MissingProduct=%s requires that %s be installed first. Please install %s and try again; you can click on the web link below for more information.\n\nSetup will now exit.
OldVersion=%s requires %s version %i or later, but the version on your machine is older (you have version %i). Please install %s version %i or later and try again. You can click on the web link below for more information.\n\nSetup will now exit.
FolderTitle=Folder "%s"
FolderFormat=The folder you entered, "%s", is not valid. Please try again.
Space=%i Megabytes
Ready=Setup is ready to install %s.\nThe destination folder is: %s\n\nClick "Install" to begin installation.\nClick "Cancel" to exit without installing %s.
IDC_Options=Unreal CD Options
IDC_ReleaseNotes=Release &Notes
IDC_Web=Unreal &Web Site
IDC_WelcomePrompt=Welcome to the %s Setup Program. This program will install %s on your computer. This program is protected by copyright law and international treaties.\n\nClick "Next" to begin Setup, or click "Cancel" at any time to exit.\n\nThe information in the box below contains Web links you can click on to obtain more information.
IDC_LicenseText=Please read the following license agreement. Installation of this program requires you to agree to the licensing terms.
IDC_LicenseQuestion=Do you agree to the above licensing terms? Click "I Agree" or "Cancel".
IDC_ComponentsText=Select the components you wish to install.
IDC_DiskSpaceFrame=Disk Space
IDC_SpaceRequiredMessage=Space Required:
IDC_SpaceAvailableMessage=Space Available:
IDC_Complete=Installation Complete
IDC_FolderDescription=Setup will install %s in the following folder.\n\nTo install in this folder, click Next.\n\nTo install in a different folder, type the complete name of the new folder including the drive letter, for example: C:\\NewFolder
IDC_FolderHolder=Destination Folder
IDC_SpaceAvailableMessage=Space Available On Drive:
IDC_InstallText=Installing Files...
IDC_ProgressText=File Progress:
IDC_TotalText=Total Progress:
IDC_Restart=Installation Complete
IDC_RestartMessage=You need to restart Windows to complete the installation.
IDC_RestartText=Before you restart, close any open applications, including MS-DOS sessions, and save all current documents. Remove any floppy disks still inserted in a disk drive. Then, click the Restart Windows button.
IDC_Complete=After restarting Windows, Setup will be complete.
IDC_Restart=&Restart Windows
IDC_Exit=E&xit Setup
IDC_WizardDialog=Unreal Filer
IDC_FailedRequirement=This product can't be installed now
IDC_FailedMessage=This product requires that the following product be installed first. Please install it and try again; you can click on the web link below for more information.\n\nSetup will now exit.