Num_demos=6&demoname1=RETURN TO CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN&processor1=333&demorating1=mature&RAM1=64&API1=Yes&exclusive1=1&HD1=120&demourl1='ve read our review, now is your chance to pump lead into those Nazi bastards. This demo features two complete levels from the game, one from the beginning escape, the other from a crypt battle with some undead. There are five weapons to choose from and a load of nasties that need a killin'. So grab your Thompson and get in there!.&gameDX1=8&demopub1=Activision&demodev1=Grey Matter&demopath1=Demos/castlewolfenstein/Wolf_SPDemo.exe&readmepath1=Demos/castlewolfenstein/SPDemo_readme.htm&demoname2=SOUL REAVER 2&processor2=500&demorating2=mature&RAM2=256&API2=Yes&exclusive2=0&HD2=120&demourl2="Raziel emerges from the Chronoplast time portal, and returns to different eras of Nosgoth's past in his relentless pursuit of Kain. " That's the beginning of one of the most evocative world in games. Check out this stylish actioner for some eerie fun.&gameDX2=8&demopub2=Eidos&demodev2=Crystal Dynamics&demopath2=Demos/SoulReaver2/sr2demosetup.exe&readmepath2=Demos/SoulReaver2/readme.txt&demoname3=STAR TREK ARMADA II&processor3=300&demorating3=teen&RAM3=64&API3=Yes&exclusive3=1&HD3=200&demourl3= is another addition to the Star Trek saga in Armada II. Lead fleets of starships into combat and explore new planetary systems throughout the Alpha and Delta Quadrants. Use whatever means necessary to keep the delicate balance of peace and war between the six races intact, even if by force.&gameDX3=8&demopub3=Activision&demodev3=Mad Doc&demopath3=Demos/STArmadaII/StarTrekArmadaIIDEMO.exe&readmepath3=Demos/STArmadaII/readme.txt&demoname4=SIMGOLF&processor4=300&demorating4=everyone&RAM4=64&API4=Yes&exclusive4=0&HD4=75&demourl4= chocolate and peanut butter come together in one addictive combination, Maxis has combined the look and feel of The Sims with a golf course management sim from Sid Meier. What else do you need to know? Install this bad boy right now.&gameDX4=8&demopub4=Maxis&demodev4=Firaxis&demopath4=Demos/Simgolf/Sid_Meiers_SimGolf_DEMO.exe&readmepath4=Demos/simgolf/Readme.txt&demoname5=BALLISTICS&processor5=400&demorating5=everyone&RAM5=128&API5=No&exclusive5=0&HD5=195&demourl5= faster than Taco Bell through your digestive tract in this futuristic bike racer. This demo includes a helpful tutorial that will get you up to (light)speed and includes one enormous map. You'll need a kick ass 3D card and the ability to not blink for minutes on end.&gameDX5=8&demopub5=Grin&demodev5=Grin&demopath5=Demos/ballistics/BallisticsDemo.exe&readmepath5=Demos/ballistics/readme.txt&demoname6=WOLFENSTEIN 3D&processor6=200&demorating6=everyone&RAM6=32&API6=No&exclusive6=1&HD6=2&demourl6= GAME! This is the one that started it all. Before Quake, before Doom, there was Wolfenstein 3D. In case you missed out on this classic, now's your chance to play the entire game that started the whole genre! INSTALLATION NOTE: SOME MACHINES HAVE TROUBLE INSTALLING THIS VERSION. IF NOTHING HAPPENS WHEN YOU TRY TO INSTALL, EXIT OUT OF THE INTERFACE, THEN GO TO WOLFENSTEIN 3D FOLDER ON THE DISC (Software/demos/wolf3d) AND DOUBLE CLICK ON THE FILE WOLFENSTEIN3D.MSI TO INSTALL. &gameDX6=&demopub6=Activision&demodev6=id&demopath6=Demos/wolf3d/WOLFENSTEIN3D.MSI&readmepath6=Demos/wolf3d/README.TXT&