Labels:background | door | handbag | person OCR: 101 0.0% 926 "EverMonkey" Screen by: Fyriske Mitynsse almcSeekers Ofthe Tunare server Shadowrurner Minvardar Coconut Monke Hycklos Raaki Thutmoise Salcedo TARGET Coconut Monkey Minvardar tells the group. hear thai the eye never comes to this Assist room Raak tells the group "i'tm an outdoor pel son moslty..... can use there Coconut t Monkey says You High Elveshave ruined vour ovn ancs ruin mine! Coconut Monk hits YOU for 26. points of damage! Coconul Monk Kev bashes YOU for points of damage! SPEISTS Thutmoise tells the group '"hoa You tell the group 'Nuke itIt drops the Tome of Gaming Goodness! Taking Sct 'eensho cceekers AMinvar Shadowrunner Hyckios that outdoors person Elves have your lands damagel SPEITS Whoa