";:gosub61:gosub9:print" [212]he people":print"cannot enter this room.";:gosub9:print" [207]nly the [200]igh"
134 print"[208]riest goes in, once a year, to make":print"sacrifice for the sins of the people.":gosub9:print" [193]ll faithful [202]ews, who can make the":print"trip, come to [202]erusalem once a year,":print"during the [208]assover, to worship and"
135 print"offer sacrifices at the [212]emple.":gosub10:print"":gosub12:gosub55:pokev+2,230:pokev+3,170:pokev+21,3:n=3:gosub48:gosub54:xs=xt:ys=yt:pokev+2,92:pokev+3,114:poke53281,1:print"[147][152] [212][200][197][160][211][193][206][200][197][196][210][201][206][160][195][207][213][206][195][201][204][160][210][207][207][205]":gosub59:gosub9:print" [212]he [211]anhedrin, which is the governing"
136 print" body in [202]ewish matters, meet here.":gosub9:print"[155]":n=251:ifc(2)=0thenc(2)=1:ct=ct+1
137 goto102
138 print" [207]kay, you will find the school near":print"the [193]ntonia [198]ortress.[145][145][145]";:gosub168:pokev+2,92:pokev+3,130:pokev+40,1:poke53241,24:gosub56:pokev+21,3:gosub52:gosub17:print"[212]his school is run by the [208]harisees, for";:print"the religious teaching of [202]ewish boys,"
139 print"to enable them to be scholars, teachers,";:print"and leaders.":gosub9:print" [208]aul is a student here.":gosub9:print" [215]e will now cover beliefs and":print"practices central to [208]harisaic thought.[129]":gosub168:goto146
140 print"[147][155] [198]irst, the relationship between":print"[199]od and man, and why we have the [204]aw.":return
141 gosub9:print" [215]e know from the [212]orah, that [199]od":print"created man in [200]is image,";:gosub9:print" but that man's";:print"nature, as told in the story of [193]dam and";:print"[197]ve in the garden of [197]den, caused him to";:print"sin, and he was separated from [199]od.[129]":gosub60:gosub11:return
142 print" [194]ut [199]od did not give up on man.";:gosub61:print" [200]e":print"raised up a people, [201]srael, to be [200]is":print"people, to be an example to all, so that";:print"man may once more be close to [199]od.[129]":gosub9:gosub11:return
143 print" [212]hrough [200]is prophet [205]oses, [200]e gave [200]is";:print"people the [204]aw,";:gosub63:print" so that they might know":print"right from wrong, and behave as [199]od's":print"chosen people.[129]":gosub9:gosub11:return
144 print" [200]owever, man's sinful nature is":print"still with us,";:gosub60:print" and even though we know":print"the [204]aw, we sin and break the [204]aw.":gosub9:print"[212]herefore we cannot approach [199]od.":gosub9:print"[201]nstead, [200]e has appointed priests,";:gosub9:print"to"
145 print"offer sacrifices and intercede for us,":print"so that we do not become completely":print"separate from [200]im, as the pagans are.[145][145][129]":gosub9:gosub11:return
146 gosub140:gosub141:gosub140:gosub142:gosub140:gosub143:gosub140:gosub144:gosub140:print" [215]e, as [208]harisees, try to understand":print"the meaning of the [204]aw,";:gosub63:print" in order to":print"apply it to every part of our lives,":gosub9:print"so that we may be as sinless as it is"
147 print"possible for man to be.";:gosub9:print" [212]o help us":print"do this, we have interpreted the [204]aw,":print"into many rules that govern our daily":print"lives,";:gosub9:print" so that in following these rules,";:print"we will not sin.":gosub9
148 print" [215]e advise all to follow these same rules.[145][145][145][145][145][145][129]":gosub9:gosub11:poke198,0:print"[147][155] [215]ould you like to review today's":print"lesson(y/n)?";:gosub59
149 geta$:ifa$="y"goto146
150 ifa$="n"goto152
151 goto149
