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Commodore BASIC
61 lines
10 poke53280,5:poke53281,4:print"[147]":gosub430
20 print""," [215]illkommen zu":gosub310
30 print,"[157][157][197]inem [203]urzspiel von [158][202][212][210]"
40 print," geschrieben 1997"
50 print" [196]u bist so'n bloeder [193]lien, der aus"
60 print" dem [212]hargoiden-[210]aumschiff herausfinden"
70 print" muss. [200]uete [196]ich vor den [211]chlabber-"
80 print" [215]eichtitties! [196]rueck jetzt eine [212]aste!":gosub360
90 print"[147] [196]u befindest [196]ich in einem nach [198]isch"
100 print" miefenden [210]aum. [199]ehst [196]u nach"
110 print" ([193]) geradeaus,":print" ([194]) mittendrin oder":print" ([195]) untendurch?"
120 gosub360:ifa$<>"c"then380
130 print"[147] [212]ja, das gelingt [196]ir gerade noch so."
140 print" [202]etzt bist [196]u in der [195]happi-[196]osen-[203]om-"
150 print" mandozentrale. [213]nd nun?"
160 print" ([193]) [200]undefutter mitgehen lassen...":print" ([194]) [196]aumen in'n [208]opo..."
170 print"[160]([195]) [206]ichts wie 'raus hier!"
180 gosub360:ifa$<>"c"then380
190 print"[147] [198]lugs entschwindest [196]u und prallst mit"
200 print" einem popelnden [215]eltraummonster zusam-"
210 print" men. [215]as tust [196]u bloss?!"
220 print" ([193]) [198]resse polieren!":print" ([194]) [193]bhauen":print" ([195]) [214]ollquatschen!"
230 gosub360:ifa$<>"a"then380
240 print"[147] [196]er [211]chleimbursche taumelt zu [194]oden,"
250 print" und [196]u kannst von diesem boesen [207]rt"
260 print" entfliehen. [196]u kannst [196]ir selber die"
270 print" [199]libberhand schuetteln: [196]u hast dieses"
280 print" bloede [211]piel super geloest! [196]rueck nun"
290 print" nochmal 'ne [212]aste...":gosub360
300 print"[147]"chr$(142)"":forx=1to15:printtab(16)"gewonnen":next
305 goto305
310 print"","[157][157][157] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146]"
320 print,"[157][157][157] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146]"
330 print,"[157][157][157] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146]"
340 print,"[157][157][157] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146]"
350 print,"[157][157][157] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146]":return
360 geta$:ifa$=""then360
370 return
380 print"[147] [196]as war nicht gut, jetzt bist [196]u":gosub310
390 print" [212]raust [196]u [196]ich denn noch einmal ([202]/[206])?":gosub360
400 ifa$="n"thenprint"[147]":poke53281,5:sys64738
410 print"[147]":goto20
420 rem geschrieben am 24. april 1997
430 dim hx(75)
440 for i=0 to 9: hx(48+i)=i: hx(65+i)=i+10: next
450 for i=49152 to 49239: read mc$
460 hi=asc(left$(mc$,1)): lo=asc(right$(mc$,1))
470 dz=16*hx(hi)+hx(lo): pokei,dz: next
480 sys49197:return
490 dataea,ea,ea,ea,ea,a9,01,8d
500 data19,d0,ad,16,d0,49,01,8d
510 data16,d0,a5,02,c9,f6,f0,0b
520 data18,69,04,85,02,8d,12,d0
530 data4c,81,ea,a9,32,85,02,8d
540 data12,d0,4c,31,ea,78,a9,32
550 data85,02,8d,12,d0,ad,11,d0
560 data29,7f,8d,11,d0,a9,01,8d
570 data0d,dc,8d,1a,d0,a9,00,a2
580 datac0,8d,14,03,8e,15,03,58
590 data60,c0,8d,14,03,8e,15,03