152 print"[147][155] [215]e are now going to take a tour of":print"the temple.";:gosub9:print" [201]ts structure will tell us":print"something of the relationship of [199]od and";:print"man, and also, within mankind, the":print"special role of priests, men, and women,";
153 print"and the [202]ews as [199]od's people.":gosub9:print" [215]e will meet at the temple.[129]":gosub9:gosub11:gosub56:pokev+21,5:n=5:gosub48:xt=xs:yt=ys:ct=0:xs=28:ys=150:gosub55:pokev+2,180:pokev+3,210:pokev+21,3
156 poke53281,15:print"[147] [195][207][213][210][212] [207][198] [212][200][197] [199][197][206][212][201][204][197][211]":gosub63:gosub6:print" [199]entiles, or non-[202]ews, are forbidden":print"to enter the [212]emple.";:gosub9:print" this court is as":print"close as they can get.":gosub9:print" [211]till, many of the [199]entiles have felt";
157 print"the call of the one true [199]od, and prefer";:print"the highly moral [202]ewish religion, over":print"the pagan religions with their many":print"cruel gods, statue-worship, and lack of":print"respect for life.":gosub10:print" [207]nly the strict [202]ewish requirements"
158 print"of diet and circumcision have kept some":print"of these people from adopting [202]udaism.[145][145][145][145][145][145]";:gosub169:pokev+2,65:pokev+16,2:pokev+3,142:return
159 poke53281,1:print"[147][154] [212][200][197] [212][197][205][208][204][197] [199][193][212][197]":gosub63:gosub6:print"[155] [212]his is the [194]eautiful [199]ate, or":print"entrance to the [212]emple.";:gosub9:print" [201]t is about":print"9 feet above the [195]ourt of the [199]entiles.[154]":gosub169:pokev+2,50:pokev+16,3:pokev+3,125:return
160 poke53281,1:print"[147][154] [215][207][205][197][206]'[211] [195][207][213][210][212]":gosub63:gosub6:print"[152] [212]his is the [215]omen's [195]ourt, thus named";:print"because [202]ewish women can only go this":print"far into the [212]emple.";:gosub9:print" [212]his court is":print"about 11 feet above the entrance.[154][145]"
162 poke53281,1:print"[147][152] [201][211][210][193][197][204] [195][207][213][210][212]":gosub63:gosub6:print"[154] [212]his court is exclusively for [202]ewish":print"men and boys.";:gosub9:print" [201]t is about 11 feet":print"above the [215]omen's [195]ourt.[152]":gosub169:pokev+2,240:pokev+3,154:pokev+16,1:return
163 poke53281,1:print"[147] [208][210][201][197][211][212][211]' [195][207][213][210][212]":gosub63:gosub6:print"[154] [212]his court, which includes the large":print"sacrificial altar, is reserved for":print"priests only.";:gosub9:print" [201]t is slightly higher":print"than the [201]srael [195]ourt.";:gosub169:pokev+2,220:pokev+3,138:return
164 poke53281,1:print"[147] [212][200][197] [211][193][206][195][212][213][193][210][217]":gosub63:gosub6:print" [159] [146] [176] [200][207][204][217] [207][198] [200][207][204][201][197][211] -- the":gosub167:print"_[189] place of the [196]ivine":print" [159] [146] [158] [146][159] [146] [208]resence, where sinful":print" [159] [146][185][185][185][185][185][159] [146] man cannot enter.";:gosub61:gosub9
165 print" [207]nly":gosub167:print" the [200]igh [208]riest enters":gosub167:print" here, once a year, to":gosub167:print" offer sacrifice to":gosub167:print" atone for the sins of":print" [159] [146] [146] the people.":gosub10:print" [159] [146] [146]_[174]"
166 print" [159] [146] [146] [173] [212][200][197] [200][207][204][217] [208][204][193][195][197] -- here":print" [159] [146] [146] the priests perform":printspc(18)"their regular duties.":gosub9:print" [207]nly priests can enter into the":print" sanctuary.[154][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]";:gosub169:pokev+2,28:pokev+3,150:return
167 print" [159] [146] [146]";:return
168 gosub9:gosub59:gosub11:return
169 gosub168:gosub55:pokev+21,3:return
170 poke53281,1:gosub59:print"[147][152] [212]he temple tour is now over.";:gosub9:gosub15:print"[147][149] [208]aul becomes an eager student.";:gosub9:print" [200]is":print"desire to become close to [199]od grows, and";:print"so he becomes a '[208]harisee of [208]harisees',";:gosub9
171 print"by learning and following closely all":print"the rules that the [208]harisees have made,":print"to apply the law to every part of life.":tc=110:gosub65:gosub11:print"[147][151] [215]e now return to school, to see more":print"of what [208]aul may have learned as a"
172 print"student of the [208]harisees.":gosub9:gosub11:return
173 xs=xt:ys=yt:pokev+2,92:pokev+3,130:pokev+40,1:gosub56:pokev+21,3:gosub52:gosub17:print"[207]ur knowledge and beliefs are based on":print"divine revelation and the [204]aw given to":print"man, as recorded by [205]oses in the [212]orah,":gosub9:print"and later as given through the prophets"
174 print"and recorded by the scribes in the":print"[194]ible.[129]":gosub9:gosub11:print"[147][155] [212]his knowledge tells us of a life":print"beyond this earthly life,";:gosub61:print" which we may":print"attain, through prayer, sacrifice, and":print"careful adherence to the [204]aw.";:gosub9:print" [193]fter we"
175 print"die, we will be resurrected into the new";:print"life.[129]":gosub9:gosub11:print"[147][155] [217]our assignment today will be: to go":print"to the library, near [200]erod's palace, and";:print"look up information in the [194]ible which":print"informs about resurrection.":gosub59:gosub9
176 print" [217]ou will find the information in":print"three books.[129]":gosub9:gosub11:pokev+2,176:pokev+3,208:gosub56:pokev+21,3:gosub52:xt=xs:yt=ys:n=0:fori=1to3:c(i)=0:next
187 print"[147][158] [197]cclesiastes, [195]hapter 12, [214]erse 14":gosub64:print"'[193]nd the dust returns to the ground it":print"came from,":gosub9:print"[193]nd the spirit returns to [199]od who gave":print"it.'":gosub6:gosub61:gosub10:goto178
189 print"[147][158] [208]salm 49, [214]erse 15":gosub64:print"'[194]ut [199]od will redeem my soul from the grave;":print"[200]e will surely take me to [200]imself.'":tc=145:gosub69:gosub9:goto178
191 print"[147][158] [196]aniel, [195]hapter 12: [214]erses 2,3":gosub64:print"'[205]ultitudes who sleep in the dust will":print"awake, some to everlasting life, others":print"to shame and everlasting contempt.":gosub63:gosub9:print"[212]hose who are wise will shine like the"
192 print"brightness of the heavens, and those who";:print"lead many to righteousness, like the":print"stars for ever and ever.'":gosub9:gosub63:gosub10:goto178
198 poke53280,6:poke53281,15:pokev+21,0:print"[147] [215]ould you like to see those writings again (y/n)?":gosub59
199 geta$:ifa$="y"goto177
200 ifa$="n"goto202
201 goto199
202 gosub15:print"[147][149][208]aul takes these lessons to heart.";:gosub61:gosub9:print" [200]e becomes convinced that the righteousness";:print"of the [208]harisees is essential for man's":print"salvation, and resolves to do all he can";
203 print"to help others follow the same teaching.[152]":tc=115:gosub65:gosub11:xs=xt:ys=yt:pokev+2,92:pokev+3,130:gosub18:gosub16:print"[155] [193] student arrives with the news:":print"' [212]here is something exciting going on":print"just outside the [197]ssene (south) gate!":gosub59:gosub9
204 print" [204]et's go see what is happening.'[129]":gosub11:n=5:pokev+16,4:pokev+4,40:pokev+5,240:gosub56:gosub48:gosub54:poke53280,6:poke53281,15:print"[147][152] [193] group of [156][197]ssenes[152] are camping here.":gosub9:print"[212]heir leader, [154][202]ohn (the [194]aptist)[152], is":print"preaching to the people:":gosub63:gosub6
205 print"'[210]epent, for the [196]ay of [202]udgement is":print"coming soon.";:gosub64:gosub6:print" [212]urn from the ways of the":print"world and seek the ways of [199]od.'[152]":gosub61:gosub9:gosub11:gosub18:print"[215]e [202]ews, have at different times in our":print"history, been blessed with special"
206 print"leaders anointed by [199]od,";:gosub61:gosub9:print" who have done":print"great things for us.[129]":gosub9:gosub11:print"[147][155] [211]ome of those anointed leaders, or":print"[205]essiahs, are:":gosub9:print"[205]oses[155],";:gosub64:print" who led us out of slavery in"
207 print"[197]gypt and through whom the [204]aw was":print"given,":gosub9:print"[196]avid[155],";:gosub64:print" who saved us from the [208]hilistines";:print"and made us into a powerful nation.[145][145][129]":gosub9:gosub11:print"[147][155][205]ore recently, during these times of"
208 print"oppression by foreign powers and rule by";:print"corrupt and cruel kings, our people have";:print"prayed for a [205]essiah,";:gosub9:print" who will save us":print"from the rule of others and restore our":print"nation to righteousness.[129]":gosub6:gosub63:gosub9:gosub11
209 print"[147][155] [201]t has been prophesied that [199]od will":print"send [200]is [205]essiah soon.";:gosub9:print" [205]any hope he":print"will come to defeat our enemies, and":print"make us again into a powerful nation,":print"as the [205]essiahs of old did.";:gosub58:gosub9:print" [207]thers "
210 print"look for a spiritual leader, who will":print"restore us to the way of righteousness.[129]":gosub61:gosub10:gosub11:print"[147][155] [212]hus ends the lesson...":gosub10:gosub16:print" [193] messenger arrives with the news:":gosub59:print"'[202]ohn, a leader amongst the [197]ssenes, is"
211 print"is calling all to repent of their sins":print"and be baptized, at the river [202]ordan.":gosub9:print"[208]erhaps he is the [205]essiah.";:gosub9:print" [201] am going":print"there to see and will let you know.'[129]":gosub9:gosub11:gosub56:pokev+39,11:fori=1to18:gosub46:next:gosub54:poke53281,15
213 fori=1to18:gosub47:next:gosub8:gosub54:poke53281,9:gosub16:print"[155] [212]he messenger returns with his story:":gosub59:gosub6:print"[158]'[215]e asked [202]ohn if he was the [205]essiah.":gosub9:print"[200]e said that he was not, then he said,":gosub9:printchr$(34)"[201] am the voice of one calling in the"
214 print"wilderness, 'make straight the way of":print"the [204]ord.'"chr$(34):gosub221:gosub64:gosub9:print"[158][212]hen:":gosub6:printchr$(34)"[201] baptise you with water for":print"repentance,";:gosub9:print"but there will come after":print"me, one whose sandals [201] am unfit to tie.";:gosub221:gosub64
215 print"[200]e will baptise with the [200]oly [211]pirit."chr$(34):gosub221:gosub61:gosub9:print"[158][195]an you make any sense of that?'[129]":gosub6:gosub12:poke53280,12:gosub15:print"[147][149] [208]aul finishes his schooling, and":print"stays in [202]erusalem, as a member of the"
216 print"[208]harisee community.";:gosub9:print" [200]e is very strong":print"in his desire to serve [199]od, and feels":print"that the best way to do it is to observe";:print"the teaching of the [208]harisees, and to":print"spread and protect these ideals, above"
217 print"all else.[152]";:tc=115:gosub65:gosub11:print"[147] [215]e can stop now, or go on to the next":print"part of [208]aul's life, his conversion.":print"[215]ould you like to go on (y/n)?":poke198,0
218 geta$:if(a$<>"n")and(a$<>"y")then218
219 ifa$="n"thenprint"[147] [211]ee you later.":stop